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made exclusively on the credit of their revenues, and without burthening the people, was abandoned by The principle that our improvements were to be I submit a communication from the superintenlars, bearing alike on the districts the least, as well levying the tax exceeding six hundred thousand doldent, showing that the manufacture of salt, seriously embarrassed by the present ruinous revenue system of the United States, co-operating with the commer-ed enterprise has been brought to a sudden and hu- stocks of the state to their former high valuation But this high career of prosperous and well direct- the works. Nor has the expectation of restoring the as those the most benefitted by the construction of cial pressure, must probably be altogether relin- miliating close. For the first time in the quarter of been adequately realized, and certainly not to any quished before the expiration of the year, and, not a century which has elapsed since the ground was extent commensurate with the sacrifices which have only invoke your direct action, but solicit your influ- broken for the Erie canal, a governor of the state of been made. The fiscal officers of the state are not ence with congress to avert a disaster which would New York, in meeting the legislature, finds himself now able to negotiate loans even at seven per cent., increase the embarrassments of the treasury and be unable to announce the continued progress of im- except occasionally for small amounts. deeply injurious to a large and important portion of provement. The officers charged with the care of circumstances the inquiry arises whether the policy the community. Our salines have hitherto constitu- the publie works, have arrested all proceedings in thus attempted ought to be continued. An imperated an essential element of our fiscal strength, and the enlargement of the Erie canal and the construc- tive sense of duty compels me again to declare my Under these have always been regarded as among the most valuation of the auxiliary works. The New York and conviction that it is radically wrong, and that erroneble and permanent possessions of the stat. The Erie rail road, with the exception of forty-six miles ous views have been taken of the causes of our empossible sacrifice, therefore, by the general govern- from the castern termination, lies in unfinished frag-barrassments. ment of so important an interest can not but excite ments thoughout the long line of southern counties, anxiety and alarm. An agent was appointed to receive the portion of The Genesee Valley canal, excepting the portion be- its debt, and that too, not without a pretext that bestretching 400 miles, from the Walkill to Lake Erie. as yet only one state had omitted to pay the interest on Previously to the present session of congress, when the proceeds of the sales of the public lands, which, tween Dansville and Rochester, also lies in a state trayed a desire to avert the consequences of so great by a law of congress, was payable to the state on the of hopeless abandonment. The Black River canal, an error, I called the attention of the federal gofirst of July last, and proceeded to Washington for which was more than two-thirds completed during vernment to alarming indications of a general faithat purpose, but was informed at the treasury that the last year, has been left wholly unavailable. As lure by the indebted states, and invoked the constithe apportionment had not been completed, and the if this were not enough, two rail roads, towards the tutional efforts which that government might effecmoney has not yet been received. The real impor- construction of which the state had contributed half tually make to avert such a catastrophe. Aftertance of this revenue is not at all affected by the a- a million of dollars, and public spirited citizens ward, when the legislature of this state assembled mount which it yields at this time, since the national large sums in addition, have been brought to a forc- at the beginning of the present year, the same apdomain remains undiminished except by sales.-ed sale and sacrificed at an almost total loss to the prehensions were communicated to them, with a Whether the stream of revenue be temporarily ob- treasury, without yielding any indemnity to the view of the deep interest which we had at stake in structed, as at present, or flow onward with a strong stockholders, and without ever securing a guaranty the maintainance of the credit of our sister states. and increasing current, as at more prosperous peri- that the people should be permitted to enjoy the use I urged that their failure would produce effects disasods, its ultimate benefits must be substantially the of the improvements. At the same time the jealou- trous to the national industry and enterprise, and This state having long and uniformly expressed layed the construction of the New York and Erie revenues from our canals and all other sources. I sies, alike unjust and unwise, which have so long de- that it would necessarily result in diminishing the opinions in favor of protecting national industry, by rail road, are fostered with expectations authorised submitted, also, that although we had ample resouran adequate tariff, it must be an occasion of general by official announcement of a similar sacrifice of that ces and revenue, our credit must unavoidably reregret that the president perseveringly opposes and work as soon as the sale can be compelled by law-ceive some injury from our intimate political condefeats the passage of laws designed to accomplish that a sacrifice which must result in a loss to the treasu- nection with insolvent states, and that if it should object. And our regret is mingled with surprise,ry of three millions of dollars, and to beneficent con- become materially impaired, serious embarrassment when we consider that it is at least doubtful whether tributors of nearly two millions, in addition, and a would be experienced in prosecuting the public there is any legal authority for the imposts now le- final overthrow of all the long cherished and highly works. vied. The president, moreover, unequivocally indi- excited hopes depending on the accomplishment of cates a determination to defeat any tariff law which that enterprise. can be passed, except it be accompanied by a relinquishment by congress of the right to protect agricultural and manufacturing industry otherwise than incidentally, and also by a diversion from the states of the revenues arising from the public domain. any reasonable period. But the provisions of the The right to adjust the pecuniary burthens imposed by the government upon the citizens would seem, of all others, to belong properly to the legislature. It cannot for a moment be supposed that the founders of the constitution intended that the executive should dictate to the national congress laws regulating revenue and finance.

ceived from auction sales is less by seven thousand | 1841: our school and literature funds have been dou- | itself and debts for the payment of which funds had one hundred and forty-one dollars, than the sum re- bled, the remote districts of the state have become been invested and set apart, were added to the agceived during the corresponding portion of the pre- the homes of an intelligent and industrious popula- gregate of debts for which no provision had been ceding year; and the revenue from duties on the tion; four flourishing cities and upwards of an hun- made; the conditional guaranty of the credit of the manufacture of salt, exhibits a similar diminution of dred incorporated villages have been called into ex- New York and Erie rail road company was converted eight thousand eight hundred and ninety-three dol- istence; our commercial emporium has trebled in po- into a fixed debt, by withholding the aid necessary to lars. The aggregate decrease of the revenues from pulation and added one hundred and seventy millions complete their road and render it productive; and these several sources thus far, is one hundred and to its wealth; the revenues, commerce and physical other similar guaranties in regard to which there had ninety-three thousand seven hundred and thirty-one strength of the whole cominonwealth have been aug- been no default, nor indications of default, by the prindollars. The dimunition in the canal revenues has mented in almost an equal proportion; and the states cipals first liable, were made to swell the aggregate been mainly experienced in the tolls on merchandise are bound together with bands stronger than those of indebtedness with which it was represented that the passing from tide water into the interior. It is pro- merely political compact, and the danger of dismem- treasury was oppressed. bable, however, that the descending business in berment is happily averted. Of the system, which transporting to market the large agricultural surplus, though yet incomplete, has produced these wonderfurnished by the abundant harvests, will go far to- ful results, New York was the projector; and she wards supplying the deficiency. by herself, to strengthen and perpetuate the national may point to it as a column, designated and shaped structure.


