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pose of expressing sympathy for JOHN BROWN. Dr. FURNESs and LUCRETIA MOTT were announced as the speakers.


"EXECUTION OF JOHN BROWN. Before this article reaches the eye of those for whom it was intended, Virginia will have wreaked her purposes on the body of JOHN BROWN, and he will be dead. * E It is not disputed that John Brown had violated the statutes-rendered himself liable to the fate which has overtaken him. Why this universal feeling, attention and excitement, with reference to this case? It is simply this, through all the mist which obscures it, and all the laws referred to as justifying it, the grand fact is patent, that JOHN BROWN is CRUCIFIED as the representative of an idea—of a principle of importance to humanity, and dear to the instincts of every human heart."-Milwaukee Free Democrat, Dec. 2, 1859.

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"The gallows of JOHN BROWN, said EMERSON, will be glorified, not as the cross, but like the cross, [a distinction without a difference,] and so it will, because the gallows of JOHN BROWN, as the cross, is used to persecute ideas, or great principles of enduring benefit and necessity to humanity, and as the ideas of christianity received from the cross their most potent and enduring impulses, so will liberty leap from the scaffold, when John Brown's spirit is dismissed, with an impulse which shall hereafter know no check, until its mission is accomplished."—Ibid.

"Man proposes and God disposes. Politicians may wrangle and split hairs, and dispute over the nice shades of legal and moral guilt involved in this matter, [JOHN BROWN's] but it passes at once, so far as popular heart and judgment are concerned, out from under all subtleties, into the broad field-into the "irrepressible conflict," waging between barbarism that is, opposition to murder] as represented by slavery on one hand, and christianity [that is, murder and rapine] as represented by freedom on the other."-Ibid.

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| the blood of Old Brown will become the seed of that very conflict hitherto mentioned only by word of mouth."-Mil. Sentinel

',The saint whose fate yet hangs in suspense, but whose martyrdom, if it shall be perfected, will make the gallows as glorious as the cross." -Ralph Waldo Emerson, at the Tremont Temple, Boston.

"Brown has done for liberty in our country what few of our citizens have done, since the day of patriotic devotion on the great battlefields of the Revolution."--Rev. M. P. Kinney, Janesville, Wis.

"We disclaim sympathy with Brown's scheme of emancipation, but we regret that so brave a man should fall a victim to the generous impulses of his patriotic heart." Menasha (Wis.) Conservator.

"A man will suffer death to-day because he fought for the liberty of a subject race, and for the honor of the Republic."-Mil. Atlas, (German Rep.)

"John Brown's body may not be, but his principles are imperishable."-Milwaukee Free Democrat.

"While the responsive heart of the North has been substantially sympathizing with the one whom they admire and venerate, and love, the great soul itself has passed away into eternal heavens. During the eighteen centuries which have passed, no such character has appeared anywhere. The galleries of the resounding ages echo with no footfall mightier forts to save him were fruitless. Prayers were than the martyr of to-day. He has gone. unavailing. He stood before his murderers defiantly, asking no mercy.

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"Bewildered not and daunted not, the shifting scenes of his life's drama, at the last, brought to him neither regrets nor forebodings. Having finished the work which God had given in imitation of the Divine, received with fortihim to do, this apostle of a new dispensation, tude his baptism of blood! And this beholding, the heavens opened, and Jesus standing at the right hand of the throne of God this last of Christian martyrs stepped proudly and calmly upon the scaffold, and thence upward into the embrace of angels, and into the General As

"So far as they express sympathy for the honest, brave, but misguided and infatuated individual, who to-day falls a victim to his own indiscretion, and defiance of law, we accord assent and approval.”—Wisconsin State Jour-sembly and Church of the First Born, whose nal.

"I will apply the sentiment befere I close, once applied to GEORGE HILLIARD to GARRISON; he said the time will come when Massachusetts will not find the marble white enough on which to write the name of Garrison, and I will say that the day is not far distant when Virginia will not be able to find the slab pure enough to bear the carved name of John Brown. (Applause.")-Speech of the Rev. Mr. Staples at the John Brown Meeting, Mil., Dec. 2, 1859.

"Virginia, herself, has crowned the very spirit of agitation that she ought to allay, and

names are written in heaven."-New York Tribune, Dec. 2, 1859.

"Old Brown, Esq., is supposed to have been strangled to-day, for obeying the Golden Rule." Wood County (Wis.) Reporter.

