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read by A. S. Huling, an ex-president of Topeka Union. The address was particularly appropriate to a man of Mr. Jones's character. His presidency of Columbia Union covered two years of most successful work and lasting benefit to his fellow craftsmen, and the modest but enduring monument which they have placed over his last resting place is a just tribute to a splendid officer and an excellent man.

Charles I. Willey, who resigned the foremanship of the Post several months ago and accepted the foremanship of the New York Times, has resigned from that position. W. N. BROCKWELL,


President Cobb and Secretary Curl, of No. 3, on October 4, addressed a letter of protest to the city council in regard to the giving of city printing to non-union offices. Resolutions were adopted at the meeting of the council October 11, directing that all printing for city departments be given to union firms.

The label committee wishes the members to bring in all the printed matter without the label that they can get hold of. The committee will do the rest. A peculiar complaint reached local headquarters the past month in regard to the sticker campaign. It seems that some one is neglecting to put postage on some of the returned sticker matter and that caused the kick. Looks like rubbing it in.

The Monotype Composition Company, operated by the Baarlaer Brothers, 337 East Fourth street, has installed two monotypes and casters and will do work for the trade. This is a new union firm.

Professor O. P. Voorhees, president of the Cincinnati Public School Principals' Association, in speaking of child labor in this city, says:


The affairs of our people today are dominated in a very large measure by an industrial democthat is sapping the life blood from racy, schools, as there is more demand for boys and girls under 16 years of age than for men and women of almost any age.

Vice-President W. C. Quinby, of No. 3, is running for mayor of Dayton, Ky., on the democratic ticket. It is said he has a good chance of election.

Joseph Berning is a candidate for councilman at large on the democratic ticket in this city. He has run a union printing office in Cincinnati for years.

Patrick McHugh is now in charge of the free employment bureau in this city. Mr. McHugh was president of the plumbers' union a few years ago and was the first president of the Trades Union Baseball League.

James W. Dougherty, who represented Muncie at the Boston convention in 1908, has moved his family here and at present is holding forth on the Commercial Tribune.

Flint Beardsley, who was born at Oneida, N. Y., July 10, 1828, died at the Home on September 18, 1909, of hemorrhage of the stomach. Mr. Beardsley deposited his traveling card in No. 3 on Octo

ber 28, 1888, and worked on the Enquirer until his admission to the Home on November 25, 1894. He had been in charge of the telescope in the Denver room at that institution for quite a while, and no doubt will be pleasantly remembered by many of the visitors. Mr. Beardsley for about sixty years was a member of the typographical union, being one of the pioneers in the ranks of the membership. He represented Louisville as delegate to the International convention in Memphis in 1855. The death of this veteran takes another from the roll of honor on which the membership had placed him as a token of the esteem in which he was held for his fidelity to the tenets of unionism.

Charles C. Johnson has filed his application for admission to the Union Printers Home.

In view of the fact that the local conditions in the printing trade are in such shape that progress can be made in the near future, a conference between the executive council and the local officers was held at our headquarters the last of October. The situation was carefully canvassed and energetic plans were formulated for an active campaign. There is no doubt that, through the cooperation of the executive council, local officers and the allied trades council (the latter now being an aggressive body), the prospects for improvement are bright.

The schedule of the Printing Crafts Bowling League has been issued and is a very neat piece of work. The book is composed of thirty-six pages and carries a good showing of ads, among them being full-page ads for the labels of the printers, shoe workers and cigar makers. The season is now in full swing and the members are all showing great interest in the games. The Commercial Tribune team has dropped out and Mailers No. 2 takes its place.

Edmund O'Connell was initiated in No. 3 in the early '60s and traveled extensively through the west and south. In the early days of Aspen, Colo., he conducted a newspaper, the plant of which he transported by wagon into that camp. On May 1, 1885, he was readmitted by card to Cincinnati Union and has worked on the Enquirer ever since. He recently celebrated his sixty-fifth birthday by announcing his retirement from active employment at the business. "Ned," as he is commonly called, served the local in many capac ities, among them being president, delegate to the Buffalo convention in 1887 and chairman of the golden jubilee committee in 1902. The fact that Mr. O'Connell was elected to the above offices shows that he stood high in the regard of his brother members.

