Слике страница




Optometry, practice of, to regulate..

Orange county, road system in........658, 789, 1000, 1057, 1242
Orleans county, clerk to make and file bond....1482, 1646, 1662
Oswego, city of:

charter, to amend......106, 371, 504, 618, 704, 716, 907, 1094
Oswego county:

clerk's office, to make salaried. .183, 253, 267, 277, 482, 628

[blocks in formation]

Owasco lake, breakwater and piers at..63, 621, 861, 929, 1947


Oyster Bay, election in, to legalize........1365, 1507, 1558, 1572

[blocks in formation]

Paris green, fraud in sale of, to prevent. .1149, 1404, 1559, 1858

.1854, 1877, 1999

Parks, Abiel B., claim of...........755, 1219, 1554, 1865, 2010

Partnership, relating to...

Passenger elevators, safety guards on.

Passengers, on waters of State, security of...

..128, 1273


Patchogue, distribution of insurance receipts in. .144, 254, 296
297, 318, 402, 465, 628

Patterson, Julia C., escheat bill....1335, 1638, 1792, 1889, 1897
1958, 2001, 2072

Pavilion, town meeting of, to legalize..1891, 1895, 1962, 1985
Pawnbrokers, relating to....128, 174, 649, 1189, 1567, 1573, 1781

Peekskill, charter, to amend..

water commissioners of.....



1584, 1785, 1925

.327, 351, 486

Penal institutions, manufacture of supplies in, to facilitate, 247

[blocks in formation]

.872 1146, 1155, 1174
.73, 97, 101

Personal property, sales of, filing contracts of. 143, 283, 649, 844

relating to


.165, 649, 860, 975, 1030, 1951, 2087

Personal rights, preservation of....


Peters, Jane G., escheat bill........264, 379, 450, 459, 472, 1157
Peters, William R., escheat bill..613, 843, 995, 1092, 1107, 1673

[ocr errors]


Philmont, to legalize action of trustees........29, 114, 150, 171
Pickard, Albert H., claim of. . . . .
106, 209, 267, 273, 388
Pierce, George H. and another, claim of........ 898, 1218, 1287
Piermont, removal of dock at.
Pinney, George M., payment for services, etc.... 834, 1096, 1251,

167, 425, 1490

1345, 1453, 1577

Pittsford, charter, to amend, relative to sprinkling....1437, 1713
Platt, Hon. Thomas C., elected United States Senator....

[blocks in formation]

Plattsburgh, village of, charter, to amend.... 809, 921, 997, 1039

1116, 1527, 1634, 1674, 2083

[blocks in formation]

village of, poor in, relief of.....
Plumbers, registration of....71, 118, 265, 1162, 1250, 1344, 1456


Pneumatic tubes, corporations organized to transmit pack-

ages by, tax on.......... 749, 916, 1239, 1342, 1393, 1504

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Poison, to prevent application of to fruit trees in blossom..

653, 696, 702, 746, 1946, 2087

Pomfret, union free district school, in..........1488, 1545, 1803
Poor law, general, to amend.... 242, 1215, 1487, 1869, 1878, 1905

1963, 2021

899, 1507, 1774

to amend, relating to Indian poor.
settlement by poor person.....200, 433, 450, 458, 463


overseer's accounts...249, 436, 450, 459, 474, 628, 678
698, 778, 821, 1015

[blocks in formation]

to superintend....

...459, 535, 545

Poor persons, societies for relief of, State Board of Charities

Port Byron, charter, to amend..



Port Chester, Myers ballot machine, to permit use of....
989, 1036, 1061, 1352


Portraits, unauthorized publication of... 301, 438, 793, 994, 1003



1039, 1134


Port Richmond, charter....

Pother & Stymus Company, charter of....1336, 1506, 1562, 1597

Postdam, collector of, relief of...

Postdam Church Building Association.... 896, 1218, 1554, 1834
Poughkeepsie, city of:

charter, to amend...... 454, 686, 860, 1257, 1381, 1435, 1440
1485, 1725, 1969, 2022, 2071

Poughkeepsie and New Paltz Ferry Company.

Prayers by:

Bennett, J. W....

Brown, D. P......

Brundage, Wm. M....

Buttrick, Wallace..

Dailey, N. P...

Eastwood, T. M...

51, 181, 321, 492, 748, 1143, 1325

Elder, J. F..

Farrar, H. C....

Jewett, Rev. Dr.....

Johnson, E. P....

Heath, C. A. S......

Heindel, G. M......

Hite, George E.... 22, 34, 44, 71, 97, 112, 127, 158, 173,

240, 282, 300, 370, 396, 448, 477, 549, 591, 681, 717, 808,

Holmes, J. McC.....

Many, D. J...

McCarthy, M. F....

McLean, St. George....

[blocks in formation]

Presbyterian Church and others, at New York Mills, claim

.47, 268, 290, 296, 355, 597, 602, 1774


President of the Senate, address of..

appointments by.




decisions of points of order, by.... 115, 125, 394, 447, 1325
1327, 1328, 1329, 1330, 1368, 1415, 1453, 1881, 1891, 1941, 1942
Pressinger, Thomas, escheat bill.. 748, 982, 1254, 1341, 1471, 1649
Printing in penal institutions of State...


bills and engrossed bills.....374, 919, 996, 1115, 1636, 1975
documents and bills.

Greater New York charter..

report of Excise Commissioner.



55, 190

report of Forest Fish and Game Commission..199, 554, 1878

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