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there be no lieutenant-governor, such vacancy shall be filled for the remainder of the term at the next general election happening not less than three months after such vacancy occurs; and in any such case, until the vacancy be filled by election, the temporary president of the senate, or if there be none, the speaker of the assembly shall become governor until the first day of the political year next succeeding the election at which the office of governor shall be filled. If the office of governor be vacant and the lieutenant-governor be under impeachment, or unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office of governor or be absent from the state, the temporary president of the senate shall act as governor during such inability, absence or the pendency of such impeachment. If the temporary president of the senate be unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office of governor or be absent from the state the speaker of the assembly shall act as governor during such inability or absence.

Section 8. The lieutenant-governor shall receive for his services an annual salary of five thousand dollars, and shall not receive or be entitled to any other compensation, fee or perquisite, for any duty or service he may be required to perform by the constitution or by law.

Section 9. Every bill which shall have passed the senate and assembly shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the governor; if he approve, he shall sign it; but if not, he shall return it with his objections to the house in which it shall have originated, which shall enter the objections at large on the journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such reconsideration, twothirds of the members elected to that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent together with the objections to the other house by which it shall likewise be reconsidered; and if approved by two-thirds of the members elected to that house, it shall become a law notwithstanding the objections of the governor. In all such cases, the votes in both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the members voting shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the governor within ten days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the legislature shall, by its adjournment, prevent its return, in which case it shall not become a law without the approval of the governor. No bill shall become a law after the final adjournment of the legislature, unless approved by the governor within thirty days after such adjournment. If any bill presented to the governor contain several items of appropriation of money, he may object to one or more of such items while approving of the other portion of the bill. In such case, he shall append to the bill, at the time of signing it, a statement of the items to which he objects; and the appropriation so objected to shall not take effect. If the legislature be in session, he shall transmit to the house in which the bill originated a copy of such statement, and the items objected to shall be separately reconsidered. If on reconsideration one or more of such items be approved by two-thirds of the members elected to each house, the same shall be part of the law, notwithstanding the objections of the governor. All the provisions of this section, in relation to bills not approved by the governor, shall apply in cases in which he shall withhold his approval from any item or items contained in a bill appropriating money.


Section 1. On or before the fifteenth day of November in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixteen and in each year thereafter the head of each department of the state government except the legislature and judiciary, shall submit to the governor itemized estimates of appropriations to meet the financial needs of such department, including a statement in detail of all moneys for which any general or special appropriation is desired at the ensuing session of the legislature, classified according to relative importance and in such form and with such explanation as the governor may require.

The governor, after public hearing thereon, at which he may require the attendance of heads of departments and their subordinates, shall revise such estimates according to his judgment.

Itemized estimates of the financial needs of the legislature certified by the presiding officer of each house and of the judiciary certified by the comptroller shall be transmitted to the governor before the fifteenth day of January next succeeding for inclusion in the budget without revision but with such recommendation as he may think proper.

On or before the first day of February next succeeding he shall submit to the legislature a budget containing a complete plan of proposed expenditures and estimated revenues. It shall contain all the estimates so revised or certified and shall be accompanied by a bill or bills for all proposed appropriations and reappropriations, clearly itemized; it shall show the estimated revenues for the ensuing fiscal year and the estimated surplus or deficit of revenues at the end of the current fiscal year together with the measures of taxation, if any, which the governor may propose for the increase of the revenues. It shall be accompanied by a statement of the current assets, liabilities, reserves and surplus or deficit of the state; statements of the debts and funds of the state; an estimate of its financial condition as of the beginning and end of the ensuing fiscal year; and a statement of revenues and expenditures for the two fiscal years next preceding said year, in form suitable for comparison. The governor may, before final action by the legis lature thereon, amend or supplement the budget.

A copy of the budget and of any amendments or additions thereto shall be forthwith transmitted by the governor to the comptroller.

The governor and the heads of such departments shall have the right, and it shall be their duty when requested by either house of the legislature, to appear and be heard in respect to the budget during the consideration thereof, and to answer inquiries relevant thereto. The procedure for such appearance and inquiries shall be provided by law. The legislature may not alter an appropriation bill submitted by the governor except to strike out or reduce items therein; but this provision shall not apply to items for the legislature or judiciary. Such a bill when passed by both houses shall be a law immediately without futher action by the governor, except that appropriations for the legislature and judiciary shall be subject to his approval as provided in section nine of article four.

Neither house shall consider further appropriations until the appropriation bills proposed by the governor shall have been finally acted on by both houses; nor shall such further appropriations be then made except by separate bills each for a single work or object, which bills shall be subject to the governor's approval as provided in section nine of article four. Nothing

herein contained shall be construed to prevent the governor from recommending that one or more of his proposed bills be passed in advance of the others to supply the immediate needs of government.


Section 1. There shall be the following civil departments in the state government: (1) law, (2) finance, (3) accounts, (4) treasury, (5) taxation, (6) state, (7) public works, (8) health, (9), agriculture, (10), charities and corrections, (11) banking, (12) insurance, (13) labor and industry, (14) education, (15) public utilities, (16) conservation and (17) civil service. Section 2. (1) The head of the department of law shall be the attorneygeneral. He shall be elected at the same time and for the same term as the governor.

(2) The head of the department of finance shall be the comptroller. He shall be elected at the same time and for the same term as the governor. Excepting the powers of examination and verification of accounts vested in the department of accounts, he shall have the present powers and duties of the comptroller, subject to the authority of the legislature to increase, modify or diminish the same.

(3) The head of the department of accounts shall be the commissioner of accounts. He shall have power to examine and verify all accounts showing the financial transactions of the state and its several departments and officers. He shall also make such special examinations and reports as from time to time may be required by resolution of either house of the legislature.