Robert E. Edmundson, a retired member of No. 3, took oath of office as county auditor in October. "Bob" served as county commissioner previ ous to his election as auditor.

William P. Reily also has retired from his posi tion on the Enquirer, after having been employed there for twenty-seven years. Mr. Reily was admitted by card in No. 3 on October 1, 1882, and served the union as secretary-treasurer in 1889 and was for years chairman of the non-union

office committee. He was an able official and stands high in the esteem of his fellow craftsmen. Mr. Reily has a farm near Loveland, Ohio, on which he resides. The best wishes of his many friends are with him.

On Monday, October 18, No. 3 expressed itself on the four propositions submitted by the International Typographical Union, as follows: First proposition, 194 for, 7 against; second, 148 for, 54 against; third, 132 for, 71 against; fourth, 178 for, 25 against.

The first reception and dance held by the baseball club of No. 3 will take place November 4 in the assembly hall of Odd Fellows Temple, Seventh and Elm streets, the most beautiful and up-to-date dance hall in the downtown district. The dances will be held once a month and the program so arranged that both the old and young members and their ladies and friends will thoroughly enjoy themselves at these affairs during the winter. Refreshments will be served, and, judging by the enthusiasm displayed, these socials are bound to be successful. Cincinnati typos and their families have had little or no meeting in a social way for a great many years, and it is to be hoped that the members will assist those in charge of the receptions and dances and assure the success of the undertaking.

The allied printing trades council has issued its new list of union label offices, the names of which are accompanied by the label number of the office. This new departure is already in vogue in other cities, and it is claimed that the result of its adoption has been beneficial both to the proprietors and the membership as well. The council has headquarters in the Bavaria building, room 14, northeast corner of Court and Walnut streets, and it is now contemplating holding meetings each week, instead of semi-monthly.

Mr. Brill, manager of the Men and Women Company, has promised Mr. Bell, secretary of the allied council, that, beginning with the February number, that publication will go to a union office. Hugh Ryan has returned from a trip to Chicago, Kansas City, Denver and other western points. He visited the Union Printers Home while on his trip and speaks in the highest terms of our grand institution at Colorado Springs.

A movement has been started by the new headquarters committee of No. 3 to make an effort to get all of the organizations in the allied printing trades council that are large enough to maintain. headquarters to join us in securing a building large enough to accommodate all. It is assumed that by so doing we would be in a better position to co-operate with each other in our work, and possibly at the same time reduce the rental expenses of all.

In a late issue of the Industrial Review, a monthly publication conducted by Charles F. Waltz for the Employers' Association of Cincinnati and vicinity, we find, among other things, the following:

The typographical union is an illustration of a typical, persistent labor organization attempting to force its personality (if a labor union has such a

thing) upon the public. In all places of public amusement where advertisements are possible, one sees the flaming advertisements of the typographical label. On all printed matter pertaining to places of general amusement the typographical union label is conspicuous. The reason is obvious.

The above is ample evidence that the efforts of our membership during the past two or three years in behalf of the union label have not been in vain, and while there were a few who doubted the wisdom of the expense and work connected with our label campaign, this ought to convince all that persistent efforts will win.

R. B. Smith, who represented No. 3 at St. Joe, is the new office committeeman of the Commercial Tribune.

Arrivals: C. W. Freeman, A. L. Cooke, John H. Bruckberger, Alex. J. McMullen, F. T. Swiggett, M. T. Piersol, William F. Schimmel, J. E. F. Smith, Michael O'Hern, Arch McCormack, W. B. McGrath, J. C. Wiseman, David T. Evans, Conrad A. Sperber and Lorne Rozell. Departures: H. L. Wilson, C. W. Freeman, Alex. J. McMullen, F. T. Swiggett, J. C. Wiseman, J. E. F. Smith and J. L. Shober. C. V. WAGNER.


