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folly, by which the "JUDICIOUS HOOKER " observes that those, who would make the people factious and therefore wretched, gain their multitude of hearers. Use, we say, use "Common Sense." Just apply to these misleaders, and agitators those tests and proofs of their honesty and wisdom, which come within every-body's reach. Consider

1st. What sort of men are they?

2nd. What times and means do they take to set you against those, who are appointed to offices, and especially against your Clergy, and Churchmen.

3rd. What interest the Clergy can have, which is contrary to yours.

4th. Whether the Clergy are not as likely to give able and sound counsel as those turbulent men.

Lastly. What course "Common Sense" and honesty takes in order to give you a fair chance of coming at the real truth.

These points, and many others we shall treat of in future Numbers. We will now take only one.

1st. What sort of men are these, who abuse your rulers, and especially your Clergy. We will tell you what we think they are, and we put it to your quiet, and unbiased "Common Sense" whether your own experience, and observation, will not shew, you that we are right. We do not mean to say, that our description applies to them universally, but generally— to ninety-nine out of a hundred of them. Your agitator, then, and reviler of the Church and the Clergy, you will find to be generally, some vain, unlearned, and frequently young man, with a loud

voice, plenty of impudence, of such happy ignorance that he commonly does not know (or of such reckless mischief that he does not care, when he does know,) that he is talking nonsense. He makes a great noise, and is foolish or conceited enough, to suppose that words are sense, and that brawling is eloquence. The rudeness, and brutality, and absurdity, from which men of sound knowledge and proper feeling recoil with disgust, he assumes to be unanswerable argument; because an excited mob shouts at his abuse and revilings. This man is neither a frequenter of the Church, nor fit society for the Clergy. He knows little or nothing about either. And yet he pretends to know more about both than any one else knows. His course is one of slander, and insult. His materials and pretended facts, are gathered from anonymous propagators of falsehood. His field is the concourse of noise and prejudice, of confusion and excited passions. He is generally the frequenter of factious meetings-his whole career, his whole science, his whole pleasure, his whole subject of declamation is abuse-the inflaming of discontent and hatred-the setting of one man against another-the play upon prejudice, ignorance, envy, strife, and every evil passion. He is not respected in his private life; he has neither abilities nor credit, to raise himself out of obscurity by peaceable and religious conduct; and gratifies his thirst for notoriety, by impudence, calumnies, and turbulence, by which he may purchase the, shouts and favors of mob popularity. To make himself of importance among the thoughtless, the dissolute, and the ignorant, he panders to their passions, and provokes them to evil, and at last betrays them to public guilt and public punishment. Use your "Common Sense" friends. Look at your rabble leaders---and ask yourselves, whether they are the men, whom you would fix upon, if you were called upon to point out those individuals

of your neighbourhood, who were, above others, most deserving of respect and love. Would you point out, for this distinction, those noisy, impudent, upstart people, who usually thrust themselves forward to lead the disaffected, and abuse the gentry and Clergy of the neighbourhood? Would you calmly and deliberately say, these men are the most quiet, and sensible, and learned, and pious persons of our Parish? Would you say, these are the best fathers of families, these are the most liberal and indulgent masters, these are the wisest and best educated persons---these are the most gentle, generous, and charitable persons---these are men the most trustworthy, and upright, and managing, in their own household and business---these are the most truly religious, are people of the most unaffected and active piety--these seem to be the most desirous to please, and honour God---these are the most consistent and kind friends of their fellow creatures---these are the most steady, and munificent contributors to public charities, and the most constant ministrators of private beneficence---these, in short are men who need no impudence, no mobs, no running down of others, to establish their claim to be ranked among the most respectable members of our Society! Could you, Friends, if you did use only "Common Sense," could you say this of one or more than one of your turbulent agitators, out of every hundred? And could you not say it of at least nine out of ten of those Gentry and Clergy, whom these agitators make it their whole business to revile as your enemies, their whole stock of eloquence to pull down? For this is always the object of your levellers. Their

mode of levelling is not to raise themselves up by honest industry, truth and excellence, but to try to pull down others to be as low as themselves. Some indeed, of those who revile the landed proprietors and the Clergy are themselves wealthy men; but they often have not the manners, the cultivated taste, the liberal

education, the enlarged views which give a recommendation and relish for refined society. They are still low, and enviously strive by reviling and caluniny, to lower those whose position they themselves are unable by fair and honourable exertion to reach. And these men also have the folly and audacity to abuse and mock the "COMMON SENSE" of the Working Classes, by holding up the landed proprietors and Clergy as the enemies of the people. They dare to do this in the face of glaring facts---notwithstanding the known practice of the Clergy and landed proprietors of spending capital among their dependants, and having a common interest in them, while these revilers are men who have risen from penury, and been bloated into their sudden affluence by accumulating capital, and scraping it off the wages of the working man. This audacious mockery of "Common Sense," has brought upon them a terrible retribution in Dr. Holland's powerful letters, entitled "the Millocrat." Even at the very time we are writing this article some of the bitterest brawlers against the Church and the Conservatives---have TAKEN THE LEAD in REDUCING the wages of those operatives, whose champions they pretend to be. The leading Church and Conservative manufacurers, though equal sufferers from the times, did not lower their wages, though, to prevent these men from having an advantage over them, they may be ultimately compelled, in self defence, to do so.

But those who

begin this are the very agitators who puff themselves as the only friends of the poor--who give you declamation and abuse against others, instead of acts of their own, as proofs of their friendship. We are ready to meet them at the bar of your "Common Sense!" Can you believe men, whose words and acts so contradict each other, to be your only friends? Can you with such facts before your eyes believe those to be your enemies, who advised you not to

judge from placards and plaster loaves, but by the light of facts and "Common Sense;" whether the object of the anti-corn law agitators was---to fill your bellies or their own pockets---to lower your wages, or their own profits.

We remember to have heard the answer made by a lady of good sound "common sense," to a person, who asked why she was a strong conservative; when her situation and pursuits so little qualified her to form an accurate judgment upon the great political questions at issue. She replied---What you say is true; I have not opportunities, nor learning, to decide the deep questions of Government, and political economy. But I have plain "COMMON SENSE." By the light of that, I can easily see, that in the ranks of the Church party, are to be found a large majority of those, to whose religious principles, honour, ability and integrity, I would choose to entrust my own business, interests, or money: I cannot therefore be far wrong, in preferring to trust them with the business, interests, and money of my country, rather than the turbulent agitators, whose habits and practices are generally of a very opposite description. (To be continued.)


We often hear it remarked, not only that it is both pleasant and useful, to know something of the history of our country, but that there is a want of proper desire for knowledge in a man, who does not use such opportunities, as are within his reach, to become acquainted with it. Our own hearts, indeed, acknowledge the truth of this remark. If a man, who can

We say agitators; because our remarks are aimed not at those who hold opinions adverse to the Corn Laws, but at those who use irrational and unfair means to enforce those opinions.

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