Слике страница

2. The lessee, upon payment to the party of the second part, of the sum of seventy-five (75) cents for each label or imprint applied for, shall be entitled to immediate delivery of said label or labels.

3. The lessee shall continue in the possession of the label so long as he lives up to the agreements made by the party of the first part with such unions as control 70 per cent of the members working at that trade in the city of New York.

4. The lessee agrees to confine himself to the use of the label to the work in his own shop, and by his own employes, and further agrees that it shall not be used in any other manner or by any other person or persons whatsoever.

It is further agreed that should any disagreement arise between the parties hereto as to a member of the party of the first part maintaining a union plant, or permitting the use of this label by persons other than those in his employ, or for his business purposes, such dispute shall be submitted to a trade court in accordance with the conditions of the contracts now in existence between said party of the first part and Typographical Union No. 6, New York Printing Pressmen's Union No. 51 and Franklin Association No. 23.

In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this .... day of

[blocks in formation]


President. Secretary.

President Francis also submitted a number of reasons why the agreement asked for by the New York Allied Printing Trades Council was objectionable. He believed also that the effect of the Printers' League will be to strengthen the unions and will result in stronger organizations on both sides. He believed the principal object of the league was to save the money which had in the past been wasted on strikes and lockouts and hoped the unions would co-operate along these lines. Members of the league desired to be fair and are willing to work together for the label if a contract can be made that can be signed with dignity.

Mr. McCoy, of the league, spoke along the same lines as Mr. Francis. He said in part as follows: "I regard the Printers' League, its principles and methods as standing in the same relation to the job printing business and your several unions as does the American Newspaper Publishers' Association and its principles toward the newspaper publishing business and your unions. Two of your organizations must appreciate your agreements with the newspaper publishers, for these agreements have stood as a solid foundation by preserving secure employment for many of your members in recent troublous times in our own branch of the business.

"The Printers' League stands in the same relation toward most of your organizations so far as this great printing center is concerned. It embraces the same sure way to peace, permanent employment for your members and some degree of prosperity at least to the employing printer.

"Unlike the newspapers, however, we are subject to keen competition by those houses which do not subscribe to recognition of your unions. It is apparent, therefore, that we are entitled to your every consideration and even assistance. of our own volition greater allies and supporters for your organizations than you can possibly bring into existence by your own efforts.

We are

"In New York city, in the matter of the allied printing trades label, we are asked to put ourselves almost outside the pale of competition with printing houses not recognizing your members, being asked to employ the members of twenty-two sepa rate organizations, only about four of which have control of 70 per cent of the workmen in that branch in this city. The independent union shop, working without the label, and granted the same scales as given us, by not recognizing several of the organizations having representation in the allied council, can naturally beat the label house in prices. The small proportion of label work offering works inevitably toward the non-label office as the most profitable and this tends toward the depopularization of it among employers. This should not be. Your friend's neck should not be loaded with chains and he be thus handicapped out of the race. Because we favor working with you under a code of trade law framed jointly, we should not be clubbed by the label to do your organizing for


"We know that several of you have spoken highly of the Printers' League, but, so far, you have found no method of assisting in the upbuilding of the principles we stand for by making it more advantageous for a printing-plant proprietor to be a member of the league than an independent or a member of the typothetæ.

"This occasion is the first opportunity you, as heads of your several organizations, have had of recognizing the league. As the Joint Conference Board on the allied printing trades label, you have, I believe, the power to recommend a special contract for the Printers' League for the use of the label by its members.

"I suggest that it could take the form of a di rection that only those organizations which can prove a 70 per cent organization of the workmen in that branch in this city should have a voice in granting a label to a Printers' League shop.

"Further. I suggest that a trade court of three members of each of the Printers' League and the joint council hear all complaints entered against a league shop in connection with the label.

"These two actions may popularize the label with employers in the league and might tend to attract to our membership rolls shops which now remain independent. Speaking broadly on the subject of the 'Printers' League,' I believe, gentlemen, that the matter of finding a way in all the cities of the country of favoring the league idea by making more advantageous conditions for its members would inure to the benefit of the whole trade, would provide steady and remunerative employ ment for your members, provide insurance against lockouts and strikes, and would, in fact, be the greatest organizing factor that you could start in motion for your several bodies."

Mr. Little, of the Printers' League, discussed the question of securing sufficient competent help and inquired as to what the unions were doing to educate the apprentices in such manner as to guarantee their competency.

