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of them which required any explanations; they could
all be understood by the simple statement of them.
There was one fact, however, to which he wished
to call the attention of the house. An impression
had gone abroad that there was a part of this bill
whish infringed some of our traaties. This was a
mistake. The errer arose from the impression that
the section authorising the importation, duty free, of
tea imported in American vessels from beyond the
Cape of Good Hope, and of coffee, might infringe
our treaties with Austria and one or two other na-omnes amici, omnes inimici.
tions which had the priviledge of importing on pay.
ing precisely the same duties as our own vessels.
Now, there was a provision that had been over-
looked by those who supposed the amendment would
bear such a construction, and which was in the fol-
lowing words:

Provided That nothing herein contained shall be construed or permitted to operate so as to interfere with subsisting treaties with foreign nations."

Thus, Mr. F. said any such infringment of treaties as was feared. was effectually prevented.

nion of Mr. L, a poor exchange for those from NAYS-Messrs. Adams, Allen, L. W. Andrews, whom the adoption of the present bill would sepa- Sherlock J. Andrews, Appleton, Ayerigg, Babcock, rate them. He feared that, like all eleventh hour Baker, Barnard, Barton, Bidlack, Birdseye, Blair, penitents, the democratic auxiliaries would prove Boardman, Borden, Brockway, Milton Brown, Chas. weak in the faith, and show that the few of them Brown, J. Brown, Burnell, Calhoun, Wm B. Campwho had gone for the bill were governed, rather by bell, Thomas J. Campbell, Caruthers, Childs, Chitthe fact that the party was in extremis, than from a tenden, John C. Clark, Jas. Cooper, Cowen, Crandesire to relieve the country. He feared that, as ston, Cushing, Garrett Davis, Richard D. Davis, heretofore, in reference to the tariff, they exhibited Deberry, John Edwards, Everett, Ferris, Fessenden, the faces of friends but the hearts and hands of foes Fillmore, J. G. Floyd, Gentry, Gerry, Giddings, Patrick G. Goode, Gordon, Granger, Gustine, Hall, But in all this Mr. L might be mistaken. At all: Halsted, Houck, Howard, Hudson, Hunt, Charles J. events a large majority of his friends had not acted Ingersoll, J. R. Ingersoll, James Irvin, Wm. W. Irunder the influence of these fears and he had too win, W. C. Johnson, John P. Kennedy, Linn, Robert often witnessed their patriotism and devotion to the McClellan, McKennan, S. Mason, Mathiot, Matinterests of the country to be afraid to follow when tocks, Maxwell, Maynard, Mitchell, Moore, Morthey led the way. Besides, this measure had now gan, Morris, Morrow, Newhard, Oliver, Osborne, become that of the party in whose hands were de- Parmenter, Pearce, Plumer, Pope, Fowell, Proffit, posited all that the tariff interests had to expect or Ramsey, Benjamin Randall, Alexander Randall, hope. He (Mr. L.) felt bound, therefore, to give the Randolph, Read, Ridgway, Riggs, Rodney, Wm. measure his vote. Every thing was to be gained Russell, James M. Russell, Saltonstall, Shepperd, from union; all must be lost by disunion. The peo- Simonton, Slade, Truman Smith, Sollers, Sprigg, ple, who understood this subject, would look to the Stanly, Stratton, A. H. H. Stuart, John T. Stuart, more complete success of the whig party for that Taliaferro, Richard W. Thompson, Tillinghast, ToMr. Linn, who said that when this bill was original- permanent security to this measure which a majority land, Tomlinson, Triplett, Trumbull, Underwood, ly before the house. he had been compelled from se- in both houses of congress had tended, but which a Van Buren, Van Rensselaer, Ward, Washington, veral considerations to record his vote against it. Had treacherous executive withheld. He (Mr. L.) look- E. D. White, T. W. Williams, Joseph L. Williams, he obtained the floor at the proper time, he would ed to the retrial of all the great issues which were Wise, Yorke, Aug. Young-120. have detailed at large the reasons which then forced passed upon in 1840, and he confided in the assuupon him the painful duty of separating from so ma-rance that then it would be found that the measures ny of his friends upon a question in which, in com- of a sound and uniform currency, a permrnent promon with them, he felt a deep and lively interest. At tective tariff, the distribution among the states of the home he was known, and believed his course here had avails of the public lands and radical reform of the proved him, to be the unwavering advocate of the abuses and expenditures of the government, had lost protective system-so much so indeed, that his oppo-none of their talismanic virtues. Mr. L. concluded (according to promise) by movsition to the bill had by no means been controlled by his desire to resist the encroachments of the execu-ing the previous question. tive upon the legislative independence and discre- Mr. Bolts appealed to Mr. Fillmore to suffer the detion of congress. While it was true, he then be-mand for the previous question to be withdrawn, to lieved and still believed. that congress would have enable him (Mr. B.) to make an explanation. Mr. been fully authorised yea, were bound to resist the Cushing objected, unless it should be withdrawn to dangerous and alarming usurpations of the execu- enable members generally to explain. Mr. Fillmore tive, and would have been most triumphantly sus-declined to withdraw the demand.

He moved the previous question, but withdrew it, on pledge of renewal at the request of

venue bill.

So the bill and amendments were not laid on the table. And the question recurring on concurring in the amendments of the senate, they were read by the clerk, and the amendments were concurred in en masse.

On the 29th section Mr. W. C. Johnson called for which were refused. a separate question, and asked the yeas and nays,

And the question being taken, the said amendment was concurred in.

On motion of Mr. Fillmore the house resolved it

self into committee Mr. J. R. Ingersoll in the chair, and proceeded to the consideration of the bill heretofore reported "to limit the sale of the public stock to par and to authorise the issue of treasury notes in

tained by the people. yet that ground of objection And the main question (on concurring in the a-lieu thereof to a certain amount," viz: $6,000,000. lost with him much of its force the very moment mendments of the senate) was ordered to be now the majority here essayed the passage of another re-taken. He had therefore, for the most part. been governed in his opposition to the bill by objections which had regard to the permanent interests of the measure itself, and which he then felt, and now felt at liberty to relinquish, provided, by so doing, any good for the country could be accomplished.

