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the bunch a few days ago and "rode" into Girard. There happening to be a vacancy, he fell into a regular "sit." He intends staying (?) here.

Work has been fair for the past few months, and "Texas" McGinnis came along just in time to raid the overtime hook, thus giving three or four machine men a rest.

Fred D. Warren, managing editor of the Appeal to Reason, was convicted in the federal court at Fort Scott, July 1, on the charge of misusing the mails. The following resolutions were adopted unanimously by No. 348, and let it be understood that we mean every word of them:

Whereas, Fred D. Warren, editor of the Appeal to Reason, has been sentenced to jail for six months and fined $1,500 by the federal court for espousing the cause of Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone and protesting against the kidnaping of labor leaders; and,

Whereas, The Supreme Court of the United States virtually legalized the kidnaping of workingmen, which caused said Warren to take his stand and make his fight in behalf of organized labor and the working class; therefore, be it

Resolved, That we, the members of Typographical Union No. 348, of Girard, enter our solemn protest against the judicial despotism which has been exercised in the case of Fred D. Warren for no offense whatever except his espousal of the cause of the working class.

Resolved, That we resent the sentence of the federal court as an attack upon a free press and an attack in particular upon the press of organized labor and the working class.

Resolved, That we hereby express our sympathy with and loyalty to Fred D. Warren, knowing him as we do, and that we hereby pledge ourselves to stand by him and also to continue to fight for the rights and interests of the working class in which he has been so bravely and so successfully engaged.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded under seal to the president of the United States, to Judge Pollock, Prosecuting Attorney Bone and also to THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL and Appeal to Reason for publication. ROBERT M. HAMPTON.


While Labor day is drawing near, nothing has been done outside of hiring Fallkill park-toward the celebration of the day. A few more John Bradleys in the central labor union are sorely needed. Some people are more interested in looking after their political fortunes than they are in organized labor's interests.

No. 315 has ordered a set of colored slides of the Union Printers Home, and they will be exhibited at the various moving picture theaters in the city.

Poughkeepsie has been selected by the New York State Allied Printing Trades Council as the place for the convention of that body in 1910. Poughkeepsie is getting to be quite a convention city, and there is no reason to doubt that the state printers next year will be pleased with their reception.

Congratulations to Edward F. Cassidy, vicepresident of Typographical Union No. 6, New York, on his nomination for mayor of the metropo lis on the socialist ticket. Mr. Cassidy was in our city last fall in the interests of No. 6's campaign against the Butterick Publishing Company. As a re

sult of his visit all union pattern houses have agencies here, and their products are having a good sale. The women's label league is boosting union patterns now.

Work here has been booming, and the Enterprise Publishing Company is advertising for job printers. There is not a member of the local union idle.

There is some talk of the local printers playing a game of ball with the Newburg typos. We were to receive a challenge from "Red" O'Donnell's braves, but we are waiting yet. While the Newburg crowd may excel us in some things, when it comes to baseball they are "pi" for us.

"Mike" Shinners, adman on the Evening Star, has branched out as a song writer. He has written the words of a sentimental song, and his latest is a coon song, entitled "I'se Not Gwine to Work No More." Shapiro, of New York, has offered to publish it for Mr. Shinners, and allow him a roy alty on each copy. P. T. KIRKEY.


As there was not a quorum out of the hundred and over enrolled in this union in attendance at the regular monthly meeting of July, the session was postponed, and that postponement saved the bacon of your correspondent. The letter in the June JOURNAL had been translated into Spanish, and hot resolutions were prepared denouncing the statements therein, not as being unjust-simply injudicious. Then along came a copy-no, six copies of the July JOURNAL, with the sequel to the first letter, and the resolutions were burned. But as there was no meeting there is no telling what might have happened. When the matter of inviting the International to hold its convention in Havana in 1910 was first broached to the president of Havana Union it at once made a hit, and a formal invitation may be drawn up and sent to St. Joseph.

Just to show how loyal the American members are to the union, they peg right along without receiving THE JOURNAL, though Secretary Otero swears he sent all our addresses in. The writer succeeded in running down one copy each month, although none came to him.

Ignaceo Izaso, the head pressman at La Lucha, committed suicide July 12, while he was at his work. He drank a solution of sulphate of zinc, and in five hours was a corpse. While he had been a member of Havana No. 514 two or three months, his family will not receive the International burial benefit, for Havana remains on the delinquent list all the time. The compositors on THE JOURNAL may as well make that a phat line and give it out with the other pickups.