which the public works are thus reduced, might be The painful emotions excited by the condition to somewhat relieved, if there were any well grounded hope that their prosecution would be resumed within law suspending those works, as well as the contemporaneous expositions of the grounds on which it was enacted, with every rational view which can be taken of its tendency, forbid any such expectation.-The policy of the act plainly is, that the debt of the state shall in no event be increased for the prosecuThe fourth day of July last completed a quarter of the existing debt shall be extinguished before any adtion of improvements; nay, further, that the whole of a century since the system of internal improvements ditional sum be borrowed, and that the accruing revewas undertaken by the state. artificial navigation has been opened throughout dis-¦ the prosecution of the works, be henceforth applied Within that period, nues, instead of being appropriated, as heretofore, to tances equal to eight hundred and three miles; and exclusively to the establishment of a fund for the exthe use of animal power in transportation has given tinguishment of the existing debts, although with place to the steam engine, on routes seven hundred small expectations those debts are redeemable only at and fifty seven miles in length. Navigation has been distant periods. It is but too apparent that these proestablished from tike water to Lake Champlain, Lake visions render any further progress in our public works Oneida, Lake Ontario, Cayuga Lake, Seneca Lake, wholly impracticable. The present generation, if this Lake Crooked Lake, and Lake Erie, and to the Mo- law continue, must abandon all hopes of seeing the hawk and the Oswego, to the Seneca and the Genesee, system resumed, and it will only remain for them to the St. Lawrence, the Delaware and the Susquehan-pay the whole cost of works, in a great degree usenah rivers. Not only has our frontier trade, which less, because left unfinished, and hastening rapidly to Bought distant markets, been incalculably increased, dilapidation and ruin. d concentrated at the city of New York, but the shores of Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, and Lake Superior, and the banks of the Ohio, the Miami and lae Wabash have been reached by our vessels, and the once inconsiderable traffic of that vast central region, which stretches, from the summit of the Alleghanies to the banks of the Mississippi, has grown inan immense trade and become largely tributary to he same fortunate metropolis.

Meanwhile our canals and railroads have been connected with similar systems, a thousand miles in ength, in the eastern states, and with still more exSended artificial channels in the communities beyond ur southern borders. Our revenues have been increased from $419,900, in 1817, to $1,952,000, in

Adverting to erroneous opinions then somewhat every two years, noth withstanding temporary flucsteadily increasing at the rate of fifteen per cent. prevalent, I showed that the revenue from the canals, tuations, together with the revenues from the public domain, constituted ample resources for borrowing all the money necessary to complete the works, and for paying the interest on the then existing debts, and those which it would be necessary to contract, and for extinguishing the principal as fast as it would become due. I demonstrated that the danger to which the credit of the state was exposed, arose, not from any cause merely local or temporary, nor from the amount of our indebtedness, nor from the at all from the extent of our unfinished works, nor firmness with which we had persevered in our im from the failure of the confidence of foreign capitalists provements during the three previous years, but and even of the American people themselves, in the financial wisdom and integrity of the government of other states.

that care should be taken to foster our own credit by stating justly, and without exaggeration, the actual I submitted as a course proper in the emergency, indebtedness of the state: by husbanding our revenues; by preventing our conditional guaranties from becoming fixed debts; by scrupulously performing our engagements with contractors; by prosecuting the directing the suspension of the public works, were mental condition that no more money should be borThe objects which the legislature had in view, in necessary; always adhering, however, to the fundaunfinished works firmly, and even with sacrifices, if declared to be to pay the debts of the state and pre- rowed in any one year than a sum, the interest of serve its credit. derived from revenues and taxes. The means of paying the debts are which could be paid with the current revenues, to be far from diminishing, has increased its indebtedness, year; and by constituting a sinking fund with the by becoming liable to contractors for heavy damages moneys annually received from the proceeds of the But the state, so ascertained from the actual receipts of the preceding which might have been avoided by prosecuting the national domain, together with a sufficient portion of ment of the Erie canal, the increase of revenue hith- pledged, and steadily applied to the constant diminuworks, while by discontinuing the necessary enlarge- the surplus revenues, which should be inviolably erto so constant, and so confidently relied upon for tion and final extinguishment of the principal of our the reimbursement of the debts, is checked, and must debt. ultimately cease. Simultaneously with the commencement of this policy, a new mode of stating the public tion of the legislature, I added others, earnestly reaccounts was adopted. Debts due from the state to commending that the influence of this state should be And to these suggestions, relating to the direct ac

exerted to secure the adoption of national measures to resume the public works, by pleading the distress
which the exigency rendered necessary. Prominent which their suspension has already produced. They
among those measures were tariff laws, the resto-point us to labor unemployed, and masses impover-
ration of the currency, and some mode of enabling ished; to agriculture unrewarded and burthened; to
the indebted states to render the proceeds of the trade diminished and discouraged; to credit para.
public lands immediately available for the payment lyzed; to land and property depreciated and passing
of their pressing engagements. And I also urged that from hands hardened with the labor of production,
the false and fatal principle of repudiating public into others that wait to gather the ripened fruits of
debts, which as yet had not been openly promulgat- industry; to disappointed expectations built on the
ed, should be met by this state with such an expres- public faith, which no damages can reach or com-
sion of disapprobation and rebuke, as would con- pensate; to dilapidatad structures with increasing
vince the world that come what might of trial or dis-expenditures; to diminished revenues and protracted
aster, so far as our action and influence could be ef- taxation; to increasing and hopeless embarrass-
fectual, the faith of not only this, but of all the states ment and decaying enterprise; and to a long and
of the American union, should be preserved forever cheerless decline from a career in which so much
has been won for the interests and honor of the

The policy thus recommended did not prevail, and the evils then apprehended are fully realized. State after state, some with unavailing struggles, but others without any, have neglected to perform their fiscal engagements, and thus a dark stain is diffusing itself over the escutcheon of our country. The credit even of the union is virtually destroyed, and our own is impaired, notwithstanding our great resources, and the conclusive efforts which have been made to induce a discrimination between that credit and the broken faith of other states.

of March, 1839, entitled "an act making a donation
of land to the territory of Iowa, for the purpose of
erecting public buildings thereon."
An act supplementary to an act entitled "an act
to ainend the act approved May 13, 1800, entitled "an
act to amend an act entitled "an act to establish the
judicial courts of the United States."

