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of the Ledger, are the delegates to St. Joseph. These gentlemen go uninstructed, other than to vote for Atlanta, 1910.

The National Farmers' Union convenes here next Labor day. It is expected that fully 5,000 tillers of the soil will be in attendance, many of whom will have an opportunity of participating in their first Labor day parade.

No. 104, at its last meeting, voted to join the chamber of commerce, the leading commercial body of the city. Here is an opportunity for almost unlimited label missionary work at the very fountain head of the class that buys printed matter. Our popular secretary, T. T. Nock, will represent the union, which is another way of saying that it will be done right.

The white ribbon band claimed that, with the advent of prohibition, crime in this city would decrease to the vanishing point. Tigers of deceptive vision have aged only eighteen months when, lo! the authorities begin to draw plans for a tenstory jail. And the officers of this county work on the piece system, too.

Arrivals-A. A. Owen, J. L. Hodge, T. M. Kinney. Departures-W. A. Smith, Neil Bray, C. B. Rolen, E. Hagenbuckner, Sam F. Kennedy.

Business is looking up. Being flat of its back, it could hardly look otherwise. WILL H. WINN.


So many months have elapsed since the name Detroit has appeared in THE JOURNAL outside of the columns devoted to the "financial statement," that doubtless many of the members throughout the International jurisdiction have come to the conclusion that the "stone wall" had been "jimmed" during the closing days of the eighthour struggle, and had fallen to the ground before the desperate onslaughts of a victorious foe. But such is far from being the true state of affairs. No. 18 is stronger, both numerically and financially, than at any time during the past three Such members as became in arrears during the long fight for the shorter workday are rapidly making good their obligations and new members are being added to the roll at every meeting.


Detroit will be represented at St. Joe by Otto Sprunk and James Roberts, both members of No. 18 for over twenty years.

After three years in the field as International Typographical Union organizer, "Billie" Haight is back on the old job "choking a mill" on the Evening News.

John J. McLogan, who represented this organization at the Toronto convention, and incidentally acted as chairman of the committee on returns and finances for that body, is state secretary of the Eagles. Needless to say, the label appears on all of their printing.

The address of W. B. Prescott at the May meeting on behalf of the I. T. U. Course in Printing was listened to attentively by all present, and his remarks seem to have "sunk in," as the writer has heard more "technical" talk in the last few weeks than in the entire previous history of the

course. The president has appointed the following committee to take charge of the work of aiding the commission in this jurisdiction: William Smelt, chairman; Frank Becker, secretary; Charles L. Powers, Charles F. Keppler, William T. Finn, Charles O. Bryce, George Huck. Mr. Becker is a linotype operator; Mr. Finn an adman, and the balance of the committee are connected with the job branch of the trade. The committee is an energetic one and is boosting the course in various ways, and can be relied upon to do everything possible to bring the advantages of technical instruction before the entire membership. F. J. PORTER.


Notices were posted on the Home bulletin boards late in May with the pleasing announcement by Superintendent Deacon that, in letters received from the lessees and managers of the Seven Falls in South Cheyenne cañon and the cliff dwellers' ruins in Manitou cañon-scenic and amusement resorts-were renewals of the privi leges to Home members to visit their places of amusement during the present summer, and that a presentation of membership cards issued by the management would insure admission to all holders of the same.

Thomas I. Brockman died of exhaustion resulting from lung hemorrhages superinduced by tuberculosis on May 18. The remains were sent to Denver, Colo., where his widow and six children resided, and interment was made in one of the cemeteries there. He entered the Home on February 1 as a member of Denver Union No. 49. and it was his second admission-the first occasion being a few years ago, as a member of New York Union No. 6, when he remained but a few months.

Your correspondent (and others here) are always grieved when they meet a newcomer to the Home who is in the advanced stages of tubercu losis. The afflicted person in that condition leaving his home for a change to this climate and treatment in the sanatorium in this mile-high altitude of Colorado unwittingly imposes upon himself a death sentence, for the disease makes more rapid progress and can not be stayed in its ravages, despite the best of medical skill, because of the sudden changes from the lower to the high altitude, rarified atmosphere and the wearing hardships of from one to three days' railroad traveling. The patient will have a longer tenure of life if he can be persuaded to remain at home. Every little while the Home physician is constrained to advise patients in the conditions referred toeither upon their arrival or a week or so laterthat their only hope of checking the advancement of the malady and prolonging their existence is to apply for transportation and return from whence they came.