President Glockling, of the Joint Conference Board, replied to Mr. Little, stating that one of the

tenets of trade unionism was for an effective apprenticeship, and that unscrupulous employers had succeeded in preventing the adoption of proper safeguards for apprentices, and that, as a result, many young men have been themselves deceived as to their efficiency. He believed that if the league would take this matter up with the unions they would find the organizations perfectly willing to assist in every manner possible to turn out competent workmen.

In replying to President Glockling, Mr. Little stated that he believed proprietors were entitled to efficiency in workmen employed, and then spoke in favor of the proposition of the league in securing the use of the union label for all its members.

Mr. Carroll, of the Printers' League, called attention to the fact that we are now dealing with a new situation, and he believed that it should be handled in a new way. The members of the league and the printing organizations should come together with mutual interests. The interest of the proprietor is to sell at fair prices the product of his institution, while the interest of the employe is centered in guaranteed work at remunerative salaries and the finding of a way to settle differences amicably. We should have a simple agreement for granting the label to league members and one that will provide for referring all differences which might arise to an unprejudiced tribunal and all questions should be considered from the standpoint of friendship. Present and not past conditions should be our guide. He hoped the members of the printing trades unions as gentlemen would meet the members of the Printers' League as gentlemen, and that we would take up the label matter without reference to any other contract, wipe out the past and consider the present, evolve an agreement that would sacrifice no self respect and on which all could meet on an equal footing. The agreement, as well as methods, should be along new lines.

Mr. Moen, of the Printers' League, stated that he had been a member of New York Typographical Union No. 6 for thirty-six years, and was proud of the fact. He had been an employer for a long time, but had never belonged to the typothetæ, because he considered that organization as an opponent to trade unionism. In his opinion the small-shop question was of much moment and cooperation was necessary between the Printers' League and the printing trades unions. He believed the members of the league should not be classed with the enemies of the unions and that a more liberal label agreement should be provided for the league than had been or could be given to employers who were enemies. An employer who desired to join the league must first have a union office and he believed this should be sufficient guarantee to secure the label.

Messrs. Francis, Jennings and Gregory all spoke along the same lines and all hoped the Joint Conference Board would see its way clear to authorize the New York Allied Printing Trades Council to get up a new label agreement.

President Carroll, of the New York Allied Printing Trades Council, then took the floor and ex

plained what conditions the council had been forced to meet in the past. He explained several cases that had come to his attention as an officer of the council that had prevented that body from taking action which it might be willing to do under other circumstances. He believed the council would do all it possibly could to help fair employers, but believed the Joint Conference Board should understand that there were good reasons why differences of opinions had existed between the members of the league and the New York Allied Printing Trades Council. He contradicted several statements that had been made by the members of the league as to the label proposition, and denied emphatically that politics had at any time entered into the actions of the council. He believed the council would be willing to strike out from the existing label contract such clauses as were considered objectionable by the league.

At this point a discussion took place as to the number of unions with which it was necessary for proprietors to deal, President Francis, of the league, stating that it had taken about two years to arrange contracts with the larger unions, and that he believed it was only a question of time when all differences as to the other organizations would be adjusted, and felt certain that this would be true if conferences were arranged.

Secretary Connelly, of the New York Allied Printing Trades Council, then addressed the meeting and took up all the experiences the council had had in the past and hoped that the future relations would be more amicable. He explained at some length the reasons for the drawing of the label contract in its present form by the New York Allied Printing Trades Council, and stated that it had not been considered unfair to the members of the league. It had been found necessary to compel fair employers to sign these agreements in order that the council might be protected from unfair employers. He did not believe that the printing trades council should enter into any arrangement that would shut out two-thirds or four-fifths of the unions at present holding membership in that body. This question was then fur ther discussed by President Francis and Mr. Carroll, of the league, the latter gentleman maintaining that the existing contract was made by one party to the controversy without any confer ence with the other party, and did not believe that one-sided contracts could ever be successfully maintained. President Francis stated that there had been no effort on the part of the allied printing trades council to co-operate with the league.

President Carroll and Secretary Connelly, of the council, took up this question and discussed it at some length.

Mr. Little, of the league, called attention to the fact that the present was the first opportunity the league had had to have a proper conference with accredited representatives of the printing trades.

The discussion having gone on at considerable length and the hour having arrived when the Joint Conference Board had an appointment to meet the president of the American Newspaper Publishers' Association, the conference was closed by Presi

dent Glockling with congratulatory remarks, and the president of the league returning thanks to the board for the courteous reception given the league representatives.

The board then adjourned to meet at 3 P. M.


The board was called to order at 3 P. M. by President Glockling, the same members being present as were at the morning session.