(4) The head of the department of the treasury shall be the treasurer. (5) The head of the department of taxation shall be a state tax commission. (6) The head of the department of state shall be the secretary of state. He shall be the keeper of the great seal and of the records and archives of the state, shall issue writs of election and certify the results.

(7) The head of the department of public works shall be the superintendent of public works. He shall have the construction, care, maintenance and operation of the state's public works, including canals, highways, and all public buildings not from time to time assigned by law to any other department, and shall provide for the needs of the several state departments in engineering and architecture.

(8) The head of the department of health shall be the commissioner of health.

(9) The head of the department of agriculture shall be the commissioner of agriculture.

(10) The head of the department of charities and corrections shall be the secretary of charities and corrections. He shall have power of inspection and supervision of all state charitable institutions, state hospitals for the insane, state prisons and other state correctional institutions.

(11) The head of the department of banking shall be the superintendent of


(12) The head of the department of insurance shall be the superintendent of insurance.

(13) The head of the department of labor and industry shall be an industrial commission or commissioner as may be provided by law. Commissioners shall be appointed by the governor by and with the advice and consent of the senate.

(14) The department of education shall be administered by the university of the state of New York. The chief administrative officer of the department shall be appointed by the regents of the university.

(15) The department of public utilities shall consist of two public service commissions. Commissioners shall be appointed by the governor by and with the advice and consent of the senate. The governor may remove any commissioner for cause after service upon him of a written statement of the alleged cause and an opportunity to be heard thereon. Until the legislature shall otherwise provide, the existing commissions are continued with the jurisdiction and powers at present vested in them.

(16) The department of conservation shall be under the direction of the conservation commission.

(17) The department of civil service shall be under the direction of a civil service commission consisting of three commissioners. They shall be appointed by the governor by and with the advice and consent of the senate, for terms of six years, and shall be so classified that one shall go out of office at the end of every two years. The governor may remove any commissioner for cause after service upon him of a written statement of the alleged cause and an opportunity to be heard thereon. The commission shall take care that the provisions of this constitution relating to civil service and of laws enacted thereunder are faithfully observed and enforced.

Section 3. At the session imediately following the adoption of this Constitution, the Legislature shall provide by law for the appropriate assignment, to take effect not earlier than the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, of all the civil administrative and executive functions of the State government, except those of assistants in the office of the Governor, to the several departments in this article provided. Subject to the limitations contained in this Constitution the Legislature may from time to time assign by law new powers and functions to departments, officers, boards or commissions continued or created under this Constitution, and increase, modify or diminish their powers and functions. No specific grant of power herein to a department shall prevent the Legislature from conferring additional powers upon such department. No new departments shall be created hereafter. Any bureau, board, commission or office hereafter created except assistants in the office of the Governor shall be placed in one of the departments enumerated in this article. The elective State officers in office at the time this Constitution takes effect shall continue in office until the end of the terms for which they were elected. Pending the assignment of the civil administrative and executive functions by the Legislature pursuant to the direction of this section, the powers and duties of the several departments, boards, commissions and offices now existing are continued. Subject to the power of the Legislature to reduce the number of officers, when the powers and duties of any existing office are assigned to any department, the officers exercising such powers shall continue in office in such department, and their term of office shall not be shortened by such assignment.

Section 4. The heads of all the departments and the members of all commissions unless otherwise provided in this Constitution shall be appointed by the Governor and may be removed by him in his discretion.

Section 5. The attorney-general and comptroller may be removed from office by impeachment in the same manner as the governor.

A vacancy in the office of attorney-general or of comptroller shall be filled for the remainder of the term at the next general election happening not less than three months after such vacancy occurs. Until the vacancy be so filled by election, the governor, or if the senate be in session, the governor by and with the advice and consent of the senate, may fill such vacancy by appointment which shall continue until the first day of the political year next succeeding the election at which such office may be filled. The compensation provided by law for each of such officers shall not be increased or diminished during the term for which he shall have been elected and he shall not receive to his use any fees or perquisites of office or other compensation.

Section 6. All appointed heads of departments shall be subject to impeachment in the same manner as the governor or they may be removed by the senate by vote of two-thirds of all the members elected thereto. A vacancy occurring in a board or commission appointed by and with the advice and consent of the senate for a fixed term shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as an original appointment, except that a vacancy occurring or existing while the senate is not in session shall be filled by the governor by appointment for a term expiring at the end of twenty days from the commencement of the next meeting of the senate.

Section 7. The lieutenant-governor, speaker of the assembly, secretary of state, attorney-general, comptroller, treasurer and superintendent of public works shall constitute the canal board and be the commissioners of the land office and the commissioners of the canal fund.

Section 8. This article shall not apply to the military or naval affairs or forces nor to property from time to time devoted to military or naval purposes.


Section 1. The department of conservation shall consist of nine commissioners to serve without compensation and to be appointed by the governor by and with the advice and consent of the senate for terms which shall expire in nine successive years, the first ending on the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, and their successors shall be appointed for terms of nine years. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term. One commissioner shall reside in each judicial district. No person shall be eligible to or shall continue to hold the office of commissioner, who is engaged in the business of lumbering in any forest preserve county or who is engaged in any business in the prosecution of which hydraulic power is used or in which water is distributed or sold under any public franchise or who is an officer or holder of the stock or bonds of any corporation engaged in such business within the State. They shall be subject to removal by the Governor on charges, after an opportunity to be heard. Subject to the limitations in this Constitution contained, the department shall be charged with the development and protection of the natural resources of the State; the encouragement of forestry and the suppression of forest fires throughout the State; the exclusive care, maintenance and administration of the forest preserve; the conservation, prevention of pollution, and regulation of the waters of the State; the protection and propagation of its fish, birds, game,

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