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John Dudley, one of our members, lost a little grandchild by being burned to death on October 30. One of his daughters, at whose home the little one was when the accident occurred, nearly lost both her hands in extinguishing the flames and attempting to save the child.

A minority of the stockholders of the MailNews Company, state printers, are trying to have the receivership wound up, the plant sold and all creditors settled with. The date for hearing of the petition has not yet been announced. Several prominent legal firms are retained by these stockholders.

The state federation of labor met here in October and transacted a lot of business. It will meet here again in 1911, during the session of the legislature, when it is expected to formulate some labor legislation and to get the same passed. F. W. Snyder, of the Goodrich-Snyder Company, was re-elected secretary.

The Kanawha Valley Trades Association was formed here a few weeks ago, and is said to start out with a goodly membership and bright prospects. The old Capital City Trades Assembly has been a "dead one" for a good while, and the new move. ment, being much more comprehensive, will doubtless be able to cover a greatly increased field.

There is much more theatrical literature being printed here than in former years, and all of it is bearing the label.

Applications come in to us every once in a while for machine operators. We have none to spare, and part of the time we could use one or two more than there are here.

There is a good deal of talk as to an extra session of the legislature next January, but it is just as assiduously denied. D. C. LOVETT, JR.


No. 205 had a spirited and important meeting last month. The renewing of contracts with an increase in scale was finally ratified by the members. There was much discussion over one office, which insisted upon running on a ten-hour basis. An organizer was sent for and we expect no further trouble. All other employers were certainly fair in their dealings; for, as a matter of fact, our requests were moderate and fair. The executive committee, after it got busy, "did things," and received the thanks and congratulations of all members.

Louis E. Ruden, president of the central labor council, was elected delegate to the American Federation of Labor. He remained ten days and says it was an intensely interesting session, especially so on account of the difficulty with the seceding electrical workers.

The secretary of No. 205's tuberculosis committee informs me he received notice from President Lynch that the International Typographical Union exhibit now at Boston would be shipped to him in time for our great state exhibit here, December 5. Slides of the Union Printers Home are ordered

and plenty of literature is at hand. A unique circular will be issued, under the auspices of Typographical Union No. 205, which is expected to be a credit to our local and interesting and bene ficial to all who read it. Our committee suggested and drafted resolutions asking the supervisors of Chautauqua county to erect a suitable hospital for tuberculosis patients on Chautauqua Lake. body, at its annual meeting in November, took kindly to the suggestion, and appointed a committee to meet with the committee representing our union and the associated charities, for the purpose of discussing the matter further. Great results are expected. E. GEORGE LINDSTROM.



The Post-Star Publishing Company has installed another linotype machine.

George H. Nash, who conducted a job office for a number of years on John street, Sandy Hill, has retired from business. Mr. Nash always carried a card with No. 96, and the members wish Mr. Nash the best of luck in any undertaking that he may


Miss A. Corcoran, formerly with the Times, has accepted a position with the Post-Star.

The members of No. 96 express their sympathy to P. J. Inglee, who was summoned to Machias, Maine, on account of the death of his father.



Lord Macaulay, one of Britain's greatest historians and statesmen-and naturally one of the greatest thinkers and observers of his age-says: "If men are to wait for liberty till they become wise and good in slavery, they may indeed wait forever."

The members of the typographical union are promised a visit by their president, James M. Lynch. The printers will make the occasion of his visit a business and social affair, and they look forward to the event with great interest. We understand that this is the first time that the International president has visited western Canada, and the members of local No. 191 will not spare any effort to make as good an impression of Winni peg's advantages as possible.

The work attached to the secretary-treasurership of Typographical Union No. 191 has become so heavy and important that the union is now forced to employ a permanent secretary-treasurer. The union has had for some time the possible change before it, and at its regular November meeting it was decided that the time had arrived to make the change. There are now some 241 members in the local union, and also a large number in affiliation who are holding positions in country dis tricts where there is not any organized union, or not enough printers to form a union. This, with the local work, requires a great amount of correspondence, and to keep up active organization work it is imperative to the interest of the trade, as a whole, that a permanent secretary be employed.



The following resolutions were passed by the Chicago Inter Ocean chapel:

Whereas, Death having removed the oldest member of our chapel, John Halloran, be it

Resolved, That the Inter Ocean chapel hereby expresses its deep regret for the loss of one who during so many years endeared himself in simple and kindly manner to generations of chapel members.


Resolutions adopted by the Breeders' Gazette chapel, Chicago Typographical Union No. 16:

Whereas, Death has removed from our midst our earnest and devoted chairman and fellow-worker in the cause of unionism, C. F. Sheldon, be it Resolved, That we, the members of the Breeders' Gazette chapel, who knew him as a man and friend, a master of his trade, an unswerving and influential advocate of the principles of the union, standing for the largest justice and fairness in all its relations, extend our sincere condolence to his family and in this fraternal way record our appreciation of his sterling character. For fourteen years he was the chairman of this chapel, whose interests always received his best thought and service, and his long and useful life was an inspiration to all who knew him.


At a meeting of the Herald chapel, Washington, D. C., October 26, 1909, the following resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God, in His infinite wisdom, to remove from our midst Edgar A. Balso, a true friend and most loyal craftsman; therefore, be it

Resolved, That in the death of our deceased brother this chapel has suffered the loss of an honorable member and a stanch union man---one who at all times had proved himself tried and true, and who was worthy of our love and respect; and, be it further

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to our deceased brother's mother and father, with our heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement; and that a copy be sent to THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL for publication.