We have thus devoted considerable space to the foregoing treasonable vaporings, partly to exhibit the history of the times-partly to show the general sympathy of the leading Republicans with the avowed aims of John Brown, to bring on civil war and dissolve the Unionpartly to show the holy and pious reverence in

which both murderers and traitors were held | other crime of equal magnitude would; but the

by those who not only hate the Government of their fathers, but canonize its destroyers às worthy of all honor-that power and spoils may come.


Let us enquire why all this holy horror at the execution of John Brown. Who and what was he, that he should be assigned the highest niche in the Abolition Pantheon, as the "equal of Jesus Christ," and "not to be mentioned the same day with. George Washington." John Brown was a Kansas horse thief and murder. He devoted his time in that territory in making incursions into Missouri, in stealing, robbing and killing innocent persons, who had never harmed him in the least, for proof of which we refer to the Kansas Investigating report, made by a Republican committee, and published by order of the Republican House of Representatives. His gross and brutal murder of the Doyles, the Wilkinsons, and the robberies he committed, are set out in that report under oath. He then went to the Egyptian department of Canada, opened a line of communication with Abolitionists in Boston, who furnished him men and money to carry out his (no, not his, but their) infamous schemes to dissolve the Union.

The Abolitionists of Boston, the descend ants in a regular line of those who resolved it "unbecoming in a religious and moral people to rejoice at the victories, obtained by our arms over the enemy"-knew too well the aims and purposes of Brown, for they had assisted in his plans, and had replenished his exchequer, and when the telegraph announced the failure of his emeute, there was a fluttering among the marplots of Boston. They feared that on the trial some damning testimony would expose their share of the plot, and hence they resolved that "no man shall be forced by law or otherwise, to leave Massachusetts, to attend the trial."

The prospect at one time seemed clear that the whole bubble would explode, and all the guilty be brought to punishment. Gerrit

Smith became suddenly excited and was sent to the lunatic assylum as a "raving maniac," but as soon as the main witness "leaped the scaffold," he recovered.

Had the entire North, as one man, denounced the apparently fool-hardy foray of John Brown, the whole thing would have passed off as any

general and almost universal endorsement which this development received from the ruling majority of the North-their laudations of the Godlike qualities of this old reprobate, horse thief and murderer, filled the South with just alarm, and horrified the friends of the Union everywhere. From that moment it was considered the "death knell of the Union,” as JEEFERSON had predicted. No Government on earth could stand such a shock and survive.We don't mean the shock of the handful of men under Brown, and their 2,500 pikes, but the "rear support" of that mighty "reserve" that filled the entire North with impious "bravos" for the actors in the first skirmish, which was so certain to usher in the "Impending Crisis" so vividly foretold by Hilton, the abolition Helper. Under such a pressure of open, undisguised sympathy as existed everywhere at the North, he that can acquit the abolition party of being particeps criminis, both before and after the fact, must carry more pounds of charity than the largest iron clad can of steam.— This ebullition of Northern riot plainly told the South to prepare for war, after the first blow had been struck. It was the beat of the "long roll"-the reveille of battle. And still, we are toll that slavery is the cause of the


True, a few men at the South calmly folded their arms, and with a grim smile welcomed the shock as the harbinger of that conflict which was to destroy the Union they had so long hated. Says Yancy, the head devil of Southern secessionists:

"The blow is a severe one. We can well afford the blow-the pain is sweet, for it will platforms, resolves and agitations of a lifeaccomplish more in aid of disunion than all the time."

In the published report of the proceedings of the Milwaukee District Convention, comand twenty-five Congregational-held at Hartposed of thirty-one churches-six Presbyterian ford, Washington county, Wisconsin, in 1859, we find the following:

ration and guilt of our country, in having "Resolved, That we mourn over the degenebrought any of her citizens to the necessity of disobedience to human law, in order to render

loyalty to the laws of heaven!"

The following graphic article from the New York Herald of December, 1859, when read by


the light of subsequent events, is in some respects prophetic-yet that kind of phrophesy which comes by knowledge that cause is certain to produce its effect:

"The meeting at Tremont Temple, in Boston, on Saturday, for the benefit of the family of John Brown,' a report of which appeared in our issue of yesterday, is a significant fact, a sign of the times, whose import cannot be mistaken. Following up the letters and lectures, the editorial articles, speeches and sermons, which have been already laid before our readers, and which all look in the same direction, that meeting is well calculated to cause alarm throughout the land. If it stood alone, or if the rabid anti-slavery sentiment to which it gave such violent and war-like expression, were confined to a few fanatics at the North, the thing might be treated as simply ridiculous, but when we regard this demonstration as a symptom or outburst at one point of an inflammation which has seized the whole Republican party, and when we see the virulent poison of which that party is full, bursting forth at all points, then, indeed, there is cause for the most gloomy apprehension, especially when the conservative element, the salt of the body politic, designed to preserve it from putrification and from being resolved into its original elements, stands back apathetic and inactive, waiting we suppose, for God to interpose by some special Providence, and forgetting the grand old maxim that, 'Heaven always helps those who help themselves.'

