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Mr. Thomas Fielding, Harvard, 1920.

In many cases it is well to add personal tributes, such

"One of my very best friends."

"An old schoolmate of mine in Upton Hall.”

"A member of my lodge."

"One of the most ingenious men I have ever known."

If you give introductions in this way, cordially, with a smile, saying the names distinctly and slowly, you will add much to your pleasure.

When you yourself are introduced, look into the eyes of the stranger and, as you grasp his hand, repeat his name, associating name and face. If you fail to hear a name clearly, ask for it at once, and then repeat it.

If your friend has given you any point of contact at all, at once follow the suggested lead. If he has failed to give a point of contact you must yourself establish it by a question:

1. "You are one of Mr. Warren's old friends?"

2. "You also are in the axe trade?”

Under no circumstances speak or appear hurried in

any introduction. The opportunity to make friends is worthy of your time.

Learn this summary:

1. Speak slowly, clearly, and loudly.

2. Give the name syllable by syllable.

3. Give title, position, or some other distinguishing characteristic.

4. Give personal tributes in friendly introductions.

5. Speak cordially.

6. When you are introduced repeat the name clearly.

7. If you fail to hear a name, ask for it, and then repeat it.

8. Follow the suggested point of contact.

9. If no point of contact has been suggested gain one by well-directed questions.

10. Never allow yourself to be hurried.


Give the following introduction aloud: A Congressman from your home town in Ohio a Mr. James Oldham; and a man who works in your office as assistant bookkeeper-a personal friend who has joined you on several fishing trips.


How to Talk to Superiors


Do you remember the man who felt that he could "run the business better than the boss?" Do you remember how he used to make all sorts of suggestions and then grumble because every one was not put into practice?

"Let's see. Where is he now?"

"Oh, yes, he changed his position! In fact, he changed it several times! He is dissatisfied everywhere!"


You are called into conference with "the chief." have ability, and ideas, and he knows it. That is why he pays to have you around.

How will you talk with him?

Stop right now, and question yourself about your attitude. How do you talk to superiors?

Are you abashed, cringing, dog-beaten? If you are, you show your superior how to regard you and others as mere cogs in a wheel.

Are you shy, deceitful, flattering? If so, you teach him to be distrustful.

Are you surly, sullen, half-defiant? If you are, you show him how to become hard and domineering.

Are you inattentive, uninterested, wandering? If you are, you show him how to be irritable.

Some very ordinary Americans greatly interested King George of England. They met him in a frank, manly way. They showed respect for his position and a human respect for the man. They found a point of contact in ships, or games, or work, or adventure, and met on equal grounds.

There are your rules. Learn them.

1. Be ambitious-show your respect for authority.

2. Be a man-don't cringe.

3. Be honorable-don't flatter.

4. Be a gentleman-be pleasant.

5. Be human-be interested.

6. Be an American-find some one point on which you are equals.

Follow these points and you can talk to anyone, from your "boss" up to the King of Anywhere.


You are introduced to the Governor of a great State, and have a few minutes for talk. Think out the lines for an interesting talk.


How to Talk to Inferiors


A young man had a small account in a great New York bank. One day a bank official, who knew the smallness of the account, spoke to him in an overbearing way.

"But I have an account here!" the young man protested.

"Your account is too small to interest us!" snapped the official.

The small account was withdrawn.

Some days later the bank was disturbed by the withdrawal of nearly a million dollars. Investigation showed that the young man with the small account controlled the large account.

Now do you know Rule One?

Memorize it.

1. It never pays to be overbearing to one who is inferior to you in position, wealth, or any other way.

One day the manager of a large concern spoke in a roughly criticising way to one of the subordinates.

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