He (Mr. L.) had ever considered every system of revenue which contemplated the application of the avails of the public lands to the or inary expenditures of government as too fluctuating and uncertain to afford permanent and steady protection to the industrial interests of the country, and saw in the giving up of the principle of distribution, much to dread for the permanent success of the great and in dispensable measure of protection. He had looked upon protection and distribution as one and inseparable, and events which were daily occurring satisfied him that he had looked aright.

lie saw in the recommendation of the executive. at an early day in the session. to repeal the distribution act, and in his refusal to approve the revenue bills passed by congress, that the decree had gone forth and that those who were covertly opposed to a protective tariff intended to destroy the only natural and political combination upon which the measure could safely and permanently rest; that this was the great crisis of its fate, and all depended upon the firmness and spirit of its true friends.

The debate upon the bill was commenced by Mr. Mr. Clifford moved that the bill and amendments Fillmore in its favor, Mr. Botts in opposition, Mr. Cushing and Mr. Proffit and Mr. Marshall in advocabe laid on the table. Mr. Gwin asked the yeas and nays, which were or-cy and Mr. Arnold in opposition to it. The limitation of the debate to two hours then called up the question on the bill. The various amendments proposed were thereupon rejected and the bill reported to the house.


was adopted by yeas 102 to nays 46, viz:
Mr. Botts offered the following amendment, which

Mr. Botts asked to be excused from voting, and said he had no desire to speak to this subject for any other purpose than to satisfy those who felt an interest in what he did here, and were entitled to know the motives by which he was influenced. He had Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That nothing in uniformly opposed any further action upon a revenue the act contained, entitled an act authorising the loan bill since the last had been vetoed, because he re-above referred to, and an act amendatory of the garded the question involved as one far above the same, shall be so construed as to authorise the issue collection of revenue, distribution, or party. It was of certificates of stock for debts now due, or to bea question of legislative independence, coming in come due, by the United States for any other purpose conflict with executive power; and he thought the than a bona fide loan to the government according to opportunity had been presented to this house to cov- the original intention of that law, and that no certier itself with immortal honor and glory, by rebuking ficate for any loan shall be issued for a less sum than executive insolence and arresting executive usurpa- one hundred dollars." tion; but wiser counsels, no doubt, than his had prevailed. He had been overruled by a majority of his friends in both houses; and knowing as he did, from his personal and political associations with them, that they had sacrificed a cherished principle from The joint resolution fixing upon the day of adconsiderations of the purest virtue and loftiest patri-journment, as amended by the senate so as to adjourn otism, he should submit patiently and without a muron the 31st at 2 P. M. was then taken up and concurmur to their decree. red in.

He had changed no opinion he had at first entertained, though now the question was changed, and the responsibility for the loss of the bill would rest on congress. Yet he could not vote for it. The tortures of the rack could not have extracted the vote from him which could be construed into a surrender of the distribution question; but he should make no further resistance to this bill. The bill would pass, and he hoped it might accomplish all the good that was anticipated from it.

A majority of the political friends of Mr. L. he believed, entertained the same views; but, yielding to the voice of a generous and confiding people, groaning under the evils of a bad administration of the government, they had postponed the issue until a resort could be had to the ballot box. To this course Mr. L. could no longer object, and the more especially as he proposed, whatever might be his misgivings, to pursue it himself. Time alone could prove whether or not, it would have been safer to have probed the wound to the bottom and used the caustic, rather than trust to any temporary or doubt-lows: ful appliances.

The house refused to excuse Mr. B.


The yeas and nays being demanded on the passage of the bill, there voted for it 115, against it 33. the bill as amended was passed.

The house then took up the bill to regulate the taking of testimony in cases of contested elections which had been returned from the senate with amendments, which were then all concurred in except the first and second. After action upon other less important bills the house adjourned.

TUESDAY, AUG. 30. Mr. Calhoun, of Mass. submitted the following resolutions which were adopted Resolved, That the secretary of war furnish to this house, at the beginning of the next session, a statement, setting forth the number of private establishThe question was then taken on the motion of Mr.ments at which fire arms are manufactured for the Clifford, and it was decided in the negative, as fol- government; where situated, and at what prices the contracts have been taken for the last ten years, up YEAS-Messrs. Arnold, Arrington, Atherton, to the present time, the number of arms annually faMr. L. also thought that something was due to the Black, Boyd, A. V. Brown, Burke, S. H. Butler, bricated within that period, and the annual cost.— generous whigs of the south and west, who, shield-W. O. Butler, G. W. Caldwell, Patrick C. Caldwell, That he also furnish a statement of the amount in ed by the principle of distribution, pledged to them J. Campbell, Casey, Clifford, Clinton, Coles, Mark A. number and value of the fire arms in deposit at the by the north and east, had materially aided in the Cooper, Cross, Daniel, Dean, John C. Edwards, Eg various arsenals and depots; the number of men emadoption of the measure which was now to be yield- hert, Gamble, Gilmer, Goggin, Wm. O. Goode, ployed in each during the last ten years; the number ed, and that it was unjust as well as impolitic to Graham, Gwin, Habersham, Harris, Hays, Holmes, and grade of officers stationed there, and the amount cast off these tried friends and depend upon those Hopkins, Houston, Hubard, Hunter, Cave Johnson, of money disbursed at each, within the same period who, he feared, were the mere time-servers of the John W. Jones, King, Lewis, Littlefield, Abraham annually. protective policy. That those who had been preach- McClellan, McKay, Mallory, John T. Mason, Ma- And resolved further, That there be annexed annuing up a judicious tariff and free trade, (which thews, Medill, Owsley, Payne, Rayner, Reding, ally hereafter to the Army Register, an accurate practically meant the same thing, and tended alike Reynolds, Rhett, Saunders, Shaw, Wm. Smith, Steen-schedule of the pay and ein luments, with the comto the utter prostration of the productive and manu-rod, Sumter, Jacob Thompson, Turney, Warren, mutation value thereof, to which the various officers acturing interests of the country), were, in the opiWatterson, Weller, James W. Williams, Wood-65. of the army of each grade are entitled.


The house went into committee of the whole, and took up the bill (the discussion of which in committee by resolution had been limited to one hour,) for the re-organization of the navy.

Mr. J R. Ingersoll was called to the chair, and the debate proceeded upon the merits of the bill.

Mr. King, of Georgia, spoke in behalf of the bill, the improvements of which he pointed out at length, citing a number of very important reasons why the bill should pass. Mr. Wise followed.

