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A MEASURE passed at the last session of the New York legislature amends the public health law in relation to the establishment of hospitals or camps for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, and provides that the consent necessary to erect such a hospital is to be obtained from the state commissioner of health and the local health officer, instead of the board of supervisors and town board, as formerly. This places the central labor union of Brooklyn in a position to go ahead with its tuberculosis sanatorium at Riverhead, L. I., and it is the first organization to apply for permission to build such a sanatorium under the provisions of the amended law. The local unions of Manhattan have been extended the privilege of building pavilions in connection with this hospital. A conference committee, consisting of representatives of the labor unions of Manhattan and Brooklyn and a number of influential citizens of Greater New York, has been appointed to take charge of the project and conduct its management.

On May 1, M. D. Raymond, editor and proprietor of the Tarrytown (N. Y.) Argus, celebrated the thirty-fourth anniversary of his connection with that paper. He published a list of his present and former employes, as well as he could remember. Mr. Raymond, through the columns of THE JOURNAL, requests the present addresses of those formerly in his employ and whose whereabouts are now unknown to him. Mr. Raymond is one of the real "oldtimers" in the printing craft, having worked at the case for the past fifty years. His office is thoroughly union, and has been since the organization of Typographical Union.

No. 523.

THE Contention of those employers who are continually asserting that American workmen are the best paid received a severe jolt when Senator Stone produced a German government report, in the course of the tariff debate at Washington, which showed many skilled workers in that country received higher wages than in similar American trades.

Notice to Correspondents.

Owing to convention duties, which makes necessary the presence of the editor of THE JOURNAL in St. Joseph, Mo., at about the usual time of closing the last forms for the August number of this magazine, correspondents are requested to mail their communications for that month so that they will reach headquarters not later than July 18. This is two days earlier than the usual date. A compliance with this request will be of great assistance to the editor and insure the appearance of the usual monthly letters in the August JOURNAL.

Attention, Delegates!

Delegates to the International convention should see that all the indebtedness of their unions to the parent body is paid, otherwise they will be denied the right to participate in the deliberations of the convention when it meets in St. Joseph, Mo., the second week in August. Section 9, article iii, of the by-laws, provides: "No delegate shall be entitled to vote in the convention of the International Union whose union has not previously paid over to the proper officers the per capita tax and all indebtedness of his union." It will thus be seen that the law makes it obligatory that subordinate unions must have their per capita tax, old age pension assessment, and all other indebtedness paid, up to and including the month of June, before the opening of the convention. Otherwise their delegates will not be entitled to a vote or seat in the convention. Delegates should make it a point to see that all money owing the International Union is paid before starting for St. Joseph. This will facilitate matters and may relieve what otherwise might prove to be an embarrassing situation.

ACCORDING to Owen Miller, secretary of the American Federation of Musicians, a number of members of that organization are wearing uniforms which bear a spurious union label. The supposed label is merely a tag, showing where the uniform was made, and this tag carries the label of the International Typographical Union. It is al

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leged that this fraud is being practiced on musicians in the smaller communities, and the chief offender is said to be a Philadelphia firm which deals in uniforms. However, if all union musicians would become familiar with the various union labels, they would not be such easy prey for the unfair employer.

The St. Joseph Convention.

All preparations for holding the fifty-fifth session of the International Typographical Union will be finished this month, and the only disappointment so far experienced has been the unsuccessful efforts to obtain reduced railroad rates for the gathering. As we stated last month, those who go to St. Joseph will be compelled to pay full fare each way, unless local agents can provide lower rates. The railway officials give as an excuse for their action that a 2-cent rate prevails in most of the territory contiguous to the convention city. However, the matter of reduced rates should not, and probably will not, deter any one from making the journey. Many matters of vast importance to our organization will be brought before the convention, and this will be an incentive for all local unions to be represented in the deliberations. And then it should not be forgotten that Typographical Union No. 40 celebrates its fiftieth anniversary at this time, and has provided a program of entertainment that will make the visitors and delegates remember the fiftyfifth session for all time to come.

