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Abolition of slavery, petitions for the, presented, 512.
Additional duties on public officers. (See Duties.)
Adjournment, proposition for, submitted, 250; agreed to,

Duties, bill to remit, on certain goods destroyed by fire in
New York, considered and ordered to third read-
ing, 269.

269; amendment by the House considered and Duty bonds, fees on renewal of, resolution of inquiry, 351;
adopted, 469; committee appointed to inform the
President of, 556.

Alabama, resolution to restore jurisdiction to district court
in, 8; amended by including Arkansas, and
agreed to, 9.
Appropriation bill, (general,) received from the House,
amended, passed, and returned to H. R., 553;
returned by H. R. with non-concureence in
amendment, 556; receded from, 556.

Attorneys, district. (See Duty Bonds.)
Bank of United States, report of Committee of Finance on

sundry memorials for the establishment of a, 270;
amendments proposed, 270; motion to postpone,
271; further amendments proposed, 271; reso-
lution adopted, 282.

Banks. (See District.)
Bankruptcy, motion to discharge the committee from that
subject, 533; agreed to 551.

Bonds. (See Duty Bonds.)

Business of the session, the ordinary, to be on the table, 8.
Chaplain elected, 7.

Chaplain, extra compensation to, 556.

Clay, Mr. C. C., credentials of presented, 2.

Committees, motion to appoint standing, 3.

announced, 6.

on Patents, 5.

to inform the President of adjournment, 556..
Congress, convocation of, by proclamation, 2.
Courts, to restore jurisdiction to district, in Alabama and
Arkansas, 8, 9.

resolution to alter time for holding ninth judicial
district, S.

Deposites with the States, bill to postpone fourth instalment
of. (See Fourth Instalment.)

Deposite banks, bill to adjust remaining claims on, report-

ed, 10; considered and amended, 76; passed,
77; returned by House with amendments, 554;
amended and returned to H. R., 556; concurred
in by House, 556.

Dickins, Asbury, elected Secretary of the Senate, 7.
District banks, bill to force the, to resume specie payments,

taken up and considered, 525; proposed amend-
ments agreed to, and bill ordered to be engrossed,
532, 533; passed, 550.

Doorkeeper elected, 2.
Duty bonds, bill authorizing the postponement of the pay-
ment of, reported, 10; considered, 75, 76; or-
dered to third reading, 77; passed, 77; 'amend-
ment by House, 525; concurred in, 551.
Duties, additional, as depositaries in certain cases, bill im-
posing, on public officers, reported, 11; consid-
cred, and amendment proposed, 105; debated,
105 to 269; motion to postpone negatived, 269;
amendment proposed, 282, 310; debated, 310
to 422, 423 to 440, 441 to 469, 470 to 495;
amendments adopted, and bill ordered to third
reading, 496, 497; read third time and passed,
499, 511.


bill reported, 422; considered, 440; laid on the
table, 498; taken up, 512, 513, 514; amend-
ments adopted, 515; ordered to third reading,
516; passed, 518.

Erie, memorial from, praying for M'Adamised turnpike, 5.
Express mail, resolution requiring payment in advance on
all letters sent by taken up, and passed, 512.
Fees of district attorneys, bill regulating, reported, 422;
considered, 440; laid on the table, 498; taken up,
513; amendments proposed and adopted, 513,
514, 515; ordered to a 3d reading, 516; passed,


Finances, report of the Secretary of the Treasury on, extra
copies to be printed, 6.

Finance, report of committee on, 7, 9, 10, 11, 50, 104,


notice of bill designating the funds to be received
in payment of public dues. (See Public Dues.)
Fire, relief of sufferers by. (See New York.)
Fourth instalment of deposite with the States, bill to post-
pone, reported, 7; considered, 9, 10, 11 to 30;
amendments proposed, 30, 31; ordered to 3d
reading, 31; debate on its passage, 31 to 45;
passed, 45; amendment by the House considered,
421; concurred in, 422.