An act to authorise the judge of the district court for the eastern district of Pennsylvania to hold a special session of the said court.

An act to amend the several acts establishing a dis trict court of the United States at Jackson, in the dis trict of West Tennessce.

An act changing the time of holding the circuit and district courts of the United States for the districts of East and West Tennessee.

An act to authorise the collector of the district of But we need no such painful incentive. Progres- Fairfield to reside in either of the towns of Fairfield sive physical improvement, comprehending the north or Bridgeport. An act to constitute the ports of Stonington, Mys as well as the south, the east and the west, opening every necessary channel, and disclosing every re-tic river, and Pawcatuck river, a collection district. An act to amend an act entitled "an act to carry source which nature has bestowed, is emphatically And we are required to re-into effect, in the states of Alabama and Mississippi, the policy of the state. turn to the course we have left, by every considera- the existing compacts with those states with regard tion of duty to ourselves, to posterity, to our country, to the five per cent. fund and the school reservations." An act to regulate arrests on mesne process in the and to mankind. District of Columbia.

An act to amend "an act for altering the time of holding the district court of the United States for the western district of Pennsylvania, at Williamsport," approved May 8, 1840.

An act to change the name of the port of entry on Lake Erie, known as Portland, to that of Sandusky. An act in relation to the district court for the northern district of New York.

An act regulating the services of the several judges the territory of Iowa.

An act requiring foreign regulations of commerce to be laid annually before congress.

An act explanatory of an act entitled "an act to constitute the ports of Stonington, Mystic river, and Pawcatuck river a collection district.

In closing this my last general communication to Under these circumstances, I must adhere to the the legislature, it would evince singular insensibility: views before submitted, and invite their reconside-not to anticipate my retirement from the trust which Far from ration; and to avoid any misapprehension, I recom-I have received from my fellow citizens. mend that the legislature rescind the law directing indulging a belief that errors have not occurred in the discontinuance of the public works; render to conducting the civil administration of a state emthe New York and Erie rail road company the aid bracing such great and various interests, I am, nevernecessary to enable them to recover their credit and theless, solaced by the reflection, that no motive has resume their operations; and direct the fiscal officers ever influenced me inconsistent with the highest reof the state, instead of reserving surplus revenues gard for the interests and honor of the state, and from the canals for the payment of debts due at dis- with the equality justly due to all its citizens. It in tant periods, to apply such revenues, with the pro- may be, that in seeking to perfect the diffusion of! ceeds from the national domain, to the prosecution knowledge, or in desiring to raise from degradation of the public works, upon the plan before submit- or wretchedness less favored classes, unjustly deted, until the works shall be completed and become pressed by the operation of unequal laws or adventiproductive; and provide other and additional tempo- tious circumstances; or, in aiming to carry into rerary means, if necessary, for that important object. mote and sequestered regions, the physical and comAnd I further recommend that the legislature urge mercial advantages already afforded to more fortuupon congress, and especially upon the president, the nate and prosperous districts, I have urged too earnnecessity of tariff laws adequate to revive our in-estly, what seemed to me the claims of humanity, dustry and commerce and restore the credit of the justice and equity; yet, remembering the generous general government; of a sound currency upon a spe-appreciation which those efforts have met, I shall cie basis and of uniform value throughout the union; carry with me into retirement, a profound sense of and above all of such measures as shall secure to the obligation, and a spirit of enduring gratitude. I several states not only their distributive shares of the never cease to invoke in behalf of the people of this public land, but such further constitutional aid based state, a continuance of the invaluable privileges, upon those lands, as will enable them promptly to re- civil and religious, which they now enjoy, and to implore that great and beneficent Being who directs and regulates the destinies of nations, to promote and watch over this commonwealth, in its continual advancement throughout all succeeding ages. WILLIAM H. SEWARD.

cover their credit.

It cannot be denied that the time which has clapsed and the policy which has been pursued, have increased the difficulties to be overcome, and yet with proper effort the ground we have lost may be recovered. We are oppressed, not so much by opposing forces as by our own irresolution, and a small portion of that energy which was put forth when our system of improvement was undertaken, would secure its re-establishment and successful triumph. It was not then thought unbecoming for the state to invoke the co-operation of the union and of the several states in aid of our efforts, and surely it cannot be deemed discourteous now to urge upon them the adoption of measures which will enable them to perform their own obligations, the neglect of which has involved, however unjustly, the whole country in a common calamity.

Whatever may be the decision of the legislature on these momentous questions, it is at all events desirable to mitigate,as far as may be, the misfortunes in which the community is involved, and above all to abstain from any measure which would aggravate existing evils. I do therefore most earnestly protest against any further sacrifices of works already completed, or in progress of construction as being alike wanting in magnanimity and wisdom; and while I ask for the New York and Erie rail road no preference over the works in which the state is directly engaged, or over those of similar character in other localities, yet in view of the imminent jeopardy in which that great enterprise is now placed, I recommend that the proceedings for its sale be discontinued; and whatever else may be omitted, I again urge that adequate measures be adopted to secure the immediate resumption and speedy completion of that work, which under better auspices, would add dignity and lustre to the character of the republic. I also earnestly recommend that instructions be given to the canal commissioners, requiring them to complete and put in operation without further delay, at least the nearly finished portions of the enlarged Erie


Albany, August 16th, 1842.


The National Intelligencer publishes a list of 299 public acts, resolutions, joint resolutions, and 92 acts of a private nature, passed at the second session of the 27th congress.