"The meeting at Tremont Temple was numerously attended, and a large number of ladies were present. The assemblage was called to order by Hon. John A. Andrew, (now Governor of Massachusetts,) and cheek by jowl with Wendell Phillips were Rev. J. M. Manning and Rev. Dr. Neal, the latter of whom 'inyoked the Divine blessing,' and offered up prayer, thus throwing a religious ingredient into the boiling cauldron of 'hellbroth, in order to make it overflow into the fire, and set the house in flames.

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notion that John Brown was insane. On the contrary he was 'the sword in the hand of a high power, the finger of God writing upon the wall of Belshazzar's palace the doom of tyrants.' The reverend fire-brand then goes on to institute a comparison between the case of John Brown and that of Crispus Attucks, the colored man who was the first Boston victim of the American Revolution, and whose remains the people of Boston followed to the grave in long processions, and years after celebrated the anniversary of the massacre, till at last the celebration was changed to the Forth of July. Daniel Webster had said that from the day of the Boston massacre was dated the disruption the death of John Brown and some others. of the British empire. So might it be with

"Daniel Webster might say hereafter that from the moment when John Brown swung between heaven and earth, might be dated the beginning of the end of American slavery and the disruption of the American Union. Thus is the parallel rendered complete. The first revolution began in the death of Crispus Attucks, the colored man. The second will begin in the death of John Brown. The first was a sanguinary struggle of seven long years. The second is to be of the same character, taking its hue and complexion] from the events at Harper's Ferry, and according to the Rev. Mr. Wheelock, inaugurating the "new era of the anti-slavery cause," in which "to moral agitation will be added physical, to argument action! for other devoted men will follow in the wake of John Brown, and carry on to its full results the work he has begun." It is the logic of bayonets, and rifles and pikes that is henceforth to convince the slave holders of the South. eternal and heaven sustained nature of the This, says Mr. Andrew, 'is the irrepressible conflict.' The same gentleman invokes 'the holy memories' of the Old South Church, and then turns to 'the battle ground

of Concord.'

revolutionary parallels by tracing the genealogy "Ralph Waldo Emmerson follows up these of John Brown back to one of the pilgrims in father was a Revolutionary captain, and the Mayflower, and showing that his grand

"Our Captain Brown,' says Mr. Emmerson, 'is happily a representative of the American Republic. He did not believe in moral suasion, but in putting things through!' "No doubt in the next edition of Emmerson's

Brown will have a most conspicuous place.

"What a favorite will he be in history,' continues the abolition leader. 'Nothing can resist it. No man dare believe that there exists in their generation another man as worthy to live, as deserving of public and private honors."

"When the clergy encourage insurrection and civil war, and that with the approbation of the people, and even of the gentler sex, we are come upon dangerous times. Such was the fanaticism that prevailed at the meeting, that a letter from a clergyman of milder counsels, who declined to attend, and took the op-Representative Man,' the name of John portunity of stating his reasons, while contradicting a public announcement that he was to be present, was hissed because he said he at first understood that both sides of the question were to be discussed-an idea the Hon. Mr. Andrews pronounced ridiculous, as it was hardly likely that at such a meeting there was any one present who thought there were two sides to the question as to whether 'John Brown's family' should be left to starve. No doubt they were all of the numerous family of John Brown, who, we are assured by Rev. Mr. Wheelock, count a million in the North. "Rev. Mr. Manning rejected with scorn the

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"The extremists in the French Revolution set up a naked courtesan for public worship as the Goddess of Liberty.' The orators of the second American Revolution propose the apotheosis of John Brown, after he dies the death of a murderer on the gallows-a man of whom the leading journalists of his own party in Kansas has admitted, that he took five respectable men heads of families-out of their beds at dead

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hour of night, and mutillated and murdered them in cold blood. This, no doubt, Garrison, Rev. Messrs. Manning and Neal, and the rest, would call "doing God's service," and the brigand and the assassin, stained with the blood of his fellow-men, will be worshipped after death. His gallows will be the emblem and symbol of nigger redemption, and bits of the rope with which he will be hanged, will be sold at enormous prices, and be venerated, like pieces of the true cross. He will be regarded as a second Saviour, whose sacrificial blood has ransomed the black race His words and acts will become a new gospel, and the evangelists of revolution will present it from Maine to Virginia.