Resolutions adopted by Wilkes-Barre Typographical Union No. 187:

Whereas, In pursuance to the decree of an all wise Providence, our brother, Michael F. Kearney, a member of the International Typographical Union, and an employe of the Wilkes-Barre Record, departed this life at the early age of 34 years; and,

Whereas, Our Brother Kearney was not only a most efficient journeyman, loyal to his craft, genial, kind and companionable, but was also a loving husband and father, and an honorable citizen, "a worthy son of a worthy sire;" be it

Resolved, That we, members of Typographical Union No. 187, place on record this expression of our profound sorrow at our brother's untimely death and the early ending of a promising career; be it further

Resolved, That we tender his widow and chil

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Charles Roloff was one of those who hewed to the line of duty, come what might, and neither sickness nor disappointment could deter him from the performance of his duties as he saw them. He was born in the Argentine Republic, South America, 37 years ago, and learned his trade in various job offices in St. Louis, working for a number of years in the George D. Barnard chapel; later he was in charge of the mechanical department of the Kastor & Sons advertising agency. He was a doer of things, always aggressive, always looking to the forefront, and very proficient at his trade. He held many posts of honor in No. 8, and was four times elected secretary of the central trades and labor union, to which turbulent body he was many times a delegate.

He was keenly a jobman, having jobmen's inter

ests deeply at heart, yet those who knew him well will not hesitate to place him first a union manactive at all times even in the small affairs of No. 8 as well as its larger ones.

He was married but four years ago, and left behind wife and child, besides mother and sister, and two brothers. His wife was Miss Margaret Collins.

Leaving thus in what should have been the heyday of his young manhood makes the grief of his many friends all the more keen, and I am sure they join with me in heartfelt condolence to those who were closer and nearer and dearer to him. LOUIS F. FUCHS.


The following resolutions were passed by the Chicago Tribune chapel:

Resolved, by the Tribune chapel, That in the death of our brother, William F. Pagett, we have lost a friend whose kindliness of heart, love of justice, and regard for his fellow employes should prove an inspiration to the membership of our organization.

Resolved, That our sympathy be extended to the sorrowing wife and children of our departed brother in their affliction.

Resolved, That a record of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this chapel, and that a copy be furnished the relatives whom he has left to mourn his loss.

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Whereas, His family loses in him a loving and devoted husband and father of irreproachable manhood; therefore, be it

Resolved, That we deplore his untimely death, realizing that we have lost a valuable member; and offer the bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy in their great affliction; and be it further

Resolved, That the charter of the union be draped for a period of thirty days, and that these resolutions be spread upon the records of this union, that a copy be sent to the family of our departed brother, and that they be published in THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL and the local press.


At a regular meeting of the Eau Claire Union, No. 558, held November 7, 1909, the following resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, Almighty God, in His infinite wisdom, has taken from our midst our friend and brother, Eugene Sullivan, who died suddenly on October 24, 1909, and who was a true and loyal union man and a valued member of Eau Claire Typographical Union No. 558; and

Whereas, Our deceased brother had, by his genial personality, and by his kindly consideration for his associates, endeared himself to us all; therefore, be it

Resolved, That Eau Claire Typographical Union No. 558 hereby makes acknowledgment of its lasting regard for the memory of our departed brother, and extends to the family of the deceased our heartfelt sympathy and condolence in their great and irreparable loss; and be it further

Resolved, That the charter of this union be

draped in mourning for thirty days as a token of respect; that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved parents with our heartfelt sympathy.


The following resolutions were adopted September 3, 1909, by Detroit Union No. 18:

Whereas, Frederick F. O'Connell, our esteemed friend and brother, has been taken away from our midst by the hand of death, and has disappeared from among the living to join the silent majority,

Whereas, He was an upright young man, a faithful worker and a firm friend and brother, who by his manly conduct and many virtues has endeared himself to all who knew him, therefore, be it

Resolved, That we mourn sincerely our departed brother and fellow craftsman, and we miss his cheerful countenance from our circle, where he endeared himself to all his associates by his kind and honorable dealings.

Resolved, That we deplore his untimely end, and will preserve in our hearts a loving remembrance of him as one whose qualities and virtues had earned our esteem and respect.


Resolutions adopted by York (Pa.) Union No.


Whereas, Almighty God in His infinite wisdom has removed from time to eternity our esteemed fellow-craftsman and associate, William H. Stallman; therefore, be it

Resolved, That in his death we, the members of York Typographical Union No. 242, have lost a representative brother and the craft an expert workman.

Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with his be reaved family and other relatives, and extend to them our heartfelt condolence.

Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the union, and printed in THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL and the charter of this or ganization be draped for a period of thirty days.


The following resolutions were adopted by Ra cine Typographical Union No. 324:

Whereas, The hand of death has removed from our membership our fellow worker, William Owen, on October 5, 1909; therefore, be it

Resolved, That we, as members of Racine Typographical Union No. 324, do hereby give expression to the sorrow occasioned by his loss and to our deep sympathy with the surviving relatives of our former associate;

Resolved further, That this action be recorded in the minutes of our union, and that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to John A. Owen and Miss Mary Owen, and also to THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL.

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INDIANAPOLIS, IND., November 5, 1909.

TO THE MEMBERS OF SUBORDINATE UNIONS-The committee appointed to canvass the vote on the propositions submitted to the membership under date of September 8, 1909, begs leave to submit the following as a true exhibit of the returns received within the time prescribed by law:

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