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ternational Stereotypers' Union, and met with considerable success in forming a local.

Quite a number of tourists are in town, and they are getting all the work they want. Business is good.

Now that the stereotypers are organized, an effort should be made to form an allied printing trades council.

A complete new dress of the latest faces of job type has been laid in the Gazette adroom.

James Ford, a former member of No. 176, now editor of the Belleville Intelligencer, called on friends here recently....Dave Smith, Gazette chapel, has now been sick six months....H. S. Witty, of the D. English chapel, has gone on a visit to Seattle, Wash....T. J. Lundrigan has returned from the White mountains.



McKeesport is now a solid union town, both the Evening Times and Daily News having signed the scale of No. 225, July 15, and issuing on the 16th, after being suspended for a week. This town has a population of 40,000, and No. 225 actually deprived the citizens of their favorite newspapers for a period of one week. But to "alleviate the pain" the boys put out a four-page, eight-column sheet called the Union, with 36-point labels on either side of the heading, for three days, and met with great success. The Union was edited by Organizer Dolan, and saw the light of day through the kindness of the job proprietors, who loaned their offices, type and presses, and helped all they could to make it a success. The only drawback was that enough papers could not be printed to supply the demand. The stickers did valuable serv ice in winning the fight. No. 225 desires to thank No. 7, of Pittsburg, for a fresh supply furnished when ours were exhausted.

Don't forget McKeesport is on the map-pasted on so it won't come off. S. W. SMITH.


At last it's over! The streets of dear old Slowtown have again assumed their wonted appearance of inactivity and desertion, and it is again possible for the hard-working citizen to obtain his frugal midday meal of coffee and sinkers at his favorite restaurant without being crushed and squeezed until almost all semblance of humanity was lost. Detroit's Everybody breathes freely once more. reputation as a convention city has been put to the final test, and has emerged therefrom triumphant! The immense throng of delegates to the convention of the United Typothetæ, numbering about seventy-five, have held their meetings, elected their officers, transacted their business--or some of itand departed whence they came. An alleged discrepancy in the accounts of the former secretary, John Macintyre, is rumored to have caused a little discussion, but John is going to explain that to the executive committee at its next meeting. Easy enough!

Under the heading, "And After Unions Are

Crushed-What Then?" the Detroit News of July 12 contained the following editorial, which seems to be worthy of reproduction in every publication devoted to the interests of labor:

Nine years ago, so the story runs, J. Pierpont Morgan, during the adjustment of the steel workers' strike of 1901, in a burst of rage said to Theodore Shaffer, then president of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel and Tin Workers: "I'll smash your union for this!"

There is another strike in progress in the mills of the United States Steel Corporation now, and not a union man is at work in any of them. Morgan has driven the union out, just as he vowed he would drive it from shops employing about 130,000 men, most of them skilled mechanics. In 1901 there were 60,000 union men in the steel mills and 40,000 other workers were non-union, Morganized men. In 1906 the same mills were employing 21,000 union and 87,000 non-union men. In the early part of the present year the figures stood at 8,000 unionists and 118,000 non-unionists. When these 8,000 men struck against a reduction in wages, the steel corporation declared that the fifteen mills in which the men struck would hereafter run as "open shops." The affected mills are in Newcastle and Sharon, Pa.; Wheeling, W. Va.; Martin's Ferry, Bridgeport, Piqua and Struthers, Ohio, and Elwood, Anderson and Gas City, Ind.

If the trust is able to defeat these 8,000 men Morgan will have kept his word. The union will be smashed in the mills of the steel trust. When this job is completed Mr. Morgan will be able to say just how many nickels and dimes per day he will pay to each of 130,000 men without the fear of interference. Unorganized, the men will not be able to force wages upward toward the rising cost of living. True, if they don't like conditions and pay in the mills they may hunt work elsewhere. But if they try to find employment in independent mills they will simply glut the market with surplus labor and compel lower wages thereby. If they go into other lines of employment they must leave all their previous skill and experience behind them and begin in the apprentice class-and that won't raise their wages. There will be nothing for these men to do but to accept the conditions and make the best of them-or perhaps join the ranks of socialism and revolution.

