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Proposition No. 144-By Delegate Petty (Seattle):

Resolved, That the executive council define and construe the meaning and intention of the priority law, that the same mav be operative alike throughout the entire jurisdiction.

Referred to committee on resolutions.

Proposition No. 145-By Delegate Rathberger (Dubuque):

Resolved, That the International Typographical Union urges its members and all organized labor to discontinue the patronage of hotels using non-union hotel registers and printing, and to use their influence to prevail upon the hotel proprietors to substitute union made hotel registers and printing after expiration of the present contracts.

Referred to committee on resolutions.

Proposition No. 146---By Delegate Carroll (Providence):


Add new section to the general laws, under "Charges and Trials," as follows: Section. At the request of either the the accuser, the trial accused or mittee shall summon to appear before it and testify such witnesses as either party may desire. A member of the union s0 summoned who refuses to appear testify (except for the reason that his testimony may incriminate himself) shall be guilty of conduct unbecoming a member of the union, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by the union.

Referred to committee on laws.

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Proposition No. 147-By the New Orleans delegation:

Insert a new clause in section 6, article v, of the by-laws, after the word "years" in the fourth line.

"(b) And any member of the InternaUnion who has tional Typographical reached the age of 70 years, and who has been in continuous good standing for fifteen years, and who has an accumulation of thirty years in good standing, and who finds it impossible," etc.

Referred to committee on laws.

Proposition No. 148-By Delegate McDougall (Toronto):

Resolved, That the International TypoUnion be graphical represented at the Dominion Trades Congress, to be held in the city of Quebec in September.

Referred to committee on resolutions.

Proposition No. 149-By Delegate McDougall (Toronto):

Resolved, That the name of J. A. Mayerhoffer, Toronto, be placed on the roll of deceased members.

Referred to committee on miscellaneous business.

Proposition No. 150-By Delegate McDougall (Toronto):

Resolved, That the name of E. M. Meehan, Toronto, be placed on the roll of deceased members.

Referred to committee on miscellaneous business.

Proposition No. 151-By Delegate White (San Francisco):

Resolved. That the board of trustees of

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Proposition No. 156-By Delegate Rosenson (New York Hebrew):

Amend section 1, article iii, constitution, by changing the word "August" in the third line to "September." (Balance of section to remain as at present.)

Referred to committee on laws.

Proposition No. 157-By Delegate Harding (Baltimore):

Resolved, That the name of Edward B. Cromwell, of Baltimore, be placed upon the list of deceased members of the International Typographical Union.

Resolved, That the name of William O. Gilmer, late of Baltimore Typographical Unit No. 12, be placed on the roll of deceased members.

Referred to committee on miscellaneous business.

Proposition No. 158-By Delegate Selig (New York), by request New York Union: The New York Association of Ex-Delegates respectfully requests you to place the following on the roll of deceased ex-delegates to the International Typographical Union: M. H. McNamara, ex-delegate to Montreal, 1873; Aaron Haywood, ex-dele

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Proposition No. 164-By Delegate Smith (Cincinnati):

Amend by-laws on "International Elections" by adding the following new section:

Section - Each candidate for International office, having fulfilled all the requirements set forth in preceding sections governing International elections, shall receive from the International secretarytreasurer, upon application, a copy of The Journal mailing list; said application shall not be complied with before April 1 and not later than May 5; all applications must be accompanied by the sum of $15, said sum to be used in defraying expenses incidental to holding international elections. Referred to committee on laws.

Proposition No. 165-By Delegate Smith (Cincinnati):

Amend by-laws on The Typographical

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Proposition No. 171-By Delegate Fear (Joplin):

Add new section to the general laws:

Section - Subordinate unions of the International Typographical Union shall be required to affiliate with the state federation of labor of their respective states, and also with the American Federation of Labor central body of their respective cities.

Referred to committee on laws.

Proposition No. 172-By President Lynch: Amend section 1, article 1, constitution, by striking out the word "typefounder" in the ninth and ten lines.

Amend section 3, article 1, constitution, by striking out the words "typefounders, typefounders' union," in the fourth line.

Amend section 1, article i, by-laws, by striking out the words "for fourth vicepresident, membership in a typefounders' union," in the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth lines thereof.

The remainder of these sections to remain as at present.

Referred to committee on laws.

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Atlanta, Ga., August 11, 1909. James M. Lynch, Convention Hall, St. Joseph, Mo.:

Atlanta forty-eight send greetings to fifty-fifth session International Typographical Union and looks forward with a great deal of pleasure to entertaining the fifty-sixth session in 1910.

D. W. GREEN, President.
W. H. GRANT, Secretary.

J. W. Hays, Secretary-Treasurer International Typographical Union, St. Joseph, Mo.:

Dear Sir The officials of Minneapolis, having invited your convention to hold its next session there, the Commercial Club of St. Paul desires to join in this invitation for your convention to be held in Minneapolis, and to make the further request that if the convention is held in Minneapolis, you will set apart some one day which will be allotted to St. Paul. You would find the Twin Cities a very desirable place in which to hold your convention. Very respectfully yours,

By E. S. WARNER, President.

