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President-Mrs. Charles Hertenstein, 3813 St.
Louis avenue, St. Louis, Mo.
Secretary-Mrs. Frank W. Long, 4926 Ash street,
Norwood, Cincinnati, Ohio.


We had a very enjoyable basket picnic at Lakeside, on July 20, which netted a neat little sum. The proceeds were used to help pay the expenses of our delegate, Mrs. Koester, to the St. Joe convention.

Mrs. Nellie C. Smith, our former faithful secretary, has gone to California for a few months' visit.

Our president, Mrs. Anna M. Lee, has the sympathy of the members in the death of her husband, which occurred June 15. Mr. Lee was employed in the News proofroom, and had been ailing for some time.

Mrs. J. E. McDonald, of the Pueblo Auxiliary, was a visitor at a recent auxiliary meeting.

A farewell surprise party was given in honor of Mrs. Fredericke by No. 54 during the month in Fern Hall, and a nice time was had by all who attended. Mr. and Mrs. Fredericke have since gone to St. Louis to make their future home, and have the best wishes of a host of friends.



Our seventh annual convention was a most successful one in every way. While some of the familiar faces were conspicuous by their absence at St. Joseph, their interest in the proceedings is noted in the receipt of letters from them to the convention wishing the auxiliary continued suc


The report of the president and secretary showed seven new auxiliaries (with a membership of 176) added to the list in the past year. The treasury also shows a healthy increase.

The report of the delegates to the convention, as given at Thursday's session, shows an active interest in the work of the organization. These reports indicate that active and aggressive label work is being done. When the proceedings of the convention are printed I would earnestly recommend the reading of this day's proceedings to those who have their doubts about the work of the auxiliary.

One of the important laws passed was the amendment to the membership clause by which the women members of the families of all members of the International Typographical Union are eligible to membership. Heretofore membership was limited to the women of the families of members of the typographical union. The adoption of this clause by the referendum will make eligible the wives of members of all subordinate locals of the

International Typographical Union. Many other amendments of lesser importance than the foregoing were passed by the convention, to be voted upon by the membership. These will be mailed to all secretaries in ample time to permit of discussion of the same before the vote is taken.

We are indebted to the St. Joseph arrangements committee for the many kindnesses shown and the entertainment furnished; to the St. Joseph ladies, who worked like Trojans to make us comfortable, and to the ladies of the Press Club and the citizens generally, all of whom gave us a Missouri welcome.

A proposition to strike from the book of laws of the International Typographical Union a resolution encouraging the formation of auxiliaries was reported unfavorably by the committee on laws, and the report of the committee was concurred in. St. Louis, Mo. MRS. CHARLES HERTENSTEIN.


Finding it impossible to hold meetings and entertain the large number of relatives and friends visiting the A.-Y.-P. exposition, Auxiliary No. 23 concluded to declare the month of July a vacation. The salutary effect of such recreation was manifest at our first meeting in August by all members rallying "manfully" to duty's call, electing the following officers: President, Mrs. O. K. Sander; vice-president, Mrs. Charles Segbers; secretary, Mrs. J. O. Burdick; treasurer, Mrs. J. Q. Gilmore; guide, Mrs. Roland Layton; executive committee, Mesdames Gallagher, Moar and Kidd. No. 202 held a basket picnic at Ravena Park, August 15, with many members of No. 23 assisting in the gastronomic exercises.

Next month we will hold our regular autumn outing. MRS. R. LAYTON.


Among the prominent auxiliary workers attending the convention who stopped over in St. Louis were: Mrs. J. D. Kane, International first vicepresident; Mrs. C. E. McKee, ex-International secretary-treasurer; Mrs. J. P. Cherry, delegate from Indianapolis; Mrs. L. Mechbach, delegate from Louisville, and Mrs. O. S. McNabb, delegate from Terre Haute.

Mrs. Louis Borgstede, a member of No. 29, is recovering from a very serious illness.

The entertainment provided for delegates and visitors at St. Joseph was a treat indeed. As soon as you stepped off the train you were made to feel as if you had fallen into the hands of friends, and when you departed you could have had no thought other than good wishes for St. Joseph's union and auxiliary; in fact, everybody from the mayor of the city down to the newsboys was intent on adding to your pleasure. Beginning with a reception Saturday night, a grand "get together"

and smoker on Sunday, a trip to the Water Works Park Monday afternoon, a banquet Monday night, Tuesday afternoon and evening at Lake Contrary, a ball at the Lotus Club on Wednesday evening and the "golden jubilee" celebration of No. 40 on Thursday-each and every one of these was an event that will be pleasantly remembered by all who attended. Kansas City, too, kept "open house" at the Savoy Hotel for those passing through that city, and in addition to providing refreshments of all kinds, treated the visitors to a ride around the city.

