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in the union, wherever they are employed. It is to be regretted that the organizers of the different internationals do not take more interest in this organization, as they could make a very important adjunct of it in securing information in connection with their work which would prove beneficial and expedite their labors in many ways. Lynn Typographical Union is to be congratulated for the manner in which it entertained the delegates, and all of them were very liberal in their praise of the plans as made and carried out.

T. V. Macrone has been taken to the Westboro hospital, where it is reported he is slightly improved, but it will be some time before he will fully recover. A benefit whist party was held in Knights of Columbus hall and proved both a social and financial success and a tidy sum was realized for his benefit.

The voluntary subscription for the united hatters did not prove a success, and in at least one chapel it has been made compulsory, and that office is now getting results. The others can well follow this example, as the organization is worthy of all our support.

The photo-engravers will be admitted to the allied printing trades council at its meeting this month, making a total of four organizations now affiliated, for the first time in its history. The secretary informs me that negotiations with the American Printing Company are on and he expects to have it a union shop in the near future. This is a new concern, having been established about a year. It will be an important addition, as it has an up-to-date plant and should shortly provide a number of situations for our members. W. H. SULLIVAN.


the three weeks that the exhibit has been open that 40,000 have been in attendance. There were numerous exhibits of various kinds on show, but the one attracting the most attention was that of the International Typographical Union, whose sanitary tent for outdoor treatment, pictures of the Home and its surroundings, occupied a conspicuous posi tion at the right of the entrance, and was so ably looked after by Messrs. Small, Price, Suderley and Balentine that a large number of those who attended were of the impression that the entire show was being conducted under the auspices of No. 103, and numerous and versatile were the questions put to those in charge of the exhibit.

The monument recently erected by Typographical Union No. 103, which occupies a conspicuous place on the union's burial plot in Arlington cemetery, Arlington, N. J., was dedicated with most fitting services on Sunday, May 30, at Wallace Hall, Y. M. C. A. building, this city. The service was in the form of a dedication and a memorial for the deceased members, and was largely attended, not only by the members of the local organization and their friends, but by numerous outof-town printers, invited guests and members of local labor unions. The principal speaker of the occasion was the Rev. Dr. Edmund A. Wasson, rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal church. Dr. Wasson, who is well known in this vicinity for his views on organized labor, took for his subject "Individual Independence Through United Effort," which proved a fitting subject handled in a manner highly pleasing to those present. Those in charge of the arrangements, the monument committee, Messrs. Hudson, Gebhardt and Augustine, are to be congratulated on the successful manner in which the services and the work of erecting the monument were carried out.

Success in the fullest meaning of the term has been the lot of the state tuberculosis exhibit, recently held in this city. It is claimed that during

That our old friend, Willie Baker, head and front of the local "teapot," is getting peevish is self-evident. At a recent meeting of the printing committee of the city council he showed up strong with a petition signed by some two hundred believers in the open shop, asking that he get some of the printing. There was "nothin' doin' for Bill," though. Another proof is the following, which was printed on cards and distributed to the employes of "Willie's" "rodorium:"

This is confidential-There is some one in our employ, whose identity we are not quite certain of, who is giving out information from time to time to union blackmailers in reference to work going through our plant. We want you to help us nail this ingrate, who with one hand takes our money for his daily bread and stabs us with the other behind our back. A liberal reward will be paid for information leading to the cur's identity. So keep your eyes open and report suspicious acts on the part of others to the president of this company.

The label committee's report would indicate that there was no letup in the collection of unlabeled matter. The total for the last contest was 3,500 pieces. Keep at it.

As an after result of the printing exhibit recently held in the Newark public library, under the joint patronage of the union and the employing printers' association, Librarian Dana has asked the Commission on Supplemental Education to supply him with an exhibit of the work done by pu pils, which is to be shown in the various libraries throughout the country.

Another assessment of I per cent for four weeks is to be levied for the benefit of the striking hatters by No. 103. Already No. 103's donation has exceeded $1,000, and will probably double that amount if need be, The strikers are at present receiving the enormous benefit of $1 per week. What a time they can have on that!

No. 103 has a labor temple scheme, a resolution calling for the appointment of a building committee, to co-operate with not less than ten other labor organizations in the movement, and outlining the plan for raising funds and handling the same, being introduced at the June meeting.

William Hackett and Elmer Throssell will rep resent No. 103 at St. Joe. They will root for Atlanta, 1910, it is understood.

Information has reached here of the death of Alfred J. Adrian, on June 3, at the home of his mother at Rochester, N. Y. Up to within two weeks of the time of his death "Al" had been a resident of Newark and a member of No. 103,

where a wide circle of friends and acquaintances will mourn his loss.