The amendments having been gone through with, the bill was reported to the house of representatives, and passed upon the previous question by the vote of 117 to 35.

[While the house were in committee of the whole the speaker resumed the chair, and the private secretary of the president appeared at the bar of the house and gave information that the president had approved and signed the bill "to provide revenue from imports." Another message was communicated to the effect that the president had sent a message to the house of representatives. The message was in the form of a protest against congress, and was for the time, laid upon the table].

The house after receiving several reports and transacting business of a private and miscellaneous character, were found upon motion to proceed to more important business without a quorum. of the house was then made, and on motion the proA call test was read by the clerk.

noes 53.
The vote on the third resolution stood ayes S6,

The question recurring on the fourth resolution, it
was negatived-ayes 62, noes 69.

A motion was then made by Mr. J. C. Clark to re-
not reconsidered.
consider the three first resolutions-but the vote was

Holmes moved that the house adjourn. Rejected by
After a call of the house was then moved, Mr.
Jutions on the table. Rejected. Mr. Irwin moved
yeas 47, nays 92.
that the house adjourn. Rejected.
Mr. Proffit moved to lay the reso-
The question on the first resolution was then taken
resolution was then carried by yeas 86, nays 48.-
and by yeas 87, nays 46, it was carried. The second
The third resolution was then carried by yeas 86,
nays 53.

tion viz: "that the clerk of the house be directed to
The question was then taken on the fourth resolu-
return the message and protest to its author," and by
yeas 62, nays 69, it was rejected.

chairman of the committee of conference on the part
A report was then received from Mr. Fillmore
timony in cases of contested elections, which after
of the house, on the bill to regulate the taking of tes-
several efforts in opposition, was adopted.
On motion of Mr. Hall (there being difficulty in
preserving a quorum) the house adjourned.
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 31. The Journal of yester-
amend it by adding after the words "The communi-
day having been read, Mr. Wise rose and moved to
cation from the president of the United States was
then read," the words "and is as follows, to wit," (in-
serting the protest.) On this motion Mr. W. moved
previous question.


Mr. Barnard moved the previous question.
the table.
Mr. Weller and Mr. Wise moved that it be laid on

bill and the probability of its becoming hereafter ne-
Mr. Adams expressed a few remarks in favor of the
cessary to carry it into effect, if passed, in respect to
south western frontier.
the Canada and especially at present in respect to the

60, nays 57, (no quorum.) Several gentlemen refus-
Wise to lay it on the table, the highest vote was yeas
The question being taken on the motion of Mr.
ing to vote in order thus to defeat the bill, it was
passed over.

senate, that body having disagreed to the the amend-
The house, on motion of Mr. Moore, of Louisiana,
took up the bill (which had been returned from the
Chihuahua and Santa Fe, in Mexico.
merchandize exported in the original packages to
ment of the House) allowing drawback upon foreign

the Speaker whether two bills which had been sent
to the president of the United States for his signa-
Mr. Fillmore rose and desired to be informed by
sixth section of the distribution law, and the bill to
ture-namely, the bill to repeal the proviso to the
provide for the taking of testimony in cases of con-
tested election--had been returned by the President?
The Speaker said they had not.

On motion of Mr. Kennedy, of Maryland, the bill was laid on the table.

Reporter understood] that the adoption of the joint gation required imperatively to be committed, and Mr. Adams rose to suggest to the Speaker (as the that the act as it now stood was unconstitutional. resolution making appropriation for the Mexican le

was perceived that the the finger of the clock had constitution, and after some farther proceedings, it ranged slowly but perceptibly past the hour of two, But the house would not hear any thing about the the time designated for the termination of the session. Some confusion followed, and some conversation

expressed the hope that gentlemen would take their The Speaker said it was a question for the house and not the speaker to determine, but the speaker seats, and that the house would adjourn in something

The reading of the message having been concluded Mr. Adams took the floor. He said there seemed to be an expectation on the part of some gentlemen that he should propose to the house some measure suitable to be adopted on the present occasion. Mr. A. knew of no reason for such an expectation, but the fact that he had been the mover of the resolution The house had yesterday by a solemen vote deterMr. Thompson, of Indiana, rose to a point of order. for the appointment of the committee which had mined that that the protest should not be entered on made the report referred to in the message, had been the journal; and he submitted that the gentleman appointed by the speaker chairman of the committee, from Virginia could not submit such a motion to and that the report against which the president of amend. The gentleman might to-day institute a pro- as to the power of the house now to do any thing-the United States had sent to the house such a multi-ceeding, as an original proceeding, but certainly the Mr. Black making the point of order that further butude of protests was written by him. So far as it journal of yesterday could not be amended by mak-siness could not be transacted. had been so written, Mr. A. held bimself responsi- ing that appear upon it which the house had decided | ble to the house, to the country, to the world, and to should not appear. posterity, and, so far as he was author of the report, he himself responsible to the president also. The speaker said he had no doubt on the subject. Mr. Botts said, as a member of the select commit propose to do that which the house had solemnly de-like order. The gentleman from Virginia, (Mr. Wise), could not tee which had made the report, as a member of the cided should not be done. Mr. Wise. Does the house house, and as a representative of a portion of the determine that my motion shall not be entered on the free people of this country, he felt called upon to Journal? The speaker. The house has solemnly devindicate the honor and independence which belong-cided that it would not put that paper on the journal. ed to the representatives of the American people. If he understood the message which had been read chair, and I ask the yeas and nays. Mr. Cowen deMr. Wise. I take an appeal from the decision of the at the clerk's table, it declared that the action of the manded the previous question on the appeal. Mr. house in adopting the report of the select committee Mc Kennan moved that the appeal be laid an the table. was without precedent in our parliamentary history. Now it seemed that, on this occasion, the president's if the appeal was laid on the table or not, how, in Mr. Rayner desired to be informed by the speaker memory must have been in some degree treacherous. making up the journal, it would read? because he Another and very memorable case of the like kind wished to ascertain whether it was intended that this had occurred, and one in which the president him- protest should get on the journal by a trick when it self had taken an important part; and Mr. B. pro- could not get there directly. posed to measure out to him the very same measure which he had meted out to the then president of the

United States.

