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1789. He commenced business when quite young, as a bookmerchant in Troy, where he now resides. His all was destroyed by fire, and he then commenced the study of the law. But his country becoming involved in a war with Great Britain, he abandoned the law, and accepted a captaincy in the army. He was wounded through both thighs at the battle of Queenstown Heights, and soon thereafter received a commission as major. He was in the battles at Plattsburg on the 6th and 11th of September, 1814. For the gallantry displayed at Beekmantown he was brevetted a lieutenant-colonel. His military talents and high personal character caused him to be retained on the reduction of the army in 1816. He was then made an inspector-general of the Northern Division, and subsequently of the whole army. In General Jackson's administration he was sent abroad to examine the military systems of Europe. In 1841 he was commissioned a brigadiergeneral, and brevetted a major-general in 1848, and full majorgeneral in 1862. He largely contributed to General Taylor's success in the Mexican War, which the latter handsomely acknowledged. When in command on the Pacific, he succeeded in repressing Indian disturbances. When the late civil war became imminent, he offered his services to the Government, and proceeded to New York to organize, equip, and forward volunteers to Washington-sending on the first regiments; and rendered other services during the war. He is spending his old age in Troy, where he is respected and beloved by all who know him. military men have ever rendered better service to their country, or commanded more confidence and esteem. He still remains cheerful and active, and alive to whatever affects the character or interest of the American people. He has no love for office, as such, having declined Democratic nominations for high places.



General Brown was born in Pennsylvania, in 1775, and died in 1828. He was originally a Quaker, and from his eighteenth to his twenty-first year he taught school in New Jersey, and for the next two years he was employed in surveying public lands in Ohio. Subsequently he purchased a large tract of wild land and

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