The members of the Prudential chapel are arranging for an outing to be held some time this month, to a point not yet decided on. Messrs. Price, Lihme and Lachman are the committee in charge.

In one job shop in this town the overtime for seven weeks amounted to $1,439. Now, what if they had to cancel? W. J. KEEGAN.


At the election for delegate, May 19, J. L. Robinson, of the Morning Record chapel, and J. J. Starr, of the Evening Star-Telegram chapel, were candidates, resulting in the choosing of Robinson for delegate and Starr for alternate.

As to insurance in the International Typographical Union, I do not favor it. I believe that the pension is best, and that our membership should concentrate its attention to the perfecting of the law and increasing the pension. Insurance in our ranks would have to be voluntary or compulsory. Voluntary insurance would not be any better or cheaper than avenues already open to our membership, and compulsory insurance would not conduce to safety or good fellowship, and either step would probably land us in the courts. just a little bit too old to want to have "truck" with courts.

I am any

In my experience in allied printing trades council work, I believe the advertising of the label, and not the user of it, is more lasting and effective. If you put out a list of "fair shops" and one of the list becomes unfair, you are expected to let the public know it, and that takes time and money. Advertise the label first, last and all the time, and you will not have to try to "undo" your work.

During the eight-hour struggle many things were brought out to cause one to study cause and effect. One thing welled up in my thinking apparatus more than any other, and that was the isolated typesetter. His knowledge of the union was scant, his pay was small, his workday was long, and conditions under which he worked were bad, very bad. He read advertisements offering more money for a shorter workday, and, believ ing conditions would be better, he answered such advertisements and showed up to take the job. Then he heard a different story from men who were trying to improve conditions. He listened. Sometimes he believed what he heard and sometimes he didn't. When he didn't believe we all know that he hindered those who were fighting for a shorter workday and better conditions. It has occurred to me that the old "roadster" could do lots of missionary work in his travels by disseminating the tenets of unionism in general and those of our particular craft especially. And I know that he has done so, and I believe he will do more so if there is financial inducement added to his personal desire. Suppose the "roadster" should be allowed one dollar for every application for membership sent in, or that between Fort

Worth and Denver he should be allowed 50 cents for every hour's talk he makes to a non-union typesetter he meets between the two points mentioned, on the presentation of satisfactory evidence that he has made the talks. I know that the International Typographical Union is putting out union-making literature, and I firmly believe it is effective and I want it continued, but I would like to see the "roadster" tried.

No. 198 has invested in the late colored photos of the Home, framed them handsomely and hung them up in public places.

This jurisdiction thinks the priority law a good proposition. No trouble whatever with it.

Down here in the southwest the two-months card is working a hardship. It is not apparent to this writer why the life of the card was changed from six to two months, but it is supposed there was good reason for it. Still, there is long and loud talk for a change from two to six months. The matter will be brought up at the St. Joe convention. Would it not be well to make the card read: "This certificate expires in six months from the time the last International due stamp thereon shows dues to have been paid?"

The duties of the father of the Morning Record chapel have been administered for the month of May by a woman, Mrs. E. E. Goodell having been elected to fill that office.

Occasionally one finds a typo who can set all the type, run a press, do the soliciting, collecting and local writing. The writer once met one in western Texas. Following is one of his local items: "Lying upon the street corner, in the last agonies of despair, that what was once a noble animal, but now prepared for her last resting place, is a cow, starved to death."

At the May meeting of No. 198 it was decided to send a delegate to Dallas to attend a congress of "prints," August 10, looking to the organization of a state council of the typographical unions in Texas.

Asa D. Roberds, in his correspondence from Havana, Cuba, tells the truth in every line. This writer has had some experience in working with Latin-Americans and knows that Mr. Roberds speaks by the card. The International Typographical Union will save time, money, trouble and many other unlooked-for "things" if it will thoroughly investigate conditions before sending an organizer into Latin-speaking districts.

C. E. Hill, an oldtime member of No. 198, was a sufferer in a fire in this city about June 12. He carried a small amount of insurance.

The following have deposited cards with No. 198 since my last report: H. V. Ruter, W. S. Jones, James N. Hall, Philip Stovall. Departures: Mrs. Hattie McDonald, E. M. Ackerman, Fred Horr, H. Alf Sparling, O. L. La Rash, F. L. Wilson, W. P. Peed, W. B. Leeman, W. E. Mileham. R. W. WALKER.