We call attention to this fact of Havana being always delinquent to show those wise missionaries to Boston who conceived the proposition of organizing a Pan-American union on a North American basis. It may look mighty good from a North American standpoint, but go up against it once. The Cuban union cares nothing about the priority law, for there is no such thing as a sublist in

any of the offices. Apparently the Cuban union cares nothing about the efficiency test, as members are being admitted at any time, without their names being either posted or published in THE JOURNAL.

There is one small correction I wish to enter in Friend Brayton's letter in the July JOURNAL-not in the sentiments expressed, but one may think from reading it that the Cuban union is composed of negroes. I know nothing of the membership of Santiago or Cienfuegos, but here in Havana we have a white union. I have not noticed any of the members who are much "off color."

ASA D. ROberds.


The local unions are making very elaborate preparations for Labor day. The parade promises to be the largest and finest ever held in this city, as many locals are trying to outdo each other in appearance and number.

Fred Hallet and John Nichols, members of No. 233, are leaving no stones unturned to make Labor day at Niagara Falls one long to be remembered, as they are both active and know how to bring about a successful demonstration.

Jacob Streicher, after working for the CarterCrume Printing Company for twenty-three years, has resigned. The day his resignation took effect, and to show the esteem in which he was held by his fellow typos, he was presented with a fine suitcase and a very handsome umbrella. Mr. Streicher has taken up a course on the linotype at Boston,

The employes of the Carter-Crume Company held their annual outing July 31, receiving their wages for the day, besides transportation and eatables. This year the affair was held at Crystal Beach, on Lake Erie. W. L. STUCK.


The charter of Poplar Bluff Union No. 635 is draped in mourning for the first time since our organization, six years ago, on account of the death of one of the charter members, H. H. Oury, who ended his own life on the morning of July 16, after apparently despairing of ever being able to conquer a failing that periodically blasted his hopes, withered his ambition and impaired his physique. The funeral was held from the family home in East Poplar Bluff the day following the tragedy. Six members of the local union acted as pallbearers, and scores of friends of the deceased followed his body to its last resting place. Harry Oury was president of No. 635 for three years, having been succeeded to that office one year ago. He was scrupulously honest, a remarkably accurate and rapid artisan, a splendid fellow, kind and gentle. He will be greatly missed by his fellow workmen. Providence has uttered "30" and his earthly career is ended.

Through the enterprise of the local union and kindness of Manager Opdyke, of the Lyceum theater, several views of the Printers Home at Colorado Springs will be shown on the canvas at

that popular playhouse. Pamphlets explaining what the Home is, how it was built and how maintained will be distributed at the theater when the views are shown.

No. 635 did not choose to send a delegate to the St. Joseph convention, but it will be represented there just the same. Hardin Montgomery, senior member of the firm of Montgomery & Son, who plied his trade along the Missouri river in northeast Missouri before machines were thought of, will go to the convention and renew old acquaintances, and he anticipates a most enjoyable occasion. He was the local delegate to Hot Springs two years ago.

Work is rather dull in Poplar Bluff at present, as is usual at this season of the year, but things will boom in the fall.

S. P. Davidson, the new secretary of No. 635, has taken to his duties like a duck does to water. He is immensely popular with all his acquaintROY H. SMITH.



Minneapolis in 1910.

Our July meeting was advanced to June 27 for several reasons, the most important of which was that W. B. Prescott, of the technical educational commission, was to be in the Twin Cities on that day, and would address the Minneapolis and St. Paul unions. At the conclusion of his address in Minneapolis Mr. Prescott came to St. Paul, and in a clear and comprehensive way outlined the benefits to be derived from a course of technical training as given by the International Typographical Union at a nominal cost. There was a good attendance and Mr. Prescott's remarks were closely followed, the general opinion at the close of the meeting being that all had learned something without taking the course, and that if a trial were given the school it would prove of great benefit to printers at all branches of the trade. In the evening Mr. Prescott was the guest of No. 30's officers at a banquet, at the conclusion of which he departed for Chicago.

Frank Moore, for fifty-one years in the employ of the Pioneer Press, and of late years superintendent of the composing room, retired on June 20, when the Pioneer Press moved to the Dispatch building. As a token of esteem and the kindly spirit felt toward Mr. Moore, the employes, at an expected signal, stopped all machines, and the entire composing room force gathered around him, while Ross Miller, on behalf of the chapel, presented the veteran printer with a well-filled purse of gold. Mr. Moore was taken unawares, but in a voice which showed deep emotion expressed his thanks and appreciation, at the same time regretting that his long years of pleasant association in the composing room were now at an end. While not a member of the union, Mr. Moore has always been a firm believer and upholder of union principles, and his fairness in all matters has been a pleasant topic of discussion among printers.