take up and pass the joint resolution of the senate, providing for a committee to wait on the president, Mr. Wise appealed to the courtesy of the house to &c. adjourn, on which motion the vote stood: Ayes 30, noes 98. Mr. Reding and Mr. Black moved that the house was present, and he suggested that, by general conSo the house refused to adjourn. Mr. Mc Kennan said it was obvions that no quorum sent that the joint resolution should be acted on, so that the house might adjourn in some sort of order. The suggestion was acceded to. The joint resolution part of this house. S. Mason, Cushing and Ward as the committee on the was concurred in; and the speaker announced Messrs.

oppose it. [Laughter.]
Mr. Thomas F. Marshall gave notice that he would

an early period of the next session ask leave to in-
Mr. W. Cost Johnson gave notice that he would at
newed laughter.]
troduce his bill in relation to the state debts. [Re-

the very point at issue was decided, and by which The speaker said there was a precedent, in which Mr. B. then proceeded to notice the course of the Mr. Rayner. This house has determined that the paperiod in the next session ask leave to introduce à the speaker would be governed at the proper time. senate, in 1834, in regard to the protest of Gen. Jack-per should not go on the journal. The speaker. It is bili to amend the several acts establishing the treaMr. Cushing gave notice that he would at an early son, and adopted a speech made by Mr. Webster not in order to make remarks. The question is on sury department. upon the occasion, read numerous extracts, and made the motion to lay the appeal on the table. Mr. MaMr. Webster's opinions his own, because they were thiot desired to be informed whether the protest strong and able, and because he is now in the cabi- would necessarily go on the journal with the motion. net of John Tyler and his prime minister. Having The speaker. Not in the judgment of the chair. Mr. closed his remarks, he moved the following resolu- Wise. tions, the three first in the form and very words, motion does not go; because the motion requires the If the protest does not go on the journal, my adopted by the recorded votes of John Tyler, then a protest to go on as part of it. member of that body: 1. Resolved, That while this house is and ever will nays, on the motion that the appeal be laid on the The clerk proceeded to call the roll of be ready to receive from the president all such mes- table. sage and communications as the constitution and! laws and the usual course of public business authorise him to transmit to it, yet it cannot recognise any right in him to make a formal protest against votes and proceedings of this house, declaring and unconconstitutional, and requesting the house to enter such protest on its journal.

2. Resolved, That the aforesaid protest is a breach of the privileges of this house, and that it be not entered on the journal.

3. Resolved, That the president of the United States has no right to send a protest to this house against any of its proceedings.

4. Resolved, That the clerk of this house be directed to return the message and protest to its au


After some confusion, arising from motions to adjourn, calls for the previous question, &c. &c. the Tote was taken on the first resolution. which was adopted-ayes 87, noes 46.

On the second resolution, the vote resulted as follows, ayes 86, noes 48.

yeas and

the motion if he had the right to do so. The speaker
When Mr. Wise expressed his desire to withdraw
said, in the judgment of the chair, the gentleman had
the right to withdraw the motion.
tion was withdrawn.
And so the mo-

On motion of Mr. J. L. Williams, the house took
the senate with amendments, and, without reading,
up the post route bill, which had been returned from
the amendments were concurred in.

the treaty with the Wyandott Indians, the bill mak-
The bili making appropriation to carry into effect
ing appropriations for certain fortifications for the
pay of naval engineers, were acted upon in commit-
year 1842, and the bill regulating the appointment and
tee, and after appropriate modification, reported to
the house, and passed.

act supplementary to an act entitled an act in addi-
The senate bill to revive and continue in force "An
tion to the act for the punishment of certain crimes
mentioned," approved March 10th, 1338, coming up
against the U. States and to repeal the acts therein
on the question of cagrossment-

introduce his bill No. 548. [Shouts of laughter.] Mr. Arnold gave notice that he would ask leave to Mr. M:Kennan. And I gave notice that I shall oppose it. [Reiterated roars of laughter.]

Mr. Pope, of Kentucky, next made some movement in relation to the currency.

Mr. Cushing now re-entered the hall and, in behalf sident, reported that the committee had discharged of the joint committee appointed to wait on the prehad no further communication to make to congress. their duty and that the president informed them he adopted informing the senate that the house had conMr. Randolph moved that the house adjourn. cluded its business and was ready to close the preBut, by general consent, the usual resolution was sent session of congress.

information of the house, that the senate was at pre-
Mr. Cushing rose and stated, informally, for the
seat engaged in executive session.

now adjourn. which motion prevailed.
Mr. Howard, of Michigan, moved that the house do

journed to meet, under the constitution of the United
ender months, wanting only five days, the house ad-
So, at half past 2 P. M. after a session of nine cal-
States, on the first Monday in December next.


ep and lively interest. At tective tariff, the distribution among the states of the
lieved his course here had avails of the public lands and radical reform of the
avering advocate of the abuses and expenditures of the government, had lost
so indeed, that his oppo-none of their talismanic virtues.
means been controlled by
oachments of the execu-ing the previous question.
ndependence and discre-
it was true, he then be-
at congress would have
were bound to resist the

Mr. L. concluded (according to promise) by mov

clerk, and the amendm masse.

On the 29th section ! a separate question, and which were refused. And the question bein Mr. Bolts appealed to Mr. Fillmore to suffer the dewas concurred in. mand for the previous question to be withdrawn, to On motion of Mr. Fil enable him (Mr. B.) to make an explanation. Mr. self into committee Mr. Cushing objected, unless it should be withdrawn to and proceeded to the cor surpations of the execu-enable members generally to explain. Mr. Fillmore fore reported "to limit t most triumphantly sus-declined to withdraw the demand. par and to authorise the hat ground of objection And the main question (on concurring in the a-lieu thereof to a certain force the very moment mendments of the senate) was ordered to be now me passage of another re-taken.

ore, for the most part. been to the bill by objections ermanent interests of the

The debate upon the

Mr. Clifford moved that the bill and amendments Fillmore in its favor, Mr
be laid on the table.
Cushing and Mr. Proffit a
Mr. Gwin asked the yeas and nays, which were or-cy and Mr. Arnold in op

e then felt, and now felt dered. ovided, by so doing, any be accomplished. nsidered every system of d the application of the o the orinary expendi

d steady protection to the country and saw in the of distribution, much to ccess of the great and intection. He had looked tion as one and inseparadaily occurring satisfied ht.

