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prefents a petition from the in-
habitants of Derby, 372
Commercial credit, Report con-
cerning it, 692
Commiffioners,, names of thofe ap-
pointed to manage the five
millions in aid of the commer-
cial credit of the country, 369
Committee of Supply, 47, 85---
of Ways and Means, 156-
names of gentlemen compofing
that appointed to confider the
ftate of the impeachment against
Mr. Haftings, 589
Converfations refpecting a motion
of adjournment on account of
the delayed appearance of Mr.
Sheridan, 1-concerning Stu-
art's Divorce bill, 69-on the
point of receiving petitions,
372, 373-on the Hurlington
Hundred bill, 535-relative to
irregularities committed under
pretence of fearching for fea-
men, 523 on the East-India
Annuity bill, 547-on the re-
port of the Committee for em-
powering the King to prohibit
the exportation of corn, 647
-on the motion of Mr. Saluf-
bury for leave to bring in a bill
for the better preventing of
bribery and corruption at the
election of Members to ferve
in Parliament, 548-on the re-
folution moved by Mr. Pitt,
that te fum of 675,000l. be
raifed by a lottery, 549-rela-
tive to the circumflance of poft-
poning bufinefs of magnitude
and public importance, 586
Cricklade el tion, report in con-
tequence of an investigation of
its merits, 71

Curtis, Mr. Alderman, moves for
referring to a Committee the
petition of the City of London
respecting a duty upon coals,
Curwen, Mr. prefents a petition
from the inhabitants of Mon-
trofe, 374



-on the motion from
Mr. Sheridan for an addrefs to
the King for the ftate of com-
munications received concern-
ing feditious practice, 2, 35-
on the report of the Committee
on the affairs of India, 40-
refpecting the abfence of Mem-
bers, and the infliction of pe-
nalties upon them as defaul-
ters, 42-on the petition of the
City of London refpecting the
duty on coals, 67-on the bill
to prevent traitorous correfpon-
dence, 71-in a Committee of
Supply, 85-respecting the li-
mitation, regulation, and ap-
plication of the produce of tolls
in bills for making and main-
taining navigable canals, 97-
concerning the flave trade, 98
-on the fecond reading of the
traitorous correfpondence bill,
99, 119, 151—in the Commit-
tee of Ways and Means, 156-
on the traitorous correfpon-
dence bill, 165, 168, 175, 176,
184, 313-on the bill to pre-
vent the working of the canals
in the time of the corn harvest,
202—on the bill to prevent
bribery and corruption in the
borough of Stockbridge, 205,
210, 364-on Viscount Field-
ing's intended propofitions re-
fpecting the employment of the
militia abroad, 214-concern-
ing the renewal of the charter
of the Eaft-In Company,
226, 361-refpecting the me-
morial prefented to the States
General, 284-concerning the
caufes of the embarraffments of
commercial credit, 313, 371,
343-concerning the petition
from the inhabitants of Shef-
field, 345-on the subject of a
petition prefented by Mr. Grey
from certain perfons refident in
and near London, 375—on the
motion, from Mr. Whitbread,

that a Committee be appointed
to inquire into certain facts
which took place at Dover un-
der the authority of an order
of Council, 527-on the Eaft-
India Government and Trade
bill, 536-on the motion, from
Sir James S.nclair, for the cfta-
blishment of a Board of Agri-
culture, 550-on the bill for
regulating the government and
trade of India. 353, 565-on a
motion, from Mr. Wilberforce,
for the Houfe to refolve itself
into a Committee to confider of
a motion for preventing the
fupply of foreign powers with
flaves, 561-on the motion for
reading the order of the day
for receiving the report of the
Committee for disfranchifing
certain electors of the borough
of Stockbridge, 585-on a
meffage from the Lords rela-
tive to proceeding upon the
trial of Mr. Haftings, 587-
on another meffage propofed to
be fent for deferring the trial,
592, 600-on the motion, from
Mr. Burke, that the Managers
do prepare a statement of their
proceedings on the trial, 601-
on the motion of Mr. Wharton
refpecting the exercife of the
executive authority, 612-on
the Farnham Hop bill, 620,
632-on the motion of Mr.
Grey that the proceedings on
the trial of Mr. Haftings might
be poftponed until the next
feffion of Parliament, 621-on
the motion, from Mr. Burch,
for a lift of the neceffary arms
in the Tower, 634-on the
motion of Mr. Whitbread that
a paragraph in a newspaper
called "The World" contains
reflections of a very grofs and
fcandalous nature, and is a li-
bel on the Managers appointed
by the Houfe to conduct the
impeachment depending against

