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are imprisoned at Liestal because they had distributed printed invitations for the meetings of the Salvation Army.

We translate these particulars from a German-Swiss paper, and hope, as the editor says, that there may be found judges at Berne who will put a stop to the fury of the Government of Bâle-Campagne.

We are ashamed for our country that such things can happen, and if the authorities at Berne do not stay this persecution, severe judgments will come upon our people.

On November 25 the tower of the Cathedral at Berne was finished. From an artistic point of view there is nothing to be said against it. The Cathedral is now one of the finest buildings in the country, but we do not think it is right to finish church towers with money that has been collected by lottery-tickets. Our Lord is no poor man, and does not want such worldly means to get money for promoting His Kingdom.

On December 6 there was held at Berne the annual meeting of the Evangelical Society. Professor Oetlli spoke on Luke xviii. 1-8. He said the Church at large is in a very sad condition, and all attempts to change this state of things have failed. What the Church of Christ needs is to know that she is a poor feeble widow, and to pray earnestly for the coming of the Lord.

The Evangelical Society of Geneva is in great difficulties, and needs £4,000 to pay its debts. This Society does a great deal of work in France. The Lord opened many doors there, and in Italy and Spain; but the majority of the rich Protestants do not realise their responsibilities, nor understand the signs of the times. -A. F.



THE REV. O. Jalla, Secretary of this Society, has recently been paying a visit to England with the object of enlisting the sympathies of all friends of Italian Evangelization in a special effort to carry on and extend the work of disseminating evangelical literature throughout Italy. He writes:

"Our Committee is a very representative one. It includes Ministers of the Waldensian and Free Churches of Italy, and of the Free Church of Scotland and the Baptist Church. All these Churches, and many other workers in the Italian mission field, derive assistance from, and are in many cases dependent on, our Society, as regards both its printing and publishing department, and its missionary work of circulating evangelical literature.

"Our Publication Society was founded in 1855, as soon as the Italian Evangelization was begun, and has generally tried to support its own expenses without special appeal. But this year (1893) has been too depressing to do without it.

"In the year ending March 31 last, we printed 106,000 portions of the Holy Scriptures, 79,600 books and tracts, 146,400 periodicals and almanacks, besides reports for churches, schools, &c. Upwards of 79,000 publications were sold during the year. In addition to the Central Depôt at Florence, we have depôts at Rome, Genoa, Leghorn, Milan, Naples, Turin, Palermo, and Torre Pellice.

"Our Annual Report gives many interesting details of the progress of our work, and of the growing desire in Italy for such literature as we are printing and circulating. But, although the printing press is self-supporting, the most important branch of our work-namely, that of disseminating evangelical literature-still requires assistance.

"Here are a few instances of the efficiency of our publications under God's Fatherly guidance. An Italian in New York writes: I am greatly pleased with the ready sale of your books, which, I believe, are the best means of making known the Scriptures to the Italians. I say so, because they have proved most useful to me, and have dissipated many doubts.'

"This last summer, a supply of our tracts having been distributed among the workers at a new railway near Ventimiglia, a petition was soon written, signed

by 95 of them, and sent to the pastor in Cuneo, who soon came and had several most interesting meetings with these good people.

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"From Novara (Piedmont) a poor widower wrote: Through your " Amico dei Fanciulli," I have been comforted; it was my only consoler, giving me the assurance that I shall see my wife again in heaven.'

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"In Vittoria, Sicily, a little boy was reading his picture lesson for the Sundayschool, when the father asked, 'What are you reading there?' The lesson for Sunday. Last Sunday the teacher told us to ask God for whatever we want. He said that God would not send bread or money from heaven, but inspire some good friend's heart to give it. Shall we pray to Him for it?' Father and son knelt together and prayed for the family's need. The day after actually an aunt came, sent some corn to the poor home, and took one of the children with her for some weeks.

"Of course, it is impossible to know the full extent to which our tracts and papers are used by God in the salvation of the people; yet we may venture to say that we put to practice, as well as possible, Wesley's motto: Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, to all the people you can.'"

