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considerable)-was not the only inconve- tired in his robes, added very considerably nience; for occasionally large pieces of to the splendour of the scene by his melted wax fell, without distinction of per- ful and elegant appearance. His Lordship's sons, upon all within reach. The very hat was encircled with a band of diamonds, great heat was no where more visible thar. which had a most brilliant effect. On his in the havoc which it made upon the curls Majesty's entrance he was received with of many of the ladies, several of whose loud and continued cheers, the gentlemen heads had lost all traces of the friseur's skill waving their hats, and the ladies their handlong before the ceremony of the day was kerchiefs his Majesty seemed to feel senconcluded. Before the return of the Pro-sibly the enthusiasm with which he was cession from the Abbey, those ladies and gen-greeted, and returned the salutations with tlemen who could not gain admission from repeated bows to the assemblage on both the Hall thither, amused themselves, either sides as he passed up to the platform. His by promenading the Hall, or the space out- Majesty was evidently fatigued, but we side, which was left between the platform || never saw him appear in better spirits. It and the covered way from the House of would be impossible to convey to our reaLords to Poets'-corner. In this place many ders, who have not witnessed the procession, of them were gratified with a sight of the an adequate idea of the splendour of the balloon which ascended from the Green Hall at the moment when the procession Park, and which, viewed even at that dis-had completely passed through the tritance, presented a very splendid spectacle. umphal arch. The rich and gorgeous apparel of the Peers and Knights, relieved by the more light, though not less elegant, dresses of the ladies, gave a magnificence to the scene, which we believe has never been equalled at the coronation of any sovereign of this country, and we think we might add of any country in Europe. His Majesty did not ascend the throne on his return, but proceeded immediately to his chamber. The Peers took their seats at the tables appointed for them, and began to partake of the banquet. During the interval between this and the return of his Majesty, the greater part of the ladies and gentlemen who had previously occupied the galleries, retired for refreshments, or descended into the Hall, which they promenaded for a considerable time.

Return of the Procession to the Hall.-At about twenty minutes to four, the gates of the Hall were thrown open to admit the Procession on its return.

Viewed from the upper end of the Hall, through the arched way, the appearance of the white plumes of the Knights of the Bath was most magnificent. On their entrance to the Hall, the Knights took off their hats, but the Peers continued to wear their coronets. The Procession then entered in the reverse order in which it left the Abbey.

On entering the Hall, the Barons of the Cinque Ports bearing the canopy proceeded with it as far as the steps of the platforın, from whence the King ascended to the throne, and from thence retired to his chamber. The Barons of the Cinque Ports then carried away the canopy as their fee.

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The Banquet.--Precisely at twenty minutes past five the Lord Great Chamberlain issued his orders that the centre of the Hall should be cleared. This direction occasioned much confusion, not only because many strangers had been allowed to enter the lower doors for the purpose of surveying the general

It is mentioned above, that the several orders of Knighthood returned wearing their hats. This was the case until they got to the entrance of Westminster Hall: There all the Knights of the Bath took off their hats, as did some of the Bishops and several other individuals who took part in the pro-arrangements, but because those who had cession. There were only two Knights of the Garter who appeared in the full dress of the order: These were, his Royal Highness Prince Leopold, and the Marquis of Londonderry. The Noble Marquis, as at

tickets for the galleries had descended in considerable numbers to the floor. Lord Gwyder was under the necessity of personally exerting his authority with considerable vehemence, in order to compel

were mounted on beautiful white horses, gorgeously trapped, and the latter on his favourite dun-coloured Arabian, the caparisons of which were equally rich.

the attendants of the Earl Marshal to quit || shal on the right, and the Marquis of situations intended for persons more imme- || Anglesea in the centre. The two former diately connected with the ceremony. A long interval now occurred during which the various officers, and especially the Heralds, made the necessary arrangements for the nobility expected to return with his Majesty. During this pause, silence was generally preserved in expectation of the return of his Majesty from his


The entrance of the King was announced by one of the principal Heralds, who was followed into the Hall by the Lord Great Chamberlain and the Dukes of York, Clarence, Cambridge, Sussex, and Glocester. Prince Leopold had for some time previously been engaged in conversation with some of the Foreign Ambassadors.