An act to provide for satisfying claims for bounty lands, for military services in the last war with Great Britain, and for other purposes.

An act making appropriations, in part, for the civil department, for the year 1842.

An act for the extension of the loan of 1841, and

for an addition of five millions of dollars thereto, and
for allowing interest on treasury notes due.

An act to authorise the issue of treasury notes.
An act for the apportionment of representatives
among the several states according to the sixth cen-

An act making appropriations for the civil and di-
plomatic expenses of government for the year 1842.
An act making appropriations for the naval service
for the year 1842.

An act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes, for the year 1842.

An act making appropriations for pensions in the year 1842.

An act making an appropriation for the relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries. An act making an appropriation for the repair of the custom house in Providence.

An act to amend the act of the 10th of March, 1838, entitled "an act to change the time of holding the circuit and district courts in the district of Ohio." An act granting to the county of Johnson, in the The people, however, look not for temporary or partieal relief, but for the re-establishment of the territory of Iowa, the right of pre-emption to a trat system of internal improvement upon broad and im- of land for a seat of justice for said county, and repregnable foundations. Our fellow citizens urge uspealing the second rection of an act approved 3d day


An act to provide for the early disposition of the lands lying in the state of Alabama, acquired from the Cherokee Indians by the treaty of 29th December,


An act to provide for the settlement of the claim of the state of Maine for the services of her militia An act to provide for the allowance of invalid pen sions to certain Cherokee warriors, under the provi sions of the 14th article of the treaty of 1835.

An act to settle the title to certain tracts of lant in the state of Arkansas.

An act regulating commercial intercourse with th port of Cayenne, in the colony of French Guiana and to remit certain duties.

An act confirming certain land claims in Louisian An act to authorize the governors of the states Illinois, Arkansas and Missouri to cause to be selec ed the land therein mentioned.

An act relative to the act entitled "an act grantin lands to certain exiles from Poland," approved 30 June, 1834.

An act to amend the act entitled an act supplemen tary to the act entitled "an act to amend the judic system of the United States."

An act authorising the construction of a war steam er for harbor defence.

An act to annex a part of the town of Tiverton, i the state of Rhode Island, to the collection district Fall river, in the state of Massachusetts.

An act to establish certain post roads.
An act to confirm certain entries of land in th

state of Louisiana, and to authorise the issuing of

tents for the same.

An act to confirm the sale of a certain school se tion in the state of Illinois, and for other purposes.

An act authorising the county commissioners Lake county. Illinois, to enter a quarter section land for a seat of justice in said county.

An act for the benefit of the county of Holt, in t state of Missouri.

An act to provide for the armed occupation and tlement of the unsettled part of the peninsula of Ț Florida.

An act to extend the provisions of an act ent. "an act to regulate processes in the courts of United States," passed the 19th May, 1828.

An act to provide for the permanent employnt in the post office department of certain clerks her fore for several years temporarily employed in r department.

An act to regulate appeals and writs of error fi the district court of the United States for the nor ern district of Alabama.

An act to provide for the settlement of the clai of the state of Georgia for the services of her mili An act authorizing the settlement and payment certain claims of the state of Alabama.

An act to grant pre-emption rights to settlers

_n act regulating the services of the
e territory of lowa.
nact requiring foreign regulations d
laid annually before congress.

act explanatory of an act ent titute the ports of Stonington, Mys catuck river a collection district

act to provide for the early disps. s lying in the state of Alabama Cherokee Indians by the treaty of

act to provide for the settleme estate of Maine for the services act to provide for the allowane d to certain Cherokee warriors, of the 14th article of the treaty

act to settle the title to certain t state of Arkansas. act regulating commercial interco of Cayenne, in the colony of Fr remit certain duties.

act confirming certain land chains
act to authorize the governor o
s, Arkansas and Missouri to cause
land therein mentioned.
act relative to the act entitled
certain exiles from Poland,"

et to amend the act entitled a ne
the act entitled "an act to ack
of the United States."
ct authorising the construction 11
arbor defence.

ct to annex a part of the town! e of Rhode Island, to the collec er, in the state of Massachuse

to establish certain post res t to confirm certain entries & ♬ Louisiana, and to authorise the is

the same.

t to confirm the sale of a certai he state of Illinois, and for othe t authorising the county cou

[blocks in formation]

An act to provide for purchasing materials, and for the support of the penitentiary in the District of Columbia. An act to limit the sale of the public stock to par,pointed to prepare rules and and to authorize the issue of treasury notes in lieu thereof to a certain amount.

An act to extend the collection district of Wis


An act to suppress the vending of lottery tickets in the District of Columbia.

An act to make an appropriation for certain expenses in the erection of a penitentiary in the territory of Iowa.

An act making appropriation for certain sites for marine hospitals therein mentioned.

An act making an appropriation for the erection of
a marine hospital at or near Ocracoke, in North

An act to establish an additional land office in

An act concerning the payment of Florida militia.
An act to define and establish the fiscal year of the
treasury of the United States.

An act in relation to lands sold in the Greenburg, late St. Helena land district, in the state of Louisiana and authorizing the resurvey of certain lands in said


An act to provide for the settlement of certain ac

service to ap, oint a clerk. Joint resolution for the be and Robert Barber, jr.

ACTS OF A PRIV. An act to extend the ti teaching the deaf and dumb granted to the incorporate To extend the jurisdictio Georgetown.

To incorporate a society tional Institute for the prom

To authorise the Shanand erect a bridge on the land Harper's Ferry.

In relation to marriage sw lumbia.

To provide for erecting Pennsylvania avenue.

lots in the town of Perrysbu
An act granting a right of

tract of land, on which the
An act to grant to Van B
county has been located.
An act to incorporate the

unty. Illinois, to enter a que counts for support of government in the territory of ciety of the city of Washingt

seat of justice in said county for the benefit of the county Missouri.

Wisconsin, and for other purposes.

An act authorizing the secretary of the navy to contract for the purchase for the United States of the

to provide for the armed oc right to use Babbitt's anti-attrition metal.

the unsettled part of the p to extend the provisions of > regulate processes in the tes," passed the 19th May, s o provide for the permanen office department of certain de

An act in addition to an act to promote the progress of the useful arts, and to repeal all acts and parts of act heretofore made for that purpose.