Secretary-Treasurer J. W. Hays circled around among his many friends in the Twin Cities for 2

few days the latter part of June, and was given the glad hand all along the line.

A committee of five has been appointed to create interest in the technical educational course of the International Typographical Union. An increase in the number of students from here may result. There is a stack of mail in the secretary's hands for Al Keller.

Oliver W. Greenleaf, for some years a member of No. 30, died at the home of his mother, in Savanna, Ill., where he went a few months ago on account of failing health. He was 55 years of age. At the outbreak of the eight-hour strike Mr. Greenleaf worked hard on the picket line, later serving as clerk in the union s office, and at the time of his departure from St. Paul he was doing mailing and other work for the label committee.

Three members of our executive board-Chairman Ross S. Reynolds, J. F. Rendler and J. Klaus-and O. Bruss and T. Matthews, have gone on a trip to the Pacific coast, and will return by way of St. Joseph and take in the convention. While in the west they intend to file on new lands which are being opened to settlement.

As this is the last chance to shout through these columns for the next convention city, might say that St. Paul will have a live bunch of hustlers at St. Joseph to help our sister city of Minneapolis secure the prize.

Root for Minneapolis, vote for Minneapolis, then be at Minneapolis in 1910. JOE MAIDEN.


A number of traveling cards have been deposited with No. 377 during the past two months"prints" coming to the shore for the heated term. A labor journal is to be launched in Atlantic City in the near future. The publisher will be Frank Curran, well known among the laboring class of Atlantic City and Philadelphia. Mr. Curran was a delegate from Philadelphia to the first International convention held at Colorado Springs, and is at present an active member of No. 377. He is also proprietor of the Stanley hotel, situated on South Carolina avenue. The new paper, The Labor Leader, will no doubt be a big success, for Atlantic City is just ripe for such an enterprise.

The allied council is kept busy these days pushing the label, and is meeting with deserved success. The "little joker" can be run on most all the printed matter distributed here. Max Martin, pressman, who is chairman of this council, and also president of Pressmen's Union No. 198, is untiring in his efforts to push the label.

James Bowen, of Philadelphia, was down over the Fourth. He never comes to Atlantic City without looking us over before leaving.

"Billy" Bland is here.

Atlantic City seems to be "it" these days, with 150,000 people dropping in here over the Fourth. And still they come.

Atlantic City-1910!


NOTHING was ever done well in a hurry.-Ex.


State Printer Sullivan has made application for membership in No. 5.

The new plant of the Anti-Saloon League, now building at Westerville, will in all probability be operated by union men.

The Southern theater program, printed by nonunionists for many years, will, the coming season, be produced by one of the squarest shops in the city-the Pfeiffer Show Print. Mr. Able, now in charge of its publication, also owns two similar programs in Cleveland, and states that while they have heretofore been produced by unfair people, he will use every effort to place them in union shops.

If you have a friend among the country printers use your influence in getting him into the or ganization. You will thus benefit the union and reduce the number of "availables" in case of trouble.

No. 5 has gone on record with the sentiment: "We love the labor day parade, but oh, you picnic!"


The fiftieth anniversary of the organization of No. 5, which occurs on October 31, is to be celebrated by a gathering together of the members and their families in a general social time. A program will probably be rendered, but the main idea to be to get all the members and their wives and children together in a social way; and a very good idea it is, as the local union is said to be the coldest and most distant branch of printers in the country. Let's meet once, wobble paws, smile at our wives or those of our brothers, and see if we feel any the worse for it. It was this alleged icy condition that caused the exdelegates' association at its recent banquet to ap point a committee, consisting of Paul Carty, Albert Huffman and Frank Bauer, to ferret out a plan by which the social features of the organization might be improved upon and extended.

The writer has been whipped twice since the last issue of THE JOURNAL for his misstatement in the Columbus letter that E. F. Heinrich was the first jobman ever elected president of No. 5. The chastisements came from friends, W. B. Paul and Harry Wolfe, both having held the office with


No. 5 will probably be affiliated with the Ohio Federation of Labor. It is said that body is now a good union organization. During the last session of the Ohio legislature the federation was the means of having several good laws put on the statute books. This work at least deserves all the help and patronage that union labor can bestow on it.

Charley Bock is now foreman of the job printing department of the Heer printing plant.