The board resumed consideration of the amendments of Mr. Woll, on which Messrs. Berry, Lynch and Woll had spoken. President Lynch again took the floor on the question of the joint ownership of the label, holding that there was danger in taking any step along this line until a thorough investigation could be made and the best legal opinions possible obtained. Mr. Woll, of the International Photo-Engravers' Union, submitted a proposition instructing the president and secretary of the Joint Conference Board to submit a series of questions to an attorney, these questions having for their object the ascertaining of how the label can best be protected, looking primarily to preventing, if necessary, by process of law, the illegal use of the label and along the line of the joint ownership of the label, these questions to be submitted to the officers of the various unions interested for suggestions and approval before being sent out. Messrs. Moran and Straube, of the Chicago Allied Trades Council, took the floor on this proposition, and President Berry supported Mr. Woll's motion with a suggestion that the secretary-treasurer of the board notify the secretary of the Chicago Allied Printing Trades Council of the action to be taken, after which Mr. Woll's motion was adopted.

In consideration of the action of the board on the label proposition Mr. Berry, of the pressmen, withdrew the two amendments which he had previously offered to the joint agreement. Mr. Woll then moved that the cases now on in Chicago against proprietors for making counterfeit labels be prosecuted, but that no further action be taken in prosecuting other cases similar to those under discussion. This motion was adopted and the secretary-treasurer instructed to notify the Chicago Allied Printing Trades Council of the action.

Messrs. Moran and Straube, before retiring from the meeting, returned thanks to the board for the courteous treatment extended to them.

Mr. Berry, of the International Printing Pressmen's Union, offered the following resolution to add a new section to the joint agreement, following section 25, to read as follows:

"The respective international unions parties to this agreement shall pay to the Joint Conference Board their pro rata of all expenses necessary in the advancement of the allied trades council label and general work of said Joint Conference Board."

It was suggested that this resolution be referred to the presidents of the various international unions to submit to their organizations.

Mr. Woll, of the Photo-Engravers' Union, and Mr. Freel, of the Stereotypers' Union, stated they did not have authority to vote for the resolution as

drawn, and, on motion of Mr. Berry, of the International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union, the motion was adopted, subject to ratification by the conventions of the various unions.

The following resolution, adopted by the Newark Allied Printing Trades Council, was presented to the board:

NEWARK, N. J., March 1, 1909. Mr. James M. Lynch, International Typographical Union, New York City:

DEAR SIR AND BROTHER-The following resolutions were adopted by the Newark Allied Printing Trades Council, and, as instructed, the same are sent you with the hope that they will receive your careful consideration:

Whereas, The allied printing trades label has been granted and has been in use in this city of Orange, N. J., and vicinity for the past three (3). years; and,

Whereas, This allied label has been granted to and for the benefit of only one organization of the Joint Conference Board, to the detriment of the Newark Allied Printing Trades Council; and,

Whereas, It is a well-known fact that label work which would be done in the city of Newark, and which would of necessity give employment to the members of almost every organization in the Newark Allied Printing Trades Council, has, and will, as long as the conditions existing at the present time continue, be sent and executed in the city of Orange, owing to the fact that the allied label of Orange can be placed on the same for a much lower figure than in the city of Newark, due to the fact that only one organization is recognized and paid the union scale; and,

Whereas, It is further known that an office established in Newark and using the allied label has established a printing office in Orange, and it is feared will eventually move all machinery to Orange, employ only members of one organization, pay their union scale, and secure the allied label in Orange, to the detriment of other printing concerns doing business in the city of Newark; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Allied Printing Trades Council of the city of Newark appeal to the Joint Conference Board of Allied Printing Trades and request them to investigate this matter, believing that they will recognize the justice of our protest and withdraw the use of the allied label from Orange Typographical Union; and, be it further

Resolved, That copies of the above resolution be sent to the international presidents of every organization of allied printing trades, to the secretary of Joint Conference Board of Allied Printing Trades and to every local of the Newark Allied Printing Trades Council. Fraternally,


Mr. Lynch, of the International Typographical Union, then made an explanation as to the Orange and Newark situations and the use of the allied printing trades council label in Orange. Mr. Berry, of the International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union, also spoke upon this question, and Mr. Ostertag, secretary of the Newark Allied Printing Trades Council, was granted the floor for the purpose of explaining the object sought to be remedied by the adoption of the resolution.

Mr. Freel, of the International Stereotypers' and Electrotypers' Union, moved that the question be referred to the presidents of the International Typographical Union, International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union and the International Brotherhood of Bookbinders, with instructions to report at the next meeting. Action on the motion was postponed until Wednesday, March 3.