Gales & Seaton's State Papers, resolution to supply mem-
bers with, 552.

Goods and merchandise, bill to authorize, to be deposited
in public stores, reported, 10: considered, 76, 77,
516, 518; motion to postpone negatived, 519;
amendment adopted, 519; again taken up, 522;
motion to postpone negatived, 525; ordered to 3d
reading, 525; passed, 550.

Haight, Stephen, elected sergeant-at-arms, 2.
Indian hostilities, bill making provision for the suppression
of, considered and ordered to a third reading, 269.
Indian hostilities, bill for the suppression of, received from
the House, 553; read the 3d time and passed, 554.
King, Mr., of Alabama, elected president pro tem. of the
Senate, 551.

Madison Papers, bill relinquishing to Mrs. Madison the
copy-right of, reported and ordered to a third
reading, 533; passed, 551; signed, 552.

Mails, (see Express.)
Meeting of the Senate, hour of, fixed, 11, 31, 250, 269,


Merchants' bonds, (see Duty bonds.)

resolution proposed to inquire what fees are due by
law on the renewal of, 351.
Message of President of the United States at opening of
session, communicated, 3.

New York, memorial of merchants of, relating to exten-
sion of revenue bonds, 50.

memorial of merchants and citizens of, for remis
sion of duties upon goods burnt in the fire of
1835, 50.

bill for the relief of sufferers by fire in the city of,
reported, 104; ordered to third reading, 269.

[blocks in formation]

Texas, petitions against annexation of, presented, 160,
406, 533.

Treasury notes, bill authorizing the issue of, reported, 9,
considered, 45 to 49; postponed, 49; again taken
up, 50; amendments proposed, 66, 67, 75; or-
dered to a third reading, 75; passed, 77.
Treasury notes, bill authorizing an issue of, received from
the House, 517; read twice and referred 518;
reported 520; amendment proposed 520; nega-
tived 522; passed 522.

Vice President retires from the chair of the Senate, 551.
Vicksburg, port of entry at, 104.

Wyer, Edward, elected door-keeper, 2.

Warehouse bill. (See Goods and merchandise.)

Yeas and nays on amendment to bill to postpone payment
of fourth instalment to States, 30, 31; on en-
grossing the bill, 31; on passage, 45.
on postponing Treasury note bill, 49.
on amendment to Treasury note bill, 75.
on third reading of Treasury note bill, 75.
on postponing sub-Treasury bill, 269; on passage,


on resolution in relation to the expediency of es-
tablishing a national bank, 271, 282.

on amendment of House to deposite bill, 422.
on amendment to attorneys' fee bill, 515.
on recommitment, 516.

on postponing warehouse bill, 519, 525.
on amendment to same, 519.

on third reading of same, 525.

on amendment to Treasury note bill from the
House, 522.

on passage of same, 522.


[blocks in formation]

Calhoun, Mr., on fourth instalment bill, 7, 10, 14, 29, 34.
on Treasury note bill, 47, 48, 49, 50, 75, 518.

on sub-Treasury bill, 184, 186, 187, 188, 243
250, 326, 437, 440, 469.

on national bank, 271,275.

on warehouse bill, 516, 517, 518, 519, 524.

on attorneys' fee bill, 514.

Clay, Mr., on subscription to Gales and Seaton's State Pa-

pers, 552.

on Indian hostility bill, 553.

on adjusting claims on deposite banks, 555.

Clay, Mr., of Kentucky, on appointment of standing com-
mittees, 3.

on printing President's message, 3.

on Treasury note bill, 45, 46, 47, 521.

on bill to deposite merchandise in public stores, 76.

on sub-Treasury bill, 251, 298.

on national bank, 270, 273.

on attorneys' fee bill, 497, 513, 514.

on warehouse bill, 516, 517, 518, 520, 522, 524,

[blocks in formation]

en District banks, 531.

on adjournment, 469.