The annual picnic to be given by No. 8 on Labor day will be held as usual at Normandy Grove, and it is promised to be bigger and better than MRS. R. J. LowTHER.



Our regular business meeting was held August 5. The attendance was above the average, notwithstanding the hot weather. Two new members were obligated and two applications for membership voted upon.

Auxiliary No. 61 will make its initial appearance in the Labor day parade this year, the ladies riding in carriages, preceding Typographical Union No. 172 in line of march. The printers seem to feel quite proud of the fact that their craft will be the only one with an auxiliary representation in the parade.

Our social meetings have been abandoned for the summer, as a large number of the printers and their families spend most of the heated term in the mountains or at the coast.



We were all happy to be able to procure our charter before the convention, and Auxiliary No. 20 celebrated the event on August 12 at its regular meeting (which is held the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at 8 P. M. at Women's Trade Union League House, 43 East Twenty-second street), having as our guests Mrs. Coffin and Miss Coffin, of New Orleans Union No. 17 and Auxiliary No. 9. Music was furnished by Miss A. E. Foster and cake and cream was served.

We have elected as officers for the coming year: Mrs. Julia Afflick, president; Mrs. A. H. Bentrup, vice-president; Mrs. W. H. Watson, secretary; Mrs. H. D. Soule, treasurer; Miss Mamie Hamer, sergeant-at-arms.

No. 6 is furnishing two autos for the Labor day parade, and Woman's Auxiliary No. 20 has its active members on the committee-Miss Mildred Potter, Miss Hamer, Mrs. W. J. Duff, Mrs. A. Cassidy and Mrs. S. E. Crimmins.

I wish to extend sincere thanks to Mrs. Hertenstein and Mrs. Long, of the Woman's International Auxiliary, who have helped us so much; also to Mrs. C. Bowen, of Washington Auxiliary No. 13. Both Mrs. Afflick and I appreciate her great kind

ness to us.

We had the honor of having our auxiliary rep

resented at the convention by one of our charter members, Mrs. C. I. Willey. MRS. W. H. WATSON.

To the wives, daughters and sisters of the members of Typographical Union No. 6, Woman's Auxiliary to No. 6, recently reorganized, desires to impress upon you the duty as well as the necessity of enlisting under its banner and doing your share in maintaining union principles. Each one of you is directly interested in your husband, father or brother receiving "a fair day's pay for a fair day's work," and it is your solemn duty to join with your sisters in furthering the cause of unionism by insisting that the union label appear on every article of wearing apparel worn or loaf of bread consumed in your household. As "in union there is strength," you can not hope to be of serv ice by "going it alone," but by connecting yourself with an organization composed of persons having one common purpose.

See that your husband, father or brother receives THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL every month -he has to pay for it when he pays his union dues, and all he has to do to receive it regularly is to notify the secretary of the union where to address it-and familiarize yourself with its contents, and you will thereby learn what has been done and what is going to be done by the women in other parts of the United States.

There are many members of No. 6 who never see a copy of THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL unless by accident, when some member who has his mail addressed to his place of employment has tossed it aside, and there are many women whose husbands or brothers are earning good salaries as the result of their connection with the union, and who are kept in good situations because of that connec tion alone.

No woman who has the welfare of unionism at heart can conscientiously buy non-union-made goods, and it is the duty of every woman to whom these lines are addressed to become affiliated with the woman's auxiliary of No. 6, and to do her share to assist the officers in carrying out the great work in which we are engaged.



Our auxiliary met with Mrs. Earl A. Harris on August 10. Election of officers was in order, but we decided to retain for the ensuing term those who had served so faithfully since the birth of our auxiliary six months ago.

We decided to have a picnic and theater party at Lake Cliff, on August 25, for members and their families, our president appointing Mesdames H. M. Campbell, E. A. Harris, L. L. Daniel and M. C. Heaslip as an entertainment committee. It was also decided to follow the example of the typographical union and fine each member 25 cents for failure to attend the meetings, unless prevented by sickness or absence from town. A congratulatory telegram was sent to sister auxiliaries in session at St. Joe. MRS. M. C. HEASLIP.