Hotel rates will be found especially reasonable in the convention city. Hotel Metropole will be the headquarters, with the rates $2 per day and up, American plan. Then there is the Hotel Robideaux, with a rate of $1 per day and up, European plan; the St. Charles, $2 and $3 per day, American plan, and numerous other stopping places, with rates that are moderate and which are convenient to the convention hall and headquarters.


Our International constitution provides that all propositions for changes of the laws shall be passed upon by the committee on laws before they are presented to the

convention. This committee will meet in St. Joseph five days previous to the opening of the session, and delegates or other members having amendments that they wish to have incorporated in the book of laws should immediately forward them in duplicate to Secretary-Treasurer Hays, at headquarters in Indianapolis. This will not only give assurance that the proposed amendments will receive the proper consideration in the deliberations of the convention, but will enable the committee on laws to go more fully into the subjects and make a complete and intelligent report on all propositions.


Immediately on arrival at the convention city, delegates should deposit their credentials with Secretary-Treasurer Hays at the Hotel Metropole. It is necessary that delegates should remember this injunction, otherwise the secretary-treasurer will be hampered in the work of making up the rollcall. It also makes possible the consideration by President Lynch of the names of all delegates in the appointment of the various convention committees. It will thus be seen that this is a most important matter, as any neglect in this regard may place the procrastinating delegate at a disadvantage. BE SURE YOUR UNION IS IN GOOD STANDING.

Another matter of vital importance to every delegate is in being assured that his local union has discharged all its indebtedness to the International body. This is covered by International law, which provides that all money owing the parent organization by a subordinate union must be paid up to and including the month of June. Otherwise the representative of the local union will not be permitted to participate in the deliberations of the convention. Delegates should know whether or not their locals have fully complied with the law before they leave for St. Joseph.

EARLY in June M. D. L. Shrope, editor of the Easton (Pa.) Journal, was a visitor at International headquarters. He was on his way to the Pacific coast, on a business trip, and was making occasional stops en route to call on his many friends among the craft.

The Chicago-St. Joseph Rate.

Those who expect to attend the St. Joseph convention, going by way of Chicago, can get the benefit of a reduced railroad rate from the latter city. The delegates from Typographical Union No. 16 have secured a rate of one and one-half fare for the round trip, and tickets will be on sale August 5 and 6, good returning until August 21. A special train will leave Chicago Friday, August 6, and arrive at St. Joseph the next morning. The regular fare one way is $9.20; standard sleepers, $2.50; tourist sleepers, $1.25. All details of the above arrangements can be secured by writing any member of the Chicago delegation, which will be furnished cheerfully. This is the only reduced rate that has been made for such a distance that we know of, and no doubt many delegates and visitors will be eager to take advantage of the same.

Our Friends the Enemy.

sentative crowd by capturing printers going to and from other conventions. The stationers and photo-engravers are meeting about that time, and many of them will visit Detroit, which is a "show" town. The executive committee plumes itself on having made a shrewd move, and is hopeful that the crumbs, in the shape of printers dropping in from these other convention feasts, will give the typothetæ an opportunity to make a respectable showing. Why Rochester and Cleveland were ignored was that Detroit seemed to offer better opportunities. of catching the stragglers. The once proud typothetæ has been reduced to the extremity of being a sideshow for the stationers and photo-engravers.

The United Typothetæ meets this month at Detroit. The semblance of joyousness that is forced into the printing announcing the convention is not noticeable in any of the arrangements. The executive committee names the time and place of meeting, which seems to be a wise move when an organization becomes senile. So far as typothetæ journals showed, Detroit never clamored loudly for the convention. Rochester and Cleveland did want it, but didn't get it; instead, it was forced on the Wolverine city. The probable reason why is interesting. All organizations like to have people attend their conventions, and live associations provide their own crowds; others have to get them in some way, and the typothetæ evidently belongs to that class. Last year it professed to have delegates numbering around the hundred mark, but the convention was in Boston, and New York and Philadelphia were "whipped up" and drawn in line.. There is no such printing population in the neighborhood of either Cleveland or Rochester. Detroit is little better, but it is not far from Chicago, and a few "delegates" might be sent from that asthmatic local typothetæ. But the foxy executive committee saw a chance to get a repre

