deposit in one or more banks or trust companies organized Management under the laws of the commonwealth or of the United States; retirement provided, that the sum on deposit in any one bank or trust system. company shall not exceed ten per centum of the paid-up capital and surplus thereof. (5) The retirement board may, in its discretion, transfer to or from the Pension Accumulation Fund the amount of any surplus or deficit which may develop in the reserves creditable to the Annuity Reserve Fund or the Pension Reserve Fund, as shown by actuarial valuation. (6) Except as otherwise provided herein, no member and no employee of the retirement board shall have any direct interest in the gains or profits of any investment made by the retirement board, nor as such receive any pay or emolument for his services. No member or employee of the board shall, directly or indirectly, for himself or as an agent, in any manner use any of the securities or other assets of the retirement board, except to make such current and necessary payments as are authorized by the retirement board; nor shall any member or employee of the retirement board become an endorser or surety or in any manner an obligor for moneys loaned by or borrowed from the retirement system. (7) Each member of the retirement board, and the treasurer of the city in his capacity as custodian of the several funds shall severally give bond for the faithful performance of his duties in a sum and with sureties or surety approved by the board of aldermen. EXEMPTION OF FUNDS FROM TAXATION AND EXECUTION. taxation and SECTION 17. The pensions, annuities and retirement Exemption of allowances and the accumulated deductions and the cash funds from and securities in the funds created by this act are hereby execution. exempted from any state, county or municipal tax of this commonwealth, and shall not be subject to execution or attachment by trustee process or otherwise, in law or in equity, or under any other process whatsoever, and shall be nonassignable except as specifically provided in this act. RECEIPT OF BOTH RETIREMENT ALLOWANCE AND SALARY FORBIDDEN. for services to etc. SECTION 18. No beneficiary of the retirement system Beneficiaries shall be paid for any service, except service as a juror and not to be paid such service as he may be called upon to perform in the police city, except, or fire department in a time of public emergency, rendered by him to the city after the date of the first payment of any retirement allowance hereunder, except as provided in section nine of this act, and except as further provided in this section. Notwithstanding the above provision, a beneficiary may May be be employed, for periods of not exceeding one year at a time, employed for with the approval of the mayor and board of aldermen, and exceeding one may receive compensation from the city for the services so etc. periods not year at a time, G. L. 152, § 36, 1 Proviso. Jurisdiction of supreme judicial court. Certain rights Inconsistent rendered; provided, that the annual rate of compensation paid, together with the retirement allowance received, shall not exceed the regular compensation of the said beneficiary at the time of retirement. RIGHT OF APPEAL. SECTION 19. The supreme judicial court shall have jurisdiction in equity upon the petition of the retirement board or any interested party or upon the petition of not less than ten taxable inhabitants of the city to compel the observance and restrain any violation of this act and the rules and regulations authorized or established thereunder. TENURE UNAFFECTED. SECTION 20. Nothing contained in this act shall affect the right or power of the city or other duly constituted authority in regard to demotion, transfer, suspension or discharge of any employee. INCONSISTENT ACTS. SECTION 21. Any of the provisions of chapters one hunacty applicable dred and thirty-eight and one hundred and thirty-nine of the ployees entitled Special Acts of nineteen hundred and seventeen and of sec only benefits thereof on effective date of act. tions forty-four, forty-five and seventy-seven of chapter thirty-two of the General Laws, which may be inconsistent herewith, and any other acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith, shall, on and after the effective date of this act, apply only to such employees of the city as are, on said Certain provi- effective date, entitled to the benefits thereof. Nothing sions of law Effective upon herein contained shall be construed as affecting the provisions of sections forty-nine to sixty, inclusive, or of section ninetytwo, of chapter thirty-two of the General Laws. DATE ACT EFFECTIVE. SECTION 22. This act shall take effect upon its acceptance by the mayor and board of aldermen of the city. (The foregoing was laid before the governor on the twentysecond day of May, 1928, and after five days it had "the force of a law", as prescribed by the constitution, as it was not returned by him with his objections thereto within that time.) Chap.356 AN ACT RELATIVE TO PAYMENTS UNDER THE WORKMEN'S amended. Payments under work men's compensation law for certain specific injuries. COMPENSATION LAW FOR CERTAIN SPECIFIC INJURIES. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Chapter one hundred and fifty-two of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking out section thirty-six and inserting in place thereof the following: - Section 36. In case of the following specified injuries the amounts hereinafter named shall be paid in addition to all other compensation: work (a) For the loss by severance of both hands at or above the Payments wrist, two thirds of the average weekly wages of the injured under compenperson, but not more than ten dollars nor less than four dol- sation law for lars a week for a period of one hundred and seventy-five injuries. weeks. (b) For the reduction to twenty seventieths of normal vision in both eyes, with glasses, two thirds of the average weekly wages of the injured person, but not more than ten dollars nor less than four dollars a week for a period of one hundred and fifty weeks. (c) For the loss by severance of both feet at or above the ankle, two thirds of the average weekly wages of the injured person, but not more than ten dollars nor less than four dollars a week for a period of one hundred weeks. (d) For the loss by severance of the right or major hand at or above the wrist, two thirds of the average weekly wages of the injured person, but not more than ten dollars nor less than four dollars a week for a period of seventy-five weeks. (e) For the loss by severance of the left or minor hand at or above the wrist, or of either foot at or above the ankle, two thirds of the average weekly wages of the injured person, but not more than ten dollars nor less than four dollars a week for a period of fifty weeks. (f) For the reduction to twenty seventieths of normal vision in either eye, with glasses, two thirds of the average weekly wages of the injured person, but not more than ten dollars nor less than four dollars a week for a period of fifty weeks. (g) For the loss by severance at or above the second joint of the thumb of the right or major hand, two thirds of the average weekly wages of the injured person, but not more than ten dollars nor less than four dollars a week for a period of forty weeks. (h) For the loss by severance at or above the second joint of the index finger of the right or major hand, two thirds of the average weekly wages of the injured person, but