Clay, Mr, of Alabama, on restoring jurisdiction to district Kent, Mr., on District banks, 526, 527.

courts, 8, 9.

on Treasury note bill, 47.

on sub-Treasury bill, 501, 511.

King, Mr., of Georgia, on Treasury note bill, 46, 74.
on sub-Treasury bill, 208.

King, Mr., of Alabama, on Treasury note bill, 49.

[blocks in formation]

Gales & Seaton's State Papers and Debates, 552.
Indian hostility bill, 553.

Prentiss, Mr., on presenting abolition petitions, 512.
Preston, Mr., on fourth instalment hill, 31, 42.

national bank, 270, 272, 275, 276.

sub-Treasury bill, 383, 406, 423, 496.
slavery memorials, 406, 512.

Rives, Mr., on fourth instalment bill, 11, 12, 13, 15.
bill, funds to be received for public dues, 49, 77.
sub-Treasury bill, 185, 187, 247, 310.

national bank, 279.

on petitions of John C. Long and Ebenezer Ridge-
way, 552.

on Gales & Seaton's State Papers and Debates, 552.
Roane, Mr., on national bank, 274.

Sevier, Mr., on restoring jurisdiction to district courts, 9;
on district banks, 530.

Smith, Mr., of Connecticut, on national bank, 273.
Sunith, Mr., of Indiana, on sub-Treasury bill, 123.
on District banks, 533.

on bill adjustment claims, on deposite banks, 554.
Southard, Mr., on the sub-Treasury bill, 510.
on bankrupt law, 521.

Strange, Mr., on the sub-Treasury bill, 133, 148, 235,

on District banks, 529, 530, 531.

Tallmadge, Mr., on fourth instalment bill, 30.
on the sub-Treasury bill, 160, 184.
on attorneys' fee bill, 498, 513, 514, 515.
Tipton, Mr., on sub-Treasury bill, 244.
on fourth instalment bill, 421.

Walker, Mr., on fourth instalment bill, 7, 41.
on Treasury note bill, 48, 73, 75.

on resolution port of entry at Vicksburg, 104.
on national bank, 282.

on sub-Treasury bill, 283.

on District banks, 530.

Wall, Mr., on extra pay to officers of the library, 551.
Webster, Mr., on postponing fourth instalment, 7, 11,
13, 15, 25, 28.

on Treasury note bill, 75, 517, 521.
on bill extension merchants' bonds, 75.

on sub-Treasury bill, 311, 332, 361, 485, 493,
495, 510.

on Sunday speech at Baltimore, 510, 511.

on attorneys' fee bill, 351, 440, 498, 514.

on warehouse bill, 519.

on District banks, 531.

on presenting petitions annexation of Texas, 533.
on general appropriation bill, 553.

on Indian hostility bill, 553, 554.

on adjusting claims on deposite banks, 556.

Wright, Mr., on fourth instalment bill, 7, 9, 10, 20, 421.
on Treasury note bill, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 74, 520.
on bill extension merchants' bonds, 76, 525.

on sub-Treasury bill, 441.

on attorneys' fee bill, 498, 515.

on warehouse bill, 516, 517, 518, 520, 523.
on District banks, 526, 530, 533.

on subscription to Gales & Seaton's State Papers,


on Indian hostility bill, 553.

on claims on deposite banks, 554, 555.
on general appropriation bill, 556.
Young, Mr., on District banks, 530.


Abolition of slavery in the District, petitions for the, pre- |
sented, 764, 1355.

Acts of Congress, bill to extend the operation of certain,
passed, 1289.

Adjournment, resolution fixing a day for, 937, 1166.

motion to lay on the table, negatived 1167; amend-
ment to extend time of, to 16th October agreed
to, 1173.

to postpone further consideration of, negatived,
1174; resolution passed, 1174; committee to in-
form the President of, 1728.