Proposition No. 176

Knoxville, Tenn., August 10, 1909. International Typographical Union, St. Joseph, Mo.:

Gentlemen-As director of the American Tuberculosis Exhibition, the traveling exhibit of the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. I would extend appreciation for the hearty and efficient fashion in which various locals have co-operated with us in the last two years of special campaigning in the cities of the south. I should further like

to suggest that there are appealing possibilities when your body will even more fully get into the game" in the many cities where active anti-tuberculosis work is undertaken. When the work is first inaugurated then the union and the men of the union should not wait for an invitation, but should extend an offer of their services and see that the offer is accepted, and that as citizens of the community they be given a share in the responsibilities of the local campaign. Not alone will this favor the tuberculosis work and the union interest in that work, but it.. would help to give the union man an in-, fluential part in general community af-. fairs, which in turn will strengthen him! for distinctive union service. May I hope that your crowded program may find space for discussion of these suggestions, and the consideration of a resolution calling upon all locals to seek to have appointed in every local trades assembly or other local body a committee on tuberculosis which shall seek to co-operate with other tuberculosis groups as well as take the initiative when others have failed to take up the work locally in any efficient fashion. If it would be in keeping with the policy of the union, I would add the suggestion that such a resolution, if adopted, might possibly contain in addition an appeal to all locals of every craft to appoint a small committee on tuberculosis, these committees working in harmony under the leadership of the trades assembly committee. This is the psychological hour for pushing tuberculosis with the world wide interest in the disease which makes all people more open to the discussion of causes and conditions, as well as the factors which tend to eliminate the disease by removing the causes. Again I would express appreciation of the co-operation rendered this work by the president. the superintendent of the Home, state and local presidents and many individual members. It is probable that our exhibition will show this winter in the Carolinas, Louisiana and Mississippi. Very truly yours, AMERICAN TUBERCULOSIS EXHIBITION. E. G. ROUTZAHN, Director. Referred to the committee on promotion of health.

The convention resumed consideration of the report of the committee on laws. Proposition No. 17-By Delegate Coburn (Portland):

Add to article v, by-laws, old age pension fund, the following:

Section 14. When the old age pension fund shall have reached the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand ($150,000) dollars, the executive council shall have authority to suspend collection of said fund; provided, that when said fund is reduced to $100,000 the executive council is empowered to take the necessary steps to maintain the fund at said figure. Committee reports unfavorably.

The report of the committee was adopted. Proposition No. 25-By Delegate Mills (Wheeling):

Amend section 11, general laws, to read: Section 11. Secretaries of local unions are required to file with the secretarytreasurer of the International Typographical Union semi-annually, on or before

the first of December and the first of June of each year, upon blanks furnished by said officer, a detailed statement of population, scale of prices, hours of labor, cost of living (high, low, medium), cost of house rent (high, low, medium), amount of circulation of papers (estimated high and low), near-by large town competitors of papers and job offices, population of vicinity towns and means of transportation, and any other information desired. It shall be the duty of the secretarytreasurer to keep such statistics on file in headquarters office, and to furnish local unions with copies of any such statistics whenever asked for. Subordinate unions failing to report to the secretary-treasurer of the International Typographical Union as required by this section, shall be fined $25.

Committee reports unfavorably.

The report of the committee was adopted.

Proposition No. 26-By Delegate Bradford (Coffeyville):

Amend section 17, general laws, to read as follows:

Section 17. Every subordinate union in the jurisdiction of the International Typographical Union shall cause its fiduciary officers to be bonded in an adequate sum of not less than $500 in some reputable surety company, and the auditing committee of each subordinate union shall report to the secretary-treasurer of the International Typographical Union, on the quarterly report blanks, the names of the officers bonded, the names of the surety company, the amount of the bonds and date of expiration of same. All surety bonds of subordinate union officers shall be filed with the secretary-treasurer of the International Typographical Union. Subordinate unions failing to comply with this section shall be fined $25.

Committee reports unfavorably.

The report of the committee was adopted.

Proposition No. 27-By Delegate Coburn (Portland):

Add new section to general laws under the heading "Membership," to read:

Section 44. Members of unions who may engage. in other pursuits, either temporarily or with the Intention of finally retiring from the trade, or who may become employers or copyholders, may be classed as "exempt members" by a vote of the union, during which time they shall have no vote or voice in the affairs of the union, and may be debarred from attending meetings of the union. Provided, That said exempt members, by the payment of local and International Typographical Union assessments, shall be entitled to death benefits and International Typographical Union pension.

Committee reports unfavorably.

Delegate Coburn (Portland) discussed the proposition.

The report of the committee was adopted.

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Proposition No. 30-By Delegate Mills (Ottawa, Kan.):

Add new section to general laws as follows:

Section. The executive council is directed to have engraved, lithographed or printed, suitable "Certificates of Membership" containing such information as the executive council may deem necessary to verify and establish the dates of admission, age, etc., of members of the International Typographical Union. Said "certificates" to be issued by subordinate unions to their members as far as the records of such unions will show. If for any reason membership is forfeited, said "certificate" becomes null and void. Committee reports unfavorably. Delegate Mills (Ottawa, Kan.) discussed the proposition.

The report of the committee was adopted.

Proposition No. 31-By Mr. Simms (Pittsburg):

A resolution providing for the issuance of Certificates of Initiation, with (single or duplicate) cards of record (if duplicate, one to be filed by the local secretary and one to be filed by the International Typographical Union secretary, or other proper officer; if single, that one to be filled in by the local secretary and forwarded to and filed by the International Typographical Union secretary, or other proper officer). Said Certificates of Initiation and cards of record shall be furnished by the International Typographical Union, shall bear its official seal and shall be properly attested by its officers and by the officers of the local issuing the same. The cards of record shall contain the name of the initiated member, the name and number of the initiating local, and the date of initiation, together with the names of the president and secretary of the local issuing the same. Said cards of record shall also contain such other data, if any, as may be deemed of importance for future reference, and shall also have sufficient blank space for additional future remarks, such as may be occasioned by the actions of International Typographical Union members.

Certificate of Initiation.
International Typographical Union

of North America.

This is to certify that...


whom this certificate is issued, has, this ............day of..... 19...., been duly

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