THE master's eye will do more work than both his hands.-Franklin.


Herman J. Martin, a member of Columbia Union, well-known to our downtown membership, died in this city on June 19, 1909, of tuberculosis, age

43 years.

Charles E. Holmes arrived in this city a few days since from Manila, where he has been employed during the past four years in the Philippine Bureau of Printing. He comes back to the states to remain, I am told. He represented Columbia Union in the International session held at Detroit in 1899.

After 41 years of acceptable service in the government printing office, Charles M. Cyphers has resigned his place as a compositor in that establishment. Friends presented him with a handsome cane on his departure. He returns to his old home at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., carrying with him much good will from many friends.

William R. Horr was recently appointed an assistant attorney-general of the United States by President Taft. He is a former member of Columbia Union and the son of the late Peter Horr, also a member of No. 101, and, for many years, manager of a local printing office.

W. H. Higgins died in this city on May 25, the cause of death being typhoid fever. He had been a member of No. 101 for many years, working most of the time in the government printing office. He was 48 years of age at the time of his death, and his demise is much regretted by those who knew him.

Perhaps no organization of working people any. where in the world has ever received more favorable mention in the public press than has our International for at least two of its great worksthe Colorado Springs Home and the old age pension. This has been particularly noticeable in this city the past few months. The Star, the Times, the Herald, and the Post have all been liberal in their space devoted to and well informed in their treatment of this subject. To the active work of one of Columbia's brightest members, James E. Maynard, is due much, if not all, this newspaper publicity here. He lets no opportunity pass to properly inform the press boys as to all the good things our union and the parent body are accomplishing. As a press agent, Jim is a pronounced


Milo K. Huntsberry, a long-time and wellknown member of Columbia Union, died in this city on May 22, age 52 years, the cause of death being tuberculosis. He came here many years ago from Ohio, and had worked much in various divisions of the government printing office, as well as seven or eight years in the office of Judd & Detweiler. He was highly esteemed by those who knew him.

M. Morgan, Thomas W. James, L. T. Gehrman, C. E. Derivaux, W. P. Laun, Carl R. Tegethoff, J. E. Kavanaugh, R. L. Knapp, D. C. P. Quin, C. J. Herold, Thomas T. Shircliff, J. Ertsgaard, P. S. Cunningham, C. W. Davidson, K. M. Gitt, W. E. Drenner, Clay Jones, E. C. Evenson, G. R. Sims, F. Fisher, E. T. Thomas, W. D. McNelly, Alfred Archer, E. S. Poole, Alfred J. Boyer, David MacNeil, W. H. Smullen, H. R. Thomssen, A. M. Butler, C. A. Parker, H. S. Styron, W. L. Bland, J. R. McFarland, J. C. McDaniel, jr., Gary E. Walters, W. H. McCann, Peter Embser, F. S. Atchison, W. A. Thornton, Irvin C. Collins, J. H. Cannon, Joseph Cannon, Hugh S. Murphy, W. W. Ingram, Milton Rowe, S. S. Price.

E. S. Hoskins, W. S. Campbell and C. M. Cyphers have been isued honorable withdrawal cards during the month, while traveling cards have been deposited by A. K. Bosworth, Ernest B. Rankine, W. C. Anderson, jr., C. E. Holmes. Departures for the same time were: Joseph J. Doyle, Edson Brace, Timothy Donahue, George W. Cameron, H. C Griggs, Harry Bradley, Edwin H. Witmer, S.

Business has been very dull in Uncle Sam's printing office of late, but things are looking up now, and it is believed that with the beginning of the new fiscal year-July 1-the normal force will be at work. In order to avoid discharges, Public Printer Donnelly instituted three-day furloughs, and this course is highly commended by all who understand conditions here.

In its government printing office chorus the national printery has a unique and talented organization. The chorus consists of about forty ladies and gentlemen connected with the establishment, and on many occasions in the past they have given entertaining proof of what a great amount of talent they possess, a recent illustration of this being their excellent program given at the Memorial day exercises in the printing office. The chorus is under the management of Benjamin A. Lineback, who has given much hard work and ability to building it up.

If one is to judge by the expressions on the subject heard hereabouts, members of Columbia Union are very generally opposed to the International establishing an insurance department. This writer believes it would be a mistake at this time -that is, in the ways thus far proposed.