The steel trust, with its heel on the necks of 130,000 men, will more than ever be able to dictate legislation in the national congress for its own benefit, make such prices for its products as it pleases and devise such snares as it may deem surest to crush competition. More than ever will it furnish an example to the whole people of what to expect from unbridled corporation greed and power-and perhaps the crushing of the union to gratify the spite of J. Pierpont Morgan may some day arouse the whole people to apply the pulverizing power of the law to his and other like corporations with a Roosevelt to apply it.

The crushing out of unionism may precipitate greater dangers in this great American republic than are even dreamed of by the Morgans, the Parrys and the rest of the industrial Napoleons who are opposed to the only organizations which now voice the protests of the great toiling industrial army.

The News, in common with all the daily papers in Detroit, has ever shown a friendly disposition toward unionism, but this is the strongest endorsement of the principles of organized labor that has come from such a source in recent years.

The combination of a hot Sunday and the Fourth of July caused the attendance at the last meeting of No. 18 to shrink almost to the dimensions of a session of the typothetæ convention.

Among the visitors during convention week of the typothetæ were Johnny and Jimmy Quirk, Tom Fulton and B. J. Foy. They didn't attend the sessions. F. J. PORTER.


At the regular meeting of Cambridge Typographical Union No. 61, held July 8, 1909, the following resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, In the death of Frank K. Foster, which occurred June 27, 1909, after a prolonged illness, the cause of organized labor has lost one of its ablest champions; and

Whereas, His earliest efforts were exercised as a member of this union which, readily recognizing his ability, conferred upon him many positions of honor and trust-he being elected president in 1881, and delegate to the International convention at St. Louis in 1882. Be it, therefore,

Resolved, That while we bow in submission to the will of God, we nevertheless deplore the great loss to the cause of organized labor, in being deprived of the services of one of its most gifted advocates and ever-willing, ardent and faithful workers; and, be it further

Resolved, That to his widow and family we tender our heartfelt sympathy in their great affliction; and, be it further

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of the union; a copy, properly engrossed, be sent to the widow and family of our deceased brother; and also a copy to THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL for publication; and, be it further

Resolved, That our charter be draped in mourning for thirty days as a token of our respect.

The following resolutions were adopted by Boston Union No. 13 on the death of Frank K. Fos


Whereas, God, in His wisdom, has called from this earth the spirit of Frank K. Foster, for twenty-five years a member of Boston Typographical Union, and for his lifetime a worker for the industrial freedom of those who work with their hands; therefore, be it

Resolved, By Boston Typographical Union No. 13, that we deeply mourn the loss to our union, to our city and to the organized labor movement of the country of one of the deepest thinkers, most eloquent orators and brilliant writers that has striven for the uplift of humanity; and, be it fur


Resolved, That we extend to the family of our departed brother our sincere sympathy in their bereavement; and, be it further

Resolved, That the charter of Boston Typographical Union No. 13 be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days; that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of our late brother; that they be inscribed on the minutes of our meeting and that a copy be sent to the local newspapers and to THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL for publication.


At a special meeting of the Federal Press day chapel, New York Typographical Union No. 6, the following resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, Our worthy brother, Ernest Heritage, has entered that bourne from which no traveler returns; and

Whereas, During his life he honored the craft of which he was a respected member and won the esteem and good will of his associates; and

Whereas, In all matters pertaining to unionism and the International Typographical Union in particular he evinced a keen interest, always cheerfully rendering whatever service lay within his

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No. 301, and was probably the oldest working printer in the middle west. At the age of 13 years he was apprenticed to the printing trade in the office of the Guernsey (Ohio) Times, where he served his full time. After learning the trade he worked in various cities, finally locating in Richmond, Ind., in 1860, where he had resided and worked ever since. With the exception of two years, when he was a soldier in the Mexican war, he had worked continuously at printing, a period of sixty-seven years. Three children survive him, two of his sons also being printers.


