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On Labor day we had the honor to be one of a large number of gentlemen who took part in the parade. The next day a fellow employer, meeting us on the street, remarked: "Thompson, you appear to be a man of good judgment as well as many years' experience, and I have some curiosity to know why you desire to affiliate with the union. There certainly is no particular gain in it for you as an employer, and you know how much narrowness and how many shortcomings there are connected with the organization."

To which we replied in all kindness: "Brother, we are pleased to give you our ideas of unionism, and believe you will admit that our view is nearer correct than your own. Unions are made up of the average humanity, all of whom are a mixture of what you term wise and unwise. Since men have exercised the power of organizing they have not produced an organization without what you term narrowness. This will apply to organizations of employers as well as employes; and as the former were the first to organize and practice oppression, it was only natural that the unions hit back when they found themselves with the power so to do. We are aware that many members are influenced principally by self-interest, as shown by the priority law, the dead-letter overtime law, the insistance that all members regardless of ability, get the same pay, etc. These things are unremediable under existing conditions, but remedied they will be. The union in a reasonably short time will take the apprenticeship question in hand, select such boys as are adapted by nature to become printers, train them into skilled workmen, with wellgrounded union principles, who, when they present their card to the prospective employer will be pleased to accept them without question. The

union will be compelled to do thus, for where is the employer, individually or collectively, who has taken any concern whether the boy in his employ becomes a skilled workman or not? Yet he is continually bewailing the lack of skilled hands. The success of any effort can only be measured by the number benefited. As we see it, unionism in the last twenty years in this country has done more for humanity and for what you term God (one and the same thing) than have the churches. While the churches have devoted their effort principally to building up an organization, and pointing the sup posed way to an indefinable God in an indefinable heaven, located an indefinable distance from the earth, the unions have ministered to a clearly defined God and made toward a clearly defined heaven right here on earth; for know, oh, brother, that the Creative Source has placed a piece of itself in every human being, and the weak brother, who may have fallen by the wayside before the parade was over, may have done more for the sotermed God than he who preached an eloquent sermon to a fashionable audience. He who would serve God can do it best by serving his brother here on earth, and the unionist who by upholding his union has helped to better the condition of all has in that particular done all in his power to serve his God. Our union may well be considered the leader in organized unionism. It has put to shame that consensus of public opinion termed society in taking care of those of its craft who have devoted much of their life to the good of a society as well as themselves, and set an example that society will follow as regards all its worn-out members sooner or later. As we said before, an organization is to be judged by the benefits it confers on the greatest number. We can remember very distinctly when the members of our organization gave for many months one-tenth of their earnings each week to establish an eight-hour day. Its success was followed by the general adoption of the short day in other callings. By the way, your employers' organization is supposed to possess a healthy treasury. How much of it have you spent for the benefit of God or the bettering of the condition of your fellow man?” And he never said a word. Newark, N. J.


THE United States government issues about 75,000,000 postal cards a month, and the present four-year contract for issuing them expires at the close of this year. The present postal card has not given satisfaction, so Postmaster-General Hitchcock is making preparations to issue a more attractive card commencing with 1910. He has called in the chemists of the agricultural department and has instructed them to prepare a much better paper than is now being used in making postal cards. The new postals will not only have better paper, but a decided improvement will be made both in printing and the designs.-Ex.

SOLID Success must be based on solid qualities and the honest culture of them.-Carlyle,


Few lives in the past have ended fraught with more good deeds than when the spirit of Joseph Cohron took its flight for the great beyond at the ripe age of 80 years. He died August 8, 1909, at East Point, Ga.-a suburb of Atlanta-where he had by frugality provided a comfortable home.

The writer knew him well and intimately for over fifty years; and now that he has put off the rent garments of warfare for the white robes of triumph, and exchanged the toil-worn, dusty girdle of his pilgrimage on earth for the glorious vesture of immortality, I am moved to speak briefly of the rich heritage he has left to his fellow man-a good



Friendships-clean and lasting-between have been formed in all the history of the world. Every friendship we cultivate is but the enlargement of opportunities for grief at some stage of life.