An act to establish and regulate the navy ration. An act to provide further remedial justice in the courts of the United States.

An act to provide for the reports of the decisions

-veral years temporarily emp of the supreme court of the United States. → regulate appeals and writs of Columbia.

[ocr errors]

court of the United States

of Alabama.

provide for the settlement of"

An act to provide an insane hospital for the District

An act to confirm the sale of public lands in certain


An act to provide revenue from imports and imports, and for other purposes.


→ Georgia for the services change and modify existing laws imposing duties on

thorizing the settlement as ns of the state of Alabama grant pre-emption rights a

An act to authorize the inhabitants of township 8 north, range 32 west, in the state of Arkansas, to enter a section of land in lieu of the sixteenth section

An act authorising the sec audit and settle the account and David Gelston, formerly New York.

An act to incorporate W bor school and Male Orphan District of Columbia.

An act to authorise the co Linn county, in the territory legal subdivisions a quarter which the county seat has be

adjust and compromise the cla
An act to permit the secre
or late of the state of Kentuc
against Henry Daniel and T

ed into service in the years 1
An act for the payment of t
An act to compensate the
Mercer county, Ohio, for the

An act to authorise the sele lieu of those granted to the and Fox Indians.


NAVAL. The defence of lient. Wilkes was read bethe Naval Court Martial at New York, on Tuesday.At the conclusion of the defence, the Court remained in secret session for some time making up its verdict, which when decided upon was transmitted to the Navy Department at Washington.

DISTRESS. Who can wonder at disturbances in England. Sir James Graham lately announced in the House of Commons the terribl · fact, that twelve hundred BUNKER'S HILL MONUMENT-Error corrected. We thousand people are at present receiving parochial relief have authority to correct a misstatement in our Register in England and Wales! One in every thirteen of the of 13th August last, taken from the New York Commer-population is on the poor rates, and probably one in cial Advertiser, in saying that the corner stone of Bunker every ten is destitute. This state of distress is unparaHill monument was laid by gen. La Fayette. As en-lelled in the history of any nation on the face of the earth. MISSIONARIES. In the ship Washington, Taylor, from graved on the plate there deposited, is was laid by the It is stated that there are 2700 vagrant children in Man-Calcutta and Madras, which arrived at Philadelphia on most worshipful, John Abbot, grand master of masons, chester, exposed to every misery and vice. Thursday, came passengers Rev. Dr. Seudder, lady, and five children. Dr. S. is one of the oldest missionin the presence of gen. La Fayette. aries of the American Board.

ABUNDANCE PROVIDENTIAL. The blessing of an abundant harvest extends providential and timely relief to the starving thousands of Ireland who have lived through all the stages of misery and want. The last accounts state that the number of persons in the Union workhouses of Ireland had lessened one half within the last three weeks in consequence of the abundant harvest, especially potatoes. In some places potatoes could almost be had for the digging.

BANK ITEMS. The suit of the state of Louisiana against the Commercial, Canal, Citizens, and Consolidated banks of New Orleans, came to trial on the 26th ult. The two former proved that they had specie in vault to the amount of one third of their circulation, and consequently the suits were dropped. The other cases were postponed to

the 2d inst.

All the banks of Lancaster, Pa. including the ColumBridge, resumed specie payinents on the 1st inst.

The governor of Hinois has issued a proclamation forbidding the officers of the state from receiving the paper of the state bank in payment of taxes, or any dues of

the state.

CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO CANAL The 14th Annual report of the directors is published; the liabilities of the company, on the 31st of May last, amounted to $1,110, 833, exclusive of its indebtedness to the State, being 2.315,000 more: 134 miles of the work, extending from Georgetown to Dam No. 6, near the mouth of the Great Cacapon, are finished and navigable; 31 7-10 of the remaining fifty miles have also been completed in unconnected sections, but owing to the location of the residue they cannot be used until the whole is finished.

COAL TRADE. During the month of August there ar rived in the river Schuylkill, 4 barges, 26 brigs, 165 schooners, and 79 sloops. Total 273. All for cargoes

of coal.

COLLISION OF VESSELS. The schooner Emily, Chase, bound from Vermillion to St. Catherines, on Lake O tario, on the night of the 31st ult, ran into the schooner Acorn, Cabb, besides merchandize, 45 emigrant passengers on board, bound from Buffalo to Chicago. The Tatter sunk in fifteen minutes, in ten fathom water. No lives lost, except one young Englishman missing, no one knows how. Three of the families were American and two English. One man only, saved his money, the rest lost all, including $4000 in gold.

COTTON. The Baton Rouge Gazette of the 28th ult. gays: "A gentlemen who has just returned from a circuit on the other side of the river, informs us that the rot is making dreadful ravages on some of the cotton plantations of West Baton Rouge and Pointe Coupee. In the former parish, Dr. Hereford, Dr. Lobdill, Colonel Courtney and Mr. Gerhol, are large sufferers. In Pointe Coupee, its dainages are not so evident. The gentlemen Just named, consider from one-third to one-half of their crop lost."

EFFECTS OF A TARIFF. The iron and nail works in this city, after a suspension of several months, are again in operation. Mr. Marshall informs us that his manufacto-nated for the Presidency by the inhabitants of MeckPRESIDENTIAL. The Hon. J. C. Calhoun was nomiries at Whitestown will also be started immediately. [Troy Whig. lenburg county North Carolina, on the 30th ult., subSeveral factories in the vicinity of Philadelphia which mination of Vice President was formally made, but a ject to the decision of a National Convention. No nohave been closed for a long time, are again in motion-strong preference was expressed for the Hon. Silas Success to them. Wright, Jr., of New York.'

The New York American of the 7th inst. says: "We have heard of several transactions which have taken place during the past week, which show a better feeling in the mercantile world. Several individuals who held mortgages on real estate, which the parties were unable to pay, have cancelled the same, and received deedspaying large sums over to the indebted party for differ ence of value. By these operations, considerable sums long locked up in the banks, have been put in circulation FIRES. There have been 189 alarms of fire in Boston during the last twelve months, of which 71 were out of the city. Property destroyed $93,000, of which $40,000 was insured.