The typothetæ's semi-official organ, the American Printer, is soliciting advertising on account of a special edition for the use of "this great gathering." Perhaps that had something to do with its assertion that the forthcoming convention would handle matters of great importance, for the program does not show anything of absorbing interest. It is flat and thin. Possibly the American Printer had in mind the rumor that a certain one-time busy official will be asked: "Jock, wha did ye dae wi' it?" But that is not of moment; if "Jock" is unable to explain it will surprise no student of human nature. Some infatuated persons may be shaken by their knowledge of "Jock's" plight, but when they come to consider that the "cleverness" which endeared him to them was the facility and felicity with which he was supposed to be able to deceive or bulldoze labor, they, too, will see the individual in his proper light. This party's smartness consisted in concocting stories about assessments not being paid, and other fudge. Doubtless he lied to his employers with the same facility as he lied for them, and he perhaps had much to do with inducing the typothetæ to pursue the illogical, irrational and asinine policy it did in reference to eight hours. His misrepresentation made Editor Oswald, of the American Printer, clamor for $100,000 to put the International Typographical Union out of business. "Jock's" cleverness was to be used in practicing deceitful arts on the journeymen. Their primitive instincts not hav

ing been dulled by greed, he could not take them into camp. The next thing at hand was the employers, and it would not surprise us to hear that he had "worked" them. At all events, we know "Jock's" self-interest was subserved by having ruptures-peace made him poor, and he didn't relish that, so he dragged some men to the verge of ruin, and tried to steep others in misery.

To leave "Jock" in his trouble and get back to the typothetæ. In recent years it has annually announced large numbers of delegates, but where they came from, and where they were, none but the elect ever knew. Two years ago THE JOURNAL was informed that thirty-seven accredited delegates were in attendance. This statement was denounced as a falsehood. Last year the typothetæ gave the number of delegates as ninety-eight, and their names and addresses were given much prominence, and yet a man who is close to the chief officials, and who was much in evidence around the meeting place, assured this writer that the bona fide delegates did not exceed fortyfour. The moral seems to be that worse things may happen an employers' organization than to deal honestly and fairly with a seasoned trade union.

The Tailors and Garment Workers.

It appears from recent utterances of officials of the journeymen tailors' union and the united garment workers that a crisis in the organization standing of certain branches of the makers of clothing is near at hand, writes Joseph R. Buchanan in the New York Journal. The "special order" branch of the clothing industry, which is organized under the united garment workers, is fast displacing old-line tailoring. As a consequence the field of the journeymen tailors' union is being reduced.

That such a condition would sooner or later exist has been seen by the wise men of the two national unions for several years. Secretary John B. Lennon, of the tailors, has for a long time favored a fusion of the two organizations upon terms which would leave the "custom" trade under the jurisdiction of the tailors; but when the question was submitted to the rank and file

of the journeymen tailors' union it was voted down. President Rickert and Secretary Larger, of the united garment workers, were in accord with the view of Secretary Lennon, and had the latter been sustained by the rank and file of his national union the matter would long ago have been adjusted.

The Journeymen Tailors' Union of America will hold a convention at Buffalo in August. The most important question it will have to consider is the matter of adjusting the relations of the journeyman tailor with the special order worker and the future control of the "custom-made" tailoring.

Philadelphia Typographical Society.

A pamphlet by H. Clay King, recording secretary of the Philadelphia Typographical Society, gives some interesting information concerning that time-honored organization. The society was organized November 2, 1802, and chartered in 1810. No person was admitted to membership who had not served a full apprenticeship in the "art preservative of all arts," but in 1884 the charter was changed, allowing the admission of all members of the allied printing trades. It has always been a public-spirited and patriotic body, turning out in force at a reception given to General Lafayette in 1824. It also participated in the centennial celebration of the birth of George Washington, in 1832; assisted in the mock funeral over General Lafayette, in 1834; took part in the obsequies to General William Henry Harrison, in 1844, and during the war of the rebellion it kept those members in good standing who were serving their country "at the front."