A good deal appearing in print about the government printing office of late years has savored of the "knock," but these few remarks of Congressman Cushman at the Flag day celebration by employes of the printery sounded good and looks good in print:

Occasionally I speak in congress, and generally those speeches are fearfully and wonderfully made. Many a time, about nightfall, I have looked upon them and felt humiliated and ashamed, and actually almost afraid to let them get out of my hands. But when they got down to this great printing office, and your experts and quick wits corrected their spelling, improved their grammar, strengthened their facts, and embellished their rhetoric, they blossomed out in the next morning's Record as efforts of which I was positively proud.

One of the things which the coming convention ought to carefully consider in connection with the old age pension question is the matter of the feasibility of a total disability pension whether such totally disabled member has reached the age of 60 or not. Occasionally such cases will arise, and in the majority of them relief is sorely needed. A friend suggests that the cases would be entirely too numerous for us to afford relief. I doubt it, if certain legitimate safeguards thrown


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around the giving of the fund. Here in this city, among a membership of about 1,800, I know of but one such case-a gentleman who has been a member of the International Typographical Union for more than thirty years, but is only 56 years old, and therefore can not draw the pension. He is blind, and will never again be able to follow any business. Justice and humanity alike require some means by which he can be given the pension.

Edward Turnbull, delegate-elect from Lowell (Mass.) Union, was a visitor to this city during the latter part of June, being the guest of his uncle, Andrew Turnbull, a well-known member of No. 101. He has just joined a brand-new union of two members (himself and bride), and the other member accompanied him on the trip. W. N. BROCKWELL.


Edmund M. Evans, who was elected a delegate to St. Joe in May, at the last meeting of the union offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted:

Whereas, Mr. G. Webb Paini, local passenger agent of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, has written a letter to the delegates-elect of this union to the International Typographical Union convention, to be held at St. Joseph, Mo., August, 1909, stating therein different routes, train service and amount of fare to said convention, said letter closing as follows: "The writer has been fortunate to look after the delegates of the union for several years past, and desires to continue to do so. I shall be pleased to have you advise me when I may see you in regard to above trip, and if you will at the same time advise what route you desire to use, either from Chicago or St. Louis, I will be pleased to bring full information with me.' And

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Whereas, The members of the machinists' association are out on strike on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad; therefore, be it

Resolved, That Baltimore Typographical Union No. 12 call the attention of sister unions to the lockout by the Baltimore & Ohio of its_machinists, and request that delegates to the St. Joseph convention purchase tickets to that convention over some other route than the Baltimore & Ohio, unless that strike has been adjusted satisfactorily to the machinists.

Resolved further, That the delegates-elect from this union, and the recording secretary correspond with the local passenger agent of the Baltimore & Ohio, informing him of this determination.

The death of William C. Kaiss recalled to the minds of many of the older members of No. 12 that many years ago he was an employe in the composing room of the Sun. Twenty-eight years ago he left the printing business and established a wholesale coal business in South Baltimore. Mr. Kaiss died on May 30, of heart failure, combined with acute indigestion. He was 62 years old. He is survived by his widow and three sons.

In compliance with a request made by Superintendent Deacon, of the Home, an advertisement was inserted in Baltimore's daily papers asking information as to the family of J. P. Barkdoll. On the day the ad appeared, Secretary Williamson learned from letters received that Mr. Barkdoll was a son of Jacob W. Barkdoll, of Smithsburg, near Hagerstown, Md., his ancestors having lived in that vicinity since revolutionary days. The whereabouts of two sisters was learned. Mr.

Barkdoll went to Colorado Springs from Wallace, Idaho, and died while awaiting entrance to the Home.

The William J. C. Dulany Company was unanimously re-elected city printers, June 14, at a joint convention of both branches of the city council.

William Morse Keener has recently been chosen state chairman of the prohibition party of Maryland. Mr. Keener is active in the work of No. 12, and is at present a delegate to the Baltimore Federation of Labor.

The Woman's Auxiliary of No. 12 held a lawn party and sale at the residence of George J. Foster, in the northern suburbs of the city, on Wednesday, June 2. While the affair was not a money-making arrangement, ice cream, cake, coffee and sandwiches were sold and a small sum realized.

Among the forty-six graduates of the College of Physicians and Surgeons who received their di plomas Wednesday night, June 2, at the thirtyseventh annual commencement of that institution, was James G. Callison, a linotype operator on the American. Those who remember Dr. Callison when he was "barnstorming" up and down the Pacific coast will read of his graduation with much pleasure.

News of the death of H. Tell Zimmerman, in New York city, was received here with much regret by those who knew him in other years. Twenty years ago Tell was a popular member of the old American job chapel.