Berlin (N. H.) Union No. 640 adopted the following resolutions:

Whereas, The hand of death having removed one of our first and charter members, Barbara E. Coyle, we are desirous of expressing our love for

her memory and an earnest sympathy with the relatives thus deprived; therefore, be it

Resolved, That it is but a just tribute to the memory of the deceased to say that in regretting her removal we mourn for one who was in every way worthy of our love and respect, and one who was always the foremost to aid a brother or sister and uphold the cause; therefore, be it further

Resolved, That our charter be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days, that a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the bereaved family of our sister and that they be inscribed upon the minutes of the meeting, and a transcript forwarded to THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL and the Berlin Reporter for publication.


The following resolutions were adopted by Newark Union No. 103:

Whereas, Nelson Doggett, of Newark Typographical Union No. 103, departed this life on June 20, 1909, at the age of 52; and,

Whereas, He represented Buffalo Union No. 9 at the 1885 session of the International Typographical Union held in New York; be it

Resolved, That in his death a good worker has been lost; and, be it further

Resolved, That the charter of the union be draped for thirty days out of respect for his memory, and a copy of these resolutions be published in THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL.


The following resolutions were passed by Fredericton Typographical Union No. 664 at a special meeting held on June 21 in connection with the death of Thomas F. Thompson:

Whereas, It has pleased our Heavenly Father to remove from our midst our friend, brother and fellow craftsman, Thomas F. Thompson, in the prime of his life; and

Whereas, We desire to extend our heartfelt sympathy to the widow and children of the deceased in this their hour of mourning; therefore, be it

Resolved, That in the death of our late brother the typographical union has lost a good workman, the widow a devoted husband and the children a kind and loving father; be it further

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our meeting, a copy sent to the family of the deceased and a copy to THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL for publication.


The following resolutions were adopted July 6, 1909, by the B. H. Tyrrel chapel, New York Typographical Union No. 6, in memory of John T. Reed:

Whereas, An all-wise Providence has removed from our midst our friend and fellow craftsman, John T. Reed; and

Whereas, The suddenness of his demise reminds us that we must bow to the will of He who does all things well; therefore, be it

Resolved, That while we, the members of the B. H. Tyrrel chapel, Typographical Union No. 6, deeply mourn the death of one who was ever genial and courteous in his demeanor and a loyal member of the union,,et we realize "that God works in a mysterious way His wonders to per form;" and, be it further

Resolved, That we extend to the family and relatives our heartfelt sympathy in their great bereavement and that copies of these resolutions be sent to the sorrowing widow, spread upon the minutes of this chapel and printed in THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL.


The following resolutions were adopted by St. Louis Union No. 8:

Whereas, The Supreme Ruler of the Universe has, in His infinite wisdom, seen fit to remove by death our esteemed brother and fellow workman, John C. Sullivan; and

Whereas, It is fitting and proper that some action be taken to express to his widow and children our sincere sympathy in this their hour of distress; be it hereby

Resolved, That in the death of Mr. Sullivan Typographical Union No. 8 has lost one of its ardent supporters and Security Printing Company chapel one of its zealous workers, a brother who was at all times ready and willing to lend assistance to any of his less fortunate brethren; and, be it hereby

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the bereaved family with the hope that even so great a loss may be overruled for the greater good.


Resolutions adopted by Newark Union No. 103: Whereas, A. J. Adrian, of Newark Typographical Union No. 103 died suddenly on June 2, 1909, at the age of 42 years; be it

Resolved, That we bow to the will of Almighty God in His infinite wisdom in removing our late brother; and, be it further

Resolved, That the charter of No. 103 be draped for thirty days, out of respect to our late brother, and that a copy of these resolutions be published in THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL.



Rebellion of the people against the schoolbook The blaze trust is spreading like a prairie fire. was started by the Journal less than four months Sparks caught here and there. Public sentiment was aroused. Now legislatures of half a dozen states are answering a popular demand for emancipation of the schools from domination by the textbook octopus.

In Minnesota a special legislative committee is scrutinizing book ring methods and startling conditions already have been revealed.