With Joe Cohron the conflict of life is ended, and the victory gained. It is comforting to those of us left behind to know that the wounds received in battle were all in front, on the firing line, for no truer soldier ever drew sword in defense of organized labor than he. With high purposes and invincible courage-both physical and moral-his one desire was to help others up to the highest rung of the ladder. His great heart, filled with the philosophy that makes men great, yearned for not only the physical, but the moral, uplift of humanity. Throughout his long career he traveled along the narrow path of life, with voice attuned to the glories of field and sky, plucking, in his humble way, the choicest flowers that grew in his pathway, scattering their fragrance far and wide. He did not have to die to show the sterling worth of a well-spent life. His life was hallowed with beautiful living. In dealing with his fellow workmen he won allegiance and praise by his noble acts of kindness and love. Heroic in life, triumphant in death. GEORGE W. MARTIN. Union Printers Home, Colorado Springs.


Fort Worth Union No. 198 adopted the following resolutions:

Whereas, Our fellow workman, counselor and friend, A. B. Moore, age 49, at the meridian of active life, on July 4, 1909, was called to satisfy the supreme debt of nature, which we all must pay; and

Whereas, Our late brother, who joined the typographical union in 1882 at Waco, was for fourteen years an active and consistent member of No. 198; contributed in large degree to its upbuilding and integrity: was its delegate in 1905 to the International Union at Toronto, and went on its honorary roll in 1908 by his own request; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That Fort Worth Typographical Union No. 198 expresses keen regret and sorrow in the demise of one of its warriors of unionism, who had borne the heat and burden of the day, and

who had worthily occupied so large a field of usefulness in the printing fraternity of our city; and be it further

Resolved, That our condolences be extended to the family of our deceased brother, and that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this union.


The following resolutions were adopted by St. Louis Union No. 8:

Whereas, Death has again entered our ranks and claimed Benjamin F. Baker, who died on August 23 and was buried by St. Louis Typographical Union No. 8; be it

Resolved, That we extend to his family in New York state our sincere sympathy in the loss of our brother member; and be it further

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes and also inserted in THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL.


Denver Union No. 49 adopted the following res olutions:

Whereas, Death has removed from our midst our esteemed fellow craftsman, W. H. Montgom-. ery;

Whereas, Mr. Montgomery had been active in the councils of this organization and organized labor as a whole for the past twenty-five years. and was one of the most active workers in the uplifting of union principles; therefore, be it

Resolved, That in the death of Mr. Montgomery Denver Typographical Union mourns the loss of a lifelong member and an adherent to organ. ized labor generally; and be it further

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes and THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL be requested to publish the same.


The following resolutions were adopted at the August meeting of Halifax (Canada) Union No.


Whereas, It has pleased God to remove from this life our old friend and brother in the person of Joseph Tracy, who passed away August 28, 1909; and

Whereas, Said demise is greatly regretted by the membership of Halifax Typographical Union No. 130; be it

Resolved, That we extend to the relatives of the deceased in their bereavement our heartfelt sympathy and condolence in the loss they have sustained; and be it further

Resolved. That these resolutions be transmitted to the relatives of the deceased and published in the daily press and THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL.


San Francisco Mailers' Union No. 18 adopted the following resolutions:

Whereas, Our Supreme Master Mechanic has taken from this sphere of usefulness our longtime fellow workman, Michael Francis Garrigan, after a faithful comradeship of over twenty years; and

Whereas. It is fitting that this union should pay its tribute to one who was universally ad

mired as a man of highest integrity; for his unwavering fidelity to the principles for which we stand; therefore be it

Resolved, That San Francisco Mailers' Union No. 18, in regular meeting assembled this 23d day of August, 1909, extend to his bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy and the assurance of our sincere condolence in their great affliction; and be it further

Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this meeting, and a copy of same be sent to the sorrowing family, the Labor Clarion and THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL.