Resolutions adopted by Wheeling Typographical Union No. 79:

Whereas, An everwise Providence has deemed fit to remove from among us our esteemed fellow craftsman, Elmer Ellsworth Carlin; and,

Whereas, In his passing away Wheeling Typographical Union No. 79 loses a member whose services as president of this union, as delegate to the International Typographical Union convention in 1891, at Boston, and as a constant worker for the welfare of this union in particular and the cause of trades unionism in general, will always be remembered and appreciated; and,

Whereas, Aside from being a member whose preeminence in the mastery of his craft was signally acknowledged and appreciated by fellow workmen and employers alike, his loss will be more sin cerely mourned by his associates when they recall his courteous disposition, his generosity of spirit, and his always cheerful, modest bearing toward all with whom he came in contact; therefore, be it Resolved. That we extend to his bereaved relatives our heartfelt sympathy and the assurance of our sincere condolence in their great affliction; and be it further

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this union, a copy sent his sorrowing daughter, and a copy furnished for publication in THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL.


Resolutions adopted by Springfield (Ill.) Union No. 177:

Whereas, The hand of death has entered the ranks of Springfield Typographical Union No. 177 and removed from our midst, on April 6, 1909, one of our early presidents and charter members, Napoleon B. Walker; and,

Whereas, Brother Walker in the early years of No. 177 did much to build up the union, and by his wise council during a membership of over thirty years had been a constant help to those who had the best interests of this union at heart; therefore, be it

Resolved. That in the death of N. B. Walker this union has lost a stanch member, a kind, sympathetic friend, a veteran of the civil war, father of two deceased former members of our union, a man among men, and a patient sufferer; be it further

Resolved, That the charter of this union be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days as a token of respect to our departed brother, and that a copy of this preamble and resolutions be spread upon the minutes of No. 177 and also published in THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL.


The following resolution, on the death of James H. Reeve, was adopted by a rising vote at a regu lar meeting of Newark Typographical Union No. 103, held August 8, 1909:

Whereas Brother James H. Reeve departed this life Thursday, August 5, 1909, aged 67 years; and, Whereas, Brother Reeve was a charter member of Newark Typographical Union No. 103, a delegate to the meeting of the International Typographical Union in 1893, held at Chicago; and,

Whereas, He had served his country in the civil war 1861-1865; therefore, be it

Resolved. That in his death our union loses a valuable member; our country an active supporter

in the time of its greatest need, and his family a loving father and a good husband; and, be it furthur

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved family with our heartfelt sympathy in its sad bereavement, the charter of the union draped in mourning for thirty days, and these resolutions spread on the minutes in full, and also published in THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOUR



At a meeting of Richmond Typographical Union No. 301, held August 1, the following resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, The guiding hand of our Heavenly Father, who rules the universe with a definite plan, has taken from our ranks our esteemed fel craftsman, Joshua Hunt, after a long and active life; and,

Whereas, It is our hope and belief that He who doeth all things well, took our brother from us to reward him for his many virtues; therefore, be it

Resolved, That in the death of Joshua Hunt Richmond Typographical Union No. 301 has lost the services of an honored and efficient member who was a wise counselor in the direction of its affairs, and one who stood for justice to all. His family suffers the loss of a devoted father, the printing craft a superior workman, the state an exemplary citizen; be it further

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the members of his family, a copy sent to THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL and the local newspapers, and that our charter be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days.


The following resolutions were adopted by the Technical Press chapel, New York city, on the death of Warren C. Jones, which occurred July

15, 1909:

Whereas, The hand of death has entered the ranks of our chapel and removed from its midst one of our most highly respected and honored members; and,

Whereas, Mr. Jones, though advanced in years, was stanch in his advocacy of unions and unionism, and was at all times ready to lend aid to those of the craft more unfortunate than he; therefore, be it

Resolved, That in the death of Mr. Jones we have lost a kind and energetic brother, and his friends a devoted and steadfast friend; be it furthur

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the chapel, and also that a copy be furnished the widow and children. of the deceased, and that same be sent to THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL for publication.


The following resolutions were adopted by the Pioneer Printing Company chapel, of Minneapolis, Minn.:

Whereas, We learn with sad regret of the untimely death of our brother member and coworker, Charles Kowalke, who departed this life on Friday, July 23, 1909; and,

Whereas. Those of us in the Pioneer Printing Company chapel who knew him best know of his

stalwart unionism, his sterling qualities and his sincere devotion to his family; therefore, be it

Resolved, By the members of the Pioneer Printing Company chapel that we extend to his beloved wife in particular and his relatives in general our sincere sympathy in these their hours of extreme sorrow. May God grant them power to bear up under their great burden of sorrow.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the union, a copy sent to the wife of the deceased and published in THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL.


