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Actuaries, consulting, regulate profession (Int. 608)..
Adirondack Fish Hatchery (Int. 1144)..1688, 1888, 1946, 2107
Adirondack Park, bonds (Rec. 533).
Agricultural Experiment Station, new buildings (Int. 313). 141
1038, 1217, 1229, 2020
Agriculture, school of, at Canton (Rec. 73).........241, 478

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.112, 149


(Int. 455) Prosecutions for penalties.....245, 519, 554

(see Rec. 292)

(Int. 516) Commissioner of Agriculture...317, 519, 554

(see Rec. 293)

(Int. 603) Contagious diseases. .398, 519, 613, 628, 639

1132, 1204


(Rec. 152) Adulterated cream
(Rec. 163) Moneys from penalties....421, 706, 826, 976
(Rec. 204) Renovated butter. .482, 707, 1061, 1062, 1216
1226, 1285

(Rec. 232) Adulterated evaporated apples. .499, 1249, 1593

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(Rec. 292) Prosecutions for penalties. 554, 613, 667
(Rec. 293) Commissioner's powers....554, 613, 674, 755
775, 840

(Rec. 294) Shipping milk and cream. .554, 706, 744, 821
1009, 1012, 1124

(Rec. 382) Butter fat tests.....

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679, 1364, 1574

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Agricultural laws, to amend - Concluded.


(Int. 864) Adulterated foods
(Rec. 531) Analysis of fertilizers...958, 1249, 1594, 1794
(Rec. 532) Fertilizer materials ....958, 1249, 1594, 1835
(Rec. 552) Unsanitary milk cans. .965, 1253, 1594, 1834
(Rec. 592) Sale of apples, etc....1031, 1249, 1594, 1796

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2170, 2300


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1613, 1737, 1881, 2176


(Rec. 915) Contagious diseases, dairy employees.2005, 2093

Albany, city of:


(Int. 44) Price of gas....22, 462, 522, 536, 548,

(Int. 45) Price of electricity.



.22, 463

(see Rec. 187)

(Int. 249) Superintendent of almshouse...100, 185, 200

202, 422, 478, 550

(Int. 303) Teachers' retirement fund....138, 1258, 1355
1406, 1561, 1747


(Int. 304) Orphan Asylum boundary line. . 139, 259, 293
311, 446, 551
(Rec. 54) Teachers' retirement fund.....208, 1037, 1105
(Rec. 72) Superintendent of almshouse..
(Int. 628) Police pensions.....416, 560, 593, 628,
(Rec. 187) Price of electricity. ....455, 463, 488,
(Int. 726) Jurisdiction of City Court....
(Int. 755) Fare on bridge...552, 758, 1091, 1247, 1308
1886, 1935

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(Rec. 311) Young Men's Association.......581, 919, 980
Rec. 355) Police pension fund..
(Rec. 468) Court costs

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Albany, county of:


(Int. 559) Contract with Traction Co.346, 566, 593, 627

(Rec. 262) Contract with Traction Co..
Alliance Francaise de New York (Int. 187).
(Rec. 76) To incorporate..

Amsterdam, city of:

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.241, 405, 443, 475


(Int. 634) Revise charter

(Int. 635) Repaving streets

(Rec. 726) Repaving streets

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1289, 1337, 1542
Apportionments, review of (Int. 1010)..1120, 1266, 1293, 1442
1813, 2040, 2105, 2255, 2303

Apportionment of Senate districts (Int. 1178).2055, 2113, 2163

Appropriations, general:

(Int. 53) Hospital buildings

(Int. 72) Deaf-Mutes' Institution at Rome.

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2205, 2222

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(Int. 183) Niagara Reservation.78, 792, 895, 928, 1274
4) Attorney-General ....78, 97, 121, 123, 167
(Int. 213) Quarantine station, Swinburne Island... 84
1037, 1077, 1105, 2108
(Int. 216) Quarantine station, Hoffman Island. .84, 1037
1077, 1106, 2108

(Int. 229) Senate and Assembly.....92, 118, 121, 122
(Int. 250). New State prison.....100, 1219, 1330, 1439

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(Int. 273) Brooklyn armory
(Rec. 20) Hospital buildings..164, 257, 327, 358, 378

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165, 177

(Rec. 24) Senate and Assembly.
(Rec. 25) Publication of session laws...165, 383, 410
(Rec. 26) Excise refunds ....165, 385, 459, 470, 615
(Rec. 27) Publication of concurrent resolutions......165
383, 459, 470, 615
(Rec. 38) Common schools....196, 558, 592, 596, 705

713, 878

Appropriations, general- Concluded:

(Int. 444) Canal repairs.


.239, 635, 661

(see Rec. 193)


(Rec. 83) Annual appropriations...290, 585, 821, 840
863, 1139, 1152, 2162, 2261, 2290
(Int. 530) Promotion of agriculture...
(Rec. 193) Canal repairs.....556, 661, 805, 817, 877
(Rec. 283) Adirondack Park bonds. 534, 847, 1019, 1836
(Rec. 288) Deceased Assemblymen, salaries.....535, 790

(Rec. 291) Charitable institutions. 535, 1039, 1215, 1220
1314, 1368, 1569, 1809, 2296, 2299
(Int. 851) Highway repairs...683, 793, 807, 808, 1350
(Int. 913) Insane hospitals. 801, 1468, 1619, 1661, 2018
(Int. 943) Hospital for crippled children..
(Rec. 519) State Engineer, highways. ...889, 946
(Rec. 521) Canals
...889, 1041, 1045

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(Rec. 580) Agriculture
(Rec. 620) Agriculture....1120, 1489, 1590, 1838, 1941

(Int. 1033) Money from racing.

2267, 2292


(Rec. 689) Supply bill....1211, 1576, 1745, 1810, 2199
(Int. 1090) Extension forest preserve...1371, 1465, 1487
1538, 1814


(Rec. 802.) Money from racing..
(Int 1110) Court of Claims, awards....1478, 1706, 1764

1862, 2018

(Int. 1111) Court of Claims, canals.....1479, 1720, 1764
1862, 2018

(Rec. 877) Unexpended balances.. .1729; 1767, 1998
(Rec. 953) Interest on highway bonds.
(Rec. 954) Highway improvement fund......2130, 2131
(Rec. 955) Interest on canal debt.
(Rec. 956) Interest on canal debt..

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2130, 2131

.2130, 2132

.2130, 2132

(Rec. 960) Deaf-mutes at Rome, Institution for... 2160
(Rec. 970) Prisons and prison hospitals. 2196, 2197, 2226
(Rec. 984) Tower rooms of Capitol.. ..2306, 2316
(Rec. 988) Expenses of Senate and Assembly..2324, 2333

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