of bonds and investments bonds and notes which are then legal investments under the annually list provisions of clause Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth A or Seven- notes which teenth. Said list shall at all times be open to public inspection are legal and a copy thereof shall be sent to every savings bank. In for savings the preparation of any list which the commissioner is required Expert assistto furnish, he may employ such expert assistance as he deems ance. proper or may rely upon information contained in publications which he deems authoritative in reference to such matters; and he shall be in no way held responsible for the Not responsible omission from such list of the name of any state, municipality omissions from or corporation the bonds or notes of which conform to the list, etc. provisions of this section, or of any bonds or notes which so conform, nor shall he be held responsible for the inclusion in such list of any such names or bonds or notes which do not so conform. Approved February 8, 1928. AN ACT REDUCING THE MAXIMUM AGE FOR SENTENCE AND Be it enacted, etc., as follows: for certain Chap. 28 amended. SECTION 1. Section thirty-one of chapter two hundred G. L. 279, § 31, and seventy-nine of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking out, in the first line, the word "forty" and inserting in place thereof the word: - thirty, so as to read as follows: - Section 31. A male under thirty years of age, Persons punnot previously sentenced for felony more than three times, Massachusetts convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment in the state reformatory. prison or in a jail or house of correction may be sentenced to the Massachusetts reformatory. District courts and trial justices shall have the same jurisdiction to sentence such person to said reformatory as they have to sentence him to such jail or house of correction. amended. Massachusetts SECTION 2. Section twenty-three of chapter one hundred G. L. 125, § 23, and twenty-five of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking out, in the third line, the word "forty" and inserting in place thereof the word: - thirty, - so as to read as follows: - Section 23. The Massachusetts reformatory at Purposes of Concord shall be the reformatory prison for the common- reformatory. wealth in which all male persons under the age of thirty convicted of crime in the courts of the commonwealth or of the United States, and duly sentenced or removed thereto, shall be imprisoned and detained in accordance with the sentences or orders of said courts and the rules and regulations of said reformatory. Not retro SECTION 3. This act shall become operative on September when first of the current year, but it shall not affect any sentence operative. imposed prior to said date or any commitment made there- active. under. Approved February 8, 1928. Chap. 29 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE CONGREGATION OF THE SISTERS OF SAINT JOSEPH OF SPRINGFIELD TO ESTABLISH IN THE The Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Spring- field, a religious and educational corporation incorporated to religion and sound morals and for their general education, and for other charitable and religious purposes, is hereby authorized and empowered, in extension of its present powers, to conduct and maintain in the city of Chicopee a college for the higher education of women to be called "College of Our Lady of the Elms", and to provide therein instruction in such of the languages and of the useful and liberal arts and sciences as the directors of said corporation shall from certain degrees. time to time determine; and said corporation is further authorized to confer at such college such degrees as are usually SECTION 1. The town of Millis may, upon such terms and for such considerations as the board of selectmen of said town may determine, convey the whole or any part or parts of certain park land in in said town within a district bounded northwesterly and northerly by Curve street, northeasterly by Union street, southeasterly by other park land of said town, southerly and southwesterly by land of the Safepack Mills and westerly by the land of Everett L. Coldwell; and may, upon the terms and for the considerations aforesaid, grant an easement or easements in or over any part or parts SECTION 2. This act shall be submitted for acceptance to the voters of said town at its next annual town meeting and shall take full effect upon its acceptance by a majority of the voters voting on the question; but, for the purpose of AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TO Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Chap. 31 Section four of chapter seventy-one of the General Laws G. L. 71, § 4, is hereby amended by inserting after the word "year" in the amended. eleventh line the words: unless specifically exempted as to any one school year by the department because of epi demic or other emergency, , so as to read as follows: to main Section 4. Every town containing, according to the latest Certain towns census, state or national, five hundred families or house- tain high holders, shall, unless specifically exempted by the depart- schools, etc. ment and under conditions defined by it, maintain a high school, adequately equipped, which shall be kept by a principal and such assistants as may be needed, of competent ability and good morals, who shall give instruction in such subjects as the school committee considers expedient. One Length of or more courses of study, at least four years in length, shall school year. be maintained in such high school and it shall be kept open for the benefit of all the inhabitants of the town for at least one hundred and eighty days, exclusive of vacations, in each school year, unless specifically exempted as to any one school Exemption. year by the department because of epidemic or other emergency. Each high school maintained by a town required to belong to a superintendency union shall be conducted in accordance with standards of organization, equipment and instruction approved from time to time by the department. Approved February 9, 1928. AN ACT RELATIVE TO THE LOCATION OF THE REGIS COLLEGE Chap. 32 FOR WOMEN IN THE TOWN OF WESTON. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter thirty-four of the acts of nineteen 1927, 34. hundred and twenty-seven is hereby amended by inserting amended. after the word "Newton" in the seventh line the words: and in the town of Weston, - so as to read as follows: The Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Boston, The Congregaa religious and educational corporation, incorporated under of the general law on the twenty-fifth day of March, eighteen hun- Saint Joseph dred and eighty for the purpose of training children to religion establish The and sound morals and for their general education, is hereby for women in authorized and empowered, in addition to its present powers, the city ond to conduct and maintain in the city of Newton and in the in the town town of Weston a college for the higher education of women to be called The Regis College for Women, and to provide therein instruction in such of the languages and of the useful and liberal arts and sciences as the directors of said corporation shall from time to time determine, subject to such regu Sisters of Boston may Regis College of Weston. confer certain degrees. lations as the department of education shall impose; and said corporation is hereby further authorized to confer at such college such degrees as are usually conferred by colleges in this commonwealth, except medical degrees and degrees of bachelor of laws. When operative. SECTION 2. This act shall be operative as of the effective date of chapter thirty-four of the acts of nineteen hundred and twenty-seven. Approved February 9, 1928. Chap. 33 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF BUCKLAND TO CONTRIBUTE Town of Proviso. TOWARD THE COST OF MAINTAINING A FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. The town of Buckland may annually appropriate a sum of money not exceeding seven hundred dollars and pay the same to the treasurer of the Arms Library Association, which maintains a free public library in the town of Shelburne, as a contribution by said town of Buckland toward the cost of maintaining said library; provided, that the inhabitants of the town of Buckland have free use of said library. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Chap. 34 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TABOR ACADEMY TO HOLD addi The Tabor Academy may hold additional property. TIONAL PROPERTY. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: The Tabor Academy, incorporated by chapter one hundred and fifty-three of the acts of eighteen hundred and ninety, is hereby authorized to hold property for the purposes of said corporation to an amount not exceeding two million dollars. Approved February 13, 1928. Chap. 35 AN ACT PROHIBITING THE USE OF TRAWLS IN CERTAIN WATERS IN BUZZARD'S BAY DURING THE MONTHS OF MARCH, APRIL Use of trawls in certain waters in Buzzard's during months of March, April and May, prohibited. Penalty. When operative. AND MAY. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. No person shall draw, set, stretch, use or maintain any trawl between March first and May thirtyfirst, both dates inclusive, in any year, in the waters lying northerly and easterly of a line drawn from Angelica Point in the town of Mattapoisett to the entrance of West Falmouth harbor. Violation of this act shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty nor more than fifty dollars. SECTION 2. This act shall become operative on the first day of March in the current year. Approved February 13, 1928. AN ACT AUTHORIZING MUNICIPAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR CER- Chap. 36 TAIN TRAVELING AND OTHER EXPENSES OF MUNICIPAL Be it enacted, etc., as follows: etc., new Section five of chapter forty of the General Laws, as G. L. 40, $ 5, amended, is hereby further amended by adding after clause clause after (33), inserted by chapter one hundred and sixteen of the cl. (33). acts of nineteen hundred and twenty-six, the following new clause: certain travel (34) For the necessary expenses of municipal officers Cities and and employees of any particular department incurred outside make approthe commonwealth in securing information upon matters priations for in which the city or town is interested or which may tend to ing and other improve the service in such department, if such appropriation expense is specified to be and is limited to such expenses incurred officers and as aforesaid. Such expenses may also be incurred anywhere within the commonwealth and in such case shall be chargeable against any appropriation made for the ordinary maintenance of the department incurring the same. AN ACT Approved February 13, 1928. employees, etc. RELATIVE TO EXPENDITURES BY THE TOWN OF Chap. 37 MARBLEHEAD FOR MUNICIPAL ADVERTISING PURPOSES. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: may annually certain sum advertising SECTION 1. The town of Marblehead may annually Town of appropriate a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars for the Marblehead purpose of advertising the advantages of the town, with appropriate a special reference to its facilities for summer vacation, recrea- for municipal tion and seashore purposes; provided, however, that as to purposes. each such appropriation a sum equal to the amount thereof Proviso. shall previously have been raised by public subscription and paid into the town treasury to be expended for the aforesaid advertising purpose. The money so appropriated by the To be expended town and so raised by subscription shall be expended under of board the direction of the board of selectmen. under direction of selectmen. acceptance by SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its acceptance Effective upon by a majority of the voters of the town of Marblehead present voters, etc. and voting thereon at any special or regular town meeting; and for the purpose only of being submitted to the voters of said town as aforesaid, this act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved February 14, 1928. AN ACT RELATIVE TO EXPENDITURES BY THE TOWN OF Chap. 38 ROCKPORT FOR MUNICIPAL ADVERTISING PURPOSES. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. The town of Rockport may annually ap- Town of propriate a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars for the Ragkont may annually |