His Majesty returned in the robes with which he had been invested in the Abbey, wearing also the same crown. In his right hand he carried the sceptre, and in his left the orb, which, on taking his seat on the throne, he delivered to two Peers stationed at his side for the purpose of receiving them.

The first course was then served up. It consisted of 24 gold covers and dishes, carried by as many Gentlemen Pensioners: they were preceded by six attendants on the Clerk Comptroller, by two Clerks of the Kitchen, who received the dishes from the Gentlemen Pensioners, by the Clerk Comptroller, in a velvet gown trimmed with silver lace, by two Clerks and the Secretary of the Board of Green Cloth, by the Comptroller and Treasurer of the Household, and by four Serjeants at Arms with their


While the 24 covers were placed upon the royal table, these noblemen remained on horseback at the lowest step leading to the throne, and as the Gentlemen Pensioners delivered their dishes they retired backwards between the three horses, and so left the Hall. They were followed by the Duke of Wellington, the Marquis of || Anglesea, and Lord Howard of Effingham, who backed their steeds with great skill down the centre of the hall. The animals were most tractable and gentle, nor did they exhibit the least sign of fear or impatience; but when an attempt was made to applaud the proceeding, the horse of the Earl Mar|| shal then became somewhat alarmed, as in the course of his rehearsals, he had not met with any thing like this species of reception: he reared once or twice, but was soon pacified by the groom in attendance. As soon as they were beyond the limits of the Hall, the doors were closed.

The dishes yet remaining uncovered, the basin and ewer were presented by the Lord Great Chamberlain that his Majesty might wash. He was assisted by the Earls of Abingdon and Verulam, and the Lord of the Manor of Heydon was in attendance with a towel. His Majesty having dipped his fingers in the rose-water, and wiped them, returned the napkin to the gentleman who had performed the service of bearing it.

The Dukes of York, Clarence, and Sussex, sitting on the right hand of the King; and the Dukes of Cambridge and Gloucester, with Prince Leopold, on the left; the Carver and Assistant Carver, the Earls of Denbigh and Chichester, took their stations at the bottom of the table, attended by the Earls of Mount Edgecumbe and Whitworth, who acted as Sewer and Assistant Sewer. The Duke of Devon

Before the dishes were placed upon the tables by the two Clerks of the Kitchen, the great doors at the bottom of the Hall were thrown open to the sound of trumpets and clarions, and the Duke of Wellington as Lord High Constable, the Marquis of Anglesea as Lord High Steward, and Lord Howard of Effingham as Deputy Earl Marshal, entered upon the floor on horse-shire sustained the orb on the left of the back, remaining for some minutes under throne, and the Duke of Rutland the the archway. The Duke of Wellington sceptre with the dove on the right, supwas on the left of the King, the Earl Mar- || ported by the Lord of the Manor of Work

sop, with the ordinary sceptre, and the Peers restrained his action within limits suited to bearing the four swords.

The tureens and dishes were then uncovered, and the carvers proceeded to assist his Majesty.

the narrow space in which he could be permitted to move.

The knightly appearance and gallant deportment of the Champion obviously gave || considerable pleasure to his Majesty, who, taking the goblet that was presented to hin by the Cup-bearer, drank to the bold challenger with a corresponding air of gaiety. The Champion, on his part, having received the cup, proposed the following toast"Long live his Majesty King George the Fourth." It would be impossible for us to do justice to the scene which followed; it was the most animated, the most cheering, and indeed the most sublime, that we ever witnessed. A loud and involuntary cry of "God bless the King!" escaped at that moment from the Hall-the acclamation was long and loud. Women, the loveliest and fairest that ever Heaven formed, full of health and beauty, yet bending under the brilliant burden of rich but unnecessary ornaments-it was from this numerous and noble assembly that a burst of applause

The Champion. The first course having been removed, the attention of all present was called to the bottom of the Hall by a long and cheerful flourish of trumpets. The great gates were instantly thrown wide open, and the Champion made his appearance under the gothic archway, mounted on his piebald charger. Mr. Dymoke was accompanied on the right by the Duke of Wellington, and on the left by Lord Howard of Effingham; but his polished steel armour, his plumes, and the trappings of his steed, instantly showed the capacity in which he appeared. He was ushered within || the limits of the Hall by two trumpeters, with the arms of the Champion on their banners; by the Sergeant Trumpeter, and by two Sergeants at Arms, with maces. An esquire in half armour was on each side, the one bearing his lance, and the other his shield or target: the three horse-issued, which seemed as it would rend men were followed by grooms and pages.

