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" Secondly, That he shall, at the time of his application to be admitted, declare on oath or affirmation, before some one of the courts aforesaid, that he will support the constitution of the United States, and that he doth absolutely and entirely renounce... "
Acts Passed at the First Session of the 1st Congress - 3d Session of the ... - Страница 164
написао/ла United States - 1796
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The Laws of the United States of America, Том 3

United States - 1796 - 620 страница
...fupport TO reyiimuce furmer aiiegiunce. Tnfupport the conftitution of the United States ; and that "A"U~ he doth abfolutely and entirely renounce and abjure...fidelity to every foreign prince, potentate, ftate or fovereicrnty what' ' '. ' i_ • ever, and particularly byname, the prince, potentate, ftate or fovereignty,...
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The History of the Administration of John Adams, Esq., Late ..., Издање 1

John Wood - 1802 - 560 страница
...affirmation, that he will support the constitution of the United States ; and that he doth absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to every foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty whatever; and particularly to name the prince, potentate, state or sovereignty,...
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An Abridgement of the Laws of the United States: Or, A Complete Digest of ...

William Graydon - 1803 - 730 страница
...courts aforesaid, t!uthe will support the constitution of the united states, and that he doth absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to every foreign piince, potentate, state or sovereignty whatever, and particularly, by name, the prince, potentate,...
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The Laws of the United States of America. ...

United States - 1804 - 454 страница
...fuch court is at the time held ; and on his dedaring on oath, or affirmation, that he will fupport the conftitution of the United States, and that he...renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, ftate, or fovereignty whatever, and particularly, by name, the prince,...
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A Valuable Assistant to Every Man: Or, The American Clerk's Magazine ...

Samuel Freeman - 1805 - 316 страница
...admitted, declare on oath or affirmation, before fome one of the courts aforcfaid, that he will fupport the conftitution of the United States, and that he...allegiance and fidelity to every foreign prince, potentate, fLue or fovereignty whatever, and particularly, by name, the prince, potentate, ftate or fovereignty...
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A Compendium and Digest of the Laws of Massachusetts, Том 1,Део 1

Massachusetts, William Charles White - 1809 - 220 страница
...aforesaid, that he will support the constitution of the United States, and that he doth absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to every foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty whatever, and particularly, by name, the prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty,...
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A Selection of All the Laws of the United States, Now in Force, Relative to ...

John Brice - 1814 - 606 страница
...aforesaid, that lie will support the constitution of the United States, and that he doth absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to every foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty whatever* and particularly, by name, the prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty...
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Law Miscellanies: Containing an Introduction to the Study of the Law: Notes ...

Hugh Henry Brackenridge - 1814 - 608 страница
...alk-giance, and admit him to become a citizen ? We expressly exact from him that he shall "absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to every foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty whatever, and particularly by name, the prince, potentate, state or sovereignty...
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An Alphabetical Digest of the Public Statute Law of South-Carolina, Том 1

South Carolina, Joseph Brevard - 1814 - 620 страница
...aforesaid, that he will support the Constitution of the United States, and that he doth absolutel}' and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to every foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty whatever, and particularly, by name, the prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty...
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British and Foreign State Papers

Great Britain. Foreign Office, Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office - 1829 - 1062 страница
...affirm) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the United States of America, and that I do entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to every Foreign Prince, Potentate, State, or Sovereignty whatever, and particularly to the King of Spain." Sec. 2. And be it further enacted,...
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