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years in the city of Philadelphia by the success of the trolleymen in their recent controversy.

The reports of the label committee at the last few meetings have been exceedingly interesting, and the campaign now being considered by the committee will result in an abundance of telling results. But the membership should bear in mind that, in order to get the maximum of results, this committee will need the hearty co-operation of all who desire to see the demand for the label made as general as it should be. There is nothing connected with the use of our label that need cause any member to hesitate in asking any one to use it, but, to the contrary, there is every reason why it should be endorsed and supported by all who have an occasion to use printed matter. There are some contracts in this city that provide for the return of the work unless it bears the label. Work at present in this city can be described as nothing more than fair. The directory, which

is being printed in the Times office, has made a little extra work. JOHN M. COLLINS.


At the last meeting of Typographical Union No. 167 the new officers were installed. Just before installation Secretary Gilchrist and Frank E. King, of the executive board, presented their resignations, which necessitated an election. Louis J. Humpf was elected corresponding secretary and A. C. Hilton was chosen on the execu tive board. President Mahar announced the following standing committees: Label committee, Humpf, Quigley, Johnson; membership committee, Bennett, Hockford, Stack, Schwartz, Harrison; laws committee, Hockford, Boorn, Golden; sick committee, Morgan, Bennett, O'Brien; funeral committee, Martin, Fuller, Wildey, Como.

The label committee is busy using stickers on unlabeled printed matter and interviewing business men who have no label on their work or who have their printing done out of town. Much good work has already been accomplished. If persistently pushed by every man it would not be long before the label would be found on every piece of printed matter. L. J. HUMPF.


The Daily World, the new morning paper to be published by Eugene Linxweiler, will be ready to make its appearance about the last week of June. The World has absorbed the Decatur Printing Company and the Labor World. The firm will do first-class jobwork. The new paper starts out with three machines, but another will be added shortly. The material has about all arrived, and the force of printers is busy getting the new shop in shape for the first issue. E. A. Winter, secretary-treasurer of No. 215 and formerly manipu lator of the ivories at the Review, will be foreman of the new paper.

Things printorially are looking good here at present. With the advent of the new paper, the two other dailies are, of course, straining them

selves to get out better publications. The Review Publishing Company has bought the model No. 2 linotype that has been doing duty in the Review printing and stationery department, the latter company having ordered a new model No. 5, with five magazines. All the printers seem to be working and the job shops have been putting on new men. However, at present there are a good many "prints" in town-enough, at least, to take care of all the extra work.

On June 13 the printers and cigarmakers played a game of baseball at league park for the benefit of James Staniford, an old cigarmaker, who has been in the hospital for some time and is just now convalescing. The typos and "weed rollers" both hustled selling tickets and succeeded in raising about $80. The game was a huge success-from a cigarmaker's standpoint-resulting in a score of 19 to 8 in favor of the "scraps."

George Shaffer was chosen to represent No. 215 at the convention in St. Joe, Mo., having no opposition.

At the last meeting of the union the new scale of prices for the newspapers was adopted. There was a full attendance of the members and much interest was shown. The new scale has been approved by President Lynch and has been handed to the proprietors. The old scale expires August 4.

Everybody is pulling for Minneapolis in 1910. GEORGE B. GARVER.


Our June meeting was a hummer-very few absentees, and this, of course, caused the session to be both lively and interesting. The attendance card system used by the local not only brings the membership out, but keeps them there after they do come. No excuse but actual sickness-no shamming-and "out of town" saves a fellow from paying the penalty for non-attendance.

The election for delegates is now, of course, history, but yet we can not refrain from mentioning the victors in such a hotly contested race for delegatorial honors. "Bob" Armstrong, on account of the prominent part taken in union affairs for many years past, is perhaps one of the best known members of No. 11 and one of its tireless workers. In the past he has filled almost every position in No. 11, and now has been honored by election as one of our delegates. J. N. Everett, the other delegate, being as effective in a campaign as he is in working for the welfare of the local, won the honor of answering rollcall at St. Joe. He represented No. 11 at Toronto, and has many friends throughout the country who will be rejoiced to see him at the convention.

With the advent of warm weather chapel meetings have been resumed on Court Square, the printers' paradise. It seems the founders of Memphis planned well when they left this beautiful square in the heart of the city, in close proximity to the various printshops. It has been a pleasant rendezvous for members of the craft from time immemorial, and there are many who will read

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The accompanying picture is that of a couple of Coffeyville (Kan.) printers who are inseparable friends, working in the same job alley, taking frequent fishing trips together and enjoying life. The big man is W. A. Bradford, who has filled important offices in Typographical Union No. 578. His companion is W. R. Henderson. The background shows the famous "alley of death," where four


At the last meeting of No. 36 a hearty vote of thanks was extended retiring President Fischer and the rest of the officers of the past year. Mr. Fischer's administration has been a notably successful one. With the unfeigned co-operation of the other officers of the administration, he has succeeded in placing Oakland Union No. 36 on a high plane of efficiency, and this union now enjoys the reputation of ranking with the best and foremost unions of the land. go down in the history of Oakland Union as a Mr. Fischer will president who never failed in any undertaking which he set out to accomplish. He allowed his name to be placed on the ticket again this year, but he made no effort for election, and considers the large vote he received a complimentary one, as all his friends knew he did not desire to serve an

other year.