From 1802 until the printers' union was formed in 1850-a period of nearly fifty years-this old society was the regulator of all matters pertaining to the trade in its jurisdiction, and its decisions were acquiesced in by both employers and employed. It has been especially honored in its membership by many illustrious men, among whom were Simon Cameron, Lincoln's secretary of war; William W. Harding, publisher for years of the Philadelphia Inquirer; John W. Forney, United States senator and founder of the Philadelphia Press; Morton

McMichael, publisher of the North American and mayor of Philadelphia; Anthony J. Drexel, George W. Childs and others.

We are told that one member was visited for twenty-nine years, receiving in that time over $4,000 in sick benefits; another has received $3,000; several over $1,000; more over $500. From 1831 down to the present time there has been paid out for relief over $300,000. For many years the society contributed to the widows of deceased members who were in needy circumstances the sum of $4 to $25 per year, and donations of the same character are still made. On account of its liberality in the past, its source of revenue has been reduced, and it is now paying $5 per week for thirteen weeks each year, and $60 in case of death.

The society is the owner of three burial lots (one of these being presented by the late George W. Childs), which are used for the interment of union printers, whether they belong to the society or not.

The Hatters' Strike.

The press dispatches early in June announced that there had been a break in the hat manufacturers' association, which had been formed for the purpose of "disrupting the unions and doing away with the use of the union label." In an official letter to Secretary-Treasurer Hays, under date of June 11, Secretary Lawlor, of the United Hatters of North America, says:

from the national association as gracefully as possible, after which an agreement will be entered into and the use of the union label resumed. The handwriting on the wall indicates a complete victory soon.

The Texas Printers' Council.

A conference of the printer delegates to the Texas State Federation of Labor convention, held in San Antonio in May, resulted in the adoption of resolutions advocating the formation of a printers' state council. Secretary Duckworth, of Dallas Union No. 173, was chosen secretary of the temporary organization and instructed to place the matter before the various typographical unions of the state. There are twenty-three locals in the Lone Star state, and the formation of a central body would result in great benefit to the craft in the way of organization and in the placing of printing in union establishments. THE JOURNAL hopes that the tentative plan will prove the precursor of a militant organization in that jurisdiction. Similar organizations in other states have demonstrated their usefulness to the International Union by holding annual and semi-annual conferences and discussing craft matters and exchanging ideas in fur therance of the union cause. It is proposed to hold a meeting in Dallas the second Tuesday in August to perfect an organization.

We are pleased to announce that, after a struggle of twenty-one weeks, we have made a break in the manufacturers' combination, and sixteen of the largest factories in Connecticut are again operating as union concerns, and using the union label of the United Hatters of North America, and we believe that it will be only a question of a short time when the other manufacturers who are now fighting our organization will have to do likewise. Not only have the sixteen manufacturers agreed to operate union factories and use the union label, but also to resign from the manufacturers' association. The fight is still on in other localities, and, with the aid of organized labor, we hope to be able to subdue them in the very near future. Since the above information was received seven other large hat factories in the Danbury district signed agreements with the hatters' union. It seems that a period of ninety days is set aside to enable a majority of the manufacturing hatters to withdraw

A Message From Garcia.

A sentiment bearing the above title was forwarded to THE JOURNAL by an employing printer in one of the large cities, and, coming from the source it does, it should be highly appreciated by our readers. Evidently Elbert Hubbard, the "intellectual" what-is-it of East Aurora, got on this employer's nerves, as the article is a reply to some of Hubbard's stuff which urges men to work, and work like h, etc., etc. This is how our friend puts it:

If you hire a man, in heaven's name, pay him for his work. If he works for you, gives you of his blood and body and mind, pay him and stand I paid by the humanity he represents. I think for a man I would pay him; I would not pay him I would part of his worth, but all he was worth. pay him 100 cents on the dollar or none.

If put


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