Mr. Botts asked to be excused from voting, and said he had no desire to speak to this subject for any other purpose than to satisfy those who felt an interest in what he did here, and were entitled to know the motives by which he was influenced. He had o fluctuating and uncer-uniformly opposed any further action upon a revenue bill since the last had been vetoed, because he regarded the question involved as one far above the collection of revenue, distribution, or party. It was a question of legislative independence, coming in conflict with executive power; and he thought the opportunity had been presented to this house to cover itself with immortal honor and glory, by rebuking executive insolence and arresting executive usurpation; but wiser counsels, no doubt, than his had prevailed. He had been overruled by a majority of his friends in both houses; and knowing as he did, from his personal and political associations with them, that they had sacrificed a cherished principle from considerations of the purest virtue and loftiest patriotism, he should submit patiently and without a murmur to their decree.

ndation of the executive. on. to repeal the distributo approve the revenue hat the decree had gone ere covertly opposed to a destroy the only natural upon which the measure ly rest; that this was the all depended upon the Je friends.

He had changed no opinion he had at first entertained, though now the question was changed, and cal friends of Mr. L. he the responsibility for the loss of the bill would rest ame views; but, yielding on congress. Yet he could not vote for it. The torIs and confiding people,tures of the rack could not have extracted the vote a bad administration of from him which could be construed into a surrender ostponed the issue until a of the distribution question; but he should make no he ballot box. To this further resistance to this bill. The bill would pass, ger object, and the more and he hoped it might accomplish all the good that whatever might be his was anticipated from it. nself. Time alone could ould have been safer to the bottom and used the any temporary or doubt-lows:

The house refused to excuse Mr. B.

The question was then taken on the motion of Mr.
Clifferd, and it was decided in the negative, as fol-

tion of the debate to tw posed were thereupon re question on the bill. T to the house.

Mr. Botts offered the f

was adopted by yeas 102 Sec. 3. And be it furth the act contained, entitled above referred to, and same, shall be so constru of certificates of stock f than a bona fide loan to th come due, by the United the original intention of ficate for any loan shall b one hundred dollars."

The yeas and nays bein of the bill, there voted f the bill as amended was

The joint resolution Journment, as amended by

on the 31st at 2 P. M. was red in.

The house then took taking of testimony in ca which had been returne mendments, which were the first and second. Af important bills the house

TUESDAY, AUG. 30. M mitted the following reso

Resolved, That the secr house, at the beginning ment, setting forth the nu ments at which fire arms government; where situat contracts have been take

to the present time, the n bricated within that peri That he also furnish a s number and value of the various arsenals and depo ployed in each during the and grade of officers statio of money disbursed at ea annually.

YEAS-Messrs. Arnold, Arrington, Atherton, something was due to the Black, Boyd, A. V. Brown, Burke, S. H. Butler, and west, who, shield- W. O. Butler, G. W. Caldwell, Patrick C. Caldwell, ibution, pledged to them J. Campbell, Casey, Clifford, Clinton, Coles, Mark A. materially aided in the Cooper, Cross, Daniel, Dean, John C. Edwards, Eg hich was now to be yield-hert, Gamble, Gilmer, Goggin, Wm. O. Goode, as well as impolitic to Graham, Gwin, Habersham, Harris, Hays, Holmes, and depend upon those Hopkins, Houston, Hubard, Hunter, Cave Johnson, nere time-servers of the John W. Jones, King, Lewis, Littlefield, Abraham ose who had been preach- McClellan, McKay, Mallory, John T. Mason, Maand free trade, (which thews, Medill, Owsley, Payne, Rayner, Reding, thing, and tended alike Reynolds, Rhett, Saunders, Shaw, Wm. Smith, Steene productive and manu-rod, Sumter, Jacob Thompson, Turney, Warren, I mutation value thereof, to

And resolved further, Th ally hereafter to the A schedule of the pay and e





CONTENTS OF NO. 2, VOL. 13. TARIFF remarks on. THE LATE SESSION. FOREIGN AFFAIRS-riots in England-ministerial umph in France-American minister in Spain-war tween Turkey and Persia, &c.

REMEDIAL JUSTICE-act to ensure.

domestic resources, the most salutary results may
be anticipated as time advances and opportunities
tri-ergies of the country.
are offered for the resuscitation of the prostrate en-
be- will not be permitted to overthrow this well begun
We hope that party violence
system. The people cannot fail to sustain it, if they
made up on this question, and begin to realize the
truly understand the real nature of the issue that is
benefits that flow from this domestic and genuinely
American policy."

STATES OF THE UNION -New York, apportionment bill


TREATY WITH GREAT BRITAIN-message of the sident transmitting.

STATISTICS-from the census table, &c.


THE AMERICAN TARIFF. The effects of the happy settlement of this long agitated question, begin already to be felt. All the public papers from the commercial as well as from the manufacturing sections of the Union assume a more cheerful tone, and speak with confidence of the revival of business and a gradual restoration of confidence. Of the 200,000 persons believed to be out of employment, east of the Hudson river, and which number was rapidly increasing, we learn from papers from thence, a large number will be again employed the present month. We have notices on every hand of factories that have been suspended, being about to resume work, and once more inquiring for hands.

The N. Y. American says: "The Mattewan factory set 400 hands to work last Monday." "Mr. Tech, late of the firm of Philips, Dodge & Co., left here on Saturday to put his factory in operation at Haverstraw, which employs over 200 persons;" "20,000 persons, who were idle a month ago, are again at work."

from public use.

ment hoarded, to the currency of the country, and
Restore the millions at this mo-
any new bank facilities would afford us.
we have resources far more to be relied upon than

question will be experienced in its influence upon Another friendly result of the settlement of this come so exceedingly embarrassed and out of credit, the condition of the public treasury. That had bethat it appears that the whole amount that has been extra session, fourteen or fifteen months ago, is less sold of the twelve millions loan authorized at the than two millions of dollars! and to get that, 2 per cent. was generally allowed on a 6 per cent. stock. The project of negociating the balance without an amount of treasury notes, which remained on the the treasury, was absolutely hopeless. The whole evidence of more steady resources for replenishing 23d ult. to be legally issued, was only $116,951, (not including those paid in for lands, and "therefore, reissuable.)