The first challenge was given at the entrance of the Hall, the trumpets having sounded thrice: it was read by the Herald attending the Champion.

the roof of this ancient and magnificent Hall. A thousand plumes waved in glorious pride-a thousand voices swelled the loud acclamation-joy lighted up the countenance of beauty-and the gaze of ardent loyalty beamed around the throne of a Monarch, who at that moment had much reason to feel happy, and whose happiness we trust will go on every day increasing with the prosperity of his noble-minded people. We should by the way have stated, that on the first entrance of the Champion, the greater part of those who stood in the

After pausing for a few seconds, the Champion drew off his gauntlet, and threw it upon the floor, with a very manly and chivalrous air. As no one appeared to accept the challenge, the Herald took up the glove, and returned it to the Champion. The cavalcade then advanced half way up the Hall, when it again halted, and the trumpets having again sounded, the chal-body of the Hall paid their obeisance to the lenge was read as before, the gauntlet thrown down, and restored to the challenger. At the foot of the throne, the same ceremony was a third time repeated, the Herald reading the challenge at the top of the first flight of steps. We should here remark, that shouts of applause, and vociferations of "Long live the King," followed each restoration of the gauntlet to the Champion. His charger was considerably alarmed by the noise, but he seemed to have a complete command over him, and

King, by kneeling on one knee. After the Champion repeated his humble duties to his Majesty, he departed from the Hall, accompanied by those who entered it with him, taking with him the Cup and Cover as his fee.

Proclamation of the Styles.-Immediately afterwards, Garter, attended by Clarenceux, Norroy, Lyon, Ulster, and the rest of the Kings and Officers of Arms, proclaimed his Majesty's styles in Latin, French, and English, three several times; the Officers

of Arms, before each proclamation, crying "Largesse." After each proclamation, the company shouted "God save the King," and the ladies waved their handkerchiefs and fans.

Dinner being concluded, the Lord Mayor and twelve principal citizens of London, as assistants to the Chief Butler of England, accompanied by the King's Cupbearer and assistant, presented to his Majesty wine in a gold cup; and the King having drank thereof, returned the gold cup to the Lord Mayor as his fee. The following services were also performed :--

The Mayor of Oxford, with the Burgesses of that city, (as assistants to the Lord Mayor and citizens of London), assisting the Chief Butler of England in the office of Butler, were conducted to his Majesty, preceded by the King's Cupbearer, and having presented to the King a bowl of wine, received the three maple cups for his fee.

The peers then rose in their seats, and drank good health and a long and happy reign to the King, which was received with three times three by the whole company.

The Duke of Norfolk then said, "The King thanks his Peers for drinking his health: he does them the honour to drink their health and that of his good people." His Majesty rose, and bowing three times to various parts of the immense concourse, he drank the health of all present. It was succeeded by long continued shouts from all sides, during which the King resumed his seat on the throne.

Non nobis, Domine, having been sung by the Choir, various Peers paid their homage and respects to his Majesty; after which the King received from the Dukes of Devonshire and Beaufort his Orb and Sceptre, and retired amidst loud and universal expressions of public attachment and respect. The King quitted the Hall at a quarter before eight o'clock: and after this the company was indiscriminately admitted to partake of such refreshments as remained on the tables of the Peers, and the Hall was cleared by nine o'clock. His Majesty afterwards returned to Carlton-House.

Throughout the long and fatiguing ceremonies of the day, his Majesty preserved

the most dignified composure and self-possession, and his whole manner presented a happy combination of princely loftiness and pleasing affability of manner. The current of feeling excited by his presence, and the impressive pomp by which he was surrounded, received no check from any of those untoward circumstances to which extensive arrangements must always be liable. The most elaborate effort of language could convey but a faint idea of the scenes which were presented, and we can still less hope to succeed in our unpremeditated narrative-The trace of every thing

Would by a good discourser lose some life,
Which actions' self was tongue to. All was

To the disposing of it nought rebelled,
Order gave each thing view; the office did
Distinctly his full function.