The Phillips Printing Company has installed a new machine, and report a good run of work. The Pfeiffer Show Print has recently put in a very large Meihle in the poster department. Springfield is to have a new morning paper, the Times, which will be republican in politics.

The first issue of the Columbus News appeared on July 11. It is to be the state democratic or

gan, and has taken over the plant of the PressPost.

George M. Coffroth, a member of the union for half a century, died at his home in this city during the month. He was at one time president of No. 5 and served in other ways to build up the organization.

The Ohio State Federation of Labor recently sent out to woman's clubs letters asking for agitation on the questions of compulsory education of children under 16 years of age, and the condition of women and children employed in Ohio factories. This organization has a bill for the limiting of the workday of women to eight hours, which it will introduce before the next legislature.

It is said the Lanning plant, at Norwalk, is to be rejuvenated and put on a paying basis. The property was recently purchased by Ford H. Lanning.

Union labor received some part of what is coming to it when Will F. Hauck was appointed as superintendent of the Columbus free employment bureau by State Labor Commissioner Wirnad. Mr. Hauck is secretary of the Columbus Federation of Labor and is well known to the printers.

Business has been quite decent for some weeks and about everybody is working-something surprising for the dull period.

Sidney F. Gress quit job printing and has gone into the cigar business.

Cards received: Charles R. Clough, R. G. McCormick, Ed R. Murphy. Cards issued: J. S. Morrison, John H. Koehl, James L. Outcalt.



An important point in priority was decided at the July meeting of No. 53. The case in question occurred on the Leader. The oldest sub, whom we will designate as A, sees an opportunity to improve his condition outside of the printing trade. He secures a two-weeks' leave of absence from the foreman to try out the new job, still continuing as a member of the union, in good standing. At the end of two weeks, finding the new job not to his liking, he returns to the Leader and works as before. A few weeks later a situation is to be given out and the chapel decides that the next sub, B, holds priority over A on account of his two-weeks' leave of absence. A appeals the case to the executive committee, which decides in his faB appeals to the union, which body upholds the decision of the executive committee, giving the situation to A. This brings to mind a case during the strike, where a union member wanted to go to work outside of the printing trade, but it would take him two weeks to "break in" on the new job, without pay. The executive committee investigated the case and paid him strike benefits for two weeks, and in so doing not only cut down the strike roll by that much after the two weeks' time, but made conditions better for those remaining at the trade. The decision in the priority case will be an incentive to others in times of slack work to look outside of the trade for employment.


A referendum vote was taken on the proposition to march on Labor day, and from the returns at hand it looks as though the "noes" have it. It will look bad, to say the least, if the printers show that they are getting tired. Some of the boys say they will walk if they have to turn out with the molders and blacksmiths.

During this busy season the members are getting a little bit lax about the non-label printed matter, and forget to do their share in booming the label by failing to keep the label committee's deposit box filled with matter that does not bear the printers' label. This is one way to keep business good while you are busy. "In time of peace prepare for war."

The lake ride of the Printers' Club on the evening of June 24 was a grand success socially, and put a nice little "wad" into the treasury. Next comes the allied printing trades council lake ride on the steamer Eastland on the evening of August 19, which all the members of the different printing trades should keep in mind, and be on the boat and enjoy themselves when the time comes.

On account of the strike of the linemen of the Cuyahoga Telephone Company, the labor unions, their membership and friends, are giving the electricians a boost by throwing out the Cuyahoga 'phones. Both our headquarters and the club have changed to the Bell.

It might be well to mention the fact that the union meeting held on the first Sunday of each month is for the purpose of the members getting together to transact the business of our organization. If you do not attend because some few do all the talking to no purpose, just come to the meeting and make an objection when one talks too much and makes you weary. Your one objection will cure it. That's one of the rules.

The return of Charles E. Kennedy to Cleveland newspaper circles has been of great benefit to the boys on the Leader, where Mr. Kennedy has taken. a share in the management. The paper, both daily and Sunday editions, has been enlarged and improved, making two more regular situations and more extra work on both the day and night sides. Mr. Kennedy was formerly connected with the Plain Dealer here, and a big boom in the Leader is looked for.

The genial countenance of our old friend, Frank H. Blakely, is again with us, after a few years spent at the Home. Frank is looking well, and, through the pension system, will be able to spend his declining years with us.

Three new members were elected at the meeting of the Printers' Club, July 18, and among other business attended to was an invitation received from an oldtime friend of the printer man to go out to Berea on the second Sunday in August and have a day's jollification in the country. Every member should go and enjoy himself. The club's ball team played the painters on the lake front grounds, Sunday, June 20, and gave the boys of the brush and color their first beating of the season, by a score of 5 to 4. The club is arranging for an outing at Avon Beach in August, the date for which can not be given at this writing.