The fifty-fifth session of the International Typographical Union is now a matter of history. In the selection of Minneapolis for the next convention "we all" think it is a mighty good place to hold any labor convention. Much was done at the St. Joseph convention that is to be commended, and the full and complete reports of of ficers were good and entertaining reading for the members of the great and scattered multitude. But, as has been the case with nearly every previous session of the International Typographical Union for many years, some legislation has been adopted or referred to a referendum vote the reason whereof is difficult to understand. For instance, I will mention one-Proposition No. 1, by the executive council, to increase the number of printers necessary to secure a charter from seven to ten. This proposition will be voted on and decided before this knock appears in THE JOURNAL, and probably adopted. Why this change was deemed necessary does not appear in the proceedings of the convention. It was a bad proposition, should not have been submitted, and should and would have been defeated if ample time was given the membership for discussion. If any change was to be made in the number of men necessary to secure a charter it should be made the other way-reduced from seven to five, instead of increasing from seven to ten. Some of the best unions within the jurisdiction of the International today started with a nucleus of seven memberssometimes borrowed for the occasion. And the International has many organizers whose work will be handicapped by that amendment.

At 10 o'clock Monday morning, November 8, the American Federation of Labor will meet in Toronto, Canada. This will be one of the most important sessions the American Federation of Labor ever held-one of the greatest-and now

the question is the status of the electrical workers. The charter of the Iowa State Federation of Labor has been revoked by the executive council of the American Federation of Labor because of the seating of the seceding electrical workers' delegates at the convention in Dubuque in June and an appeal taken to the Toronto convention. The same is true of Ohio and other central bodies. If what is charged against the electrical organization officers (those affiliated with the American Federation of Labor) is true, they have a right, and it would appear to be their duty to secede. The American Federation of Labor is composed of delegates from various labor organizations, not of one trade or occupation. Every person who joins a union is a seceder-he is a secessionist pure and simple. He is now going to work for the betterment of himself and his fellow workers. That is what the American Federation of Labor stands for. In deciding or considering these questions the federation should, like the railway man at a danger point, "approach with caution." GEORGE G. SEWARD.


Oklahoma City wants the International Typographical Union convention in 1912, and this section of the jurisdiction will line up solidly back of our hustling neighbor.

The eighteenth annual convention of the Missouri Federation of Labor, which met last month in this city, was the best attended state convention ever held in Missouri by trade unionists. The register showed over four hundred delegates and visitors in attendance from outside of Joplin, and the local committee was completely swamped and ran out of badges for the visitors and ex-delegates. Owen Miller was chosen president; J. T. Smith, secretary, and George Manuel, of the miners, was elected delegate to the American Federation of Labor, defeating Harry Sharpe, of St. Louis, who received twenty-seven votes, to Manuel's seventy-three votes. The writer had the delightful sensation of getting in the way of the steam roller in the election of a legislative committee, and, though receiving two-thirds of the votes of the delegates, was declared defeated. The committee chosen from the field of four candidates includes one printer, O. P. Weakley, of Kansas City; one railway telegrapher, William M. Holman, of St. Louis, and Walter Stotts, of Kansas City, a stereotyper. The convention voted to hold its next year's session at Jefferson City, the state capital.

Wilbur Myers, chairman of the Globe chapel, is home from a six weeks' trip through the east. While away Myers visited many printing offices and learned much of the way they do things in other cities.

In surrounding towns within a few miles of Joplin are between forty and fifty printers who would welcome a chance to become members of the International Typographical Union, many having already expressed such a desire. With a little propagating work under the direction of Organ

izer N. D. Ackerman, and with the assistance of the members of No. 350 and the officers of the International Typographical Union, many of these printers could be secured as members of either the Joplin local or the International Typographical Union. Beginning with Miami, Okla., Galena and Columbus, Kan., Neosho, Monett, Seneca, Aurora, Webb City and a dozen other small towns, an organizer could find considerable work to do, and might succeed in organizing a new local or two in the described territory. The spirit of organization is prevalent in the Joplin district along trade union lines, and the time is opportune for the International Typographical Union to do some organizing in this territory. CHARLES W. FEAR.


