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2. Write

302. Preliminary Review. -1. Write the comparison of the following adjectives and their adverbs: firmus, longus, liber, aeger. the comparison of: ācer, facilis, prūdēns, audāx.

303. Adverbs from Adjectives of the Third Declension. The Positive adverb regularly ends in -ter added to the stem; all stems being treated as i-stems except those in -āx and -ns, the latter of which lose the i of the stem. Thus acer, m., acris, f., acre, n., sharp, acriter, sharply; fortis, m. f., forte, n., brave, fortiter, bravely; audāx, m. f. n., bold, audacter, boldly; prūdēns, m. f. n., prudent, prūdenter, prudently.

The Comparative adverb regularly ends in -ius added to the base of the Positive adjective, thus: acrius, more sharply; fortius, more bravely; audācius, more boldly; prudentius, more prudently.

The Superlative adverb regularly ends in -issimē added to the base, thus fortissimē, most bravely. But all adjectives in er form their Superlative adverb by adding -rimē to the masculine form of the Positive, thus: ācerrimē most sharply; and the six adjectives in -lis, with their Superlative adjective in -limus, form their Superlative

1 Cf. 289-facilis, easy; difficilis, difficult; similis, like; dissimilis, unlike (also humilis, humble, gracilis, slender, which are not

adverb by adding -lime to the base of the Positive, thus: facillimě, most easily.

The comparison of adverbs from Third Declension adjectives is also given on page 321.

304. Certain adjectives have irregular comparison :

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used in this book). The Positive adverb of facilis is facile, easily (neut. Acc. sing. used as an adv.); cf. prīmum, at first. The Positive adverb of difficilis is difficulter, with difficulty

1 plūs is used as a neuter noun or as an adverb. In the plural it is an adjective.

2 magnopere = magnō opere (Abl. of opus, work), Ablative of Manner; magis and maximē express degree, and are used to compare adjectives in -ius and -eus, thus magis dubius, more doubtful; maximē idōneus, most suitable.


Suggestions for Study. -1. Practice for accuracy and speed. 2. Write the comparison of these irregular adjectives and their adverbs, marking long vowels and the accent.

306. Derivation Exercise. Examine the following English words related to these irregular adjectives and adverbs, determine the exact meaning of each, and use each in an English sentence: benefactor, benefit, beneficent, beneficiary, malefactor, malevolent, major, majority, maximum, minor, minority, minimum, plural, plurality.

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308. A. 1. Maiōra castra illae tres legiōnēs bene defenderunt; minora tamen ab hostibus facillime sunt expugnata. 2. Acriter et fortiter Rōmānī proelium committebant; improvisō dē nūbibus multitūdō avium ad terram descendit; omnes militēs magnopere timebant; hoc modo finis proelio celeriter datus est. 3. Servōs armare erat exemplum pessimum; sed consules animos civium male intellegebant. 4. Plūrimi domini cum servis in agris diligentissimē labōrant; illi ā servis magnopere diliguntur. 5. Numquam meliorem custōdem illius pontis invenies quam filium amīcī mei prudentissimum..

B. 1. Our leader is diligently fortifying the city, for the enemy cannot now be easily driven from our boundaries. 2. Often the best men are disturbed by pain of body and soul more seriously than the most wicked. 3. This diligent woman, whose husband was fighting with Caesar, very prudently had plowed all her field. 4. This little boy hurled the weapon much more boldly than did that larger slave. 5. Who will understand Cicero's words more easily, more quickly, than the best citizens of Rome?

309. Derivation Exercise, Type III. Find for the notebook six English words related to vincō. After each write an English sentence in which the word is correctly used, and insert this exercise, when approved by the teacher, in the notebook.


Androclus is matched against an

African lion.

The strange conduct of the lion.



In Circo Maximō homines cum animālibus saepe pugnabant. Inter quae ōlim erat leō immānis (huge). Cum hōc leōne Androclum servum pugnare dominus crūdēlis (cruel) iusserat et spectātōrēs multi aderant; qui spectabant leōnem magna cum admirātiōne (astonishment) et dicebant, "Hodie Androclus cum illō leōne pugnābit, sed leōnem occidere non poterit. Numquam enim immaniōrem leōnem vīdimus."

Leo postquam Androclum vidit, prīmum spectabat eum, deinde ad eum accessit et caudam (tail) blande (in a friendly way) movebat, tum ad pedes Androcli recubuit. Quod spectātōrēs intellegere non poterant; itaque dicebant "Mirum (strange) est, ille leō et ille homō sunt amīcī!"


Androclus receives the

lion and his freedom.

Tum Androclus de leōne narravit: "In Africa in agris labōrābam. Quia dominus meus crūdēlis erat, fūgi in montes et in cavernam (cave) vēni. Nōn multo post in eandem cavernam vēnit hic leō, cui pes ūnus cruentus (bloody) erat. Pedem cruentum leo ostendit, in quo invēnī stirpem (thorn) ingentem. Quem extrāxī (pulled out) et vulnus siccāvī (stanched). In eadem cavernā nos, leō et homo, habitābāmus. Dum in silvis errō, à militibus tandem captus ex Africa in Italiam tractus sum."

Haec dixit Androclus.

Ei libertas data est et leō. In urbe saepe Androclus cum leōne ambulabat; quos ubi populus vīdit, exclamabat, "Hic est leō amicus hominis, hic est homo medicus leōnis."

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