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WE have received from the Rev. W. J. Shellabear, Missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the Straits Settlements, a communication referring to evangelical work carried on in Malaysia. He also sends us a copy of The Malaysia Message, a periodical containing information, as far as it is procurable, about the work of all missions in the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago-including the Straits Settlements, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Colebes, and the Phillipine Islands-and it is the only paper in the British language which deals with the evangelization of this immense field. There are several English missionaries in Malaysia working among the Chinese and Tamils, and the Dutch and German missionaries are at work among the Battas and Dyaks and other Malay tribes which are not Mohammedan, but as far as I am aware only one Englishman has as yet devoted his life to the evangelization of the forty millions of the Malay races.

It may, therefore, fairly be said that practically nothing is being done for the Malays by Christian England, though hundreds of thousands of them are British subjects; and furthermore, my own experience in this country has shown me that, though Indian and Chinese Missions have become household words, the most complete ignorance prevails among English people on the subject of the Malay races; and this great human family, living as it does midway between India and China, is in danger of being entirely passed over. Surely it is time that the Christian Press, and especially the missionary journals of this country, should give some prominence to the subject of the evangelization of the Malays, and seek to interest the Christian public in this neglected section of the mission-field by giving information as to the work which is in progress, and the wide openings which exist for further missionary enterprise.

We extract the following from The Malaysia Message :—


It is related in the first part of this paper how the mutiny in Borneo was the cause of starting the Sumatra Mission, which has since become the most important of all the missions of the Rhenish Society. Scarcely had Mr. Neubronuer van der Tuuk mentioned the suitability of that island for the starting of work, when the committee in Barmen gave orders to the Rev. Van Höfen to explore Sumatra. In 1860 he left Bandjermasin and arrived in Padang, from which place he followed along the west coast until he reached the Bay of Tapanuli, the harbour of the Battak country. From here the traveller went inland to Sipirok, where some Dutch missionaries-who subsequently joined the Rhenish Society-had settled. The country seemed to be healthy, and the people were far superior to the Dyaks in industry and intelligence.

In consequence of this trip of exploration, the Rev. Heine was sent to Sumatra, while Denninger and Klammer from Borneo were transferred to this field. In 1861 Nommensen, Asselt, and Betz arrived; in 1865 Johannsen and Ködding, and in 1866 Schreiber strengthened the band of workers and opened a new station in Selindong (where, as early as 1824, the heroic Burton preached the Gospel); also in Sipirok, Bungabondar, Aek Sarula (called afterwards Pangaloan), Sigompulan, Huta damai and several other places. In most of these stations the work was done among heathen people, but in all of them, and in some to a considerable extent, the work was a constant battle with Mohammedanism, whose professors tried all possible means to make proselytes. Nevertheless the work was much blessed, and numerous heathen and not a few Mohammedans were added to the Church of God. Churches and mission houses were built, and schools for the children established in all the places. The literary work of the missionaries was very important. There were two dialects, the Toba and Mandaheling, into which the Bible and other books had to be translated. In the case of the first mentioned dialect the previous work of Mr. Neubronner van der Tuuk was of great value, and the successful training of useful Battak preachers (Pandita Battak) was a great help as well in literary as in evangelistic work. Last year the missionaries sold religious literature amounting to £100. In 1870 the Rev. Ködding founded a mission station in Siboga, that has since become the door to all the Battak stations. From the very beginning a hotel for natives was established, whose pious keeper was not only engaged to provide food and shelter for his travelling countrymen, but who constantly broke the Bread of Life to them. From Siboga the new field in Nias was occupied in 1865, of which I shall speak hereafter.

In 1874 the Battak Mission had nine stations, with twelve missionaries and 2,300 baptised members. Only four of these stations (Sipirok, Bungabondar, Prausorat, and Siboga) were in Dutch territory, while Pangaloan, Sigompulan, Panchur na pitu, Selindong, and Sipoholon belonged to the independent Battaks. The southernmost parts of the Dutch Battak country have never been occupied by missionaries of the Society, as they are inhabited by Mohammedans only.

Though the work among the heathen Battaks was by far the most successful, the conversion of Mohammedans became more frequent year by year. In Bungabondar, where at present no heathen Battaks remain, the year 1878 saw the first victory over Islam; in 1884 the baptisms from Mohammedanism amounted to 134, and 340 were being instructed for baptism; in 1891 there were nineteen baptisms from Islam, but 515 had applied for it, and of these fifty were baptised in January 1892.

