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good of the order. Oakland Union presents a living example of how it is possible to accomplish that very end. No. 36 has its "turbulent times;" we have had our internal strife and our factional differences and struggles, but with the existent personnel these things are as "but a dream when they are past," and they leave no smoldering fires of malice, but the membership, as soon as it has found an equitable solution for any disagreeable tangle, washes its hands and prepares to meet any coming problems solely upon their merits. Surely and steadily the membership of No. 36 is solidifying and cementing itself into an invincible phalanx whose motto is "advancement," and whose watchword is "eternal vigilance." Mr. Lynch reviewed the history and achievements of the International Typographical Union and outlined the policies and purposes of the administration. Time after time the banqueters arose en masse and cheered the president, and when the good-natured speakers were all worn out, the refreshments had disap peared and the cigars had emitted their last blue curls in commemoration of our honored guests, the membership in a body escorted Mr. Lynch to the train and cheered the International president until the train rolled out of hearing.


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Vancouver, B. C.! Population five years ago, 35,000; today, over 100,000. Typo membership Scale five years five years ago, 55; today, 165. ago, $21 job, eight hours; $22 news, eight hours. Scale today, $24 flat job, eight hours; $25 flat news, seven and one-half hours. Approximate increase, say 16 per cent, with reduction in workday, news, to the good. But there is another side to the dollar. In that same five years the cost of living has advanced at least 35 per cent. So that while the money wage was increased, relatively a reduction in wages has taken place. All of which has an economic moral; and, likewise, a bearing on the expiration of the local schedule, terminating next year.

W. A. Pound, an active member of No. 226, has been elected reeve of South Vancouver municipality. While there were no particular issues in

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NEW JERSEY UNION PRINTERS' LEAGUE. The quarterly meeting of the New Jersey Union Printers' League was held in Orange on Sunday, October 17. Delegates were present from Elizabeth, Hoboken, Jersey City, Newark, Orange, Passaic, Paterson, Plainfield, Somerville and New York city. The International Typographical Union was represented by Organizer John E. McLoughlin. In addition to the delegates, there were a number of visiting members, including the executive board of the New York State Allied Trades Council, led by President Fitzgerald.

The reports of unions showed work plentiful in all cases, in some instances there being a scarcity of men. Jersey City reported having successfully negotiated a $21 job scale, and both Jersey City and Hoboken stated they were preparing to take up a new agreement with the newspaper publishers in those cities. This is to be considered jointly, as conditions in the two jurisdictions are such as to make their interest identical.

Newark presented a very interesting report of affairs in that section. This covered their label campaign, which is most complete, and created much interest. An advertising propaganda, which includes exhibitions of lantern slides showing scenes from the Union Printers Home, to be given in a local theater, as well as in several lecture halls, street car advertising and other methods are a few of the plans of this hustling union. Newark also is about to enforce the overtime law in its book and job offices. Another feature is the organization of Junior Typographical Union No. 2, which is made up of Newark apprentices, and is making its mark in the labor movement.

Paterson has a strike on in the Press-Chronicle, which started with the amalgamation of these two publications. The Press formerly had an agree ment with the union, which it repudiated when the consolidation with the Chronicle was consummated. The union is making an aggressive fight to bring about desired results, and reports it is certain to be ultimately successful. Passaic Union is giving valuable assistance in this struggle.

Somerville reported that city having recently been constituted a borough, and one of the first results was an order that the union label be attached to all borough printing.

Orange, Elizabeth and Plainfield all reported

progress. The former is much interested in the hatters' strike, and members are contributing liberally to assist the cause. Most of the unions reported assessments or contributions for the hatters.

Organizer Stein made an interesting report on conditions in New York. He advised support in having employers affiliate with the National Printers' League, and told of renewed interest in label propaganda. Mr. Stein also recommended the formation of woman's auxiliaries as best tended to direct the purchasing power in proper directions. New York city's report was optimistic throughout and showed progressive work.

Organizer McLoughlin reported efforts to place two new unions in New Jersey-in Washington and Westfield. He recommended label agitation as best calculated to strengthen unions.

Two prominent printers, Cornelius Ford, of Hoboken, and Ed Balentine, of Newark, are candidates for the assembly. Resolutions endorsing each were submitted and enthusiastically adopted after a number of laudatory speeches commending their ability and unionism had been made.

President Fitzgerald, of the New York State Allied Printing Trades Council, addressed the meeting, as did also President Tole and Secretary Maxwell, of "Big Six."