"Mr. Emerson gave the true interpretation to the object of the meeting and of the collection of the "sinews of war," when he said:

"I hope then, that in addition to our relief to the family of John Brown, we shall endeavor to relieve all those in whose behalf he suffers, and all those who are in sympathy with him, and not forget to aid him also, in the best way, by securing freedom and independence in Massachusetts itself."

| (Cheers.) I asked them to play the great poem
or great epic which told to the world that the
soul of that martyr, who fell because of his
hostility to slavery, was still marching on, and
I tell you gentlemen, it is marching on. (Cries
of "that's so," and tremendous cheering) John
Brown's knapsack is not only strapped to his
back, but his soul is marching on; aye, his soul
is commingling with yours. Now, gentlemen,
in conclusion let me ask the band (a year ago
the band that came here scarcely knew the
tune) to play John Brown; for I suspect it has
become as familiar to you as the "Star Span-
gled Banner" or "Hail Columbia." (Applause)
Do not such insane things prove the prophecy
of the Herald.

(From the Kansas Herald of Freedom.)
"Old John Brown came to Kansas late in the
summer or fall of 1855-that he came armed
and in a peculiar manner--that these arms
were furnished him in the State of New York.
that their supply was made the condition of
his coming here-that he showed a bloodthirst-
iness peculiarly his own, during the Waukarusa

"What Mr. Emerson means by the latter, he War, in December of that year, and that noreplies:

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"Thus is the Republican party hurried along on the dark stream of its destiny by a power which its moderate leaders cannot resist. The party consists of two elements-one the political, the other the fanatical. The political wants merely spoils and power, and to that end keeps up the anti-slavery agitation, in which it has no faith. The other elementthe fanatical, or abolition, pure and simple is perfectly sincere, like John Brown, and is rapidly leavening the whole party. Álready the Republicans are more than half Abolitionized, and the process is still going on, at a fearful speed. The moderate men will be carried away by the resistless current, and when the politicians, who always go with the strongest side, find out the strength of the revolutionary element, they will yield themselves up to its sweeping energy, preferring to be borne on the crest of the wave rather than to be overwhelmed beneath its weight."

In a speech in Philadelphia, 1863, FORNEY delivered himself as follows:


"A year ago this night, when an assemblage not so enthusiastic as this did me the honor to pay me a visit, I took a liberty with them; and for that I have since that time been slandered

by all the copperheads, from Wm. H. Reed, to
Chas. J. Biddle, ("up" or "down" as you may
please to make it.) I asked the band to play
a national hymn, the hymn of John Brown

where in his whole Kansas history do we find a particle of evidence that he desired to cultivate the principles of peace.

"We sincerely hope that the future historians of Kansas will take pains to post themselves on these subjects, that they may not do injustice to innocent parties. 'Old John Brown has The time will figured as a hero in Kansas.' come when history will be ventilated, and instead of a hero, he will stand before the country in his true character. Under cover of night, in the name of religion, he committed crimes too base for common sinners to meddle with."

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Thus ends our quotations on this subject. We have shown that there was nothing in the life or character of this old horse thief and murderer, John Brown, calculated to draw after him the prayers; the good wishes, or even the sympathies of the wise or virtuous. We therefore, have the right to infer that all those who affected sympathy with John Brown, but manifested their own diabolical guilt, not merely as partakers in his crime at Harper's Ferry, but that higher crime of purposely and treasonably aiding a rebellion to break up the Union. A stretch of unbounded charity may possibly snatch a few "misguided fanatics?' from the category of wilful treason, but history will not-cannot-exhonorate them from consequential guilt.

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To the guilty Southern disunionists, the general Northern endorsement of John Brown was a God send. They saw in it the means to develope to the full a Southern disunion party,

and the most fervent appeals were made by Yancey, Toombs, Rhett, Davis and other Southern traitors, to arouse the spirit of alarm in the Southern mind, and they met with a success which no other events had enabled them to gloat over.

It gives us no pleasure to record these disgraceful facts, but when our Gibbon shall take up his unbiased pen to write out the impartial history of our Greece and our Rome, he will thank us or collecting these facts, so convenient for his purpose, and when the crimes of this age shall be folioed, not by the penny-aliner or cheap pamphleteer, but by the historian, who shall look through the telescope of truth, without bias, and scanning the designs of faction through the long vista of the then past, shall present the "logic of our history" to our children's children, as we now read that of our father's fathers.