In Sipirok, where from the beginning the hatred and opposition of the Mohammedans was most severe, 26 Moslems were baptised in 1891. In some places in the neighbourhood many Christians became Mohammedans. At present there is a church with 873 members.

Only one station succumbed to the onset of Mohammedanism-namely, Prausorat, where once a nice little church had been gathered, but in all other places Christianity has kept pace with Islam or overtaken it. The published statistics speak in convincing terms of the increase of the work among the Battaks, so that it can justly be called the chief work of the Rhenish Society, not only in Malaysia but in the whole world.

During 1892, in Padang Bolak, where almost every place seemed to be won for Mohammedanism two years ago, the work made great progress. In spite of all enmity and opposition, 600 people have asked for baptism and many surrounding villages have asked for teachers. A very important field has been added to the previous stations—namely, the large island Samosir in the Toba lake, which is said to have 4,700 inhabitants, and also the country Uluan that according to the latest census has a population of over 15,000.

Missionary Notes.

THE MCALL MISSION IN FRANCE.-The office of this Mission is now transferred to 36 Rue Godot de Mauroy, Paris. The Rue Godot de Mauroy turns off the Boulevard de la Madeleine, and the new office will thus be close to the Central Station, 23 Rue Royale, and in the immediate vicinity of the hotels and of those parts most frequented by visitors. The Committee, therefore, hope that friends visiting Paris will not leave without calling at the office.

BEYROUT. We have received an interesting report regarding Miss Taylor's orphanage for Moslem and Druse girls at Beyrout. There is an Association whose object is to collect funds for the support of this work, and Mr. W. Ferguson, of Kinmundy, near Mintlaw, N.B., is the Treasurer. In connexion with Miss Taylor's educational work, there is a medical mission in which she is assisted by Ali Alamud Din, who places his services at her disposal gratuitously. From February to July 1892 he treated no fewer than 1,660 patients. A large source of iliness among the poor natives of Beyrout is the want of proper sustenance, and Miss Taylor's work among them is always accompanied by the distribution of the necessaries of life. Will our friends give some special help to this branch of the work? Miss Taylor writes: "I have been trying to get funds to open a school for Badr and her sister in their father's house, two days' journey from Beyrout. It will be a Christian Druse, teaching Druses only. Aid me with your prayers, and all will be well. These two girls have been long in the school at Beyrout; they are well trained, and calculated to do good among their friends and neighbours in their mountain village." The Rev. Dr. Eddy, an American Missionary in Syria, writes very highly of Miss Taylor's work amongst Syria's daughters, who are in greater need, and who are least accessible to ordinary missionary labours. God has enabled her to find a way to the hearts and homes of Mohammedans and Druses, which, from Oriental customs, and from suspicions, have been closed to most other Christian teachers. Dr. Eddy adds: "The success of the school has not failed to arouse jealousy and opposition. This has come, too, from unexpected sources, but God has not permitted His work to be overthrown."

THE CRY OF SOUTH AMERICA. In a little paper, issued by the South American Missionary Society, "W. M. R." writes: "Here, on the threshold of the Great Unknown, stands the little Paraguay Mission, and here died Adolfo Henriksen, leading, as it were, the forlorn hope of what should be a great missionary host. And here stood the one solitary sentinel that remained of that little band—alone, yet not alone, full of hope that when God sends the reapers a mighty harvest shall be gathered in from the wild tribes of the Gran Chaco. But already He has sent three faithful and brave men to help-Bailey, Hay, and Pride. Where are the donors of generous sums which shall enable men to go forth thither? Must noble lives be sacrificed simply because those who offer for the battle must go forth lacking much that would help them to endure the privations of such an undertaking? Again, where are the men and where are the means to carry on the work begun by martyrheroes in lone Fuêgia? Shall the Ona Indians be shot down, or led captive to show their native savagery and degraded habits in the towns of Europe, and Christian men and women forget how Allen Gardiner laid down his life there among them? Shall fair lands like Chili be the arenas of bloody civil conflicts because no pure Gospel leaven has been spread there to soften the hot, Southern passions? Shall Chilians admire the earthly qualities of Englishmen and long to emulate our native institutions, and yet learn nothing from us of that true source of England's greatness, the simple faith of the Holy Bible. Shall brave and intelligent men of the Latin race spurn the bonds of priestcraft, and yet never learn the glorious freedom of the sons of God, and the pure faith of England's reformed and true Catholic Church? Let evangelical men and women only regard the matter in the light of Christian duty, and the answer will soon appear in increased and increasing efforts for the South American Missionary Society. "Ye shall be witnesses for me in Jerusalem,

and in Judea, and to the uttermost parts of the earth." All information regarding the Society's work can be obtained from the Secretary, South American Missionary Society, 1 Clifford's Inn, Fleet Street, London, E.C.

