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Home again, from the convention city, after having a "hot" time, and now ready to help make the auxiliary a better one. Were this done all over the country there would be a great surprise at our next convention. Of course, it would be necessary to get a bigger convention hall. Now, then, everybody boost; get your neighbor, that Mrs. Typo, to join you and acquaint her with the good work done by your auxiliary. While I sincerely believe that nearly all men belonging to the typographical union are union men at heart, I still maintain that a union man should insist that his

wife join the auxiliary. It's a woman who spends the greater portion of man's wages, and therefore she should be educated to spend the money where it will do the most good. There's a butcher, a baker, a grocery store or some other business house that has no union made or label articles. He always tells you "I have no call for them," which statement will discourage any woman. Get together and tell him you insist on having them, and your efforts will be crowned with success. Acquire the habit of always asking for the label and the International Typographical Union will not need half the money now spent for label campaigns.

At our last meeting we decided to hold a cinch and social on November 1, the sending of a delegate to St. Joseph having depleted our treasury. We not only intend to refund the money, but also give those a good time who were not fortunate enough to enjoy the entertainments given at St. Joseph.

Mrs. Kane, our first vice-president, from Louisville, Ky., was a visitor in Milwaukee, and was entertained by the president, Mrs. P. M. Schmidt, and Mrs. Ormley. MRS. B. W. Wedereit.


Mrs. M. Byerly, our delegate to the St. Joseph convention, gave a complete report of the proceedings that was much enjoyed by the members.

Although the day was as far removed as possible from ideal picnic weather, the Labor day celebration of No. 8 at Normandy Grove was well attended and greatly enjoyed. It rained most of the afternoon and all of the evening, but there were nearly as many present as on previous occasions with more favorable weather conditions. In spite of the rain, however, the program of races, etc., was gone through, and music, dancing, meeting old friends and making new ones, were enjoyed.

Mrs. C. Roloff, one of No. 29's members, is mourning the death of her husband, and the sincere sympathy of all is extended in her affliction.

New members during the month were Mrs. R. H. Knight and Miss A. Drake. In addition to these we received Mrs. O. Friderici by transfer from Denver Auxiliary. Also acted on two applications at the last meeting, with more in sight.

The last meeting of No. 29 was one of the most enjoyable held for some time. Mrs. Frank W. Long, International secretary-treasurer, was in the city, and attended the meeting; consequently, we were honored by the presence of both International president and secretary-treasurer. After the regular business had been disposed of Mrs. Hertenstein gave a short talk, and Mrs. Long spoke of the work being done by the International, as well as the local auxiliaries.

A letter from Columbia, Mo., tells us they are about to organize an auxiliary at that place.

It should not be forgotten by the wives of union printers, that when they organize soap clubs for the Larkin Soap Company, they are helping a firm that has refused to recognize union printers. In fact,

this soap scheme cuts you both ways-in the first place, the company has refused to recognize union printers; in the second, if you sell its goods in your town in competition with the retail merchant, your merchant is deprived of that share of his just profit, and in order to protect himself, his first thought is to cut his printing and advertising bills. The net result for the union printer is that he gets no work at one end, and less work at the other. MRS. R. J. LOWTHER.


Our auxiliary is still thriving and gaining members slowly, but surely. This winter we are planning a children's drill team, also a class for the study of parliamentary law. In August we had

another of our successful picnics at Liberty Park. All present enjoyed themselves and Mrs. Courtney took the pictures of the children and also of the printers and their wives.

Two new

members have been added-Mrs. Charles Hendricks and Mrs. Sahm....Mrs. A. D. Edgar is the smiling mother of a new baby boy, and expects to be with us again soon....Our treasurer, Mrs. Canine, has been quite ill, but is recovering....The auxiliary has been thrown into sadness by the death of Mrs. H. E. Glenn, our chaplain, which occurred on September 6. Mrs. Glenn was a faithful member and had been ill for some weeks, so her death was not unexpected. MRS. HARRY J. McROY.


Auxiliary No. 20 is pleased to announce the initiation of seven new members since the last issue of THE JOURNAL, among them being Mrs. Charles Maxwell, wife of Big Six's genial secretary-treasurer, and Mrs. A. J. Portenar, whose husband carried the credentials of our book and job delegates to the St. Joseph convention. Mrs. Maxwell was one of the most active workers of an auxiliary formed during the Sun strike, and we feel sure that her past experiences in auxiliary affairs will prove a great aid to No. 20 generally.