Allen, Thomas, elected printer to the House, 582.
Appropriation bill, general, taken up, 1711; amendment
proposed, 1712; concurred in, and bill read a
third time and passed, 1715; amendments pro-
posed by the Senate, concurred in, 1718.
Appropriations for Seminole war, bill making, taken up,
1715; laid aside, 1716; read a third time and
passed, 1717.

Bankrupt law, inexpediency of reporting a, at this ses-
sion, 699.

Bank, national, report of Committee of Ways and Means
on establishing, 801; motion to lay on the table,
negatived, 802; again taken up, 915, 993, 1152;
motion to refer to Committee of the Whole, 1217,
1254; report concurred in, 1259.
Banks, Corporations, &c. resolution calling for corres-
pondence with, in relation to Treasury note bill,
1151; agreed to, 1152.
Bonds, attorneys' fees on, (see Attorneys' fees.)
Boundary, resolution calling for correspondence with
Great Britain in relation to the northeastern,
614; motion to print 5,000 copies President's
message in relation to, 993.

Business of the session, resolution determining what, shall
be taken up, 592; agreed to, 602.
Call of the House ordered 915, 1102, 1103, 1135, 1215,
1257, 1398, 1684.

Attorneys' fees, on bonds, bill regulating, (from the Sen- Carr, Mr., appointed doorkeeper to the House, 566.

ate,) read three times and passed, 1406.

Banks, (see District.)

Bank of Missouri, resolution asking information in relation
to, 628.

Bank, national, petition of citizens of Mount Vernon, Indi-
ana, for a, 697..

Casting vote of Speaker, 1257, 1322.
Chaplain elected, 602.

Claiborne, Mr., declared entitled to his seat, 1217.
Claims against France, prior to 1800, petitions for com-
pensation for, presented, 693,

Clerk of the House, election of, 566.

Committee to wait upon the President and inform him of Fourth instalment of deposites with the States, bill to post-

a quorum, 566; report of, 566.

Committees, standing, announced, 584; motion to release

the, from the consideration of petitions, 592;

agreed to, 602.

Contested election, (see Mississippi.)

Currency, (see District of Columbia.)

Defaulters' accounts, resolution asking information in re-
lation to, 628.

Deposites with the States. (See Fourth Instalment.)
Deposite banks, bill adjusting the remaining claims on the
late, introduced and referred to Committee of the
Whole, 621,

similar bill from the Senate, taken up, 1402.
motion to strike out enacting clause and insert a
substitute, 1402; other amendments proposed,
1403, 1404; debited, 1406 to 1443; again taken
up, 1686 to 1711; amendment proposed, and
agreed to, 1717; bill passed, 1717; amendments
of the Senaie considered, 1719 to 1723; motion
to lay bill and amendments on the table, nega-
tived, 1724; amendment of the Senate concur-
red in, 1724.

District banks, bill to revoke the charters of, introduced, 628,
District of Columbia, bill to restrain the circulation of small
notes in the, taken up, considered, and ordered
to lie on the table, 1541.

Doorkeepers to the House appointed, 566.
Dorsey, Roderick, appointed Sergeant-at-arms, 566.
Duty bonds, bill authorizing postponement of payment of,
introduced, 614; referred to the Committee of
Ways and Means, 615; similar bill from the Sen-
ate taken up, 1397; amendments proposed and
adopted, and the bill reported to the House,
1398; taken up and various amendments pro-
posed, 1398 to 1401; bill read a third time and
passed, 1401.