Resolutions adopted by the Boston American chapel:

Whereas, We learn with deep sorrow that the Omnipotent Providence has removed from our midst our friend and co-worker, Henry McMahon; and

Whereas, In the demise of Mr. McMahon we lose one of our most earnest co-operators. Gifted with qualities of guidance and leadership, his life was one of usefulness, not for any pecuniary gain for himself, but for the advancement, progression and uplift of the working class, morally and materially; therefore, be it

Resolved, That in meeting assembled, his fellow workers in the Boston American chapel give testimony of their sorrow and acknowledgment of his service to the labor movement of America. To his widow and children we offer our heartfelt sympathy in this, their hour of deep bereavement; be it further

Resolved That we spread these resolutions upon the records of this chapel, have them printed in THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL, and sent to his family.


At a special meeting of Wilmington (Del.) Union No. 123, the following resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst an esteemed fellow member, George Wolferth, long identified with our union and a valuable member thereof; and

Whereas, Our deceased brother had, by his genial personality, and by his kindly consideration for his associates endeared himself to us all; therefore, be it

Resolved, That Wilmington Typographical Union No. 123, hereby makes acknowledgment of its lasting regard for the memory of our departed brother, and extends to the family of the deceased our heartfelt sympathy and condolence in their great and irreparable loss; and be it further

Resolved, That as a mark of respect our charter be draped for a period of thirty days; that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our union, and that they also be published in THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL and the Wilmington Jour



In his contribution to the August number of THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL, Mr. Moore, of Helena, Mont., allows that the union benefits may not be insurance "in a purely legal sense," but "economically they are." If the benefits have the economic basis of insurance, then clearly they must be legal obligations founded on contracts; not "gratuities which the organization may vary at will." It is well settled in law that they are insurance contracts, and there are numerous judicial utterances to the effect that they (the benefits of a mutual

beneficial society) differ in no substantial form from accident insurance, and the assessments to keep them alive are nothing more nor less than premiums exacted in ordinary cases, by the payment of which the policies are kept alive. The liability of the union for a benefit becomes fixed upon the occurrence of disability, death or other contingency, and can not be varied. Whatever powers the association (union) may have to make rules or laws for the government of members, the courts can never recognize as valid any rule or law which in effect takes away the benefit or otherwise impairs the obligation of its contract. The usages of the organization will not bind the courts in construing the contract, and the language must be liberally construed in favor of the beneficiary.

An ordinary insurance policy contains the whole contract, but the working card, certificate of membership, or personal book account is only a part of the written evidence of the contract. The charter, constitution and by-laws of the union are terms of an executory contract to which the member assents when he enters it, and therefore a part of the contract of insurance, whether referred to in the written evidence or not.

The love of fair play and care-free generosity is traditional among printers, and is a guarantee that they will never resort to law for the settlement of disputes; but it is true that there are among them those who assume that the benefit is a gratuity, and go so far as to affect the whining cant of ostentatious patronage when they reluctantly pay their assessments. On this point it is proper to quote the language of an eminent judge: "The object of a mutual beneficial society is insurance, not benevolence. Insurance is, and must be, founded on contract. Its benevolence must flow, not from mere good will, but from legal obligation. Not upon charitable impulses, but upon mutual promises. Nor will the character of the contract be changed by the name of the organization."

The act of the International Typographical Union to inaugurate the pension (the out-of-work benefit for the aged), as is well known, was a tentative measure, delegating to the members of the executive council the duty of interpreting and defining the union's contract obligation and authorizing and directing them to formulate necessary rules for giving it effect.

The ruling of the council that the minimum twenty years' membership should be continuous and immediately preceding claim made was a necessary implication. Lawful claimants are generally able to prove a much longer period than twenty years as prescribed, and it is the strength, not the weakness, of the pension, or any other benefit, that often "their providence goes for nothing," like that of the supposititious member who joins at 20 and has to wait thirty-nine years for his burial benefit, while another man gets his in a year or two. "Just his luck." S. L. MOFFITT. Pittsburg, Pa.

IT is mind, after all, which does the work of the world, so that the more there is of mind the more work will be accomplished.-Channing.


President Mrs. Charles Hertenstein, 3813 St.
Louis avenue, St. Louis, Mo.
Secretary-Mrs. Frank W. Long, 4926 Ash street,
Norwood, Cincinnati, Ohio.