The advance being made by women workers as a factor in industrial life was shown on Labor day, when hundreds of them, in finely organized trades union bodies, marched and rode with the great parade, which sent 40,000 workers down Fifth avenue from the Fifty-ninth street plaza to Washington arch. The floats and banners of the woman's auxiliary were to be seen all along the line. Having been furnished with a large touring auto by the parade committee of Big Six, for which kindness we extend to them our hearty thanks, No. 20 made an especially fine showing. The auto was decorated with large signs and banners carrying such legends as, "The Woman's Auxiliary No. 20 to New York Typographical Union No. 6," "We Are Organized," "Equal Pay for Equal Work," and "United We Stand, Divided We Fall." After the parade our auxiliary, in company with the members of the woman's trade union league, who had also participated in

the parade under the leadership of Mrs. Helen Marot, returned to the headquarters of the league, 43 East Twenty-second street, and partook of a bounteous luncheon.

Our vice-president, Mrs. A. H. Bentrup, is at present making an extended visit among relatives and friends at her old home in Quincy, Ill.

We are indebted to J. G. Kanely, chairman of the parade committee, for the splendid photo of the woman's auxiliary float in the Labor day parade, taken by the New York Evening Journal. Many thanks, Mr. K. We are all very proud of it, and it certainly shall hold a prominent place in our meeting rooms, so that it will urge us on to even better efforts in the future.



The float of the woman's auxiliary in the Labor day parade, declares the Pueblo Chieftain, attracted the greatest of attention and praise. Just an even dozen of the prettiest young women of the city were seated on a big wagon, which was most tastefully draped. They were all garbed in white and carried magnificently decked sunshades. Their youth, their beauty, and their gowns at tracted the attention of all, and as they were driven along behind four big horses the applause that was evoked by the beauty of their appearance caused them to be the cynosure of all eyes. This float was one of the most beautiful that has ever been seen here, and, in the estimation of hundreds, was entitled to a special prize. It was "snap shotted" time and again by the "camera squad" for all the newspapers. MRS. J. B. ROYCE.


Joplin Auxiliary had as its guest Mrs. Frank Long, International secretary-treasurer, at the last meeting. Mrs. Long spoke at length on the or. ganization and what it is doing. As a result of Mrs. Long's visit there is a better understanding of the auxiliary and a more friendly sentiment exists.

We missed many of the old-time convention frequenters at St. Joseph, both men and women. Let us hope they will be present at the 1910 gath ering, when the delegates, "exes" and visitors line up in that wonderful Minneapolis we learned so much about in St. Joseph.

Several of the little souvenirs given away by the writer at St. Joseph have been secured, and those who failed to receive one should write to the undersigned at once. I have but a limited number, but those I promised will be supplied as long as they hold out. MRS. CHARLES W. FEAR.

You never do a good thing in your life without making an effort. There are no people who are good by accident.-Grimshaw.

BE always ashamed to catch thyself idle.Franklin.


It takes a convention issue of THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL to make us sit up and take notice. Few of us realize what a truly great institution the International Typographical Union really is until we have read the columns of the convention JOURNAL, and note the steady, unfaltering tread of our International Union in its onward march for the uplifting of the wageworker generally and the printer in particular. The International Typographical Union has made such wonderful strides in the past few years in the matter of advancing the interests of the printer that we almost stand in open-mouthed wonderment. The old age pension system is an honor to those responsible for its birth, as it, in at least some degree, shows appreciation of the efforts of the old warriors, the printer pioneers, that blazed the way in the wilderness of uncertainty when a handful of men laid the foundation upon which 50,000 union printers stand today so solidly, and who spent the better part of their lives that we of the younger element might enjoy the fruits of their labors and sacrifices. And now the increase in the death benefit will be in our hands for settlement some time in February, and I don't think there is any doubt but that it will carry, as it should carry, by a large majority. And, greatest of all, the Union Printers Home, that monument to the unselfishness of the union printer; that haven of rest to the good old "pirates" whose eyes are dimmed by advancing years; that ray of hope to the diseaseracked mind of the victim of tuberculosis. These good, great things are the result of so-called high dues; but the little each member has contributed has never been missed, and is showing to the world that a trade union, when run on business principles, can be of more real benefit to its members than any other institution in America.