We are to have a new weekly labor paper here about the middle of November, to be issued from the Free Press office.

No. 270 got its new scale signed on October 4, carrying with it an increase of $1 per week. Printing business here is picking up, and No. 270 is in a flourishing condition.

Your humble scribe was chairman of the scale committee, and therefore was the target of the employing printers; but I do not care, as I have "been there before."

The union label is put on nearly all the job work turned out in this city.

The tin mill strike is a thing of the past. The men lost, and the company now runs an "open mill."

The Industrial Workers of the World are making great gains in membership in this city, not from the ranks of trade unions, but from the unorganized class. Their cry is "one big union," and "an open union makes a closed shop." If the officers of the amalgamated association had had as wise heads before the strike as they profess to have now, they would have thrown open the doors of their association and taken in all who labor in the tin mills, even if some only got $1.30 a day. PHILIP S. EVANS.


The printers of Harrisburg had contemplated giving a banquet at one of our hotels, in commemoration of our first anniversary in this city, but the idea was abandoned. This action was prompted by the fact that one of our members has been stricken, in the person of George H. Layton, the financial and corresponding secretary of No. 562. Mr. Layton is bedfast with an affliction which has bothered him for some time. Instead of feasting, we will rally to the assistance of our afflicted brother. At the October meeting a relief committee was appointed to look after Mr. Layton.

Work is good in each chapel, with very few travelers coming through.

Two of our members, W. B. Reed and son, Frank, who recently bought the Carrier Mills Mail, are starting off in good shape. ROY H. SHUP.


The celebration of the Hudson-Fulton centenary now being history, the good people of the Hudson valley can once more resume the routine of everyday life. So far as the Albany celebration end of it concerned union interests, it was found to be above all centered in the "fraternal night" parade of October 7 and in manning the various floats sent here from New York-fourteen in number-though the original plan contemplated at least twenty-four. In the "fraternal night" parade

of a
iage ride with his best girl was too much,
and the result was the substitution of ex-Delegate
Crowley for that role. The voyage of this printo-
rial crew over the route of the parade was rather
an eventful one and reached a climax when the
course was about two-thirds completed, when the
crew got orders (probably by wireless) to "get off
and walk," which it did, and in the new role of
shipwrecked mariners was fully as good a show
as while on board the Half Moon. It may be
said in passing that the weather during the whole



No. 4 furnished the crew. They are, reading from left to right, S. G. Refenberick, William F. Campion, John H. McCann, William J. Gray, William J. Carmody, James H. Cahill, James R. Condon, John W. McDonald, John A. Boyle, John M. Barnes, James H. Crowley, Kieran Ryan, James J. Wall, John J. O'Connell, Daniel F. Buckley, Frank J. Kennedy William H. Coleman.

the seventh division was composed wholly of the central federation of labor and its affiliated unions, and made a very creditable showing. Several floats were in this division, one being furnished by the label league section, which proved to be a very good advertisement for the labels the league stands for. In the day parade the following day twenty-one members of No. 4 made up the crew of the float representing the Half Moon, Hudson's ship. One of the New York contingent, Wellington B. Clark, was down on the official program for the character of Hudson, but the allurement

of the celebration week was superb in every way. The October meeting of No. 4 was not largely attended, not more than fifty members being present. One new member was obligated and one proposition for membership made. The interest of the meeting mainly centered on the report of the National Board of Arbitration regarding the Press-Knickerbocker-Express situation. This matter has been under contention for a long time, and involved primarily the employment of a machinist and later included also the position of a proofreader. This office, which is under the arbitration