President Small, of Newark, addressed the delegates and introduced John O'Connell, president of the Newark Junior Typographical Union, who spoke at length on the work of the new organization and urged that similar efforts be made in other jurisdictions. The young president showed a remarkable familiarity with labor conditions generally, which commended itself to the assembled delegates.

The Royal Arcanum monthly publication (nonunion) was discussed, and the secretary instructed to communicate with local unions of the state, urging that they give this matter consideration and forward protests to local councils as well as headquarters.

A number of matters of a routine nature were discussed, after which a committee of Orange Union took charge of the delegates and visitors (about 125) and a banquet and very enjoyable social session followed.



Bert Chase, foreman of the Schembs printing office, has organized a bowling team and calls his bunch of winners the "Typos." They are entered in the Commercial League.

John S. McCaslin was a delegate from No. 29 to the state federation in Belleville, October 19-23. Walter S. Bush and Fred T. Grebe attended the state typographical conference meet at the same place and time.

Work has been rushing on the daily papers. Machine men have been in demand. The job line continues slack.

Our label committee is doing great work-a continuous performance. They are after them. WALTER S. BUSH.


Emmet Rodwell Calhoun is an applicant for the position of United States marshal for the northern district of Alabama, by appointment of President Taft, and THE JOURNAL hopes that he will be successful in his ambition. This desire is expressed for several reasons. Mr. Calhoun is an active member of Birmingham Typographical Union, a writer of ability known throughout his native state for the past twenty years, and has qualifications that eminently fit him for the office which he seeks. As a contributor to the press and magazines on economic and correlated subjects, his work has attracted wide attention for its originality, both as to conception and treatment. Mr. Calhoun applies

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most enjoyable time during their stopover in this city.

W. E. Hampshire, of the Star chapel, has the sympathy of many friends in the death of his wife, which occurred in this city a few weeks ago.

London Typographical Union No. 133 will celebrate its fortieth birthday this month. M. J. Brierly, one of its founders, and now general superintendent of the Montreal Herald, is expected to be present and give an address.

Gazette chapel notes: A committee has been appointed to interview the management in regard to the piping of the linotype machines....A sick benefit fund has been organized.... Machinist Foster had a narrow escape from drowning on Sunday, October 10, through the overturning of his boat, while fishing in Richelieu river....A new Merg. (model No. 7) was installed October 1.

Jerome Maynard and the writer have made ap plication for admission to the Union Printers Home, Colorado Springs. HARRY JONES.


Organizer Joseph P. Gibbons, of Scranton, Pa., was here the early part of October to help us with our new scale. Our membership when he came here was only twenty-two out of seventy-five printers in the city. The business committee and others, with Organizer Gibbons, got busy and before a week passed away he had signed up the York Gazette Company for one year, with an increase of about $1,100 a year to the fifteen members employed there. Besides that he added nineteen new members to No. 242, making a total of forty-one at this writing, with the promise of many more in the near future. He has had conferences with the Dispatch and the York Printing Company, and if present progress continues great things may be accomplished there, as both these offices were never in the union. Hats off to Joe Gibbons for his success!

Organizer Eichhorn was through this section, and from reports it looks as if charters would be placed at Gettysburg and Columbia. Now, if Hanover could be again brought into line it would improve conditions in this section.

The members are still congratulating Secretary Bastian for his good luck in winning the diamond ring raffled at the St. Joseph convention. He has been a delegate to Toronto, Hot Springs and Boston, besides St. Joseph, and always paid his own

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Work enough for all thus far this season, with prospects rosy for a busy holiday season.

No. 448's entertainment committee is busy planning details for the annual fall dance, which will take place on the evening of November 5, and if past performances can be taken as a criterion, the affair is an assured success.

President Lavallee has again assumed the role of a professional, and is at present doing the southern vaudeville circuits with his troupe of Tossing Lavallees.

The lack of interest evinced in the recent label contest, inaugurated for the purpose of boosting the label in a way that would have resulted favorably to the union and each individual member, is to be deplored. The prizes offered for competition were very liberal, and the plan which has worked so successfully in other cities would surely have shown similar results in La Crosse. It is to be hoped that the members will see the necessity of formulating an active campaign for the label quite soon; if nothing more than a liberal use of label stickers. Let's do something.

A silver cup has been donated to the Western Wisconsin Poultry Association, to be competed for at the annual poultry show to be held in this city in December. J. H. Poehling, a member of No. 448. has been selected as superintendent of the exhibition.

