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American Museum of Safety held its first international exposition of safety and sanitation at the Grand Central Palace, New York, December 12-20. The exhibitors included a number of manufacturers of heating goods.

E. W. Sanborn, who recently resigned as assistant sales manager of the United States Radiator Corporation, was the guest of honor at a dinner tendered him by his associates in the company at which he was presented with a set of Thermos bottles, packed in a suitable leather case for use in his touring car. Mr. Sanborn has just been appointed western sales manager for the Lavigne Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich., manufacturers of radiator valves, and brass and aluminum goods.

P. M. Beecher, of Syracuse, was the recipient of a noteworthy token of esteem in the shape of a hall clock, presented by the Eastern Supply Association in recognition of his services, on the occasion of his retirement from the presidency of the association. The honors were carried out by a committee consisting of L. O. Koven, chairman; D. L. Hamill and Joseph Evans. Upon their arrival at Syracuse they were met by C. F. Bennett, assistant general manager of Pierce, Butler & Pierce Mfg. Co., and the party was later entertained at dinner by Mr. Beecher at his home. The presentation was made at the close of the dinner and was the occasion for many expressions of good-will and appreciation for Mr. Beecher's services to the Eastern Supply Association.

Portland, Ore.-An application for a franchise for a central steam and hot water heating system in the King's Heights section of Portland has been made by F. E. Dooley, John H. Hall, L. H. Tarpley, and W. O. Van Schuyver, all of Portland.

Washington, D. C.-Plans for the central heating and power plant for the government buildings, provided for in the last sundry civil act, are being made by the Treasury Department. The plant will be required to serve not only the present public buildings, but the new buildings proposed.

Cincinnati, O.-Health Officer Landis has been empowered by the Board of Health to take all necessary steps to force the Interurban Railway and Terminal Company to provide better ventilation in its cars running to Pleasant Ridge. The action was taken after a delegation from Pleasant Ridge had described alleged conditions in the cars.

Cleveland, O.-Three engineers, three firemen and an oiler employed in the city hall boiler rooms lost their positions January 1 when the city let a steam heating contract for heating that building to the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. City officials estimate that this contract will save more than $6,000 a year.

St. Louis, Mo.-A flower sale to provide funds for a heating plant was one of the sights in St. Louis recently. Several hundred girls and women sold flowers on the downtown streets to raise the money for


Specify Valves by the
Diamond Trade Mark

Because on any valve it means absolute satisfaction, replacement, or money back. It is the mark which enables you to distinguish the genuine Jenkins Bros. Valves, known the world over as being the most reliable. All good kinds for all conditions of service. Write for handy catalogue.

New York


Philadelphia Chicago







Send for Bulletin No. 73 Chicago

New York The Industrial Instrument Co., Foxboro, Mass. Monadnock Bldg.

50 Church St.

Please mention THE HEATING AND VENTILATING MAGAZINE when you write.

the installation of a heating plant in the 18-room house of the Christian Old People's Home in that city. The buyers were permitted to set their own price, but instances were recorded where a single button hole bouquet fetched as much as $5.00 and $10.00.

Duluth, Minn.-Improvements representing an outlay of $2,400 are to be made on the heating and lighting equipment of the court house in Duluth, in accordance with recommendations made by the C. L. Pillsbury Co., of Minneapolis.

Youngstown, O.-Specifications for heating, plumbing and lighting the new $275,000 Y. M. C. A. building in Youngstown are being prepared by Rosecrans & Waterbury, New York.

Chicago, Ill. The Chicago Health Department states in its weekly bulletin reports that within the last few weeks 23 unventilated picture theatres have closed for lack of patronage. Their failure is ascribed largely to the determination of the public to patronize only those theatres whose ventilating equipment has received the approval of the health department.

Dallas, Ore.-The central heating plant installed in Dallas by Ralph Williams was placed in operation December 1. It supplies steam heat to several of the larger

business blocks of the city, including two bank buildings owned by Mr. Williams and associates.

Tacoma, Wash.-According to a report prepared by Deputy Comptroller J. H. Gonyea, many thousands of dollars have been lost to the city through the discovery that no money has been paid into the city treasury by any of the corporations that have been awarded steam and hot water heating franchises, although the franchises specified that from 1% to 2% of the gross earnings should be paid in on or before January 31 of each year. There are nine heating franchises outstanding including the Commonwealth Title Trust Co., Klaber Investment Co., John L. Roberts Co., ScandinavianAmerican Bank Co., Stetson Trust Co., Tacoma Theatre Trust Co., and the Thomas B. Wallace Co. Assistant City Attorney Carnahan has ruled that the city could still collect the money due.

National Committee of the Confederated Supply Associations, at its annual meeting November 20, elected the following officers, etc.:

President, J. J. Ryan, J. J. Ryan & Co., Chicago, Ill.

Vice-president, W. A. Myler, Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.


Actual Positive Action for Valves

Actual Intermediate Action for Mixing Dampers


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

NOTICE We are the owners of Patent No. 924,235 relating to the automatic control of humidity. Infringers and unlicensed users will be prosecuted.

[merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small][merged small]

The infringement suit brought by the AMERICAN
BLOWER COMPANY against the B. F. STUR-
TEVANT COMPANY, in the United States Dis-
trict Court, New York, has been decided by His
Honor Judge Ray, who broadly sustains the DA-
VIDSON PATENTS and finds infringement by
the defendants, the decision holding sweepingly
for the complainant under every point raised.