William R. Wade, a resident member of Chicago Union No. 16, is the "dean" of the Home institution, and he may be termed such because of his length of time at the Home-fifteen yearsentering its portals on June 11, 1894. In point of residence, but not in age (he is 71 years old),


he leads all others domiciled in the institution. There are ten other craftsmen comfortably cared for therein who are 80 years of age (and more), the eldest of whom has been a resident upward of nine years, and who reached his eighty-third birthday on May 4 last.

Wilson J. Taylor succumbed to tuberculosis after a brief residence at the Home institution. He was admitted on April 24 and his death eventuated on May 27. The deceased was 40 years old and he followed his vocation in the Pacific coast cities for more than a score of years, entering the Home, with the dread disease in its advanced stage, as a member of San Francisco Union No. 21 on the date mentioned. His funeral services were conducted by Rev. A. B. Conwell at the undertaking parlors of the Hallett-Baker company on the day following his demise, and interment was afterward made in one of the International Union plots in Evergreen cemetery. Harry T. Meehla (New York), William Bland (Vancouver, B. C.), Charles R. Myles (Pittsburg) and W. H. Brock (Washington, D. C.) were officiating pallbearers.

A violent electrical storm of twenty minutes' duration, beginning at 3 o'clock on the afternoon of June 14, undid the work of Gardener Lowe and his assistants, who had been assiduously engaged for two weeks previous in the adornment and beautification of the lawns and gardens of the Home institution. Hail, rain and wind were the destroying elements, and when the terrific battering was over havoc was noticeable in all directions. Canna lilies were ribboned and the tops of geraniums and other flowering plants, mingled with hail, covered the beds, circles and other parts of the landscaped grounds, while the shade trees lining the avenue leading to the main building were almost denuded of foliage, the leaves littering the roadways. The gardener estimates the damages at $2,000.

Memorial Sunday (May 30) was observed at the Home institution in the display at half-mast of the American and Canadian flags and by floral decorations of graves of former Home members in the several plots owned by the International Typographical Union in Evergreen cemetery.

Trustee McCaffery's 16-year-old son, Thomas, was a victim of painful injuries resulting from his left hand being drawn into the cable drum of an elevator in the Out West building in Colorado Springs on June 14. The mishap caused the loss by amputation of the index and second fingers and in the reception of facial bruises and contusions.

Good progress is being made in the erection of the library building. At this date (June 17) the walls inclosing the basement (and which is to be an enlargement of the dining rooms and kitchens) are in place. Granite cutters, stonemasons, bricklayers and carpenters are making things hum at the scene of operations, and their activities are a source of much interest to the residents and the many visitors at the Home institution.

Louis Albrecht, who had been a resident member of Chicago Union No. 16 upward of two years and cared for in one of the sanatorium

tents, vacated the Home institution in the latter part of May for the purpose of accepting employ. ment with an old-established printing firm in Colorado Springs. His malady is tuberculosis and his improved condition of health warranted him in making the venture, at which he is making good, both to himself and to his employers.

Harry S. Smith, who entered the Home in February as a member of Trenton (N. J.) Union No. 71, and had been a sufferer from sciatic rheumatism, embraced an opportunity to resume his vocation with a local printing establishment, and he, like Mr. Albrecht, is proving his worth as a skilled craftsman to his employers. Mr. Smith vacated his place in the Home in the second week in June. Superintendent Deacon went to Seattle, Wash., on June 12, agreeable to instructions from President Lynch, his mission to the northwest being to arrange for the proper installation of the International Union exhibit in one of the buildings of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition. The floor space required is upward of five hundred feet and the display will exceed in magnitude that shown at the World's Tuberculosis Congress in Washington, D. C., in the fall of 1908. A model of the Home's sanatorium house tents for the treatment and cure of tuberculosis is conspicuous in the exhibit, which will comprise photographs, descriptive and illustrative brochures, etc., and also the handsomely engraved parchment diploma awarded the International Typographical Union by the congress as a testimonial in praise of the methods employed at the Union Printers Home in combating the evils wrought by the white plague. But one other sanatorium-located in Denver-in the great number of institutions devoted to the treatment of this malady in Colorado merited the gift of this honorable mention. C. A. GALLAGHER.

Colorado Springs, Colo.