Duties, additional, bill imposing, on public officers, intro-
duced 619; referred to Committee of the Whole,
substitute proposed by Mr. Garland, of Virginia,
630. (See infra.)

additional, bill (from the Senate) imposing, on pub-
lic officers, taken up, and referred to same Com-
mittee of the Whole as House bill, 1258; again
taken up and debated, 1380 to 1397; motion to
strike out enacting clause and insert substitute,
1397; bill laid aside, 1397; again taken up,
1444 to 1535; amendment rejected, 15:35; sub-
stitute proposed, 1535; debated, 1541 to 1681;
substitute rejected, 1681; bill reported to House,
1681; motion to lie on the table, 1683, carried,
1685; motion to reconsider negatived, 1685;
amendments proposed to, and laid on the table,
1728, 1729.

bill to remit the, on certain goods destroyed by fire
in the city of New York, taken up, 1716.
motion to go into committee on, lost, 1718,

[blocks in formation]

pone the, reported, 602.

bill (Senate) to postpone the, read twice and com-
mitted, 627; reported, 628; taken up, 631; sub-
stitute proposed, 631; debated, 631 to 639; sub-
stitute withdrawn, 640; bill debated, 640 to
664, 668 to 697, 706 to 737, 740 to 764, 772
to 798, 803 to 915, 938 to 992, 999 to 1061,
1066 to 1103; bill ordered to a third reading,
1104; motion to reconsider, 1104; debated, 1115
to 1135; question taken on reconsideration, and
decided in the affirmative, 1136; amendments
proposed and debated, 1136; amendment nega-
tived, 1143; motion to lay bill on the table,
1144; motion to recommit bill and amendments
with instructions, 1144; negatived, 1147; pro-
posed amendment adopted, 1148; bill ordered to
a third reading, 1149; motion to postpone fur-
ther consideration, 1149; bill passed, 1151.
France, petitions for claims on, prior to 1800, presented,

Franklin, Walter S., elected clerk of the House, 566.
Gholson, Mr., declared entitled to his seat, 1217.
Gregory, Sherlock S., memorial of, presented, 614.
Hall of the House, proposition to alter the, 1728.
Hunter, Mr., appointed doorkeeper to the House, 566.
Indian hostilities, bill making additional appropriation for
suppressing, introduced, 628.

Indian hostility bill from the Senate, read twice and com-
mitted, 999.

Jefferson's Manual, 2,000 copies ordered to be printed, 628.
Mails, (see Express)

Meeting of the House, hour of, fixed, 628, 1718.
Members, list of, 558.

Merchants' bonds, (see Duty bonds.)
Merchandise, bill to authorize, to be deposited in public
stores, introduced, 628.

Message of the President of the United States, at opening
of session, 566; debate on the printing 567.
Mexico and Texas, resolution calling for correspondence
between the United States and, 605.

motion to print extra copies of correspondence
with, 1156, 1372; agreed to, 1378.
Mississippi, concerning the rights of members from, to
their seats, 557; resolution in relation to the cir
tificate of, 629, report of committee of elections
on, 799, 994, 1061, 1104, 1175; motion to lay
on table, negatived, 1215; report agreed to, 1217.
Moneys, public, plan for the receipt, custody, and disburse-
ment of, submitted, 1728.

Mount Vernon, Indiana, petitions of citizens of, for a na-
tional bank, presented, 697.

Massi, Joseph, petitions of executors of, for claims on
France prior to 1800, presented, 643.
National Bank, petition for establishment of, presented, 697.
report of Committee of Ways and Means on the
establishing a, 801; motion lay on the table neg-
atived, 802; again taken up 915, 993, 1152,
1165; motion to refer to Committee of the Whole,
1217, 1254; report concurred in, 1258.

| Newspapers, motion to supply, adopted, 567.
New York sufferers by fire, (see Duties.)
Northeastern boundary, motion to print 5,000 extra of
President's message in relation to, 993.

Officers of the House, election of, 506.

Order, decisions of, 610, 614, 628, 676, 699, 771, 772,

798, 907, 992, 1101, 1115, 1116, 1120, 1163,
1169, 1170, 1221, 1222, 1257, 1271, 1321,
1351, 1355, 1376, 1379, 1684, 1685, 1696,
1707, 1719, 1722, 1723.

Pay of members in specie, resolution of inquiry in relation
to, 583, 585, to 592.

Pay of members, memorial to reduce the, presented, 619.

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