Oakland now has two new dailies, the Evening

members of the Dalton gang of bank robbers and four Coffeyville citizens were killed in the fight of October 5, 1892.

[blocks in formation]

formed, to be known as the Texas Printers' Council.

2. We recommend that a meeting be held in the city of Dallas on the second Tuesday in August for the purpose of perfecting the above-named organization.

3. We recommend that the basis of representation to the first meeting be one delegate from each local union in Texas.

4. We recommend that after the organization has been perfected that annual conferences be held thereafter, same to be held in conjunction with the Texas State Federation of Labor-same date and same place.

5. We recommend that the following subjects be among those to be discussed at the first conference and to be used as the basis for framing plans for a permanent organization:

(a) Uniform system of bookkeeping.

(b) A plan for the compilation of statistics such as might be of benefit in the making of contracts or in arbitration cases, same to be furnished as per some definite plan to be adopted at the first conference.

(c) Arrangements which will result in the keeping on file at all times a complete list of members working in unorganized towns. This is for the purpose of gaining information, imparting information, or for any use which might tend to further the interest of the local unions.

(d) A monthly per capita tax, same to be used in maintaining a bureau of information.

(e) Arrangements to have on file with the printers' council a copy of the scale of prices of each local union, date of expiration of each, contemplated change in same, giving in detail such information in connection therewith as might interest or benefit the men working in the job, book, or news offices in Texas.

(f) A complete list of all Newspaper Publishers' Association members, giving name of each newspaper having national arbitration agreement with the local union.

(g) First conference to consider the feasibility of a uniform apprenticeship law.

(h) The conference to give special attention to the one-man-shop problem.

6. We further recommend that the above recommendations and suggestions be submitted to each local union for action, and urge that the unions vote upon the advisability of forming a state or ganization and the holding of a conference at the above-named city on the date given-the result of each union's action to be sent to Z. M. Duckworth, of Dallas, he in turn, upon receipt of advices from each of the local unions, to compile same and forward each local union the result.

A state organization will undoubtedly prove of great benefit to the craft in Texas. Dallas, Texas.



A short time ago I came in from the ranch where I have been sojourning for the past eight months, and the "bunch" here, after getting the sagebrush ticks off me, proceeded to elect me correspondent of THE JOURNAL, and later as delegate to the St. Joe convention.

At the last meeting of No. 491 the scale of prices was raised on an average of $2 per week for handmen, the new scale being as follows: Night work-Foremen, $26; floormen, $21.50. Day work Foremen, $23; compositors (job, ad and straight-matter men), $20. The scale for machine operators remains as formerly-$24 and $22.50 for night and day work, respectively. We do not anticipate any trouble in putting the new scale into effect, as such an object as a "rodent" is an

unknown quantity in Idaho, the peculiar climate of the Gem State not being conducive to that species of vermin-even of the four-footed variety.

The many friends of the president of No. 491, Charley Lamoreaux, whose homestead ranch on the Fort Hall reservation, near here, was contested before he made final proof, will be pleased to learn that he won out in the local land office. The contestant appealed to the general land office in Washington, but Lamoreaux's case is so good that little doubt is entertained as to the final decision, which will mean a great deal to a printer man, as the land is worth $100 per acre, or $16,000 for the quarter section.

Pocatello Union is small in numbers at present, but large in unionism. The town is steadily increasing in population, and there is a corresponding increase in our membership. Charley Alden (foreman of the Gate City News), J. P. Hopkins and A. A. Dimmitt are late acquisitions.

We have three printing establishments in our town-one daily (the Tribune), with one linotype; one tri-weekly (the Gate City News), which has ordered a linotype and will soon be a daily, and one job office. Both papers have good job plants

in connection.

Ben H. Stevenson, adman on the Tribune, was elected as alternate to St. Joe.

Ike Troupe, pressman on the Tribune and a member of the Butte Pressmen's Union, is an enthusiastic chicken raiser and has one of the greatest breeds of chickens extant. He has twenty-nine hens, which, he claims, produce on an average thirty-one eggs per day.

If it is my good fortune to be present at the St. Joseph convention, I shall advocate an increase in the old age pension to at least $5.45 per week, will oppose the repeal of the priority law, and will vote to give the northwest (Minneapolis) the 1910 convention. ED JONES.