To those who have never heard of a mailers' organization putting forth an effort to promote the label, permit me to inform you that No. 18, of San Francisco, has appointed a label committee which is making a very favorable impression. The committee's latest move has been to have postal cards printed with scenes of that beautiful state and its products, with the request that you should see that the union label is upon your printing. This is only one of innumerable schemes it has in mind, so do not be surprised if you should receive some of this literature boosting the label. This is something which has been neglected by our craft. We might have received great benefits therefrom if the various locals had appointed label committees when so requested by the executive council previous to the eight-hour struggle. The benefits thus derived would have been surprising. However, it is not too late to become active in this respect, as every effort to boost the label will eventually benefit the members of your local. At any rate, why not take up this matter and give it a trial? Secretaries, when issuing traveling cards, should

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be careful not to issue any to apprentices, as they will not be honored in any city in which they might attempt to deposit them. It is not fair to misinform and allow these young men to travel hundreds of miles from their homes without any prospects.

I hope you are sending your delegates to the convention prepared to amend the Mailers' Trade District Union by-laws, as suggested by me in a previous letter.

We will have to classify the mailers of St. Joseph as from Missouri and show them something when we arrive there in August, as I find it impossible to get them to organize.

Secretaries have been asked to forward copies of their scales, but up to the present time the request has not been largely complied with.

The circulation managers' convention was held at Cleveland, Ohio, late in June. One of the subjects discussed was union mailers. It certainly looks as if some one was beginning to realize that the mailers are in existence.

Ere this article reaches you I may be on a general organizing trip, embracing several cities. Perhaps your city is included, so don't be surprised if your humble servant should drop in on


President Eby, of Cincinnati, informs me that the trouble which arose in his local some time ago over the manager of one of the newspapers discharging a member of No. 17 who had served fourteen years, and superseding him with a mailer from St. Louis, has been adjusted to the satisfaction of all concerned.

The trouble in Providence, R. I., has not been settled as yet, but Secretary Allen has the affair well in hand, and I predict it will be only a short time before a settlement is made and the local recognized. CHARLES N. SMITH.

New York, N. Y.


A large number of members of Boston Mailers' Union have passed their twenty-fifth year and over in the newspaper mailing business in Boston, and, although somewhat advanced in age, they are still very active and alive to the present up-to-date ideas, owing to the excellent training they received in the early days. When some of these men were learning their trade they had to work long hours and for small pay, but the trade is different today. Apprentices who start in the mailing business now have many advantages in short hours and fair wages. Such chances never existed in the olden times, and men had to "plug" night and day, and then their salary would not come anywhere near the salary that some of the apprentices are receiving today in the city of Boston. But do these boys or men take advantage of these opportunities? I say no. In reading "Scotty" Mitchell's letter in the last number of THE JOURNAL, I was much interested in his story in regard to efficiency. He claimed that the apprentices do not take the chances that are offered them to learn the printing business, but instead they sit around in an idle way and

hardly ever put in their spare moments in trying to learn or advance. Possibly the same may be said of some of the mailers who are receiving good wages; but do these men who are going to face the future in the mailing business take any precaution to learn and try to advance with the trade as it grows from day to day? Something new can be learned in the mailing business all the time, and, with so much keen competition, new ideas are bound to be brought out by those who are employed. Apprentices should take warning and have their eyes and ears open at all times, and be energetic and alive to all situations as they arise, and by so doing keep their minds on their jobs. We can thus look for more earnest and better equipped workmen in the future, and our trade will be far better advanced and the mailers of the future will be able to meet any exigency that may come up.

The following delegates have been duly elected to the next convention of the Mailers' Trade District Union, which will be held at St. Joseph, Mo., in August: Boston, B. P. Fouhy and T. B. Spillane; Chicago, Florence Donoghue, James McNichols and J. Kinsley; St. Louis, James J. Mulcahy and C. Roehl; Toronto, J. G. Gallagher; New York, Daniel L. Corcoran and James J. Winters; Kansas City, Norman A. Snapp; Newark, William H. Garrabrant; Louisville, Frank A. Williams; San Francisco, E. L. Bangs. There probably will be no delegates from Denver and Cincinnati.

President Smith, in his last letter to THE JourNAL, points out to the delegates-elect that it would be well for them to consider new amendments to the laws of the trade district union, as the book does not now cover everything to the entire satisfaction of the members in general. It would be well for the members of the trade district union to think some before they begin to make amend ments. Although I am in favor of new laws, it would be well to hesitate and consider how far we can go with any new laws that we may attempt to put in our book. The committee appointed by former President Corcoran at the Hot Springs convention, consisting of Messrs. Worsley and Allen, of Boston, gave this matter some consideration and found that the mailers are entirely under the jurisdiction of the International Typographical Union, with the exception, probably, that we are given the right of autonomy over the trade, and with no power at all as far as strikes, revenues and some other matters which do not directly, although they do indirectly, concern us. I hope that the coming convention will give the matter of new laws and amendments the attention it deserves, and get the code nearer to the wants and the ideas of the members at large.