General Post Office Department during the year ending
POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. The expenditures of the
June 30, 1841. were $4,413,768,42, and the gross receipts
$2,379,296, 57. Excess of expenditures, $2,064,471 85.

POLITICS OF THE DAY. The whig members of congress on their return from Washington have been met at Philadelphia, New York, &c., by their friends with marked distinction and cordiality, in approbation of their course during the recent session.

The dinner to Mr. Calhoun, at Schocco springs North Carolina, came off on September 2d as advertised. The hon Messrs. Saunders and Daniel, members of congress In Philadelphia during the year ending June 1st, there were present. Mr. C. has been formally nominated for $362.875 was destroyed; $125,000 of which was lost at were 159 fires, by which property to the amount of the presidency by the late Van Buren party in Mecklenburg, N. Carolina. two fires that occurred March 31st.

Kamenz, in Germany, was nearly destroyed on the
5th August; the town hall, Gothic church, all the ho-
tels, &c. Scarcely 100 houses escaped. Many lives
were lost. Attributed to the negligence of a female.
The town of Knittelfield in Styria, was on the 26th ult.
so dreadfully ravaged by a fire, that fifty-six houses and
sixty farm buildings were entirely consumed, and six
persons lost their lives.

The American Theatre at New Orleans was destroy.
ed by fire on the morning of the 30th ult.

FLOUR declined 7 to 8 shillings at London from the

RAIL ROAD ITEMS. The Nashville and New Orleans rail road was sold at auction on the 22d ult., and purchased by the state of Louisiana, for $500,000, at one, two, and three years' credit. The iron alone is worth double the amount, exclusive of the land, twenty-three miles long, and one hundred feet wide, and the engines, cars, depots, and all the necessary mensils for carrying on the work, all of which were included in the bargain.

The Housatonic rail road. Receipts since the 16th of April last amount to 829,607 44, which is sufficient to pay all expenses including interest on their debts and leave a dividend of 3 per cent.

15th June to the 18th August. No hope of shipments 23,000 bushels salt, from Turks Island, with seven of her
entertained at present; the release of what was held
in bond having supplied present deficiency and every
prospect of an abundant harvest. Prices have declined
in New York market-at Cincinnati $2 62175.

SHIPWRECKS. The ship Congress, Furnham, with crew was lost on Cape Hatteras a few days ago. STEAMERS. Passsengers are now conveyed regularly by steamboats between London and Rotterdam in twenty-two hours.

Navigation Company, at Bristol, on the 16th, it was reSTEAMERS. At a meeting of the Great Western Steam solved that the affairs of the company should be wound up. A committee of ten persons were authorised to dispose of the whole property of the company to the best advantage. It is said to have proved a ruinous

says: "Nathan McKingey, who arrived yesterday from
Scotland, was arrested, and sately lodged in prison, as
soon as he landed on terra firma, charged with obtain
ing upwards of $1,000 worth of silver watches, gold
chains, paints, &c. from Charles Brison and Thomas
Lowrie, of Scotland, under false pretences, and shiqping
himself and goods to this country in the first vessel.-speculation.
Under the new treaty, he will have to be delivered up,
as it provides especially for the return of all such viola
tors of the law.

FLOGGING. Lieutenant DeCamp was fined last week
in the United States district court, at Boston, $30 for
striking one of the crew of the frigate Potomac, because
he did not instantly obey an order that was given by De-
Camp, when officer of the day.

Prices at New York have improved fully cent per
pound. The latest accounts from Liverpool, Aug. 17th,
HOAX. Some wags in Jacksonville Illinois, previous
18th represent the market brisk, sales amounted to
5,000 bags cach day, one half of which was American, to the late election, addressed a letter to Judge Young,
taken on speculation, the trade being sparingly, prices of that State, informing him that he had been nominated
fully sustained, stocks on hand moderate. Quotations, as a candidate for Governor, to which the Judge respond-
Sea Island 9d. to 191. bowed 3 to 6d.; Mobile, Alaba. ed in a printed pamphlet of twenty-four pages.
ina and Tennessee 3 to 6jd.; New Orleans 32 to 7.
CLAM BAKE. The Bay State Democrat states that at
the annual festival on the 29th ult, at Seekonk, 350 bush
els of clams were baked. Twelve bushels of chowder
also suffered on the occasion.

[blocks in formation]

The New Orleans Crescent City says that 25,000 persons followed to the grave the remains of the late Abbe Moni.

James Reeside, esq. widely known as an energetic contractor for mail routes, died at his residence at Philadelphia, on the 31st ult.

Major Gabriel J. Floyd, who was so brutally maltreated at his residence near St. Louis, on the evening of the 26th ult. by five miscreants, has since died of his wounds.

TREASUARY NOTES. The Register of the Treasury reports that the amount now outstanding is $8,771,999,99-of which $3,896 558 50. were issued prior to the act of Jan. 31, 1842, and $4,875,044,40, issued under the act of Jan. 31, 1840.

THE NEWFOUNDLAND FISHERIES, from which so large a portion of our eastern brethren usually obtain supplies of cod, &c., have this season almost entirely failed them. A late Cape Breton paper says: "The fisheries will this year turn out almost a total failure. On some parts of the coast the take has been literally, nothing."

THE RIOTS IN ENGLAND. The New York Sun has a private letter from Bursiem, Staffordshire, England, datA HOWITZER 15 3 10 inches in the bore, and calculated 17th Aug., which states that there had been a great ed for throwing solid shot of 450 pounds weight, or shells fight there the day before, between a niob on one side of 320 pounds, holding 30 pounds of burstiaz powder, and the manufacturers and other citizens on the other. as well as some 130 pounders, have been proved at A number of the mob were killed, and many more Woolwich for the Pasha of Egypt. wounded. An engagement was expected to take place on the night of the 17th, in which some 30,000 would be engaged. The manufacturers, &c., had soldiers with


A LOCOMOTIVE FOR THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT. powerful burden locomotive, and of admirable construction, has been just completed by our townsman, Mr. Ross WINANS, upon a special order from the Emperor of Russia. A similar order, we understand, was sent simultaneously to England, with a view of procuring the best specimens of workmanship that each country could fur nish, and of testing by experiment the merits and qualities of both engines for purposes of transportation.