With this letter I want to renew the agitation for 2,000 members by the time the Minneapolis convention meets. During the past year we made a good increase, and have now in round numbers 1,300 members. If every one of the 1,300 will make it her business to bring in one new member during the next year the problem of the 2,000 goal is made easy. We have received assurances from typographical unions that they would do their best in helping us form locals, and we are satisfied that the coming year will be a good one for us, so far as increasing our membership is concerned. seems to be uphill work to get to the mark we are aiming for, but when that is once reached the rest will come naturally. And if we had 5,000 members right now, what an influence we would have!


At the St. Joseph convention it was ordered that the monument committee decide on a fixed sum for the fund, so that the same may be closed up during the coming year, if possible. The committee this year will be the same as heretofore, and announcement of its plans will be made in the near future.

New York Auxiliary has made its start, and we may now look for additional good results against the unfair Butterick concern. We now have a representation right on the ground, and expect to be kept posted on every new method of making the company repent of its hostile attitude. I have heard it said by some people that, while they were in sympathy with the fight of the union against the unfair Butterick concern, nevertheless the Butterick concern had the best patterns and they just had to have them. How ridiculous that is! Something like the man who uses tobacco and who just can not use the union kind because it does not suit his palate, and so he buys the nonunion product. Yet, should he happen to be without it and want it, the union kind of his fellowworkman will do. And again, like the man who thought he was indispensable in the printshop, and who would not dare to put on a sub for fear of incurring the displeasure of the foreman, who also thought him necessary to get the paper out. It happened that the indispensable one took sick (probably from overwork) and they found a sub who could fill the bill, and then it dawned on both the foreman and the indispensable one that perhaps they could get the paper out without him. So it is with the Butterick patterns. If you find any one who has the ridiculous notion that she can not get along without Butterick's patterns, put it up to her what a horrible predicament she

would be in should the Butterick company go out of existence!

We are also pleased to announce that a charter has been issued to Birmingham Auxiliary, and our newest sister is known at No. 22. The charter list of this auxiliary contained nineteen names, and the ladies have taken up active work at once. We wish them success.

Reliable information has reached me that the wife of the president of a Kansas typographical union, not far from Wichita, is the president of three Larkin soap clubs. It is unnecessary to say that we have no auxiliary in this location, but the need of one is apparent.

If you have not yet joined in the crusade to send back all literature that comes to you without the label;

If you have not yet made any effort to discour age the sale of the Butterick products, Larkin's products, etc., and

If you have not sent for a copy of the list of union and non-union publications, magazines, etc., so that you may know who our friends are, Do it now. MRS. CHARLES HERTENSTEIN. St. Louis, Mo.


Good-by, St. Joseph, and howdy, Minneapolis. One will be remembered for its entertainment and receptions; the other, anticipations of what is in store for those who are fortunate enough to be the guests of that beautiful northern city. Mrs. Olsen, you and Mrs. Boreen get busy and or ganize an auxiliary, for the Minneapolis Boosters' Club will surely require the assistance of a wom an's auxiliary in order to make good all they promised. Hot Springs had to borrow Little Rock's auxiliary to look after the ladies while the men had their smokers and stag parties, so now if there is no auxiliary in Minneapolis we will just have to follow the men, and perhaps spoil all their fun. They won't object. Oh, no; but they will wish they had voted for Atlanta, which has a most enter prising and wideawake auxiliary.

St. Louis is always very much in evidence when she has an opportunity to give her guests a good time. She simply grabs them up and sits them down to the best she's got; and you go away feeling you have met the best people on earth. While in St. Louis I was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lowther. They had the auxiliary ladies out on August 5, and we certainly spent a most enjoyable evening. After the convention a number of us left for Chicago to attend the printers' baseball tournament and visit friends. We were the guests of Mrs. George Jarse and Mrs. C. E. Winters, and were going all the time. We will never forget those jolly times. August 19 we went by lake to Milwaukee to visit Mrs. M. U. J. Crowley. Mrs. Crowley's friends know wherever she is there is sure to be fun, and this time was no exception.

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As the date for our September meeting fell on Labor day, the session was held one week later, and was well attended. Mrs. Cherry, our delegate to the annual convention, made an excellent report, which met with general approval. Although the weather was rather cool, the Labor day picnic was well attended, and was a very enjoyable affair. These picnics are always a success, and are the means of bringing new members into the auxiliary.