Things printorially are on the boom, both hand and machine. Schuepp & Barnes have a model No. 5 linotype, the State Journal two monotypes for use on state work and in the adroom, and the Evening News will install a No. 5 lino and a monotype caster. While help has been scarce of late, there is at present a plentiful supply.

H. W. Doenges, who was elected a delegate to St. Joe, is one of our oldest members, and has held nearly all the offices within the gift of a local union and affiliated bodies. For the first time in many, many years a delegate was elected without opposition, and the honor was conferred as a mark of appreciation of work well and faithfully done.

George Hoole, the retiring financial secretary, lays down the duties of that position after a continuous service of twenty-two years, and in all that time has never been short a penny nor has an error been found in his books.

"Billy" Finn, after a residence of some fifteen years, drew his card and is now in Chicago. Harry Eads, vice-president of Los Angeles

Union, is in Springfield visiting his father, Col. O. P. Eads, while en route to Chicago to visit his wife and daughter, the latter being seriously ill as the result of an accident while acting in the Richard Carle opera company.

An advisory committee has been appointed to procure data and formulate a new scale. The present scale does not expire for more than a year, but past experience teaches that eleventh-hour scales are not just the thing-when the other fellow has the "dope." No. 177 proposes to furnish some of the "dope" this time.

Samuel U. Pigman, formerly of Indianapolis and Chicago, a monotype operator at the State Journal, and Miss Hazel Barnell, of Chicago, a stenographer in the secretary of state's office, this city, were married in this city June 12. John H. Eaton, foreman at the Journal bookroom, and Miss Bertha Severns were married in St. Louis June 8.

R. P. Goode, machinist at the State Journal, has resigned, and with his wife is now sojourning Europe. Fred Nortwick, of St. Louis, succeeded Mr. Goode as machinist.

Ere these items are in print a woman's auxiliary to No. 177 will have been perfected. This organi zation will fill a long-felt want, and has a membership of fifty-five. The organization of this auxiary is due to the sole efforts of H. W. Doenges, who has spent his time and money to perfect it. It is now up to the "women folks" to make good. Minneapolis, 1910! F. C. REED.


Minneapolis in 1910!

An Englishman touring this country on a statistical mission remarked to me one day recently that he thought it strange the American workman would allow the manufacturer to compel him to buy all the necessaries of life in a protected market, while the workman had to sell his labor in a free market in competition with thousands of immigrants annually coming to our shores.

W. P. Bryan, 55 years of age, formerly of Connersville, Ind., who had only been here a short time, fell down stairs at his hotel and broke his neck. He now rests in the third grave in the union's burial plot in Roselawn cemetery. A move was initiated at the June meeting to have the printing trades delegates to the state federation of labor convention organize branch of the printing trades. delegates was held in Red Wing, the convention A meeting of the city, and a committee appointed, of which Ross S. Reynolds is chairman, to draft rules and laws for a state body, the same to be submitted for approval to all the unions interested.

a state

Secretary J. E. Corcoran was quietly married in Chicago, May 25, to Miss Julia K. McDermott. Mr. Corcoran has been busy of late receiving congratulations and best wishes from his friends.


Our "booster" committee is sending literature to all delegates-elect pointing out the advantages of holding the next big International Typograph

ical Union convention in Minneapolis. We are to a man back of our sister city, and she is in the race to win.

Typographical union delegates to the state federation of labor convention made an earnest effort to organize the Red Wing printers. Printer delegates were numerous, and we gave a smoker for the Red Wing boys, and brief talks were made by R. S. Reynolds, N. C. O'Connor, F. A. Breen, H. W. Goetzinger, T. F. Thomas, J. H. Wilson, F. Gaspard and J. Maiden. We believe a union will spring into existence at once, as there is good material in that city.

Noticing the tide of sentiment was overwhelmingly in favor of the re-election of Secretary W. E. McEwen for the fourteenth time at the state federation, H. W. Goetzinger did not allow his name to go before the convention. George B. Howley was again chosen president and J. Maiden was re-elected to the executive council.

The Dispatch has bought the Pioneer Press and discontinued the evening edition of the latter paper on June 1. The Pioneer Press will be issued from the Dispatch building after June 20.

We have a number of idle men and the future outlook is not as encouraging as it might be. JOE MAIDEN.


The memorial services of No. 29 were a great success and largely attended.

Oliver La Rash, a member of No. 29, has been very ill for several weeks.

The wife of Charles W. Hitch died June 16, of


The condition of trade in Peoria is very poor. WALTER S. BUSH.