Better late than never, so here's our hand, Minneapolis; and we can not refrain from springing that old "chestnut," "I told you so." Little early to make plans, but a delegation from La Crosse will be there when the "big noise" takes place. And it would not be amiss to suggest to some of the correspondents who seem eager for the chance to stop off at Milwaukee en route to include La Crosse for a long enough visit to sample some of our favorite brands. We refer them to some of the Chicago printers, and many in the entire northwest, who are acquainted with that good "Old Style."

And during the interim, boost the label.


MAILERS' TRADE DISTRICT UNION. The committee of No. 6, after wasting time and expense for the past six months trying to settle the jurisdiction question of single wrapping, reports the startling announcement, made by the committee of Woman's Bindery Workers' Union No. 43: That they had taken the question up with their international president, Mr. Glockling, and he had instructed them not to sign a joint letter requesting that the matter be adjusted by a labor court, as the work in question was theirs and they must not relinquish claim on same, and to his mind there was nothing to be settled by a labor court, notwithstanding the fact that at a meeting held in March, and all persons interested being present, President Glockling and President Lynch recommended that the question of jurisdiction of single wrapping should be adjusted by the local

committee, and if unsuccessful, the matter should then be submitted to a labor court by the international presidents. "Consistency thou art a jewel." I might add that this matter has been submitted to President Lynch, and I haven't the slightest doubt but that it will be adjusted to the satisfaction of our members.

In view of the recommendation of the committee on resolutions at the last convention, I would sug gest that a committee be appointed by all locals for the purpose of looking into the sanitary conditions of the mailrooms within their jurisdiction. This is a matter which should be given some attention by us, as from my limited observation of the conditions of mailrooms, I find them, with very few exceptions, to be deplorable. One of the most prominent advocates of sanitary workshops maintains the most unsanitary and filthiest of mailrooms imaginable. I don't know whether he is aware of these conditions or not, but I am of the opinion it might help if the matter was brought to his attention. Instruct your committees not to slight any of the other publishers in the matter; just get them all interested in this movement and much good will be derived therefrom.

After January 1 the present traveling and withdrawal blanks will be called in, and new ones issued with space thereon to allow secretaries to insert a member's number, as after said date all members of the International Typographical Union will be given a number, and said number must be placed upon their working, traveling or withdrawal card. The number will always be retained by a member, no matter in what part of the country he may be located, unless the officers of the International Typographical Union should think it advisable to revise the numbers at some time in the future. Therefore, I would suggest that the secretaries of locals keep this in mind and return or destroy all traveling and withdrawal cards in their possession on January 1, 1910.

The new locals which have been formed during the past nine months are beginning to show themselves very prominent. Some have grown to almost twice their original size; others have experienced internal strife, but are seemingly weathering the same. One of them, which has been the stanchest against the greatest odds, is the Provi dence local. The latest move on the part of one of the publishers of that city is a notice posted up in the mailroom announcing that the mailers' union will not be recognized. Secretary-Treasurer Allen has been assigned to this matter.

Salt Lake City Union has just emerged from a battle with the publishers of that city, which resulted favorably for the men, although they lost one member of their local and gained two new members.

I would advise members of small unions to watch some of their members who seem to find fault at every turn with the conditions in their locality. Sometimes these very men have a desire to disrupt their local so that they can contract the work in the locality at a much smaller figure than that for which it is being done at the present time, thereby reaping a large profit for themselves. I will

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leave it to your own judgment to surmise what the men who do the actual work would get for their labor under these conditions.

Mailers Union No. 6 is having some trouble with the circulation manager of the Evening Mail over the discharge of the foreman of the mailroom. It seems there was a jurisdiction squabble on this paper between the members of No. 6 and another organization not affiliated with the allied printing trades council. The chapel decided the work in question was the mailers' work and must be done by them, and the foreman carried out the decision. The circulation manager interfered and insisted that the work be given to the other organization, which was not done, and the result was, the foreman was discharged. I have been assigned to the case by President Lynch, and at this writing the matter is still in abeyance.

After negotiating with the publishers for six weeks, the scale committee of No. 6 reported that it had arrived at a period where the publishers refused to go any further. Therefore they desired to place the result of the work before the organization before going further in the matter. The scale was read and adopted by a large majority. This means an increase of $1 per week for every one working on newspapers, with entire control of inserting, and does away entirely with the sliding time under which No. 6 had been working herctofore. This was accomplished in conciliation, and covers the entire membership of the Publishers' Association of New York city.