The St. Louis mailers have a committee appointed to entertain all delegates to the convention who pass through that city to St. Joseph. Delegates and visitors who intend to go to the convention should write at once to Henry Wunderlich, 1914A Utah avenue, St. Louis, Mo., who is secretary of the entertainment committee. Boston, Mass.



On Sunday afternoon, May 30, San Francisco Typographical Union, for the first time in its history, held a memorial service in commemoration of those members who had passed away during the preceding year. The service was held in conjunction with the regular monthly meeting of the union, which necessitated a very brief program. It is believed that this first memorial service will impress the members with the desirability of making the affair an annual event, with preparation for a more elaborate program. The graves at Laurel Hill cemetery were profusely decorated.

The service was opened by W. J. White, chairman of the cemetery committee, who referred appropriately to the provisions made by the union for the burial of its dead, and spoke in an appreciative manner of the services rendered the cause

removal of the three bodies. The expense of the removal amounted to only $70, and with the remainder of the fund the present plot, 85x95 feet, was secured. Following this action, the union made provision for the improvement and care of the lot. From that date till November, 1903, when the authorities prohibited further interments at Laurel Hill cemetery, more than 100 printers have found a last resting place in this plot, and about twenty-five others, members of printers' families, are buried there, together with one unknown grave. The remains of Edward T. Plank, former president of the International Typographical Union, were interred at Laurel Hill.

It is a consoling thought to those who have watched the growth of the International Typographical Union, and who are familiar with the history of San Francisco Union, to know that when the race of life is run, a helping hand is ever ready to perform the last sad rites for those who have given up the struggle.

Long live the typographical union! May its past history, its benefactions for the living, its thoughtful provisions for the aged, the sick an de



of unionism by many of the pioneer printers now buried in the printers' plot at Laurel Hill cemetery.

President Tracy delivered an address appropriate to the occasion. In closing his remarks, he said:

It seems to me especially appropriate at this time to call attention to the work of San Francisco Typographical Union in the burial of its dead. In 1860, through the initiatory efforts of Alexander M. Kenaday, the union's plot at Laurel Hill cemetery was secured for the sum of $100. The first interment in the plot was that of Edward Gilbert, one of the first congressmen from California, and editor of the Alta California at the time of his death in 1852. Mr. Gilbert, George Gordon and M. Richardson were first interred at Yerba Buena cemetery, where the ruins of the present city hall now stand. By order of the city authorities, all bodies were ordered removed from that cemetery in the fall of 1860. Mr. Kenaday was president of old Eureka Union at that time, and through his efforts a subscription of $168.50 was raised for the

crepit, the burial of its dead and its tributes to their memories, be ever preserved to its membership.

Since this day, one year ago, twelve members of our organization have passed to the Great Beyond -Joseph J. O'Neill, Ray A. Buzby, John Helmer, Henry Martin Clayes, John Freel, Meade Hughes, S. D. Noe, Mrs. E. A. Edstrom, Stephen J. Rossi, "Did" Smith, Larry Lyon, William W. Watson.

Of them, and of all the scores that have gone before, let us say:

Honor to their memories; peace to their ashes.

An incident, unique in the annals of printerdom hereabouts, occurred at the office of C. A. Murdock & Co. a few weeks ago. Mrs. Christina

Walsh, a linotype operator, who had been in the employ of the company for several years past, resigned her position on Saturday, May 29, to become the bride of Donald McPhee, of Santa Clara county, Cal. The employes of the company, including all branches, joined in presenting the

lady with a magnificent silver dresser set, the presentation speech being made on the floor of the composing room by Charles A. Murdock, president of the company, who spoke of the esteem in which Mrs. Walsh is held by all of her old associates. With the presentation made, congratulations were offered all around, and apparently the incident was closed. Not so, however, in the mind of the happy bride-elect. She had been surprised beyond measure by the beautiful gift and the kindly sentiments expressed by all present. On the following Monday, the wedding day, Mr. Murdock received a telephone message from Mrs. Walsh asking him to request all of the employes to remain in the building a few minutes after the hour for shutting down the plant, explaining that, as they had given her such a pleasant sur prise, she intended to return the compliment by giving them a surprise. Nobody had the least intimation of what was to happen, but, promptly at 5 o'clock, the bride and groom, the minister and the attendants were ushered into the composing room, where the nuptial knot was appropriately and securely tied, with the entire force, from the office boy to the grizzled head of the firm, as wedding guests. The only incident to mar the occasion was the failure of the veteran chairman of the chapel, Billy Peacock, to get close enough to the bride to enjoy the first kiss.