The following was adopted by Poplar Bluff Typographical Union No. 635:

Departed this life July 15, 1909, Harry H. Oury, aged 38 years. The deceased was an old and honored member of the typographical union, a veteran workman at his chosen trade, and in his demise we recognize the loss of a true and tried member of our organization, who always "carried his card up to date;" a loyal friend and an upright and honorable citizen, who, although having in his career a full share of the trials and tribulations incident to the life of a printer, never shrank from duty nor deviated from the conscientious dis charge of the same. It is hereby

Resolved, That the condolence of the membership of this union be extended to those who are left to mourn his loss.


The Chicago Daily News Benefit Association adopted the following resolutions on the death of George W. Day, which occurred July 20, 1909:

Whereas, Providence, in its wisdom, has taken from us by death our fellow worker, George W. Day, a member of the Daily News chapel, Chicago Typographical Union, and of the Chicago Daily News Benefit Association;

Resolved, That we, the members of the Chicago Daily News Benefit Association, do hereby give expression to the sorrow occasioned by this loss, and to our deep sympathy with the family and relatives of our former associate;

Resolved, further, That this action be recorded in full in the minutes of our association, and that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to Mrs. George W. Day and also to THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL.


If all labor organizations were as businesslike in their methods, as progressive in their operation and as conservative in their deliberations and actions as the typographical union, the fifty-fifth International convention of which is now meeting at St. Joseph, Mo., there would be but little of the so-called "constant strife between capital and labor."

The typographical union as an organization is nearly sixty years old. Naturally, in that period, it has seen history made and has helped in the making. Its membership has contributed to every page of progress, every printed line that humanity holds immortal. The printing industry is civilization itself, its membership the makers and disseminators of it.

The typographical union, like every other organization that has grown up with the country, has seen some troublous times. Its death knell has been sounded more than once, but before the echoes had died away the membership had pulled itself together and defeated the purposes of its detractors by methods of rejuvenation born of that common-sense and justice-loving policy which has made it today perhaps the most powerful organization of its kind in existence.

It is a far cry in progress from the handset pe

riodicals of the past to the machine-made publications of the present, but practically every journeyman printer of today has taken part in the evolution. It was through the introduction of typesetting machinery that the opponents of the typographical union hoped to accomplish its disorganization and demoralization. But they overlooked the fact that the human mind is greater than any machine ever invented or constructed, and that the average "printer man" is the possessor of a men tality broad in its scope and its problem-solving ability. Instead of the machines conquering the union printers, the union printers conquered the machines, and today the typographical union is stronger in its membership, property and cash reserve than ever before in its history. While the machine problem is not the only one the organization has had to overcome, it is perhaps the best example of the union's ability to weather any storms that may arise by the exercise of that intelligence which is the basis of its success. Its actions are not hasty or ill advised. It believes in deliberation and arbitration, and recognizes the fact always that there are two sides to every question. If it is possible to settle a dispute between employer and employed on logical or commonsense grounds, those are the methods that will be employed.

The union, too, is great in its beneficences. It maintains at Colorado Springs, Colo., a home for its indigent members, which is a model institution, and an inspiration for those who expect to devote their lives to the "art preservative of all arts. In many other ways is the organization constantly increasing its usefulness to its own membership, contributing to the progress of the country and the promulgation of that policy which recognizes the "brotherhood of man." -St. Louis Star, August II.


The International Typographical Union, now holding its fifty-fifth convention in St. Joseph, Mo., is 57 years old. As unions go, this is a venerable age, but the typographical union yearly becomes younger in strength, vitality and zeal, In modernity of thought it is foremost in all that makes for sound benefit to its living members and consistent provision for those who die. It has provided for superannuated brothers of its craft a million-dollar home, located in a climate as healthful and amid surroundings as glorious as nature yields to men.

But the success, the financial solidity, the dig nity and the future stability of the typographical union are not so much the product of an impeccable administration of its receipts and expendi tures as they are the result of a firm and stanchly adhered to policy of living up to its engagements with its employers.

A contract with the typographical union is as good, better than a bond from most institutions. What it agrees to do it does. It cultivates amity with those with whom it holds business relations. Its wise counselors look upon a strike as a twoedged sword which slashes and maims both him who hires and him who is hired. Its watchwords for the settlement of labor disputes are conciliation, arbitration and give and take.

Few, indeed, in later years, have been typographical union difficulties which have not found settlement without resort to that ultimate measure which union men of less judicial balance have found-and made-so costly to all concerned.

May the old typographical union wax older in experience and younger in sentiment, a perennial bay tree whose roots take hold of the rocks in the depths and whose leaves always shall be green.St. Louis Times, August 10.

THE preacher can not be good for the whole congregation.-Ex.

HE who honestly seeks to save another finds himself. Ex.