The contract price of the engine is $11,500, and it is intended for a track 6 feet in width and therefore could not be tested on our ordinary roads. Mr. THOMAS WINANS, the son of the builder, is offered by the Russian government a liberal allowance for his expenses to Russia and back, and a handsome salary while there, to give instructions for casting chilled car and engine wheels.

We learn that the order for the above engine enabled Mr. Winans at once to employ in his own shops one The French papers announce the death of Baron Lar-hundred mechanics who were out of employment, berey, the famous surgeon, whose name so often occurs in the history of Napoleon's wars. He died at Lyons, on the 25th of July. He was 76 years of age.

DEFALCATION From a communication from the Comptroller, addressed to the Board of Assistant Alderanan, of New York, it appears that the defalcation of Thos Lloyd, the absconding collector, is likely to a

mount to $80,000.

sides the work which he gave to other shops. So that,
including the families of his own mechanics, at least
five hundred persons have been benefited by the order.
[Balt. Amer., 9th.

MORMANS. The last Quincy Herald represents that
Gov. Carlin had fairly failed in his attempts to arrest
Jo. Smith and Rockwell; and adds that the Mormons
will not give them up, but fight to the last.


THE PAPAL CALENDAR for the current year gives the following items of intelligence. The present pope, Gregory the 16th, will complete his 77th year on the 15th of this month-having passed into the 11th year of his papacy. There are now 60 cardinal, 6 cardinal bishops, 43 cardinal priests and 11 cardinal deacons. Rupi, the oldest cardinal, is 87, and Schwartzenberg, the youngest 33. The ages of all the cardinals make 3,580 years.

the fiscal year of the treasury of the United States is in THE FISCAL YEAR. By act No. 65, of the last session, future to terminate on the 30th June, to which day all accounts and annual statements are in future to be made


WHEAT is selling at New Nork at from 70 to 103 cts. At Cincinnati 40 to 45; at Alton (Ill.) 31 to 37. The Lawrenceburg (la.) Bei con says: Our streets are perfectly blockaded with teams from the interior. Wheat pours in at the rate of 2,000 bushels a day-price 50 cts.

YANKEE CLOCKS-adventure. Mr. Sperry, Fulton St. New York, sailed on the 1st inst. for England with an adventure of 600 Yankee wooden clocks, to apprize the natives of the progress of time and tact. to pay 25 per cent. duty on them there.

He will have








NATIONAL AFFAIRS-collector at Philadelphia removed. Post office. Army. Navy.

STATES OF THE UNION -Massachusetts, extra session, political convention and nominations. New York, legislative resolutions, New Jersey, conventions and nominations, N. Carolina, Maine, Vermont, Kentucky, Iowa and Louisiana, elections, Tennessee, extra session called. Ohio, conventions and politics, Wiskonsan. MISCELLANEOUS.

U. S. TARIFF LAWS-comparative statement of, for 1816, 24, 28, 32, and 1842.






The Cortes is in session. The chamber of peers had negatived the right of the sons of Miguelite peers

clusive of sailors and marines, who, on cases of
emergency, will furnish nearly perhaps 5,000 more
of a shore going force. The floating armament is
still more formidable than this, consisting of 5 line-of-
battle-ships, and 34 frigates and smaller craft. The
steam force will, on the arrival of the last despatched
vessels from England, consist of the H. C. steamers
Akbar, Memnon, of 500 horse power and 1,100 tons:
H. M. steamers Vixen, Growler, Geyser, Driver and
Lightning, and the H. C. steamers Aukland, Sesostris,
Queen, Hoogly, Nemesis, Pluto, Phlegethon, Medusa,
Proserpine and Ariadne; the first two being wooden
vessels of 1,000 tons, armed with 64 pounder medium
guns, the next two being also of wood; the remaining
six, iron vessels of from 300 to 500 tons.

REPRESENTATIVES. The following members of the present congress have indicated their determination not to be candidates for re election:

Whigs-Messrs. Fillmore, Van Rensselaer, and Granger, of New York; Mr. Randolph, of New Jersey; Messrs. Mason, Ridgaway, and Pendleton, of of Ohio.

Van Buren-Mr. Keim, of Pennsylvania; and Mr. Pickens, of South Carolina.

CONSUL. The president of the United States has officially recognized Edward Stucken as consul of the Grand Duke of Save Weimer, for the state of New York, and Alexander Baker, as vice consul of Russia.

CORRESPONDENCE. We find in the Madisonian the following correspondence, between the secretary of state and Lord Ashburton, in relation to the prisoners at Van Dieman's Land:

H. M. squadron to the northward, at Chusan, Chinhae and Ningpo-Cornwallis, 72, bearing the flag of rear-admiral Sir W. Parker, K. C. B. commander-in chief-Capt. Richards; Blonde, 42, Captain T. Bourchier, C. B.; Pelican, 18, commander Napier; Department of state, Washington, Aug. 29, 1842. MY LORD: I have the honor to communicate to Hyacinth, 18, commander G. Goldsmith; Modeste, 18, commander Watson; Columbine, 18; command-your lordship the copy of a letter addressed to the er Morshead; Clio, 16, commander E. Troubridge; and Ferris, members of the house of representatives, president, by the honorable Messrs. Cushing, Wood, The United Parliament of Canada, commenced its Algerine, 10, lieutenant Maitland; Lady Bentick and of the answer to that letter from this department

to take their seats.

[blocks in formation]

I rejoice that I am able to acquaint you that a treaty between Great Britain and the United States has been signed on the part of Her Majesty, and since ratified by the federal senate, by which the imFortant questions affecting this province and the U. States have been adjusted. From this happy settlement, the ratification of which by her majesty I hope soon to be able to announce to you, I argue the most favorable consequences to the province in the maintenance of peace, the restoration of confidence, and the devotion of the undivided energies of its inhabitants to the internal advancement and the developement of the vast resources of the country.

These have been among her majesty's chief objects in the negociation of this treaty; and I am commanded by the queen to state to you that no wish is nearer to her majesty's heart than that, under her rule and the protection of her crown, all her faithful subjects in Canada may rest in undisturbed peace, may feel themselves to be one people with their fellow subjects in the British islands; and may increase in wealth, prosperity and contentment, founded on the possession and rational enjoyment of a free and essentially British constitution.