We will gladly furnish full particulars of
this important litigation upon request.



NEW YORK, 141 Broadway
ROCHESTER, N. Y., Insurance

PITTSBURGH, Empire Bldg.

tional Bank Building

CHICAGO, Marquette Bldg.
ST. LOUIS, Title Guaranty Bldg.
ATLANTA, Empire Bldg.
MINNEAPOLIS, Plymouth Bldg.

KANSAS CITY, R. A. Long Bldg.
LOS ANGELES, Central Bldg.
SEATTLE, Central Bldg.
BOSTON, 120 Milk St.

Please mention THE HEATING AND VENTILATING MAGAZINE when you write.

Treasurer, L. O. Koven, L. O. Koven & Bro., New York.

Secretary, F. S. Hanley, 261 Broadway, New York.

Board of Directors: J. J. Ryan, W. A. Myler, L. O. Koven, F. D. Keeler, F. W. Hubbard, S. E. Hunting.

Standards Committee: J. F. Wolff, Chairman; Geo. H. Bailey, H. B. Hallett, F. W. Hubbard, F. D. Keeler.

Public Comfort Stations Committee: H. M. Hoelscher, Chairman; C. C. Hale, E. Hamman, J. Walter Lyons, W. A. Myler, Walter Walls.

According to a resolution passed at the meeting a committee of three will be appointed to select a suitable token for presentation to President J. J. Ryan in recognition of his services during the past six years.

New York. At a conference of workers in industrial hygiene and accident prevention, held in New York, December 10-12, under the auspices of the American Museum of Safety, the subjects discussed included accident prevention, industrial hygiene, surroundings of industrial plants, occupational diseases, factory lighting, ventilation. At the final session Major Robert U. Patterson presented a moving picture exhibition of the work of the Red Cross.

Manufacturers' Notes.

Alberger Gas Engine Co., Buffalo, N. Y., will furnish the complete power plant for the factory of Barnhart Bros. and Spindler, 170 West Monroe Street, Chicago. A complete isolated power plant will be installed, both for operating the motors and also for furnishing gas to 112 gas burners. The equipment includes gas burners, piping, producers, engines, generators, switchboard and auxiliary apparatus. The Alberger en


gines used on this job are duplicate in every respect, excepting that the 150 K.W. engine is a 4-cylinder, twin tandem type and the 75 K. W. machine is a single tandem type, so that all parts are interchangeable on the two engines. These engines will be equipped with the Alberger automatic governing system, by which the speed is confined to a variation of 2% between no load and full load. The installation is said to be one of the first in which all the various departments of manufacture are taken care of by and are dependent upon one plant. Buffalo Forge Co., Buffalo, N. Y., nounces that the Lord & Taylor department store building, in New York City, now under construction, is to be equipped with Buffalo heating and ventilating apparatus and Carrier air washers and humidifiers. This apparatus constitutes one of the largest contracts of its kind placed in 1913. There are to be 64 fans, all driven by direct-connected motors. The sizes and speeds were selected with special reference to noiseless operation. Twenty-five of these fans are to be of the Conoidal multiblade type, and the remainder, cone fans and propeller wheels. Eleven Carrier air washers will clean and humidify the incoming air, each washer being equipped with the Carrier system of automatic humidity control.

Among other recent orders reported by the Buffalo Forge Company is that including the apparatus for the heating and ventilating system of the Stevens Building, Portland, Ore., Whidden & Lewis, architects. The main supply units are Buffalo Conoidal multiblade fans, engine driven, with tempering coils and Carrier air washers. There is also an exhaust fan of the high speed Conoidal type, driven by Buffalo Spiro steam turbine.

The Portland representatives of the same company have also secured the contract


Not a Bird Cage, a Squirrel Cage, a Rat Trap or a Skyrocket-but

A Cycloidal Fan or Blower

for all purposes. The only radical improvement in fans in forty years. Takes up less room, runs at slower speed, requires less power, noiseless in operation.

We guarantee ourCycloidals to equal in capacity any fan built-We bar none-with from 20 to 25 per cent. less speed and power. We build them in all sizes to suit all conditions-hundreds of them in use-not "as good-but better."'


Patentees and Sole Manufacturers


Established 1879


Eastern Sales Agent, L. J. Wing Mfg. Co., 352 W, 13th St., New York Send for Catalogs 110 and 120, just issued

United States Navy

United States Marine Corps
General Electric Company

Eastman Kodak Company

J. P. Morgan & Company Building
Henry C. Frick Residence

H. C. Frick Coke Company

Norfolk & Western Railroad

Shredded Wheat Company

Newport News Shipb'ldg & Dry Dock Co.
Commonwealth Pier, Boston

Girard College High School, Philadelphia

This list selected at random from the purchasers of hundreds of Multivane Fans sold during October, 1913.

EVERY MONTH'S BUSINESS shows an equally representative list of AMERICA'S LEADING INDUSTRIES.


(REG. U. S. PAT. OFF.)

Multivane Fans

are specified and installed by the leading engineers and contractors because of their proven efficiency, their great durability and general satisfactory operation. THE OLDEST AND LARGEST FAN COMPANY IN THE WORLD STANDS BACK OF EVERY STURTEVANT MULTIVANE FAN. The Sturtevant Engineering Organization will co-operate with engineers and contractors in the proper designing of fan systems.

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Please mention THE HEATing and Ventilating MagAZINE when you write.

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