The committee appointed to draft a letter to be

sent the Cincinnati Allied Printing Trades Council reported the following, and the secretary-treasurer was ordered to send it to the secretary of Cincinnati Allied Trades Council:

"The Joint Conference Board, in session in New York city on this date, considering communications from the secretary of the Cincinnati Allied Trades Council, took into account the general situation in Cincinnati as it affects the printing trade unions.

"It was learned through officers of the various international unions making up the Joint Conference Board that local unions of their crafts in arrears for dues to the Cincinnati Allied Council had, in the main, liquidated their indebtedness, and it was presumed, therefore, that these local unions were taking a greater interest in the work of the Cincinnati Allied Council.

"All of the international unions are weak in the commercial field in Cincinnati. There is much to be done, and, while the Joint Conference Board will lend all encouragement in the accomplishment of the great task of thorough organization in the printing trade field in Cincinnati, yet, in the end, this work must be undertaken and carried to a successful conclusion by the Cincinnati locals. It is believed by the Joint Conference Board that if these locals will manifest the proper interest in the allied council, and will institute measures, such as a label campaign and an organization campaign, and carry these measures on persistently and aggressively, that Cincinnati can be thoroughly organized and placed on a level with the best organized city in the industry. But this can not be accomplished unless there is complete co-operation and harmony among the Cincinnati locals and regular participation on the part of the representatives of all locals in the meetings of the Cincinnati Allied Council.

"It is recommended, therefore, that this communication be taken under advisement by the Cincinnati Allied Trades Council, and that copies of it be made by that council and transmitted to each local union, to be read at the regular meetings of the local unions, so that they may understand the position of the Joint Conference Board and the measures which, in its judgment, should be made effective in Cincinnati.

"All the international officers making up the Joint Conference Board pledge their entire and hearty support to the Cincinnati locals in the effort to achieve by thorough organization the establishment of ideal conditions in the printing industry in Cincinnati.

"All of which is respectfully submitted."

Mr. Lynch, of the International Typographical Union, then called to the attention of the board the label conference which the American Federation of Labor will hold in Washington on March 29, and suggested that the international unions represented in the Joint Conference Board each send three delegates to this conference, and that the representatives of this joint board meet in Washington for the purpose of conference as often as it should be found necessary; and on motion of Mr. Freel, of the International Stereotypers' and

Electrotypers' Union, it was decided that the Joint Conference Board would meet in Washington on the morning of March 29 at such place as the president of the board might decide upon.

The representatives of the New York Allied Printing Trades Council were again admitted, and made other statements regarding conditions in New York city, after which the board adjourned to meet at 10 A. M., on Wednesday, March 3.



The board met at 10 A. M., President Glockling in the chair and the following members present: International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union-George L. Berry, of Cincinnati, Ohio. International Stereotypers' and Electrotypers' Union-James J. Freel, of New York, N. Y. International Brotherhood of Bookbinders-Robert Glockling, of New York, N. Y.

International Photo-Engravers' Union-Matthew Woll, of Chicago, Ill.

International Typographical Union-James M. Lynch, Hugo Miller, and J. W. Hays, of Indianapolis, Ind.

International Papermakers' Union-J. T. Carey, of Watertown, N. Y.

A representative of the manufacturers of steel labels addressed the meeting, setting forth the good wearing qualities of the steel label, and in compli ance with a request from the board submitted the following communication:

NEW YORK, N. Y., March 4, 1909. Mr. J. W. Hays, Secretary International Typographical Union, Indianapolis, Ind.:


DEAR SIR-In confirmation of the statements made at yesterday's meeting by the writer, we beg to affirm that we can positively guarantee that our "steel" electrotypes will outwear any other class of electrotypes ever previously produced. would be pleased to have you give us a test, and we can confidently assure you that the result of such test will more than please you and addi tionally prove the absolute correctness of our assertions just as they have already in all instances completely proven to all those who have used

them and continue to use them.

Their durability under the greatest natural printing stress is unlimitedly beyond all others. We enclose herewith several bills. Trusting to be favored by your communication and the requested test, we remain, dear sir, Very truly yours,

(Signed) Per G. H. Hymene,
Secretary and Treasurer.

The Joint Conference Board then took under consideration the letters submitted from the New York Allied Printing Trades Council, with Presi dent Carroll and Secretary Connelly, of the council, present. President Carroll stated that it was the desire of the New York Allied Printing Trades Council that allied trades conventions be held for the purpose of exchanging views on label matters, and Secretary Connelly went particularly into the question of the purchase of school books bearing the union label. He stated that most of the school books in use in the city of New York were printed in non-union offices, there being only three publishing firms out of eighty-five that were run un

der union conditions. He also stated that the New York council believed that the local councils should be represented in the central bodies, and advised that the Joint Conference Board take some action to compel such affiliation. President Carroll, of the Allied Printing Trades Council, stated that the federated council had been instrumental in preventing New York school books from being sent to England to be rebound, and that the work was now being done in the city. He also stated that if the work projected by the council in New York was to be carried out it would be necessary to have finances for the purpose of securing legal assistance and advice. He also believed the Joint Conference Board should take some action looking to the organization of allied printing trades councils in cities where none at present exist.