not more than ten dollars nor less than four dollars a week for a period of twenty weeks. (i) For the loss by severance of one phalange of the thumb of the right or major hand, two thirds of the average weekly wages of the injured person, but not more than ten dollars nor less than four dollars a week for a period of twenty weeks. (j) For the loss by severance at or above the second joint of two or more fingers of the same hand which, in the case of the left or minor hand, may include the thumb, or of two or more toes of the same foot, two thirds of the average weekly wages of the injured person, but not more than ten dollars nor less than four dollars a week for a period of twenty-five weeks, for each hand or foot so injured, but no compensation shall be payable under this paragraph on account of injury to the right or major hand in case one or more phalanges of the thumb of that hand or two or more phalanges of the index finger of that hand are lost by severance. certain specific Payments under work injuries. law for (k) For the loss by severance of at least one phalange of any men's compen- finger, or of the thumb of the left or minor hand, or of any sertain specific toe, two thirds of the average weekly wages of the injured person, but not more than ten dollars nor less than four dollars a week for a period of twelve weeks, for each hand or foot so injured, but no compensation shall be payable under this paragraph for the loss by severance of one or more phalanges of the thumb of the right or major hand or for the loss by severance of two or more phalanges of the index finger of the right or major hand. (1) The additional amounts provided for in this section in case of the loss of a particular hand, foot, thumb, finger, toe or phalange shall also be paid for the number of weeks above specified if the injury is such that that hand, foot, thumb, finger, toe or phalange is not lost but so injured as to be permanently incapable of use. Approved May 29, 1928. Chap.357 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC SIGNS, LIGHTS, Emergency preamble. G. L. 81, § 1, etc., amended. MARKINGS, SIGNAL SYSTEMS AND REGULATIONS. Whereas, The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public safety and convenience. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter eighty-one of the General Laws, as amended in section one by section one of chapter fiftyseven of the acts of nineteen hundred and twenty-three and by chapter one hundred and seventy-six of the acts of nineteen hundred and twenty-six, is hereby further amended by striking out said section one of said chapter eighty-one and General duties inserting in place thereof the following: - Section 1. The of department of public works. Preparation and sale of maps, etc. Information relative to road building materials, etc. department of public works, in this chapter called the department, shall compile statistics relative to the public ways of counties, cities and towns, and make such investigations relative thereto as it considers expedient. It may be consulted by, and shall without charge advise, officers of counties, cities or towns having the care of and authority over public ways as to their construction, maintenance, alteration or repair; but such advice shall not impair the legal duties and obligations of any county, city or town. It shall prepare maps of the commonwealth on which shall be shown county, city and town boundaries, the public ways and the state highways, with their names if practicable, and may sell such maps or other maps prepared by it from time to time in connection with the work under its charge relative to highways at such prices and on such conditions as it may determine. It shall collect and collate information relative to the geological formation of the commonwealth so far as it relates to materials suitable for road building, the location of which it shall, so far as practicable, designate on said maps, which shall be open to the inspection of officers of counties, cities and towns having the care of and authority over public ways. It shall give public notice of and hold Certain public at least one public meeting annually in each county for the open discussion of questions relative to the public ways. meetings, etc. main SECTION 2. Chapter eighty-five of the General Laws is G. L. 85, § 1, hereby amended by striking out section one and inserting amended. in place thereof the following: - Section 1. Except as Cities and otherwise provided in section two, every city and town shall tandirection erect and maintain on the ways therein, except state high- signs, etc. ways and ways under the control of the metropolitan district commission, at such places as are convenient for the direction of travelers and at forks or intersections of ways which lead to adjoining cities or towns, direction signs, upon which shall be stated the name of the city, town or place to which each such way leads, and the distance to the same. SECTION 3. Said chapter eighty-five is hereby further G. L. 85, § 2, amended by striking out section two and inserting in place amended. thereof the following: Section 2. The department of Department of public works, in this chapter called the department, shall may erect and erect and maintain on state highways and on ways leading signs, lights, thereto, and on all main highways between cities and towns, markings, such direction signs, warning signs or lights, curb, street or etc. other traffic markings, mechanical traffic signal systems and similar devices as it may deem necessary for promoting the public safety and convenience. No such signs, lights, markings, signal systems or devices shall be erected or maintained on any state highway by any authority other than said department except with its written approval as to location, shape, size and color thereof and except during such time as said approval is in effect. No rule, regulation, Regulations, order, ordinance or by-law of a city or town hereafter made etc., of cities or promulgated relative to or in connection with such signs, tive to signs, lights, markings, signal systems or devices on any way effective until within its control shall take effect until approved in writing approved by by said department or be effective after said approval is revoked. Said department, after a public hearing and with Rules and the approval of the governor and council, may from time direct, govern, to time make, alter, rescind or add to rules and regulations etc., movement to direct, govern and restrict the movement of vehicles on state highways. all state highways and to carry out the purposes of section nine of chapter eighty-nine on highways, including state highways, which are designated thereunder by said department as through ways, with penalties for the violation Penalty for thereof not exceeding twenty dollars for each offence; violation. provided, that nothing in this section shall be construed to Proviso. give said department the power to regulate the speed at which motor vehicles may be operated on such public ways. The superior court shall have jurisdiction in equity to enforce Court enforcethe provisions of this and the preceding section and any rule ment of or regulation made thereunder or to enjoin the violation thereof. Said department may, after notice, revoke any Revocation approval granted under this section. public works maintain traffic signal systems, and towns rela etc., not department. regulations to of vehicles on provisions. of approval. |