acting secretary of the treasury, dated the 23d ult.
the then present liabilities of the department were,
According to the official communication of the
"On account of civil, diplomatic and mis-
Service of military department, estimat-
cellaneous services, estimated at

ed at

Service of navy department, estimated at
Treasury notes due and payable, but,

while continuing to bear interest under
the provisions of the act of 15th April,
probably will not be required to be
paid beyond the $100,000 mentioned in
my letter of yesterday,


1,500,000 775,000

1,400,000 $3,875,000

The Baltimore Sun of the 8th, commences a long editorial with "As we predicted a few days since, public confidence is in a state of revival in the business world, in consequence of the enactment of the tariff law." The foregoing extracts must suffice. cles in the market, would of course result from a A temporary effect upon the price of foreign artisettlement of so important a question, let it be settled as it might. Speculators would seize the occasion to make the most of the money or credit which they could control in "a fair business transaction.". Large sums are always won or lost in every fluctuation of national policy, by adventurers upon probabilities. Less has been won and lost on this occasion than usual, because the embarrassments of the times very materially restricted adventurers, and because of the absolute uncertainty of what would be the result between the advocates of the measure on one the measure on the other. If some few merchants side, and the opponents and intrinsic difficulties of shall be fortunate enough to realize a profit upon a part of their goods on hand, it is but a small offset for the immense losses that we all know they have sustained during the tedious tendency of the prices| of every thing they have had in store, down, down, We have a number of articles similar to the above Great vicissitudes in prices are disastrous to the down, until it seemed as if there were no bottom. brought by the last mails, but for which room can- community. If some make fortunes by them, far not at present be afforded beyond the following: The New York Commercial of the 3d says: "Con-national policy. Stability in prices is one of the more are ruined. Hence the evil of fluctuations in fidence in a better state of things is becoming more fairest reliances for general prosperity, and that can general, and most business men begin to feel that we only be insured by permanence in a system of policy. have seen the worst. We cannot anticipate a very It is therefore, fervently to be hoped, that though large business, nor if it were practicable, do we con- this may, and will no doubt, on experience, be found sider that it would be desirable. The means of the to require amendment in some particulars, yet that community have been materially reduced. The cir- as a system, it may be maintained and perpetuated. culation of the banks is at a very low point, and although they could safely expand, and would gladly cise a favorable influence upon the currency and The settlement of the tariff question will exerdo so, yet an increase of discounts must take place money concerns of the country. The transition from with the general restoration of confidence, and found- uncertainty to certainty is of itself calculated to reed upon the legitimate wants of the community." The New York Express of Tuesday says: "The was every where so grievously experienced. Men store much of that confidence, the loss of which tariff is felt already. We have seen gentlemen from will feel at once assured that things are not now go- posture in which the enactment of the tariff bill will New Jersey who informs us that up to the presenting to be still worse than they have been. The im- place concerns, we may refer to the expedient adoptime more than forty mills that had been closed, pression that the tide, so long ebbing, is about once ted by congress, at the suggestion of the treasury deare to be speedily opened. In the iron regions the more to flow, will be rationally inspired. The inse-partment, for obviating these immediate difficulties. ore which has been on the banks of the canal as parable connection between the commercial, manu-A law was enacted at the very close of the session, quiet as stones, and almost of as little value, is con- facturing, and agricultural interests will soon be de authorising the treasurer to substitute an issue of tracted for. In this city there is an evident im- monstrated by that activity which, restoring a whole- treasury notes for the principal part of the unsubprovement in trade; confidence begins to increase, some condition to the depressed branches will im- scribed loan,-a resort which certainly would never particularly among manufacturers. The settlement mediately communicate to the others. He that lives have been relied upon, if dependence had not been of the controversy with Great Britain and the pas-by producing, will be gladdened by the renovated felt upon an improved condition of the treasury unsage of the tariff law are calculated to give confi-health and vigor of those who purchase, manufac- der the new tariff law. dence and to inspire a belief that things will be lure, or consume his surplus. A market is insured of us, and which, without this system, could not be at home for much, that foreign countries will not take sustained.

more settled.”

The Boston Mail of Saturday says: "Since the passage of the tariff bill, the business of this city bas taken a new start. The transportations for the last two days have been on an extensive scale."

the payment of trust funds, the sum estimated as To this is to be added the amount retained to meet interest payable on the public debt on the 30th Seppayable to the states under the distribution act, the tember, and the amount which will probably be required for redemption of treasury notes and interest; being an aggregate of $1,180,000."

dollars. To meet this, there are 'no available funds' Say altogether in round numbers, five millions of in the treasury except what is as above, held in trust for distribution, &e.

mates of funds to accrue from customs, up to the 1st January next, was only four and a half millions, and Under the then existing laws, the treasury estifrom miscellaneous sources $50,000.

As a proof of the confidence inspired by the new

of course, wide differences of opinion. A single nue, is only to be ascertained by experiment. There is Whether the law will furnish an adequate reveAs a farther effect of the turn of tide, capitalists from. The prostrate condition of trade-the excess year will scarcely furnish adequate data to judge The Baltimore American of the 7th says: "Since chesis, leather purses, and long stockings, as being no duties levied upon many articles, which all parties will no longer seek to hoard their money in iron of importations induced by having for some months the passage of the tariff bill a better state of things the most profitable investment they could for the expected duties would be laid upon during the seshas succeeded to the previous depression in almost time make of it,-a practice which is invariably pur- sion just expired, and a variety of other peculiar every department of business. It is now considered sued so long as prices tend downwards. By hoard- circuinstances, will prevent the customary operation that a firm basis is established upon which operations ing and thereby diminishing the amount in circula- of the law, as a revenue measure, from being at may be conducted with some assurance as to results. tion, they contrive more rapidly to increase its value once experienced. We would rather-far rather, The general feeling in the community is more cheer than they could do by investing it. The moment that it should fall short of, than exceed during its ful and lively than it has appeared to be at any time that the tide turns, this inducement fails. They first year's operation, what the treasury may annual"A gradual return to the full flood tide of enter-yield them neither income nor an accumulated va- few millions that effects the credit of the public must now put their money to some use, or it will ly require. It is not the temporary deficiency of a prise and prosperity is to be desired in preference to lue. That secret they will soon find out, for they treasury. Let capitalists see that adequate revenue any sudden movements. The country has probably are mostly sharp sighted people. The amount of will usually accrue, or that they may depend upon learned some useful lessons upon the necessity of money withdrawn from circulation by the propensi- its being permanently provided, if it fails in amount, prudence and caution in matters of business-that ty for hoarding, partly with a view of availing of its and there will be no difficulty experienced. Withthere is such a thing as over doing-and that indus- increased value, and partly from a want of confi-out being at all confident in our judgment on the try and economy, while they constitute the surest dence in any investment offered during a general de- subject, we venture the opinion, that the tariff will means for the acquisition of wealth, constitute also preciation of prices, is in amount far beyond what supply a sufficient sum to meet the current expenses the best foundation for a stable fortune. "If party politics can be kept from subverting the gradually calls out the one portion, and the arrest of to see them, to an econ mical gage. We regard the most people suppose. A restoration of confidence of the goverement when brought down, as we hope firm foundation now laid for the establishment of the downward tendency of prices immediately calls probability of getting them down to that mark, as national interests on the basis of home industry and out the other thus unprofitably "hid in a napkin" vastly increased by holding on to the purse strings.