Both houses of the Michigan legislature have appointed investigating committees to probe insistent rumors of graft and extortion. Ohio, incensed the continual scandals which grow out of book trust interference in school politics, is clamoring for legislative action that will divorce the school system from book ring methods.

Similar uprisings are commanding legislative attention in Kansas and Arkansas. Fully a score of bills designed to curb the sandbagging tactics of big publishing concerns are pending before various legislatures.

Desperate efforts on the part of the trust to secure repeal of the Indiana textbook law have so far been defeated. The trust is driven to its last lines of defense. Its lobbyists now plot to obtain by stealth what they formerly openly and successfully demanded.

Illinois can not afford to lag behind in this movement. In no state in the union are more extortionate prices exacted for textbooks. The peo

ple look to their representatives for protection against further robbery of the schools.-Chicago Journal.

WHERE every one has an axe to grind there will be little hewing to the line. -Ex.

TIME enough always proves little enough.-Franklin.

THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL cards. To prevent loss in such instances, it has

move to unorganized towns fail to renew their



J. W. HAYS, Editor and Publisher

Entered at the postoffice, Indianapolis, Ind., as second-class matter.

SUBSCRIPTION RATES.-One dollar per annum to any part of the United States or Canada; foreign, $1.50 per annum; single copies, 10 cents each.

To insure prompt insertion, all official matter, communications and advertisements should reach this office BEFORE the TWENTIETH OF THE MONTH PRECEDING PUBLICATION.

Advertising rates made known on application. All letters and remittances should be addressed to the editor and publisher.


[blocks in formation]


Items for the official columns of THE JOURNAL should be prepared on a separate sheet, and the style of the paper followed as closely as possible. Such items should not be made a part of a letter dealing with other subjects, for if this is done the items are likely to be overlooked, even though the greatest care be exercised. Write as plainly as possible especially proper names--using one side of the sheet only. All official matter must be in the hands of the editor BEFORE THE TWENTIETH OF EACH MONTH, to insure insertion in the issue immediately following. The observance of the foregoing will tend to insure what is desired by allpromptness and accuracy in the publication of official matter.

Communications for the correspondence department of THE JOURNAL must be in the hands of the editor BEFORE THE TWENTIETH OF EACH MONTH to insure insertion in the issue immediately following. No communication will be published that does not bear the full name of the writer.


When a member requests a change in his JourNAL address, he should give the name and number of the union with which he is affiliated, together with his present and former address.

Additions to the mailing list can only be made when received through the local secretary. Members not receiving the magazine should furnish the local secretary with their addresses.

Additions, corrections or alterations reported by local secretaries should be kept separate from other correspondence. When a member deposits his card, and his name is reported for the subscription list, the secretary should state where the member previously received THE JOURNAL, and give the name and number of the union with which he was affiliated. When a member draws his card, is sus pended or expelled, or in any manner ceases to be an active member of the local, the secretary should request that his name be dropped from the mail. ing list.

A large number of those who take cards and re

been decided that members holding cards, and located outside of the jurisdiction of a local union, must either deposit their cards with the nearest union and pay dues each month, or pay International dues in advance, in order to get THE JOURNAL. Where a cardholder pays his dues to the local in advance, a specific report should be made by the secretary upon the case, in order that the name can be placed on the list and the magazine sent to the member for the time for which dues have been paid.

can be

The 20th of each month is the latest date upon which changes for the succeeding issue made on our mailing list.

Upon request, secretaries will be furnished with a copy of the list of their members to whom THE JOURNAL is being sent.

All correspondence regarding THE JOURNAL should be addressed to J. W. Hays, Newton Claypool building, Indianapolis, Ind.


Hogoboom, please send address to P. L. Garnes, general foreman Boatwright Brothers Company, Danville, Va.

H. V. Fall is requested to communicate with Tink Burks, care of Courier-Journal composing room, Louisville, Ky.

Ed L. Stough is requested to communicate with his sister, Mrs. Fred Steeg, 306 North Mad River street, Bellefontaine, Ohio.

William J. Renwick, formerly of Danville, Ill., please communicate with H. E. Smith, 207 South Ninth street, Lafayette, Ind.