It is gratifying in these times of industrial strife, when employer and employe are struggling so hard, apparently, to misunderstand each other; when the National Manufacturers' Association is trying so hard to interest employers in the disorganization of organized labor, and when the monied interests of the country are waging a relentless war against all wageworkers who seek to organize for mutual protection-it is encouraging to feel that we have friends left among the employers. As an evidence of appreciation of the attitude of B. D. Butler, until recently president of the Daily News Company, toward No. 42 since the establishment of his paper in this city, and as a testimonial of our gratitude toward Mr. Butler for the fairness exhibited at all times in all business dealings with our union, the executive board of No. 42 drew up and had lettered on 19x24 parchment paper the accompanying preamble and resolutions, which were presented to Mr. Butler at a special meeting of the Daily News chapel. Mr. Butler's appreciation of this unique testimonial is manifested from the fact that he has had the resolutions en

cased in a neat frame, which adorns the walls of his new Chicago office, where he is at present at the head of an agricultural paper.

Secretary O'Connor received an echo from the St. Joseph convention during the month from a visitor at the convention who heard our booster quartet singing (?) its parody on Salt Lake City's "yellow ribbon" song. This souvenir consists of a very shapely leg encased in an open-work black stocking which is held in place by a yellow garter, which peeps from under just enough lingerie to make the whole very pleasing to the eye-of the


Augustin Murphy, for many years secretary of Duluth Typographical Union, and wife, passed through the city recently on their honeymoon trip to the Seattle Exposition, after which they will visit Yellowstone Park and other places of interest.

W. J. Higgins, one of the San Francisco delegates to the St. Joseph convention and a member of the committee on laws, spent a few hours with us on his way to visit his parents in Winona, Minn.

Two new label offices have been listed during the month-the Colwell Press and the Franklin Printing Company.

Judging from the correspondence from that city in last month's JOURNAL, Atlanta is keeping up the reputation of the south in being a game fighter and a good loser, and we hope to have the honor of entertaining a goodly number from that city at the next convention.

Word has been received that we can expect a large crowd from St. Joseph at the next convention. The members of No. 40 have already organized a "convention club," each member contributing $1 a week, with the intention of being with us in 1910. Other unions, please take notice. F. N. GOULD.


The typographical unions of western Canada will at last have an opportunity of being represented at an International Typographical Union convention. Minneapolis will do. Victoria, Vancouver, New Westminster, Vernon, Nelson, Cranbrook and Fernie, in British Columbia; Lethbridge, Calgary and Edmonton, Alberta; Saskatoon, Moose Jaw and Regina, Sask.; Winnipeg (and, I hope, Brandon), Man.; Port Arthur and Fort William, Ont. Every one of these locals can have a delegate if it starts arranging for it right now. The Canadian west should be represented. The delegates would return better men and better fitted to promote the interests of their respective unions. The Minneapolis convention should be "westernized" on both sides of the tariff line. Let a small local assessment be levied at once and set aside to send a 1910 delegate.

Prince Rupert, B. C., Prince Albert, Sask., and Brandon, Man., are points in this territory where

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Minneapolis Cypographical UnionNo4-2

keld June 2nd,1909.

The following resolutions were adopted:

To Mr. Burridge D.Butler.

Retiring President of the Daily News Company
Wherras, It has become known to Minneapolis Typographical Union
No. 42. that Burridge D. Butler has severed his connection with the Minneapolis
Daily News Company, a newspaper corporation with which he has been
identifies during its publication in this city, therefore be it

Resolved, That Minneapolis Typographical Union No. 42, through
its Executive Board, extend to Mr. B.D.Butler its grateful thanks for
many efforts in the cause of union labor, and by these resolutions wish
to give expression of its good will toward one with whom we heve been for so
many years on the best of business terms. It is a pleasure for us to remark
upon the success of the Minneapolis Daily News under his able management-
for its interests have been our interests, and its success our success.
For Mr. Butler we have always had the hindliest feelings, and our dealings
with him always have been harmonious, for which we bespeak a continuance
should he engage in a similar line in the future. We wish him much enjoy.
ment in the brief rest he is to take from his arduous labors, and hope his voyage
may be counted one of his pleasantest memories. Be it further
Resolved, That Minneapolis Typographical Union, through its Executive
Board, hereby express its appreciation of Mr Butlers acts of friendliness
and good will toward organized labor, and the Typographical Union in
ticular, in furtherance of which it is desired a copy of these resolutions be
presented to Mr Butler under the signatures and seal of this body.
President. & Couuer Secretary.

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nipulating the ivories in the Province chapel. Now, if Pat Patterson also had time to come west we could jig up a "Peg" quorum.

Every member of the International Typograph

Erecutive Board


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organization which does not subscribe in a body for the central body's official paper, the only union labor publication in British Columbia.

C. O. Young, general organizer for the American Federation of Labor, is now stationed in Vancouver and is endeavoring to have the organization of wage earners keep pace with the rapid commercial and industrial growth of the city.