President Glockling stated that the Joint Conference Board had this question up at nearly every meeting, and that it was being already handled.

Referring to Job Pressfeeders' Union No. 1, President Carroll stated that this organization had been a thorn in the side of the Printers' League, and as a result it was liable to make trouble for the New York Allied Printing Trades Council. Walter Coates, of Franklin Union, set forth the strength of Job Pressfeeders' Union No. 1, and claimed they should be given full recognition. He stated also that Job Press feeders' Union No. 1 would be taken into the Franklin Union as a junior union composed of press apprentices.

A representative of the Bindery Women's Union was present and spoke in the interest of that organization. She stated that it had received no recognition from the Allied Printing Trades Council until the present time. That labels had been granted promiscously without any reference to the organization she represented.

On the question of jurisdiction existing between the bookbinders and mailers, President Freel moved that the matter be referred to the presidents of the International Brotherhood of Bookbinders and the International Typographical Union for a settlement, which proposition was adopted. Third Vice-President Smith, of the International Typographical Union, representing the mailers, addressed the Joint Conference Board in the interest of his organization.

President Glockling thanked the representatives of the New York Allied Printing Trades Council for the manner in which they had set forth before the board the various matters in which it was interested, also for the very courteous manner in which the allied trades council had treated the members of the Joint Conference Board.

Third Vice-President Smith, of the International Typographical Union, on behalf of New York Mailers' Union No. 6, invited the Joint Conference Board to a dinner and the theater for Wednesday evening, March 3. The invitation was accepted.

Taking up the communication of Attorney Cohen, of Denver, Mr. Lynch, of the International Typographical Union, moved that the president and secretary of the Joint Board enter into an agreement with Mr. Cohen to take up a limited number of cases for a test as to the results.

The following communication was received from a committee representing the San Francisco Allied Printing Trades Council, and the secretary-treasurer was instructed to inform that organization that the amendment to section No. 23 of the joint agreement, adopted at this session, would give the relief desired.

SAN FRANCISCO, February 24, 1909. Robert Glockling, President International Brotherhood of Bookbinders, Lyric Theater Building, Cincinnati:

DEAR SIR-At the meeting of San Francisco Allied Printing Trades Council, held Tuesday, February 23, 1909, a prolonged discussion was had relative to the one-man label shop and its bearing and influence on the trade generally. Recently this council adopted resolutions urging upon the Joint Conference Board the importance of some action by the board looking to the amending of the pres ent rules governing the use of labels, especially in small shops.

In the discussion that has taken place at our meetings it has been conceded by all parties that in many instances the large employer is brought into unfair competition by reason of the fact that the one-man shop is largely a kingdom unto itself; that where men are isolated from their fellow craftsmen all restraint is removed and the tendency is to ignore as far as possible the regulations that are enforced in large establishments through the watchfulness of shop chairmen, etc. It has been contended by some that the conditions complained of can be remedied by a strict enforcement of the laws of local unions. In jurisdictions where the membership is small and the area covered by the business district is limited no doubt the present laws are sufficient to more nearly meet requirements, but experience in San Francisco covering a period of many years plainly demonstrates the need of surrounding the label with greater restrictions as to those who may be allowed to use it than exist at present.

If the Joint Conference Board can not see its way clear to enact regulations that will relieve conditions in the larger jurisdictions without placing undue restrictions on the smaller councils, this city would appreciate the privilege of exercising local autonomy to the extent of discriminating against the one-man shop when, in the opinion of the council, such discrimination would inure to the benefit of the trade generally.

We ask that the matter be given full consideration by the Joint Conference Board.

Fraternally submitted,


Mr. Lynch, of the International Typographical Union, moved that a committee be appointed to' draft a letter to the New York Printing Trades Council in regard to the Printers' League, requesting that every effort be made to maintain the friendship of the league. Messrs. Lynch, Freel, Berry and Woll spoke on the question of the Printers' League, after which the motion of Mr. Lynch was adopted, and Messrs. Lynch, Berry and Woll were appointed as a committee to draft a letter. The Joint Conference Board then adjourned to meet at 2:30 P. M.


The meeting was called to order at 2:30 by President Glockling, with the same representatives present that appeared at the morning session.

Organizer McLoughlin, of the International

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