It was with regret that I read the announce. ment in the June issue of THE JOURNAL of the retirement of William Mounce as New York correspondent. Mr. Mounce is an able and prolific writer on union topics and his loss will be keenly felt by those who delight in the coming of the monthly magazine of our ancient craft. During my sojourn in New York city I came to know and esteem Mr. Mounce as a very good friend, and it is my sincere wish that he may soon regain his health and return to the field which can not know too many conscientious and earnest workers.

A fire broke out in the pressroom of the Lowenthal-Wolf Company, Charles and Lombard streets, this city, on June 8, but the excellent work of the firemen confined the flames to that department and the work of the composing room was in no way interfered with.

Charles W. Bastian, secretary of York Typographical Union No. 242, and elected a delegate to St. Joe, was a recent visitor in Baltimore. Clarence Dunkle, one-time president of No. 242, but now affiliated with No. 12, had Mr. Bastian in tow, and among other sights of the city, took him to the meeting of the union. Mr. Bastian returned to York much impressed with the lines. along which we work in this city.

That portion of the St. Louis letter in the June issue of THE JOURNAL, written by Stanley E. Crane, referring to the scheme of lawmakers in Missouri to establish a printing office in the penitentiary and let the convicts do the state printing, was shown to the warden of the Maryland peni tentiary, which is located in this city. This official

stated that such a scheme would be impracticable in Maryland because of the scarcity of journeymen printers in durance vile. Your correspondent was informed that there was but one printer among the many guests at this window-barred in. stitution, and that unfortunate was an uncultured rodent. However, should such a calamitous scheme be put in operation in this vicinity, that would be about the only office I should like to see filled with rats.

Monroe Lang, of New York city, was a recent visitor...."Count" Dietz, of Uncle Sam's big print factory, paid a flying visit to old friends in this city....John Kavanaugh is back from the city where congress meets, and is doing stunts in the Sun job chapel....I record with pleasure the news of the steady improvement of George E. Frazier, who suffered a stroke of paralysis some time ago....Popular Billy Shields renewed old acquaintances in this city June 12....Charlie Haddock, of New York Tribune priority fame, spent some time in Baltimore recently....And as a final word, keep everlastingly at boosting the label. JOHN H. FERGUSON.


Of conditions in this town much might be written, but for and in extenuation of conditions here very little can be said. Some little discouragement exists, but considerable progress has been made, notwithstanding, and we can report two label shops and about thirty-five members.

In all shops but the two above mentioned nine hours is the rule. Visiting catalog men can get only $14 here, good jobbers a little more.

Of course, one Post, who made $15,000,000, so they say, out of ground toast, advertising, and a judicious use of the bankruptcy laws, is the great man here, and it is sad to see how many otherwise sensible people can be in accord with the principles expressed by any one of Post's caliber. So this is called an "ideal town" by Post, and few people here really have much notion of genuine union sentiment.


What will probably be one of the most modern and sanitary printing offices in the world is the new Age-Herald building, at Twenty-first street and Fifth avenue. The building is the result of many years' planning upon the part of President E. W. Barrett, of that paper, who, in working out the details, has visited many of the most prominent plants both in America and Europe. The building-now well under way-will be five stories in height and will be occupied exclusively by the Age-Herald. The material is of mottled pressed brick and antique iron grill work. Every department will have its private toilets, lavatories and shower baths, while the mailing department con


This town is quite important in the amount of printing done, both local and outside work. There never was a better time to gain ground here than right now, and all that is needed is a lot of hard work. At the May meeting a committee was appointed to do what it could. It has decided to begin work along publicity and organization lines. A set of stereopticon slides of the Home have been sent for and will be exhibited in motion picture theaters.

Secretary Amadon was our delegate to the convention of the Michigan Federation of Typographical Unions, held at Jackson the last of June. Murray Hearns, vice-president of the federation, was also present at the Jackson meeting.

We hope to report progress in subsequent letters. R. S. COOPER.

CREDITORS have better memories than debtors.Franklin,


tains bunk rooms for the "newsies." The composing room is on the third floor, and up to and including this floor the front is of solid plate glass, while the rear and both sides are flanked by a mass of windows. Each machine has a separate window, and every modern device in ventilation has been employed. The entire top floor, under a roof of glass, will be given over to the engraving and electrotyping departments. Automatic chutes and lifts connect every room in the building. Two new presses will be added-a sextuple and a quadruple Scott. The executive force of the Age-Herald consists of the following well-known members of No. 104: Allen M. Holt, foreman; E. C. Craddock, assistant foreman; N. F. Cornett, foreman of adroom, and C. F. Weigandt, head proofreader. J. E. Carson, of the News, and C. J. Deaton,


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