Mr. and Mrs. Al Hunt, the latter one of our members, have moved to Richmond, Ind.

An afternoon coffee was given in August at the home of Mrs. Thomas Wright. The hostesses were Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Konnersman and Mrs. Barry, and the afternoon was spent in a very enjoyable manner.

Mrs. Butler, our delegate to the Local Council of Women, is doing good work, she being instrumental in having the union label put on all the printing of that body. MRS. R. H. HENNING.


Too much praise and not enough thanks can be given the people of St. Joseph for all the good times and kindnesses shown the delegates and visitors. They certainly did themselves proud and showed us a fine time.

At one of our meetings some mention was made of fair and unfair publications, and some were in doubt as to the fairness of the Ladies' Home Journal style book. I received a letter over two years ago from Organizer Jackson, of New York, stating that the publication was perfectly fair, and its connection with the other Home Journal of the Curtis Publishing Company, of Philadelphia, was only by contract, to print and sell their patterns, and when the contract expired they intended to take all work away from the Curtis company. I promised to send this letter to THE JOURNAL, but find that I have destroyed it at housecleaning time. Some delegates thought we should not patronize the New York publication, on the ground that it gave the other a chance to sell for the styles therein contained. This would be taking rather drastic measures, as the same might be said of daily newspapers, where we often see patterns advertised. We had better not draw too close a line or hedge ourselves around with too high a fence, lest we hurt ourselves by our own deeds of narrowness.

In the June JOURNAL, of 1907, on page 638, you will find a number of fair fashion magazines which are as good, if not better, than any Butterick pattern made. A revised list can be had

by writing the International officials at IndianapoMRS. D. MCDOUGALL.



The following is the financial report of the secretary-treasurer of the Woman's International Auxiliary to Typographical Union from August 1 to August 15, 1909:


August 1. Balance regular fund... August 1. Balance monument fund. August 1. Balance death benefit fund. 1, Atlanta-Death assessment No. 8. 5, Indianapolis-Death assessment No. 8. 6, St. Joseph-Death assessment No. 8... 9, New Orleans-Death assessment No. 8 11, Capital-Death assessment No. 7.. 20, New York-For charter. For supplies.....

For September..

59, Marion-For supplies..

For W. I. A. pins sold at convention.

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$181 00 309 20

71 70

I 20

5 60

2 40 2 80

3 10

2 00

25 5 00 25

7 50

$592 00

$ 50 00

10 00

20 2 50

62 70

.$181 00

309 20

71 70 30 10

.$592 00

62 70

.$529 30

The following is the financial report of the secretary-treasurer from August 15 to September 15,



August 15. Balance regular fund.. August 15. Balance monument fund.. August 15, Balance death benefit fund.. 1, Atlanta-For September.

3, Milwaukee-For September.. 4, Cincinnati-For September.. 6, St. Joseph-For September..

8, Chicago-For September, in part.. 9, New Orleans-For September. For supplies...

11, Capital-For September..

For supplies.....

13, Washington-For September.. 14, Springfield (Ohio)-For death ass'm't.. 15, Dallas-For supplies...

For death assessment..

18, San Francisco-For death assessment.. 19, Joplin For September.

20, New York-For September..
22, Birmingham-For charter..
For September..
For supplies...

25, Bradford-For death assessment..
28, Baltimore-For September.
For death assessment..
29, St. Louis-For September.
For supplies.....
32, Pueblo-For September..
42, Toronto-For June..
For September..

For death assessment. Kalamazoo-For September. 46, Boston-For September..


For death assessment arrears. 48, Houston-For September... 49, City of Sunshine-For June.. For W. I. A. pin.... For death assessment. 50, Terre Haute-For September.

.$133 30

309 20

86 80.

2 40

3 90

4 00

4 60

2 90 5 60


6 00 50

II 00

2 10


2 00

4 80

2 60

I 40 2.00

2 40


I 00

5 40

2 70

12 80


3 20

2 00

2 40

2 20

2 20

4 40


4 20

20 I 50 2 10

2 40

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