If J. C. Henderson and James Blaine Wire will send addresses to Joseph Marx, box 198, Springfield, Ill., they will receive mail.

James A. Brown, last heard from in Havana, Cuba, is requested to communicate with N. A.Brown, box 878, Gatesville, Texas.

Robert Milne, formerly of Kingston, Ont., and Erie, Pa., is requested to communicate with Bert Inglis, box 81, Brantford, Ont., Can.

A. C. Shirley, last heard from at Louisville, Ky., is requested to communicate with Paul A. Shirley, 715 Center street, Racine, Wis.

H. H. Green, last heard from in San Francisco, Cal., in 1908, is requested to communicate with Mrs. W. B. Miller, 4317 Bagley avenue, Seattle, Wash.

Edw. G. Lechner, formerly of Paducah, Ky., or any one knowing his whereabouts, is requested to communicate with Mrs. J. L. Lechner, 20 Napoleon street, Detroit, Mich.

Any one knowing the whereabouts of George A. McGinnis will confer a great favor if he will address Mrs. George A. McGinnis, Mount de Chantal, Wheeling, W. Va.

Any one knowing the whereabouts of one "Curly" Anderson, a bookbinder, who worked in Washington, Pa., and Atlanta, Ga., will confer a favor by communicating with J. A. Griffiths, box 13, Washington, Pa.

James T. Kaiser, who deposited his card in Newark in 1901, or any one having any information as to his whereabouts, kindly send such information to W. L. Small, room 18, 189 Market street, Newark, N. J.

Otto F. Bading. F. F. Bean, Sam R. Coffin, Harty Coleman, R. O. Crow, J. O. Denham, Ora L. Dibble, W. A. Hackney, Charles B. Jennings, W. R. McCoy, Harry A. Weiss, Ralph H. Wright, Paul B. Maltby, send addresses to J. W. Hays,

640-650 Newton Claypool building, Indianapolis, Ind., and get mail.

T. J. McGuire, formerly of Cleveland, Ohio, is requested to communicate with Mrs. G. M. Lathrop, 457 Trumbull avenue, Detroit, Mich.

Any one knowing the whereabouts of John C. Bohle, some three years ago in Vancouver, and who, when last heard from, had just returned to Washington from Havana, Cuba, is requested to write R. P. Pettipiece, 421 Eleventh avenue, East, Vancouver, B. C.


Card No. 360-A, issued to W. T. Mercer, has been lost and duplicate issued. Secretary taking up same will please return to Secretary-Treasurer George H. Layton, box 407, Harrisburg, Ill.

Card No. 3186, issued to Harry S. Clark by Williamsport Union No. 141, May 8, 1909, has been lost. If found or presented for deposit, please return to Bert G. Hann, 830 Erie avenue, Williamsport, Pa.

Card No. 3812-A, issued by Springfield (Ill.) Union No. 177 to R. H. Freeman, has been lost and duplicate issued. If found or presented for deposit, should be returned to Joseph Marx, box 198, Springfield, Ill.

Card No. 7483-A, issued to Herbert Heskett by Waterloo Union No. 349, has been lost and a If found or presented for deduplicate issued. posit, please return to A. Frank Case, secretary No. 349, box 543, Waterloo, Iowa.

Card No. 4145, issued to A. W. Richardson by Winnipeg Union No. 191, has been lost and a duplicate issued. The original card, if found or presented for deposit, should be returned to J. C. Bleaken, box 2024, Winnipeg, Man., Can.

Card No. 6530-A, issued to Hugo Rindshoff, has been lost and card No. 6533-A issued as a duplicate thereof. The original card, if found or presented for deposit, should be returned to H. W. Bauer, 528 East Seventh street, Alton, Ill.

The honorable withdrawal card issued to Charles L. Woodman by Cedar Rapids Union No. 192 on April 25, 1906, has been lost. This card, if presented for deposit, should be returned to B. R. Abbey, 1206 Fifth avenue, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Card No. 12357, issued February 10 to A. A. Burnett by Lincoln (Neb.) Union No. 209, has been lost and a duplicate issued. This card, if found or presented for deposit, should be returned to F. H. Hebbard, 1527 Washington street, Lincoln, Neb.