I had the extreme pleasure of being among those in attendance at the third annual eatfest of Mailers Union No. 11, of Newark, N. J. A pleas ant time was spent by all present. Numerous speeches were made by prominent labor men. Our friend, Mr. Garrabrant, acted the part of toastmaster in a very becoming manner. During his remarks he made known the startling bit of information that his organization of only fourteen members were receiving the sum of $10.50 per month for dues and their expenses were $11 per month since their inception, yet they have $200 in their treasury. Figure this out for yourself. This is only one of many things an organization can accomplish if the members will only pull together. Brooklyn, N. Y. CHARLES N. SMITH.

In a communication I was asked what is the reason for the increase in the per capita tax to this union from 5 cents a member to 10 cents, and my reply was simply this, that the business of the Trade District Union has grown considerably within the last two or three years, and the duties of the officers have been more arduous than ever as the organization grows older. When this union was first organized there were about ten locals paying their per capita; now we have over twenty locals affiliated, and the work of trying to care for twice the number that we formerly had throws more work on its officers, There is much to be done in the line of organizing more local unions. The International Typographical Union has allowed President Smith to do some work of this



kind within the last year. It is absolutely necessary that the mailers' union, which is receiving a fair wage scale, should bear the added expense. There are many mailers in the country who are competent and want to become members, but do not get the chance or opportunity, because of the laxity of the Trade District Union and its officers, owing to the small treasury which now exists. understand that some of the members who are in the larger cities are willing to vote for this proposition, but it will become a hardship on some of the smaller cities, who are not receiving as much money as the larger ones. But as a rule these members are game and want to be benefited and have sanctioned the new law. We have now twenty-three local unions of mailers in the United States and Canada, and at the convention at St. Joseph the delegates very freely expressed the opinion that we ought to do more organizing, and several new territories were suggested to the president. But we are at a standstill until we can get this new law into effect. Although it was proposed once before, at the St. Louis convention in 1904, when the vote was taken on this additional tax it was defeated by the referendum. course, whenever an opportunity presents itself in regards to any difficulty between the publishers and the unions, President Lynch will send President Smith to fix up these difficulties, but it really is essential to the mailers in general, like all other organizations, to assess their members for the sole purpose of carrying on the business of their unions in a businesslike manner. Now that we are beginning to grow, don't let us lose the chance to grasp the opportunities that are in store for us, and which we find we must keep alive to the times, and build up our trade to the standard to which it belongs. With this small increase we may be able to accomplish large things in the coming year, and with outstretched hand extend to our worthy brothers that which they deserve to receive a fair day's pay. With the new law in regard to the appointment of organizers by the president, it is highly essential that this increased rate be passed by the membership. Another reason why the per capita tax should be increased is that, during the last trip made by the president to the different cities, although his expenses were paid by the International Typographical Union, if he could have stayed in some of the places where conditions were not as good as they should be, matters would have been remedied and the trade taken care of in the proper spirit. I bring this to the attention of those who are in a quandary as to whether they will vote for the increased per capita.

In many

places our president should be sent, and not allowed to leave until an agreement of some kind is closed. This means that your treasury will have to be reimbursed, and I sincerely hope this new law will prevail.

I am glad to know that the Chicago Union is about to do something with the newspapers of that city, and, according to what I read in the last issue of THE JOURNAL, Some arrangement will be made in the near future for a conference, and

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Sunday, October 17, was a gala day in Atlantic City. John Mitchell, the laboring man's idol, delivered an impressive address at the Young Men's Christian Association to an overflowing gathering of laboring and business men of this city. Mr. Mitchell and Vice-President Duncan, of the American Federation of Labor, were met at the Reading depot by a large delegation and escorted to the Chalfonte Hotel by a committee of the central trades union. In a speech he asserted with emphasis that "more pay and shorter hours" was not the main object of trade unionism, but patriotism, better quality of labor, aid for the weak and miserable, protection for defenseless girls and women in the factories, temperance and thrift. Cheers greeted Mitchell as he branded as a lie the contention that more pay meant more saloon patronage, and shorter hours more debauchery and dissipation. "On the contrary, they mean less rum-buying and less dissipation," he declared, "for it's the man who comes from his work tired and fagged from long hours who seeks stimulation in alcoholic drink, not the man who comes home fresh and happy from an eight-hour day with fair wages."


Leon G. Finley, of the Boston Globe, was a vis itor during the latter part of September. speaking of Atlantic City as a convention point, Mr. Finley remarked that this would be an ideal spot to hold the next convention of the International Typographical Union. "That's what they all say."

A number of traveling cards have been issued recently, among them, "Doc" Applegate, who intends to migrate to Florida; A. A. Morton, S. M. White, J. N. Ayres, G. Davidson.

Members not receiving THE JOURNAL should report the same to the secretary, W. F. JENNINGS.

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