[blocks in formation]

Items for the official columns of THE JOURNAL should be prepared on a separate sheet, and the style of the paper followed as closely as possible. Such items should not be made a part of a letter dealing with other subjects, for if this is done the items are likely to be overlooked, even though the greatest care be exercised. Write as plainly as possibie-especially proper names-using one side of the sheet only. All official matter must be in the hands of the editor BEFORE THE TWENTIETH OF EACH MONTH, to insure insertion in the issue immediately following. The observance of the foregoing will tend to insure what is desired by allpromptness and accuracy in the publication of offi cial matter.

Communications for the correspondence department of THE JOURNAL must be in the hands of the editor BEFORE THE TWENTIETH OF EACH MONTH to insure insertion in the issue immediately following. No communication will be published that does not bear the full name of the writer.


When a member requests a change in his JOURNAL address, he should give the name and number of the union with which he is affiliated, together with his present and former address.

Additions to the mailing list can only be made when received through the local secretary. Members not receiving the magazine should furnish the local secretary with their addresses.

Additions, corrections or alterations reported by local secretaries should be kept separate from other correspondence. When a member deposits his card, and his name is reported for the subscription list, the secretary should state where the member previously received THE JOURNAL, and give the name and number of the union with which he was affiliated. When a member draws his card, is suspended or expelled, or in any manner ceases to be an active member of the local, the secretary should request that his name be dropped from the mailing list.

A large number of those who take cards and re

move to unorganized towns fail to renew their cards. To prevent loss in such instances, it has been decided that members holding cards, and located outside of the jurisdiction of a local union, must either deposit their cards with the nearest union and pay dues each month, or pay International dues in advance, in order to get THE JOUR NAL. Where a cardholder pays his dues to the local in advance, a specific report should be made by the secretary upon the case, in order that the name can be placed on the list and the magazine sent to the member for the time for which dues have been paid.

The 20th of each month is the latest date upon which changes for the succeeding issue can be made on our mailing list.

Upon request, secretaries will be furnished with a copy of the list of their members to whom THE JOURNAL is being sent.

All correspondence regarding THE JOURNAL should be addressed to J. W. Hays, Newton Claypool building, Indianapolis, Ind.


Earl Baum, Eugene Manifold and Roy Richards are requested to write to W. Y. Thorburn, 370 Merrick avenue, Detroit, Mich.

William Schimmel, or any one knowing his whereabouts, is requested to send his address to 621 Walnut street, room 17, Cincinnati, Ohio.

S. J. Montgomery, formerly of Passaic, N. J., is requested to communicate with Mrs. Guy Whiteman, Norborne, Carroll County, Missouri.

Philip W. Fawley, or any one knowing his whereabouts, is requested to communicate with Mrs. Minnie Sanderson, 187 Bank street, Norfolk, Va.

Will Sam Ulman, who formerly worked on Chicago Tribune, please send present address to his son, Robert Ulman, 632 East Pearl street, Ottawa, Ill.?

W. A. Omohundro, or any one knowing his present address, is requested to communicate with Mrs. W. A. Omohundro, 20 West Bruen street, Dayton, Ohio.

Any one knowing the whereabouts of Harvey Connors is requested to communicate with the Rev. Father Mullane, 645 Junction avenue, Detroit, Mich. Important news for him.

M. L. Fleetwood, Fitzgerald, Ga., would like to hear from W. F. Pinkston, last heard of in Waycross, Ga. And also J. A. Shaw, who was in West Palm Beach, Fla., when last heard from.

Any one knowing the whereabouts of A. Clay Sinsabaugh, a former Washington (D. C.) printer, last heard of in Chicago, is requested to communicate with his father, A. M. Sinsabaugh, Hyattsville, Md.

Glenn C. Burnham, or any one knowing his whereabouts, is requested to communicate with Mrs. G. C. Burnham, 1600 Olive street, Kansas City, Mo., and learn news in regard to the death of his son, Lawrence E. Burnham.

Information is desired as to the whereabouts of Charles Beumler; worked in Pittsburg, Pa., in December, 1904, and February, 1905; Saginaw, Mich., February, March, April and August, 1906; Grand Rapids, October and November, 1906; last heard from in June, 1907, at Grand Rapids. Address Robert J. Barry, 105 West Third street, Portsmouth, Ohio.

J. F. Auginbaugh, F. F. Dean, G. W. Brayton, Sam R. Coffin, Medill Connell, Harry Coleman, R. O. Craw, J. O. Denham, Ora L. Dibble, James B. Fleming, Hugh Guthrie, W. A. Hackney, Lee R. Holly, Sim Landon, J. L. Starkes, Harry A. Weiss and Ralph H. Wright, send addresses to J. W.

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