That the Kansas conflict was stimulated, and the Harper's Ferry affair consummated, and afterwards so boldly endorsed, for the express purpose of so exciting the Northern mind as to cast the entire Northern electoral vote for an exclusively Northern candidate in 1860-that this great leading fact will appear in the unbiased history of the future, together with a full expose of its criminal aims and purposes, we have not the slightest doubt.

On looking back upon the events of the short past, our only wonder is that civil war had not actually broken out in 1859. The fact that it did not, will astonish all who can appreciate the explosive materials of which the American character is composed.


WISCONSIN NULLIFICATION AND SECESSION. The Four Shocks of Secession: 1st, New England; 2d, South Carolina; 3d, Wisconsin; 4th, The Confederate

States.., Wisconsin Bids "Positive Defiance " to the General Government...Constitutional Provisions Relative to Judicial Dicisions...A Premeditated Conspiracy to take Wisconsin Out of the Union...Complete Chronological History of the Booth Case, and Judicial Action thereon... The Federal Supreme Court declare that Wisconsin was the First to Set Up the Supremacy of the State over the Federal Court...Republicans Break Open

Judge Smith Scouts the Consequences of His Own Acts ...The Seven Points as Proof...The "State Journal " declares "Dissolution no Misfortune"...Republicans Resolve to "Revolutionize the Government "...Republican Papers for Dissolution...To Sustain the Decision of the Federal Court declared a Crime... Republicans claim that Judge Paine was elected expressly to Defy the Federal Court...Disunionists in Mass Convention...General Government again Defied...Republicans endorse Southern Nullification... Wisconsin Legislature "Positively Defies" the Federal Government...Substitute to Sustain the Government Voted Down...Doolittle's Views...Northern Nullification a Twin of Southern Nullification... Wisconsin endorses South Carolina and South Carolina endorses Wisconsin.

"O, pity, God, this miserable age!-
What strategems! how fell! how butcherly,
Erroneous, mutinous, unnatural,
This deadly quarrel daily doth beset!"
[King Henry VI.-
"Between the acting of a dreadful thing
And the first motion, all the interim is
Like a phantasma, or a hideous dream ;
The genius and the mortal instruments
Are there in council, and the state of a man,
Like a little kingdom, suffers then
The nature of an insurrection."

[Shakespeare's Julius Cæsar. During the life of this Government, it has experienced four shocks of sesession. Startle not, for such is the truth of history. Sesession does not necessarily consist in actually taking up arms and mustering hostile forces against the General Government, but it consists in treasonable resolves, defiant denunciations and authoritative declarations by the people by. legislative bodies, and by Supreme Court decisions, positively defying the General Government. As we have already seen, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island seceded from the Union in 1814. They were the pioneers in the criminal work of sesession, and by the blue light of the Hartford Convention, we read their treasonable anathemas, their criminal hatred of our Common Country, and their threats of "positive defiance," hurled boldly against the General Government.

In 1833 South Carolina seceded from the Union, as far as that treasonable State could, without successful revolution. She bid positive defiance to the General Government, and threatened to, and did resist its laws.

In 1854 and to 1859 Wisconsin followed in the wake of old treasonable Massachusetts, and traitorous South Carolina. Yes, Wisconsin Arsenal, and Seize Arms to Defy the Power of the seceded from the Union! So far as it was posGovernment...Judge Paine's "Eloquent Extract "...Op-sible for the reigning majority to take her out position to Law Placed Judge P. on the Bench...The Rescue Leaguers...Republican Meeting to Denounce Law...Judge Crawford Opposed solely because he felt Bound by the Decision of the Federal Court... The Con stitution Quoted...Lloyd Garrison declares Fugitive Law Constitutional, but Defies It..." Milwaukee Sentinel" on Habeas Corpus and Jury Trial for Negroes...Opposition to the General Government a Political Test...The

"Wisconsin State. Journal" on said Test... Various Re

of the Union, they
of the Union, they did it. The Supreme
Court, composed of members who were elected
expressly on the issue of defiance to the Gener-
al Government, took the broad ground of Cal-
houn nullification, and seceded from the au-
The Ex-

publican Papers on the Test...Judge Smith's Opinion...thority of the Federal Government.
No Precedent to Sustain It...What Senator Howe said...

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