The British had not succeeded in negotiating the redemption of the prisoners in the hands of the Afghans. Rumors of the withdrawal of their troops from beyond the Indies were rife; accounts are not decided as yet however in respect to this mea


The king of Oude had died and was succeeded regularly and peaceably by his son.

GREAT HURRICANE AT CALCUTTA. A terrible gale visited Calcutta on the 3d and 4th of June. From 30 to 40 vessels were destroyed, and as many were badly damaged. Houses innumerable were blown down, and many accidents occurred.

The Symmetry, Globe, Lord Western, Cavendish Bentinck, and a French brig, all five large vessels, have been totally lost in the river. Forty three other first rate vessels are disabled; and of the immense quantity of native craft always plying, there is scarcely a boat remaining. How many lives have been lost it is yet impossible even to conjecture, but the number must have been very great, both of Europeans and natives. The damage done to the shipping cargoes is computed at £500,000. But we have not received accounts from the interior and we fear the indigo crops now ready for cutting, will have sufferred terribly,"


The India papers contain the following, on the subject of the armament against the Imperial Empire, and also some other facts connected with the war which will be read with interest:

"The arrival of the last reinforcement which left England for China, will raise the British armament to the enormous strength of 15,000 fighting men, exVol. XIII-Sig. 3.

surveying vessel, commander R. Collinson; Troop
ship Jupiter, Mr. commanding R. Fulton; H. C. S.
Nemesis, lieutenant W. H. Hall; H. C. S. Queen;
r. commanding W. Warden; H. C. S. Phlegethon,
mander Ormsby, I. N.
lieutenant McCleverty; H. C. S. Sesostris, com-

At Amoy.-Druid, 44. captain H. Smith, C. B.;
Pylades, 18, commander Tindal (absent); Chame-
leon; 10, lieutenant Hunter; Starling, 6, command-
er H. Kellett.

Squadron at the south of Canton river. Blenheim,
72, captain Sirnomas Herbert, K. C. B., senior
commanding officer; Herald, 26, captain J. Nias, C.
B.; Nimrod, 18, commander Glasse; Cruizer; 18,
commander J. Pearse; Royalist, 19, lieutenant Chet-
wood; Young Hebe, 4, lieutenant Wood.

The following is the list of American ships in the
Chinese waters at the same date:

Lima, Endicot; Akbas, Dumaresq; Panama,
Henry Pratt, Rogers; Cayuga, Bissel; Coromadno,
Scudder; Ianthe, Stecle; Horatio, Howland; Levant
Foulke, Robert Fulton, McMichael.



by the president's direction.

This correspondence relates to the prisoners at Van Dieman's Land, some of them citizens of the United States, whose condition I have, I believe, more than once, mentioned to you in our conversations. I trust that you will bring this subject to the considration of her majesty's government; and I entertain the hope that, under existing circumstances, you will not withhold your advice and recommendation for the pardon and release of those prisoners.

I avail myself of this occasion, my lord to renew to you assurances of high consideration and respect. DANIEL WEBSTER. Lord Ashburton, &c. &c. &c.


New York, September 2, 1842. SIR: The letter you did me the honor of addressing me the 29th of last month, reached me on my arrival here with its enclosures, relating to certain prisoners in Van Dieman's Land, formerly citizens of the United States, who were transported to that penal settlement in consequence of the part taken by them in the criminal invasion of the British provinces. and the consequent destruction of the lives and property of their inhabitants. I shall communicate these papers to my government immediately on my arrival;

Thomas S. Smith, collector of the customs at Phi- and although it does not become me to anticipate, by ladelphia, vice Johathan Roberts.


CONGRESS. U. S. SENATE. The terms of one-
third of the present senate expire on the 4th March
next. The senate now consists of 30 whigs and 20
V. B. counting Mr. Rives with the former. Of those
whose terms expire at the end of the next session,
10 are Van Buren, and 7 are whigs, viz.
Van Buren.
Williams, of Maine.
Wilcox, of N. H.
Smith, of Connecticut.
Wright, of New York.
Buchanan, of Penn.
Cuthbert, of Georgia.
Bagby, of Alabaina.
Allen of Ohio.
Young, of Illinois.
Linn, of Missouri.

Crafts, of Vermont.
Kerr, of Maryland.
Graham, of N. Carolina.
Preston, of S. Carolina.
Conrad, of Louisiana.
Crittenden, of Ken.
Smith, of Indiana.

From the result of the state elections that have been ascertained, Van Buren senators will be reelected from New Hampshire Connecticut, Alabama, Illinois, and Missouri, and they will elect Van Buren seuators in the place of Preston from South Carolina, and of Graham from North Carolina, and if their accounts of the Indiana election are correct, one in the place of Mr. Smith, of that state. If they lose none of the other members this will give them 23 senators, besides the chance for one from Maryland, and of two from Tennessee-gaining those, they would have exactly half the senate. The whigs have secured the re-election of whig senators from Verinont, Louisiana, and Kentucky, which counting Mr. Rives with them, gives them just half the senate, besides their chance for those to be elected from Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Ohio and and Maryland.

any opinion of my own, their decision upon them, I need hardly assure you that the wish expressed by your government, and the respectable members of congress, whose letter you send me, will not fail to receive due attention. I shall carefully press the consideration of the several circumstances of mitigation mentioned in these papers, and you may be assured that there will be every disposition to take as indulgent a view of these unfortunate people as may be thought consistent with the due vindication of the laws, and the security of her majesty's peaceable subjects.

I beg. sir, you will be assured of my high consideration and of my sincere regard. ASHBURTON. The hon. Daniel Webster, &c.



Post office department, August 8, 1842. SIR: In obedience to the requirements of the 2d and 45th sections of the "act to change the organization of the post office department," &c. approved the 2d July 1836, I have the honor to report the expenses of this department for the year ending June 20, 1841, set opposite the estimates, under each head of general account, viz:

Heads of appropriations. Estimates. Expenditures. Transportation of the mails $3,520 000 $2,984,388 83 Compensation postmasters 1,097,000 1,018,644 61 Ship, steamboat and way

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