In this letter to THE JOURNAL I feel that it is my first duty to acknowledge the complimentary notices awarded me for my pension article in last month's issue by members of No. 4 and others from more remote fields. Among the latter was a letter from Joseph Joyce, of Baltimore, Md., whom I never knew, but who says he "had many helpful and happily remembered acquaintances in Albany, away back (1884), when pushing New York's first women and children's ten-hour lawpassed in 1886." Mr. Joyce is now a veteran of forty-six years' standing in the printers' union, hailing originally from Utica, and it was from that city that he was sent to the legislature. Joyce (so says Mr. Palmatier, who knew him well) was an active and prominent figure in Utica labor circles years ago, and was a firm friend of our late William S. Mahan, who last met Mr. Joyce, in company with Mr. Palmatier, at the Toronto convention in 1905. Mr. Joyce is now a pensioner of the International Typographical Union, but is duly interested in seeing that this grand and progressive idea of unionism is not injured by its too zealous friends, who might, in their desire to see it accomplish their fondest


wishes, overtax it by hasty and inopportune amendments. I have to thank Mr. Joyce, as well as others, for their kind words regarding my position on that subject, as expressed in the June JOURNAL.

A withdrawal card was issued to Frank J. Bassett, on his request, just after election, and this removes from the active membership of No. 4 one of its most solid members. "Sam," as Mr. Bassett has been familiarly called by his many friends for years, has been in charge of all our surplus funds for years, and was always a most watchful guardian thereof. As chairman of the board of trustees for years, he has been a familiar figure at our meetings. Mr. Bassett is now quite extensively interested in Albany real estate, and, as he intends to devote the remainder of his days to this business, he thought best to take a withdrawal card. He carries with it the best wishes of many good friends.

The sympathies of his many friends are extended to Chairman Ferris, of the board of auditors, in the recent loss of a daughter, 18 years of age, by death, during the past month.

THE JOURNAL mailing list has just undergone its annual revision at the hands of Secretaries Taylor and Barnes. Every effort was made to get the list as correct as possible, and several names were added that apparently had never before been on, though the parties have long been members of No. 4. The members themselves are many times to blame, if they don't receive THE JOURNAL, by not reporting changes of address, when such are made, or notifying the proper offi cers that they don't get the publication.

Under the new apprentice law the local apprentices are receiving their certificates. These certificates are the guarantee that the would-be apprentice has that he is a duly accredited apprentice at the trade, and will only be issued in conformity with the local law on the subject. This will be an improvement over the old conditions, where, in some instances in the larger offices, there would be an excessive number of boys employed in and around the composing room, and who often imagined that they were serving time on an apprenticeship at the trade, when, in point of fact, such was not the case.

Delegates Crowley and Boyle are canvassing the various claims of the two candidates in the field for the 1910 convention with something of the feeling of "how happy I would be with either, were the other dear charmer away," in their desire to make a choice.

President Lynch is in town at this writing on official business. President Campion has been delegated by No. 4 with full power to entertain the head of our International as befits the dignity of his official position and in accordance with the time-honored reputation for hospitality enjoyed by old Albany. Organizer McLoughlin was also here.

The central federation of labor of this city was instrumental, during the past month, in aiding the International Federation of Musicians to win its case against the employment of non-union

musicians by the Altro Park management. Max Rosen, the manager of this amusement park, is the booking agent of a circuit of some forty or more similar parks throughout the country, and the intention was to use non-union musicians. Albany was picked out as the initial point of attack by the union musicians against this effort, and by the prompt endorsement of the local central body Mr. Rosen was quickly led to sign agreements with President Webber, of the International Federation of Musicians, that were much to his satisfaction.

All eyes are now turned toward St. Joe. CHARLES H. WHITTEMOre.


After efforts extending over about eighteen months, Stratford Union No. 139 finally secured an agreement with the employers here. Organizer Kinskey, of Buffalo, paid several visits here in the last year trying to reach an agreement. The new scale calls for $12 flat, eight hours, commencing October 1. This tends to balance up the scale, although machine operators are getting from $15 up.

Both local papers contained column articles about the bad, bad printers, and the "foreign" walking delegate, on June 18, the day after signing the new scale.

A continuation of a vigorous label campaign will keep Stratford in good shape. F. H. RYAN.


For the first time since this union was organized the members and their wives gathered together for a good time, on May 24. New Kensington, Natrona and Tarentum are not very far apart, but very few of the families were acquainted, although the union has been organized for over six years. For some time past the members' interest has waned, so President Evans suggested a little "blowout." While all were not able to attend, yet those who were fortunate enough to be there had an enjoyable time. Euchre and other games were played, and a delicious lunch was served, for which Mrs. Evans, wife of our president and Mrs. Craig, wife of the secretary, are given entire credit. Every one was well pleased with the success of the affair, and agreed that it would be a good thing to have similar gatherings more often in the future. O. C. CRAIG.

AMONG the virtuous disgrace is considered before life.-Euripides.

ANGER begins with folly and ends with repentance.-Pythagoras.

INDUSTRY pays debts, despair increases them.Franklin.

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