were suspended, and said bill ordered to a third reading and printed, and referred to the committee on affairs of cities, retaining its place on the order of third reading. "An act to amend chapter 26 of the Laws of 1885, entitled 'An act to revise, amend and consolidate the several acts in relation to the city of Syracuse, and to revise and amend the charter of said city,' as amended by chapter 376 of the Laws of 1891, relative to the expense and support of the fire department" (No. 2208, Rec. No. 556), which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on affairs of cities. "An act to amend the Code of Civil Procedure, relative to executors, administrators, etc." (No. 2191, Rec. No. 557), which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on codes. The Assembly sent for concurrence a report from a committee of conference in the words following, with a message that they have agreed thereto, and request like action on the part of the Senate: To the Legislature: The undersigned, appointed by the Senate and Assembly, as a committee of conference relative to the matters of difference arising between the two Houses upon the Assembly bill (No. 244, Senate reprint No. 767) entitled "An act making appropriations for the support of government" (Rec. No. 22), report that they have duly conferred upon said matters, and agree to recommend as follows: (Reference in all cases to Assembly bill No. 244.) The committee recommend that the following amendments be concurred in: Page 3, line 11, strike out the words "ten thousand seven hundred" and insert in the place thereof, the words "twelve thousand nine hundred and fifty." Page 6, strike out lines 1 to 3, both inclusive, and insert in the place thereof, the following: "For deputies, clerks, stenographers and messengers in the office of the attorney-general, for salaries, nineteen thousand two hundred dollars." Same page, strike out lines 16 to 21, inclusive, and insert in place thereof the following: "The attorney-general is hereby authorized to employ as many deputies, clerks, stenographers and messengers as he may deem necessary, and to designate their salaries; but the aggregate salaries for such clerical force, stenographers and messengers shall not exceed the sum hereinabove appropriated for such services." Page 11, line 3, strike out the word "fifty" and insert in place thereof the following: "And chapter four hundred and fifty-six, of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-six, sixty.” dollars Page 13, line 8, strike out the comma after the word and insert in the place thereof a period. Also strike out the words "from which." Commence line 9, same page, with a capital letter, and insert before the word " sum," same line, the word "further." Page 14, strike out lines 5 and 6, and insert in the place thereof the following: "For the salaries of the tax commissioners, the sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars. For the salary of the clerk, two thousand dollars. For clerical help, traveling and other expenses of the board of tax commissioners, five thousand five hundred dollars." Page 18, lines 22 and 23, strike out the word "eighty-five" and insert in place thereof the words one hundred." Page 23, line 6, strike out the word "forty-seven " and insert in place thereof the word " fifty." Same page, line 14, strike out the word "four" and insert in place thereof the word "eight." Same page, line 21, strike out the words "stenographer, a copyist and a messenger" and insert in place thereof the following: "And necessary clerks, examiners and stenographers." Same page, line 22, strike out the word "four" and insert in place thereof the word "six.” Same page, at the end of line 25, insert the words "three hundred." Page 24, line 8, insert after the word " of " the words "the free; and after the word "bureau" the words "in New York city.” Page 25, line 21, insert after the word "hundred" the words "and fifteen." Page 30, lines 1 and 2, strike out the words" chapter six hundred and sixty-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-three and." Same page, line 4, strike out the word "four," and insert in place thereof the word "two." Same page, same line, strike out the word thirty-six" and insert in place thereof the word “twenty-five." Same page, line 5, strike out the word "ninety-four" and insert in place thereof the word " ninety-six." Page 32, strike out