within the last few years.

Vol. XIII-SIG. 2.

Pass laws which will give the government money upon between Lord Ashburton, on the part of Great thy portion of the people have been sworn in as speplenty, and they are apt to use it freely. Let the Britain and the American government. The terms cial constables by hundreds. In Preston the rioting people feel that every new appropriation requires an on which it is to be settled, so far as they were then was only stayed by the military firing on the mob, additional tax, and you have an incentive to vigi-known, were very unpopular. The idea (errone- the result of which was that many of the rioters lance and scrutiny which can alone save from ex- ous) of G. Britain paying the sum of $300,000 to the were severely wounded, some of whom have since travagance, and which can in no other manner be states of Maine and Massachusetts, and then to re- died. In Halifax, on the 12th. the mob was disperinspired. imburse Maine for the expense she had been at in sed at the point of the bayonet, yet the rioting at this Other effects of the enactment of the law we shall defending the territory, is completely scouted. The place has not been quelled. This morning, the acascertain a week or two hence, when the British and universal feeling in the country was, if the land in dis- counts from there are alarming in the extreme; buFrench papers announcing the fact of its passage pute belongs to America let her have it; but if it siness was at a stand, and the rioters have had seveare received. The last papers from thence were really belongs to Great Britain, let her keep it at ral collisions with the military, in which not only teeming with exultation from the presses of all par- any cost. The Acadia carried out letters in reply to some of the rebels have been wounded, but numbers ties there upon the reception of President Tyler's those brought by the Columbia written in Liverpool of the military besides, and one or two of each have veto of the little tariff bill, which was hailed as a on the 19th preceding-being thus a few hours over been killed. In the potteries, the mob have had reharbinger of the fate of the system. A sad reverse 24 days crossing from and recrossing to Liverpool. course to the destruction of property by fire. In awaits their speculations upon the occasion. The The queen prorogued parliament on the 12th after Oldham, Middleton, Chorley, Blackburn, Stockport, Paris Siecle, for instance, says: "Our manufactu- the most important session since the passage of the Burslem, Bolton, Wigan, and, indeed, in every town rers are safe for some months, perhaps for ever, from reform bill. Her speech on the occasion developes where large numbers of workmen are employed, the hostile projects of the whigs. We advise the nothing. She "continues to receive from all foreign nearly the same scenes have occurred as those at French mercantile houses who trade with the United powers assurances of their friendly disposition. Al- Manchester. Not less than twenty persons have States not to neglect to improve the present state of though she deeply laments the reverses which have been killed, the numbers wounded cannot with any things. If we had a national ministry, the oppor-befallen a division of the army in the westward of certainty be judged. The queen has issued a procla tunity would be excellent for connecting with us in mation, setting forth that in divers parts of the counour political system those of the American states try serious riots have occurred, and denouncing such that desire a tariff adapted only for revenue." acts as unlawful, offering a reward of fifty pounds for the apprehension of every person who on trial shall be convicted of having taken part in the riots, with a free pardon to any accomplice who will give evidence against his associates. In Manchester and Preston, the rioters have become less violent, and the majority of the mills are again in operation. There have also been some riots in the mining districts of Scotland.

The expression of both English and French presses, ministerial and opposition-were all set to the same key on the subject. The fact is, it was a question between American interests and foreign interests.

the Indus, yet she has the satisfaction of reflecting
that the gallant defence of the city of Jellalabad,
crowned by a decisive victory in the field, has emi-
nently proved the courage and discipline of the Eu-
ropean and native troops, and the skill and fortitude
of their distinguished commander."

New elections to parliament. For Nottingham, Mr. Walter, of the London Times, is elected in opTHE LATE SESSION. The duration of the position to Mr. Sturge. the abolitionist. For Southsession of congress just closed, was 269 days. The ampton, Messrs. Midmay aud Hope, conservatives, second long session under Mr. Van Buren's adminis- in opposition to Lord Nugent and Mr. George tration continued 229 days and was the longest that Thompson. For Ipswich, Messrs. Gladstone and had then ever occurred. As population and the Fox, conservatives, in opposition to Messrs. Thomnumber of representatives increase, both business bury, radical, and Vincent, chartist. and the difficulty of doing business increase of course. The queen was about to visit Scotland. It was Yet according to the account furnished in the Intel-expected that she would embark at Woolwich, Auligencer of the 7th inst. the proportion of business gust 29, in the yacht Royal George, accompanied by transacted, is largely in favor of the last session com- Prince Albert, and several of the ministry, including pared with the above session, viz:

At the 2d long session under Mr. V. B. 716 reports were made, 523 bills reported, and 211 passed the house.

At the present session 1,098 reports were made; 610 bills reported, and 299 bills passed, besides about 100 private bills matured, engrossed, and ready for final passage at the ensuing session, but retained by the house because the senate were occupied by the treaty and other more important subjects.

The general result, says the Intelligencer, is, "that this congress has made more reports, passed more laws, and done more important business than any congress which ever convened since the formation of the government" and that too although a considerable portion of this time was exhausted in discussing executive vetoes and protests.

It further appears that the last session transacted more than double the business transacted during the long session under J. Q. Adams' administration, which lasted 171 days, and during which 251 reports were made, 291 bills reported, and 154 bills passed the The special session of the 25th congress 1837, lasted 46 days, during which only 10 bills and 1 joint resolution were passed. At the extra session of 1841 which lasted 106 days, 26 bills and 6 joint resolutions were passed.