Through the activity of No. 21's label committee, Philip Johnson, W. H. Ellis and J. S. Adams, with the assistance of a few individual members of the union, the Grand Lodge of the Knights of the Royal Arch of California, in annual session, passed the following resolution. This society is the strongest organization of liquor dealers on the Pacific coast:

Whereas, It having been brought to the attention of San Francisco Lodge No. 2, Knights of the Royal Arch, by San Francisco Typographical Union No. 21, that the Wine and Spirit Bulletin, the official journal of the National Model License League, is being published in a non-union office; and

Whereas, We believe, from the reliable source of this information, and the evidence introduced, that the attitude of the National Model License League is inimical to the best interests of the liquor business in general in remaining antagonistic to union labor; therefore, be it

Resolved, By the Grand Lodge of the State of California, Knights of the Royal Arch, in regular meeting assembled, this 10th day of May, 1909, that the publisher of the Wine and Spirit Bulletin is herewith requested to have said publication printed in a union office; be it further

Resolved, That we believe that the continued publication of the aforesaid Wine and Spirit Bulletin in a non-union office is inimical to the welfare of the National Model License League, inasmuch as that fact alone will turn thousands of liberty-loving American voters against it; therefore the National Model License League is respectfully and urgently requested to use its influence to have the Wine and Spirit Bulletin printed in a union office, that the work of the National Model License League may not suffer through an unnecessary division of its forces or a breaking away of the union men now supporting it because of the unjust and unwarranted attitude of the secretary-editor of said Wine and Spirit Bulletin; and be it further Resolved, That copies of these resolutions be sent to the officers of the National Model License League, the publisher of the Wine and Spirit Bulletin, the National Wholesale Liquor Dealers' As

sociation and the United States Brewers' Association.

Charles S. Heacock, a well-known operator, who had been in San Francisco for several months, returned to San Antonio, Texas, recently. Heacock says his San Francisco experience was most enjoyable, but he has lived in Texas so long that he can not become accustomed to wearing a light overcoat all summer.... Fifty-five cards deposited and forty-two withdrawals is the record for May. ....O. W. Carstarphen, formerly of St. Louis, now a resident of Los Angeles, was a visitor in this city recently.... Dan Connell, one of our oldest members, suffered a stroke of apoplexy recently. Thanks to the Mutual Aid Society and the old age pension, he is being well cared for at St. Joseph's hospital.

The Evening Globe has purchased the plant and the Associated Press franchise of the Evening Post. Both papers continue to print as formerly, but a merger will probably result as soon as certain legal difficulties involving the city printing contract can be overcome. The Globe has removed from its former out-of-the-way location, and is now established on Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. The new office is well equipped and com modious.

Any member of the International Typographical Union who worked on the newspapers of San Francisco after December 1, 1909, and left this jurisdiction before the award of the National Arbitration Board in the matter of the new scale of prices, is entitled to back pay at the rate of 333 cents for each day worked. This money will be collected and forwarded to such members on receipt of an order to collect same. All orders should be drawn in favor of L. Michelson, secretary-treasurer of San Francisco Typographical Union No. 21. Don't write letters asking him to collect the money, but make out an order, in due form, authorizing him to collect.



At the May meeting Charles M. Schwinn declined a re-election after serving No. 75 as president for seven years. Upon his retirement he made an exhaustive report covering the entire period of his administration, and a committee was appointed to draft resolutions of appreciation of his services. The committee, believing the appreciation of the members might be expressed in a more substantial way, at the June meeting brought in a handsome silk umbrella. It was probably the first time in the seven years that our ex-president was taken by surprise and "didn't know what to say." The seven years mentioned covered the nine-hour contest, the eight-hour contest and an increase in the scale. That neither contest involved a strike is due in large measure to the hard common sense, patience and tact of our expresident.

All printed matter of the commercial exchange and the bears retail grocers' association the union label. This is due to the co-operation of

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