PEKING. Our correspondent says the Week of Universal Prayer is greatly valued. He adds: "Peking is an important centre of missionary work. There are about 40 missionaries in the city, including unmarried missionary ladies. They reside in different parts of the city, and their work branches out into remote parts of this province, also into the neighbouring province of Shantung. No capital city in Europe can offer greater freedom to Christian effort. The obstacles are only such as must exist in the nature of the case, where ancient and compact systems of idolatry and nature worship stand confronted with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

SIAM.-The war cloud which has hung over Siam imperilled interests most precious to American Christians. Since 1847 our Presbyterian brethren have steadily carried on a mission there, which after many discouragements has recently made cheering progress. Their Laos Mission, begun in 1867, in that small kingdom north of Siam and tributary to it, has been especially prosperous. In Siam they have 22 American missionaries, including wives, 7 churches with 308 communicants, and 13 schools with 413 pupils. The Laos Mission has 25 missionaries, 8 churches with 1,370 members, of whom 299 were added last year, and 6 schools with 333 pupils. In view of the singular encouragements and attractions of this work, and the wonderful readiness of new tribes to receive the Gospel, an urgent appeal for more energetic aid was made to the Church at home, just before the breaking out of the present hostilities between France and Siam. The Siamese Mission stations are these at Bangkok the capital city, of about 400,000 inhabitants, on the River Meinam, 25 miles from its mouth; at Petchaburee, on the western side of the Gulf of Siam, and at Ratburee. The Laos stations are at Chieng-mai, 500 miles north of Bangkok, Lawkan, 70 miles southeast from Chieng-mai, and at Lapoon. Siam, in Farther India, lying between Burma and Annam, otherwise called Cochin China, has a territory about four times as large as the State of New York, and a population reckoned in 1883 at some 6,000,000. The name Siam is from a Sanskrit word meaning the brown race. The natives do not use it, for their name is Müang Ti, the country of the free; though they also frequently call it "the country of the white elephant," in spite of the fact that there is really no such animal: the lightest coloured elephant is of a dull yellowish brown. Polygamy is universal among the upper classes. Buddhism is the national religion, and the land is full of idols, images of Buddha, made of all sorts of materials and of all sizes, from a finger's length to those of colossal magnitude. In one temple there are more than 14,000 idols worshipped, with offerings of incense, fruit, and flowers. In Bangkok alone there are 10,000 yellow-robed, lazy priests, and throughout the kingdom millions are annually expended for their support. The reigning king is an absolute monarch, and has been somewhat enlightened by the teaching of missionaries and by contact with the outside world. He has encouraged the education of both sexes, and there has been considerable progress in the civilisation of the country.— (Missionary Herald, Boston).

UGANDA.-Bishop Tucker, of the Church Missionary Society, has ordained at the capital of Uganda seven natives as deacons in the Christian church, two of them being the greatest chiefs in the country, who govern large provinces. This ordination is a step forward toward the full establishment of Christian institutions in Uganda. Bishop Tucker speaks of the new church building as worthy of the name of cathedral. "For Central Africa it is as wonderful a building as Durham Cathedral is for England." There are nearly 500 trees in it used as pillars; some of them were brought five or six days' journey, and it required several hundred men for the task. This reminds us of the accounts given of the building of the churches at the Sandwich Islands in the early days, when the native Christians wrought with such zeal and self-denial in the erection of their houses of worship. These Hawaiians brought the coral, out of which lime was obtained, on their backs, often a distance of a dozen miles, and the largest timbers were dragged from the koa forests, sometimes nearly a score of miles, fifty or a hundred natives, at times, dragging a single stick. A letter from Bishop Tucker contains the

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