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How to Second a Nomination


A fellow member of your organization has nominated a candidate of whom you approve. You wish to second the nomination.

Here are certain principles to follow:

1. Be brief.

If the person who nominated your candidate made a good speech, and if your candidate is popular, there may be no need of any speech at all. In that case simply give a formal second to the nomination. If the nomination address was weak, or poorly presented, or if there is likely to be opposition to your candidate, you should speak further. But, in any case, be brief. Do not speak at as great length as did the person who gave the nomination address. Speak emphatically, but not at length.

2. Avoid in any way contradicting or correcting the one who made the nomination address.

3. Avoid mere repetition of what has already been said.

4. Give specific instances to show what convinced you that you should support the candidate.

"When I first became a citizen of this place I was a stranger. I needed financial and business advice from someone who knew the locality. Everyone whom I asked

told me to go to Mr. Frank B. Labdell. I did go to him, and I found him a master mind in finance, a thoroughgoing business man, and an honest friend." (Give further instances, either from your own experience, or from that of others, to prove the worth of your candidate as a man capable of filling the office.)

5. Show that your candidate is generally regarded as you regard him.

"Many people have said to me that Mr. Labdell is the person best fitted to act as Treasurer." (Give a sum

mary of the general opinion of your candidate.)

6. Say that it is evident that your candidate is the general choice of the body.

"I have therefore come to the conclusion that most, if not all, of our people wish him for Treasurer."

7. Make your formal second.

"It gives me pleasure to second the nomination of so able and popular a man. I second the nomination of Frank B. Labdell for the office of Treasurer."

In speaking in this way you have followed an inductive process of thinking. That is, you have given a series of instances, all of which tend to lead to one conclusion: that your candidate is well fitted for the office.


Think out the words of a speech seconding the nomination of some person whom you know, for the office of President of your organization.


How to Accept Office


Your society has elected you to an important office. In the general good cheer of the occasion there are calls"Speech! Speech!"

It is an embarrassing moment for you. What shall you say?

Here are four simple steps to follow that will carry you through with credit:

1. Express your thanks for the honor that has been conferred upon you.

"I thank you for the honor that you have conferred upon me. I have no other duty that I shall carry out with greater interest."

2. Speak of the principles of the organization that elected you its officer.

"You know that the principles of our order are good fellowship, loyalty, and mutual aid." (Elaborate and

explain the principles of the order.)

3. Show what the organization has done in the past.

"During the past year we have nearly doubled our membership. We have found new quarters, and we have greatly strengthened all the work of the society." further details.)


4. Show that you propose, while in office, to carry out the principles you have just named.

"It will be my earnest effort to promote good fellowship by every means in my power. I shall propose a series of entertainments of a social nature that will bring us all closer together in friendship." (Continue by showing how you will carry out the other principles you have named.)

5. Say that you accept the office with a full understanding of the principles of the society and of the work to be done.

"Therefore it is with a full understanding of the principles of our order that I accept the honor you have given me. I assure you that my whole effort will be to carry out these principles in the year to come."


You have been elected head of your favorite organization. Think out the words of an appropriate speech of acceptance.


How to Preside at a Meeting


You are made presiding officer at a meeting. You find yourself standing before the assembly.

What will you say?

1. Call the meeting to order.

"The meeting will please come to order."

2. Then say:

"Is there any business to be brought

before the house?"

3. If a motion is presented say:

"Is there any second to the motion?"

4. When a motion has been made and seconded, say:

"Is there any discussion?"

5. Call any person to order who attempts to speak without first addressing the Chair.

6. Allow full discussion of all debatable motions.

7. When the discussion has ended say:

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