agreement, has claimed for a long time pecial concession regarding the employment of a machinist, alleging that it was under no obligation to employ one when using four machines, as Our scale requires: A recent decision of the national board relative to the Argus company practically covered this point for all Albany publications under the agreement, but the Press-Knickerbocker people preferred to press the matter to a decision for themselves particularly, with the result that all the contentions of No. 4 in this matter were sustained and the Press-Knickerbocker was unable to show any possible exemption from the application of the local scale. The other contention of the union was that the Press-Knickerbocker was violating its agreement in the employment of a woman proofreader for years who is not a member of the union, on the ground that she was exempt, being, it was claimed, a stockholder in the company. proofreader must be employed in this position, but recommended that this should not prejudice the union against accepting the membership of the party interested if she should see fit to join the union. Her application is now in the hands of the president for presentation at the November meeting. These decisions settle finally several irritating questions that have caused more or less friction in local offices for the past year or two. While not at any time involving critical issues, they nevertheless stood for a uniform observance of our scale and constitution by all offices alike, without discrimination. It seems to have been a situation brought about not by any attempt or desire to evade these constituted union rules by the parties concerned, but because these privileges were first assumed, and, not being at once recognized or denied on the part of No. 4 or its officers, became regarded as a right, and thus so much the harder to rectify in the end. The energy and persistence of the present administration in bring ing this somewhat vexing and irritating question to a satisfactory conclusion is to be commended.

The board decided that a union

The returns from the referendum on the two propositions relative to celebrating the sixtieth anniversary of No. 4, next March, were presented at the October meeting, and showed that both propositions had been defeated by a vote of nearly two to one. The first proposition, "Shall Typographical Union No. 4 celebrate its sixtieth anniversary by an industrial fair or exposition during March, 1910," received 95 votes in favor and 180 against; and the second proposition, "Shall an assessment of 10 cents per week, from October 1, 1909, to April 1, 1910, be made, the proceeds to be devoted to this celebration," received 103 votes in favor and 172 against. This action kills the proposition of a fair or industrial exposition, but still leaves open other lines of observing the anniversary, one form that seems to have considerable favor being to hold a suitable banquet. In fact, the sentiment along this line was pronounced enough so that it was referred back to the committee to report on at the next meeting, and the committee has already taken steps to get the necessary data as to cost and details to that end. The

opinion of the committee is, however, that as there are banquets, and then there are banquets, if No. 4 should see fit to celebrate its sixtieth anniversary by this method, it should be done in no common way, but with a class that an event of such significance to our union would suggest. To do that would mean a cost per plate sufficient to pay for much besides the mere worth of food consumed, which ordinarily can be secured for a comparatively small sum. Then again, it should be done in a way that will make it possible for as large a number of the members of No. 4 to participate in as possible, which would mean a common fund which should be provided, from which the expenses of the banquet can be paid. The union itself should provide for a part of the fund from its general treasury, and the balance made up by a general assessment of the membership for a limited period. It is quite possible that the membership would give a majority vote in favor of an assessment of 10 cents per week for, say, twenty-five weeks, the funds thus provided to entitle every member to attend the function without further expense, and any deficit that might exist to be met from the general treasury. This would guarantee a banquet of unusual proportions, class and significance at once worthy of the event and the men that promoted it. Anything less should not be attempted.

Philip F. Bray, who has held the office of sergeant-at-arms since August 1, 1902, and who held the same office two years during 1892-4, resigned at the October meeting, and his place was filled by the election of William F. Franklin for the unexpired term. Mr. Bray has recently moved some distance out of the city, and being well along in years, it was too strenuous an effort for him to attend to his duties as he felt that he should, so he resigned.

Receipt of the ballots for the vote on the four propositions presented by the late convention reminds us once more of the more important proposition that will be presented for our approval next February, and that is the proposed increase in the mortuary fund, or commonly known as the burial benefit. So far as I have heard expression on the subject among our members, the increase seems to be favorably regarded. The added cost will be of the same proportions as the pension assessment, which averages about 8 cents per week, which will be cheap for the consideration given. An insurance of $400 for from $3 to $7 per year will be well worth the money in either case, and the fact that it will be for all union members, whatever may be their physical or financial condition, so long as they are worthy members in good standing, should go a long ways toward making easy for those whose earnings are large to feel that even though they are paying more than others, perhaps, for the same protection, they are yet getting a cheaper insurance than they could under any other conditions. With weekly earnings running from nothing, as will be the fact in some cases, up to those who will earn possibly $2,000 in a year's time, the maximum cost would be but $10 a year, or about 20 cents per week.

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