The glories of the Coronation are over; and what has attracted the eyes and excited the admiration of tens and hundreds of thousands, is become one of those splendid recollections which would perish in a few years with those by whom they are entertained, were they not arrested in their flight, and made enduring as well as universal, by the pen of the historian. Our MONARCH is now the crowned and anointed KING of a mighty and affectionate people; and that day which his enemies vainly endeavoured to turn into one of alarm and bitterness, has proved a day of uninterrupted peace and unalloyed festivity. It became indeed" a long summer's day” of pleasure and gratification-the array of wealth and splendour and beauty within the scene of the pageant-the crowds of spectators in all the houses and buildings that surrounded it—the fineness of the day -the faces and figures of all, dressed in their brightest smiles, and in their gayest apparel-the different amusements, prepared with a kind and proper anxiety for the comfort and happiness of the populacethe mixture and blending of all these things, rendered London a scene of such animation and interest, that any description of ours would convey but a faint and feeble idea. Magnificent fireworks made the night its vehicle; whilst a spontaneous and general

illumination rendered this mighty metro-presented a spectacle which confounded the polis one blaze of light, of loyalty, and of senses. Even at that hour, those whose patriotism.

happy lot destined them to seats in the Abbey and the Hall, had commenced their approach to the scene of celebration. From Charing-cross, as the converging centre to the metropolis, there were then two streams of carriages directing their course through the passages respectively marked out, the one appropriated to the visitors of the Abbey, and the other to those of the Hall. Through the grey mist of morning, the gay apparel of the inmates was visible, and excited sen

When the immense scale of preparation for this ceremony is considered; the importance of the ceremony itself; the anxiety with which it had been looked to by the public, and the Sovereign himself; the expectations excited, the splendour and solemnity of the ceremonial, and the sacredness of the engagement entered into by the King with his people; the great national objects to be attained in renewing that confidence which it has been so long the ob-sations not to be described. The streets ject of the disaffected to impair; the im- were then crowded with foot passengers, pression likely to be made on Foreigners hastening to the common centre of attracand Foreign Ministers present on the oc- tion, some eager to secure their seats on the casion; the assemblage of Statesmen and different platforms erected in the vicinity of Heroes, of names as imperishable as the Palace Yard, the Sessions-house, Parlianation whose destinies they regulate; the ment-street, &c. and others anxious to gain rank, title, beauty, wealth, and profusion, some standing-place, convenient for view. which gave so indescribable an interest and Arrangements, admirably calculated to precharm to the festivities attendant on the serve order and decorum, had been preCoronation of our beloved Sovereign,-weviously adopted by the Committee of Mamay well say, that we never shall look upon nagement. His Majesty's Foot Guards, in the like again.

Numerous considerations crowd upon the mind on this occasion, in which it is impossible for us not hereafter to indulge: Many minor branches of the enjoyment of the happy day remain for us yet to record; much anecdote worthy of history to relate; many interesting scenes to describe, to complete our sketch of the august and extraordinary ceremonial.

full dress uniform, had been under arms during the whole night, and at the dawn of day were stationed in the posts allotted to them. They formed a line from the grand entrance of the Hall to the west entrance of the Abbey, and detachments were placed for the like purposes in the interstices formed between the different pavilions and the open accesses to the Abbey and Hall. Parties of the Life Guards and Royal Horse Guards (Blue) were also under arms, wear

The Out-door Proceedings.-Public cu-ing their new caps, and decorated with their riosity and interest, heightened to the most new splendid cuirasses, made on purpose ardent intensity during the last ten days, for this signal occasion, and they presented produced a sensation during the preceding a splendid appearance. The Scotch Greys night, which, for animation and bustle, were also on duty. At two o'clock, three gave to the still season of rest the cheerful || regiments of Volunteer Corps took the life of day; and the metropolis, as if by one ground in Parliament-street, namely, the simultaneous consent, had agreed to post- Artillery Corps, with their band and colours, pone even the most necessitous demands, the Loyal St. Margaret's, and the Duke of to that respect and attention due to the Cumberland's Sharp Shooters. Each of splendid celebration of this national jubilee. these Corps were dressed in their full-dress The rattling of carriages, the busy hum uniforms. About five o'clock they were of man, and the cheerful note of prepara- respectively marched off under the orders of tion, marked the night as the continuation the General Officer on duty, and stationed of day. As carly as one o'clock, Westmin- in different parts where their services would ster, the scene of this magnificent pageant, be most effective in preserving order. As

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