The Leader Benefit Association is in splendid condition and continues to grow. Al Church, the secretary-treasurer, would like to hear from other secretaries with regard to the operation of their associations, and a copy of their constitutions will be thankfully received. He would like to compare theirs with that of the. Leader association, with a view to mutual benefit. Address Al Church, care of the Leader.

In 1863, when Eugene Valette was president and Thomas J. Walsh was secretary-treasurer, the International Typographical Union held a convention here in Cleveland. Now, what some of our boys are thinking seriously about is that in 1913 it will be just fifty years since that convention was held, and it will be time to ask for another visit from the big union-a sort of golden jubilee. That is what they are thinking, and what they are saying is:

"Atlanta 1910-Cleveland 1913."



Work continues at the bottom of the scalenothing in sight.

O. W. LaRash has gone to the Union Printers Home.

No. 29 will march in the Labor day parade. The members of Peoria Typographical Union are feeling good over the outcome of the city directory fight. This book has been on the unfair list for several years, and the laboring people of Peoria failed to give their names to the publishers. This year it was done by the Duroc Publishing Company, a union shop, and it is a genuine success. The advance sheets of the new directory have been furnished the press, and they show that the population of the city and its suburbs is now approximately 100,000. The exact figures are 99,997 people, with 44,443 names in the directory. WALTER S. BUSH.


At a recent meeting of No. 144 the writer introduced a resolution which, at first, some thought too strenuous, and feared would not pass without much "chewing of the fat," etc. The resolution makes it a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $5 for any member to purchase, wear or use any and all kinds of wearing apparel, foodstuffs, tobacco, cigars or cigarettes, which do not bear the union label, and which are procurable in the city of Fresno. The resolution passed without a dissenting voice.

"Easy Pickin'" Stuart deposited a San Jose card recently and is working on the Herald.... Ed. W. Fullenlove came up from Los Angeles some time ago and is subbing on the Tribune.... W. G. Flanagan drew his card and hiked for 'Frisco recently...."Buster Boy" Brown, who has been holding down a doubledeck on the Republican for some time, drew his card and left for his old home in Missouri....C. C. Lingle, of the Republican force, is in Seattle, being called there by a

telegram which stated his mother was seriously ill. ....A Mr. Farnsworth, recently of the New York World, was passed out a "sit" on the Republican a few weeks ago. G. C. OBLINGER.


At our last meeting M. Graziadei was elected corresponding secretary to succeed E. Hamlin, resigned. The new secretary is employed by the Riverside Printing Company, and is fully capable of looking after the welfare of No. 300. He is also chairman of the Riverside chapel.

Fred Hanley is the new sergeant-at-arms of No. 300. He is the right man in the right place, for he weighs close to 200 pounds, and his friends say if he lived in New York he would be on the police force.

F. Taylor is now holding down a "mill" on the day side of the Times.

No. 300 has lost two of its best members in the persons of E. Hamlin and Otto Stein. Mr. Hamlin was a faithful worker for the union, having been president for one term, and also corresponding secretary. He is also an ex-delegate, having attended the Boston convention. Both gentlemen are jobmen and have taken up their residence in Detroit.

Cards received: Roy Peace and Charles Hart, both with Detroit cards. Withdrawn: Otto Stein and E. Hamlin. T. G. STONE.


Printing business in this city is very quiet at present.

Our delegate and newly-elected president, Major W. F. Palmer, is one of the best posted men on unionism in this section of the state. His short speech after his election as president of No. 153 at the meeting of July 4 was appreciated by the members present. He is a man of many years' ex perience in the printing business, and is at present foreman of the adroom of the Dispatch.

The use of the typographical union label on printed matter is becoming more and more general. Under the leadership of Luther N. Goodwin, the label committee has been accomplishing results that can not but redound to the higher advancement of union ideas and sympathy.

There have been a number of card men passing through Meridian during the last few weeks. L. N. GOODWIN.


Our picnic to Maple Grove will certainly be a success if the day is fine. Forty-eight prizes have been donated by firms and chapels to be competed for by the members. Lord Strathcona's annual gift of $100 has been received. The Star is giving free advertising space, and arrangements have been made with a moving picture house to advertise the picnic on the canvas daily for one week.

Organizer Clayton, of Buffalo, spent some time here during the month in the interest of the In

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