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The everburning fire

Vesta's temple.

The Vestals.

Their duties and privileges.

The story of


Per annōs multōs Rōmānī omnes erant agricolae; in vallibus greges custodiebant (guarded) et, ubi nox aderat, compellebant eōs ad colles (hills). In domiciliīs manēbant feminae et ignem servabant. Difficile enim erat novum ignem facere.

Quia Vesta, dea Romana, custos erat foci, eam Rōmānī colebant et ei post annōs multōs templum ē marmore (marble) albō in Forō dedicăvērunt (dedicated). Quod templum parvum et rotundum (round) pictura nostra ostendit (Cf. p. 81). Ignis sacer in templō Vestae servābātur, quo in loco focus erat civitātis Rōmānae.

Puellae annōrum fermē sex (about six years old) à Pontifice Maximo (the Pontifex Maximus) dēligebantur et XXX (triginta) annōs in Atriō (Hall) Vestae habitabant. Eae appellabantur Vestālēs.

Fidae erant Vestālēs et amābantur. Eis honōrēs tribuēbantur. Trīginta annōs, ut (as) dīximus, in Atrio Vestae habitabant; tum eis licebat Ātrium Vestae relinquere et domicilia prīvāta repetere. Infidae Vestālēs - perpaucae (very few) Infidae erant - semper puniēbantur et ad mortem condemnabantur (were condemned).

Olim Tuccia, bona et fida Vestālis, accusābātur (was being accused). Inimīcī eius dīxērunt, "Non est bonae virtutis." Tuccia autem (however) Vestam implōrāvit. Dea benigna virginī (maiden) auxilium dedit et mīrāculō (miracle) auxilium manifestum (manifest) fecit. Nam dum Tuccia cribrum (sieve) aqua complet et aquae plēnum cribrum supra caput tollit, deae auxilio aqua in crībrō mānsit.

Dulce et decōrum est prō patriā mori. (Horace)
Sweet and seemly it is to die for fatherland



298. Suggestions for Study. Review carefully, testing your speed on the starred words.

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299. 1. Dī immortālēs dolorem graviorem meo patri dedērunt quam tuō, nam omnes amīcōs iam āmīsit.

2. Interim barbari è castris contrā Romānōs ēducti erant; primum acerrimo animo pugnabant; rex enim ipse inter prīmōs militēs stābat et consilia


prudentia dabat.

3. Hae nāvēs in omnēs maris partes pervenient summa cum celeritāte; nāvēs enim multo sunt omnibus animalibus celeriōrēs.

4. In summo monte hostēs nostrī castra posuerunt; itaque propter magnam montis altitudinem ad haec castra non possumus ascendere.

5. Omnesne mentis dolōrēs vincuntur magnitudine animi?

6. Gravi aegritudine hic civis non potest esse turris sacrae custōs; eumne igitur ad urbem Romam remittemus?

7. Licebitne hanc multitudinem virōrum privātōrum ob verba audacia punire?

8. Olim multo erat difficilius quam nunc facere ignem novum ; magna igitur diligentia in Vestae templo ignis sacer semper colebātur.

Tuccia Lifting the Sieve 9. Hunc ignem colere habēbātur honor summus; multae puellae esse Vestales cupiebant; Vestālēs reliquas Romānās et virtute et potestate superabant.

10. Iudex iniquus iussit Tucciam primo cribrum aqua complère, deinde hoc cribrum aquae plenum super caput tollere; hic labor certe satis difficilis erat.

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301. In Algebra the term equation (Latin aequatio, from aequo, I make equal) is an expression of equality; and in Biology the nerves which bear (Latin ferō, I bear) the nervous impulse to (Latin ad-, af-, to) the brain are called afferent, while efferent nerves bear the nervous impulse from (Latin ē-, ex-, ef-, from) the brain. And in science generally most technical terms are derived from Latin (or Greek).1

1 Scientists in America, England, France, Germany, Russia, and elsewhere, are continually studying different plants and animals. For their

Observe carefully the following terms used in (4) Algebra

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respiration respīrō, I breathe back; Breathing in and out.

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The following terms used in one or the other of these sciences are from Latin: annual, bacillus, bivalve, coefficient, deciduous, duct, equation, factor, insoluble, integer, involuntary, motor nerves, perennial, primary, sensory, simultaneous, subtract, vaccine, valve, voluntary,

Reason out the meanings. Consult an English dictionary, if necessary.

Exercise. On a page of the notebook place these terms of Latin origin used in Algebra and Biology, and add others as you meet them.

convenience Latin names are usually adopted in advanced scientific works. Thus the English or house sparrow is called Passer domesticus, and the American elm, Ulmus americāna, so that scientists of different countries may always use the same terms.

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