Card No. 23340, issued by Baltimore Union No. 12 to J. D. McKay, under date of May 28, 1909, has been lost and a duplicate issued. This card, if found or presented for deposit, should be returned to Robert A. Williamson, 100 North Paca street, Baltimore, Md.

Card No. 2480 (duplicate), issued to Vernon B. Cole by Jackson (Mich.) Union No. 99, dated June 5, 1909, has been lost or stolen and a second duplicate issued. If card is presented for deposit, it should be taken up and returned to J. O. Harvey, 611 West Franklin street, Jackson, Mich.


In accordance with the provisions of section 1, article x, of the constitution of the International Typographical Union, the charter of Kingston (Jamaica) Union No. 98 is suspended, it having failed to comply with the requirements of section 1, ar ticle ix, having been properly notified of its indebtedness, as is required by law. Local unions are hereby ordered to refuse cards issued by the above union on and after this date..

J. W. HAYS, Secretary Executive Council. Indianapolis, Ind., July 1, 1909.


INDIANAPOLIS, IND., July 24, 1909.

Section 1, article ix, of the constitution, requires that "International dues for each month shall be collected by subordinate unions and transferred to the secretary-treasurer of the International Typographical Union before the twentieth of the succeeding month." Under this law the June per capita and the June old age pension assessment of all unions was due at headquarters not later than July 20. The following unions were delinquent for per capita, or the old age pension assessment, on July 24, having failed to make their re


In this connection attention is directed to section 14, article v, of the by-laws, which is as follows: "Section 14. No funeral benefit claim shall be allowed unless the deceased was possessed of a current working card at the time of his death, nor shall a funeral benefit claim be allowed if, at the time of death, the union of which deceased was a member is in arrears for per capita tax to the International Union.'

38, Haverhill. 51, Lawrence. 60, Roanoke. 74, Belleville. 110, Union Hill. 147. Ashland. 164, Kewanee. 184, Wyoming. 214, Pendleton. 257, Lisbon. 259, Waltham. 267, Frankfort. 269, Peekskill. 277. Missoula, 308, Watertown. 326, Rutland. 335, Rossland. 370, El Paso. 371, Rome. 376, Minot.

378, Brantford. 385. Greenville. 419, Anniston. 431, Manitowoc. 433, Dover.

442, La Salle-Peru.
447, Pine Bluff.
449, Calgary.
450, Columbus.

452, New Kensington.
459, St. Thomas.
462, New Philadelphia.
466, West Chester.

9. Los Angeles. 12, Cleveland.

477, Niles.
478. San Juan.
489, Livingston.
491, Pocatello.
501, Clearfield.

509, Greenville.

513, De Soto. 514. Havana.

517, Buffalo Polish.

525. Amarillo.
531, Gainesville.
534. Allentown.
542. Shelbyville.
544, Douglas.
563, Rock Springs.
569, Painesville.
572, Marshall.
585, White Plains.
590, Gary.
593, Brainerd.
605, Teague.
606, Bridgetown.

620, Central City.
621, Mayfield.
625, Salisbury.

643, Waterville.

648, Bartlesville.

651, Urbana.

652, Cleveland Hungarian.

663, Saskatoon.
665, Rhyolite.
666, Georgetown.


20, Providence.

THE CONTROL OF EXPECTORATION. We have before called attention to the fact that tuberculosis (i. e., consumption) is a disease due to infection caused by a germ that has escaped from some one already suffering from the disease. The chief avenue of escape is, of course, through the mouth in the act of expectoration, or through the minute particles (called droplets) that escape into the air in the act of coughing. Many people, in every community, have it long before they are conscious of the fact; often cases recover without the patient having even suspected that he was tubercular. No man can say there is no danger in his sputum. It is a fact worthy of thought that indiscriminate expectoration is the chief source of a disease so serious in its consequences as to justify a large expenditure on the part of individuals, and of the state, to lessen it.

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