The appropriation bill passed at the long session 1832 on the 5th May,-in 1834 on the 27th June,-in 1836 on the 9th May,-in 1838 on the 6th April,-in 1840 on the 8th May,-in 1842 on the 20th April.

The apportionment bills of 1801, 1811, 1822 and 1832 occupied the house an average of 30 days each.

sir Robert Pecl.

The duke of Wellington is appointed commanderin-chief of the army, in place of Lord Hill, who resigned on account of ill health.

Messrs. Harnden & Co. have a letter from London which states that "the house of sir Robert Peel, at Tamworth, was surrounded by a mob on the night of the 18th and burnt. Troops were sent from Birmingham to quell the riot.


The ministerial candidate M. Sauzet, was re-elected president of the chamber of deputies on the 2d August. On the first ballot he received 210 votes; Odillon Barrot 131; M. Dufaure 39; and there were 46 scattering votes. On the second ballot the oppo

The weather had been remarkably fine in Eng-sition united on M. Dufaure, who had 184 votes, and land. Two weeks of glorious sunshine had ripened the crops, and enabled the farmers to get them in, in good order. The barley and wheat crops were large. All accounts agree that the crops generally were good-above the average.

NEW TARIFF MEAT. The Barnsley market, for the first time since the new tariff came into operation, was supplied with salted American beef and pork. The first at 4d. per pound, and the latter 34; several of the upper class of inhabitants, out of curiosity, purchased some, and on trial, acknowledged it to be excellent. There was a quantity disposed of to the working part of the inhabitants.

the ministerial party on M. Sauzet, who had 227, and was chosen by a majority of 43. On the 6th, three of the ministerial candidates were chosen vice presidents. The 4th, M. Belleyme had 162 votes, and M. de Tracy, the highest opposition candidate, 155. On the 9th, the president of the council laid before the chamber of deputies the regency bill, which he introduced by an interesting speech, explanatory of the principles on which it is based. The bill fixes the age at which the king attains his majority at eighteen. From the moment of the king's death, if the successor be under age, the prince nearest the throne, in the order of succession established by the The funds were higher, and money was abundant. charter of 1830, and 21 years of age, is to be investSERIOUS TUMULTS. There had been serious distur-ed with the regency, during the whole period of the bances in the manufacturing districts, particularly minority. The full and entire exercise of the royal those of the principal cotton manufactures. It began authority in the name of the king under age, is to bein a general turn out for higher wages. It is pro- long to the regent. The safe-keeping and guardiannounced to be the result of a political conspiracy of ship of the king whilst under age is to belong to the the chartists. The papers are full of the details of proceedings in the different towns. The interference of the military was necessary in various instances, and troops were despatched by railway from London. The disturbances had in a considerable degree subsided.

queen or princess his mother, if not married again, and in default thereof, to his grandmother, if not married again. The committee to whom the bill was referred, reported unanimously in favor of it; there was no doubt but that it would pass.

The ceremony of interring the remains of the duke of Orleans took place on the 4th ult. with imposing solemnities.

It is expected that the chamber of deputies will be prorogued on the 25th inst. In spite of the opposi tion of M. Dufaure, ministers have secured their own presidents, twelve out of fourteen of the vice presidents and secretaries of the chamber, whilst the commission appointed to prepare the address to the throne, seven out of nine belong to the ministerial party.

Wilmer's American News Letter of 19th says: During the last ten days, the whole of the manufacturing districts have been in the greatest possible commotion, and the minds of the peaceably disposed inhabe The tariff bills of 1816, 1824, 1828 and 1832 occu- itants filled with the utmost alarm; at the time we pied the house an average of 69 days each. "If the write, most of the manufacturing towns in Lancausual time spent by preceding congresses in the dis-shire, Cheshire, Yorkshire, Staffordshire and Warcussion and passage of similar bills be deducted from wickshire, are in a state of insurrection, and it is imthe time during which this congress has been in ses- possible to say what will be the result. The rioting sion, it would leave 170 days as the length of the first began to assume a serious aspect in Manchester, session fairly applicable to the transaction of the where the workmen turned out from the mills, with The Semaphore of Marseilles, of the 13th instant, other business of the session. This is about the ave the ostensible pretext for higher wages. Subse-states that the Levoisier steam ship was about to prorage time of the long sessions under Mr. Adams' ad- quently, however, it became evident that the turn out ceed to Morocco to demand satisfaction for an insult ministration, is thirty-two days shorter than the ave- originated in motives of politics, and the cry now offered by some soldiers of that power to the French rage length of the long sessions under Gen. Jackson, every where is "the charter, or no work." flag. It appears that a boat, belonging to Captain and is fifty-two days shorter than the average dura- The turn outs at first amounted only to a few hun- Turpin's division, had been fired upon. The squadtion of the long sessions under Mr. Van Buren. dred persons, but these, having taken the authorities ron of rear admiral Hugon had moved from the isby surprise, went about from mill to mill, unmolest- lands of Hyeres to Ajaccio. The Rhone corvette, ed, demanding the hands employed in them to turn with the officer on board who is to command the out, until their numbers amounted to many thou- French naval station on the coast of New Zealand, sands. Whenever their demands were not complied has sailed for that destination. The steamer Caledonia. Capt. Lott, left Liverpool with, force was used. At length, the magistrates on the 19th August with 77 passengers, 11 of which and the peaceable inhabitants became seriously a- THE AMERICAN MINISTER AT THE SPANISH court. the left at Halifax, and there took in 18 and reached larmed, and the military were called out, when the Washington Irving, esq. addressed the following Boston on the 31st, having a passage of 13 days. work of slaughter began. No sooner was this intel- speech to the regent, when presenting to him his creThe royal mail steamer Acadia had arrived at ligence conveyed to Preston and the other manufac-dentials: Liverpool in nine and a half days from Halifax, ing towns than similar scenes occurred. Expresses "I have the honor of handing to your highness, as and 11 days 18 hours from Boston, carrying intelli- were sent to London and Ireland for troops which regent of the kingdom, a letter from the president of gence that the terms of a treaty for the settlement of have been drawn from all quarters into the districts the United States of America, accrediting me as enthe north eastern boundary question had been agreed where the rioting exists, and the respectable or wel- voy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to



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