A new labor temple is to be erected in British Columbia's commercial hub at once. With a $50,000 property now paid for, and the erection of a new $40,000 to $45,000 home for Vancouver's wage earners, it will be more in keeping with the "dignity of labor."

No. 226 has voted $10 a month to the allied printing trades council to be devoted to sticker work.

Secretary Ward is on the job and making good. Prizes are also being awarded monthly (Inland Printer a year) to a member turning in the most pieces of non-labeled printed matter.

The convention proceedings, officers' reports, etc., are interesting. Too soon yet for conclusions. A hurried review, however, denotes progress and an understanding of the real functions of a trade union, its limitations and possibilities.



On the circular issued for the call of September's meeting of No. 2 appeared the names of nine applicants for admission to membership and one name for reinstatement of an applicant.

With the incoming of October, the label committee of No. 2 will push its warfare against nonunion printing with renewed vigor. The work of this committee in the past has been productive of good results, and business men are realizing the fact that it pays to use the label. We note the fact that much of the political printing being done now carries the label.

The project for erecting the George W. Childs memorial hall is being worked up energetically by the committee in charge of the matter. Already subscriptions to the building's fund have been announced, and we look forward with interest to the time when the erection of the building shall be commenced. It is with pleasure we note that the first share of stock was purchased by the old age pensioners' association, and the second by the president of that organization, W. F. Knott.

At the evening service held in Wissahickon M. E. church, September 5, Typographical Union No. 2 had a representation present, in response to a request from the pastor of the church, to participate in the service. Rev. C. P. Futcher preached an excellent sermon on the subject of labor.

The members of Typographical Union No. 2 were recently called upon to pay the last tribute of respect to one of their aged craftsmen, David Dunlop, who died at the Hayes Mechanic Home, this city. The funeral arrangements were superintended by John P. Donohue, undertaker, and a non-active member of No. 2. Impressive funeral services were, held at the Home and conducted by

the Rev. George S. Young, brother of President William Young, jr., of No. 2. Interment was had in Mount Moriah cemetery. The Rev. George S. Young holds a withdrawal card from Press Assistants' Union No. 11, of this city.

Trade conditions are becoming somewhat brighter in our city, due in part to the approaching political battle and partly from the fact that business men, who have been spending the summer season abroad or at our own ocean or mountain resorts, are returning cityward to resume the active duties of business. Quite a competitive spirit is manifested among newspaper publishers here, if the offered premiums for patronage are any criterion.

That section of the northeastern part of our city known as Frankford is, at the time of our penning this item, in the heyday of its "old home week" festivities, which last an entire week. Among incidents as an aid to the movement is the publishing in the four newspapers of the town of an article from the pen of THE JOURNAL'S Philadel phia correspondent, descriptive of the life of the papers from their origin to the present time.

The old age pensioners' association, composed of members of Typographical Union No. 2, held its first anniversary September 4. The objects of the association are three-fold, viz: To cultivate a feeling of brotherly love for each other by social gatherings, to visit each other in times of sickness, and in cases of death to participate in "paying the last tribute of respect to the dead." Good results have already been accomplished since its organization.

Cards received: Harry C. Phelps, Pittsburg; W. H. Fisher, J. J. Thompson, Chicago; Richard G. Bates, Joseph R. Byers, James F. Hevron, Edwin H. Gehris, Joseph E. Parry, New York; Maurice C. Dundon, Ashtabula, Ohio; Althea G. Hurley, Boston; Samuel A. Weisman, Thomas J. Montague, Sidney Jeffrey, A. B. Keerl, W. E. Bowman, George M. Gillespie, Philadelphia. Cards issued: W. Sheppard Stewart, H. V. Jones, Samuel A. Weisman, Jacob Horn, H. T. Montgomery, Alfred G. Frederick, Edward S. Reeves, B. A. Weisman, Eugene H. Madden, Charles W. Duff, F. C. Wat son, Edward D. King, jr. WILLIAM F. KNOTT.

There was a hurly-burly time at the September meeting of the central labor union, when President Young introduced a resolution endorsing the candidacy of Edwin O. Lewis for register of wills. Mr. Lewis, who is a prominent lawyer in our fair city, values a Typographical Union No. 2 card as one of his most cherished possessions, and it was eminently fitting, therefore, that the local typos should endorse him. The motion prevailed, but not without an exciting debate. Yet the central labor union has for its slogan on political questions the motto of the American Federation of Labor "Reward our friends and defeat our en emies!"

Charles C. Boyer has charge of the literary bu reau of Edwin O. Lewis' campaign for political honors, and will prove a sedulous and efficient worker on the trade union end. If the unionist will but vote as he argues, the William Penn party

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