lines 6 to 26 inclusive. Page 33, strike out lines 1 and 2, and insert in place thereof the following: "For salaries and expenses of state excise depart ment, pursuant to chapter one hundred and twelve of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-six, namely: Salary of state commissioner of excise, five thousand dollars; expenses and disbursements which shall be allowed him in lieu and in full of expenses, eighteen hundred dollars; salary of deputy commissioner, four thousand dollars; expenses and disbursements which shall be allowed him in lieu and in full of expenses, twelve hundred dollars. "For salary of three special deputy commissioners (New York, Brooklyn and Buffalo); clerk-hire (including counsel for Albany, New York, Brooklyn and Buffalo offices); salaries and expenses of sixty special agents; printing certificates, books (including books for county treasurers), law cases, blanks, et cetera, office equipments, stationery and office supplies; rental for New York, Brooklyn and Buffalo offices; telegraphing, telephoning, expressing (including telephone rentals); expenses of enumerating and examining county treasurers' excise accounts; attorneys' fees and disbursements, as per section ten; furniture, fittings, supplies, postage and other incidental expenses necessary to carry out the provisions of said law, the sum of two hundred and eighty-eight thousand dollars. "For the state commissioner of excise, one hundred and seventyfive thousand dollars, to pay refunds upon surrender of liquor tax certificates, under the provisions of the liquor tax law, to be paid by the state treasurer from excise moneys in his hands upon the certificate of the comptroller." Same page, end of line 8, insert the following: "To be available only upon the passage of an act which shall provide that on or before January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, all the interest of the state in any real property of the Onondaga Salt Springs Reservation be sold or the title thereof vested in the people of the state of New York, free from all claims, in behalf of any lessee or his legal representatives; that all personal property connected therewith be sold, and that the state shall cease to furnish brine or operate such works at an expense to the state." Page 34, strike out lines 11 to 15 inclusive. Page 35, line 23, strike out the words "four thousand one hundred and eighty-four" and insert in place thereof the words "five thousand." The committee also recommend the adoption of the following amendments as further amended by the committee of conference: Page 6, strike out lines 22 to 26 inclusive. Page 7, strike out lines 1 to 10 inclusive, and insert the following: COURT OF CLAIMS. "For the judges of the court of claims, for salaries and expenses, sixteen thousand five hundred dollars, and the judges shall Accounting Guarantee Company, formation of........ 1093, 1218. 1594, 1954 Adirondack Park and Forest Preserve, land for, to acquire... 386 Agricultural land's, drainage of..... 29, 108, 196, 203, 214, 757 law, cider vinegar. law, 'violation of.... ... 775, 873, 926, 1938, 1963 1530, 1949 Agriculture, relating to... 118, 208, 224, 232, 275, 371, 508, 609. ་ 703, 736, 836, 1150, 1213, 1436, 1501, 1514, 1723, 1756, 1768 almshouse at, superintendent's duties. ... Beaver park in.... gas in, price of.... 532, 1670 831, 1196, 1407, 1745 72 government of... 134, 221, 230, 239, 255, 267, 286, 293, 330 339, 363, 367, 386, 460, 485, 506, 588, 616, 635, 1397 Main avenue, to close portion of..... 494, 619, 721, 777, 851.- [SENATE JOURNAL.] 263 977, 1243 Albany, city of- Continued. Myrtle avenue, assessments, to vacate..... 39, 104, 105, 331 repayment to chamberlain of certain moneys..594, 1795, 1907 St. Ann's School of Industry and Reformatory of Good' Washington park in........ 454, 618, 697, 703, 731, 838, 1068 ( clerk's office, indexes in.... 494, 656, 696, 834, 849, 898, 1072 by supervisors ....31, 483, 656, 695, 741 town auditors in. .480, 657, 697, 703, 735, 837, 985, 1031, 1565 vagrants in..... ... 160, 221, 239, 260 Albany School for Instruction of Deaf....... 230, 987, 1252, 1306 Altamont Driving Park and Fair Association, name to change Alvord, Hon. T. G., purchase of portrait of......... 485, 707, 1154, 1602, 1954 American Title Insurance and Trust Company....264, 648, 922 993, 1413, 1852, 1869, 1871 'Amsterdam, city of, charter to amend.... |