Governor Haftings, 637-on
the motion, from Mr. Fox,
for an addrefs to the King to
pray that, taking certain cir-
cumftances into confideration,
he would employ meatures for
procuring peace on terms con-
fiftent with the profefled ob-
jects of the war, 664
Derby, its inhabitants present a
petition, 372

-on a

Divifions on the point of either
excufing or punishing defaul-
ters. 44 on the commitment
of the petition from the City
of London refpecting a duty
upon coals, 69-on a claufe in
Stuart's divorce bill, 70-0
motion concerning the appli-
cation of tolls in navigable ca-
nal bills, 97 on the question
for going into a Committee on
the traitorous correspondence
bill, 119 on a question rela-
tive to the prefervation or
omiffion of words in the claufe
of the traitorous correfpondence
bill which makes it treafon to
procure fomne particularly enu-
merated articles, 156-on the
motion of Mr. Pitt for raifing
4,500,cool. by annuities, 163--
on leaving out certain words in
a claufe of the traitorous cor-
refpondence bill, 166-on an
amendment in another clause,
167, 171-on a motion, from
Mr. Adam, for bringing up a
claufe in the traitorous corre-
fpondence bill, 184-on the
paffing of this bill, 201-on
the motion for leave to bring
in a bill to prevent bribery at
the future election of Members
to ferve in Parliament for
Stockbridge, 208-on the mo-
tion of Mr. Sheridan refpecting
the memorial prefented by the
British and Imperial Minifters
to the States General, 313-
on a refolution concerning the
government and trade of India,

343-on the point of receiving
the Sheffield petition, 350, and
alfo the Birmingham petition,
360-on the Stockbridge inca-
pacitating bill, 365-on a mo-
tion, from Mr. Stanley, for the
adjournment of a debate, 413
-on the queftion for referring
the petition prefented by Mr.
Grey from certain perfons refi-
dent in and near London, 507
-on motions, from Mr. Wil-
berforce, refpecting the flave
trade, 540, 541-on a claufe
to enable the King to appoint
two additional Commiffioners
for the management of the af-
fairs of India, 561-on the mo-
tion, from Mr. Wilberforce,
for the Houfe to refolve itfelf
into a Committee to confider of
a motion for preventing the
fupply of foreign powers with
flaves, 561, 563-on a claufe
in the Eat-India bill, 568, 571,
the motion for reading
the order of the day for receiv
ing the report of the Commit-
tee on the bill for disfranchi-
fing certain electors of the bo-
rough of Stockbridge, 596-
on a motion for deferring the
continuance of the trial of Mr.
Haftings to a future day, 600
-on other fimilar motions, 606

on the motion of Mr. Whar-
ton refpecting the exercife of
the executive authority, 616-7
on a propofition from Mr. Est-
wick to compenfate perfons
who may fuftain loffes in con-
fequence of the flave bill paf-
fing into a law, 617-on the
motion, from Mr. Grey, that
the proceedings on the trial of
Mr. Haftings may be poftpo-
ned until the next feffion of
Parliament, 628-on the mo-
tion of Mr. Dundas for a delay
in proceeding upon the trial of
Mr. Haftings, 632 -on the
motion for a Committee on the

flave bill, 637-on the motion,
in the debate on the conduct of
the Archbishop of York, for
an adjournment, 649-on the
motion of Mr. Fox to addrefs
the King, and pray that, ta-
king certain circumstances into
confideration, he would employ
meafures for procuring peace
on terms confiftent with the
profeffed objects of the war,

Dumbarton, petition prefented
from it, 374

Duncomb, Mr. prefents a petition
from the inhabitants of Shef-
field, 345

Dundas, Mr. Sec. moves feveral
(paffing) refolutions with re-
fpect to the finances and expen-
diere of the Eaft-India Com-
pany, 35-delivers a meffage
from the King concerning the
employment and pay of his
electoral troops, ibid.-pro-
pofes his refolutions on the fub-
ject of the renewal of the char-
ter of the Eaft-India Company,
253-fpeaks, and moves, as a
refolution of the Committee,
that the duties now payable on
coals,culm,and cinders, brought
coaftways into any port or ports
of that part of Great Britain
called Scotland, do cease, deter-
mine, and become no longer
paid, 543 moves for a delay
in proceeding upon the trial of
Mr. Haflings, 632-moves, in
a debate on the conduct of the
Archbishop of York, that the
Houfe do adjourn, 641-
moves for leave to bring in a
bill for regulating and ordering
a militia in Scotland, 651
Dundee prefents a petition for a
reform, 45

Dunleven, its inhabitants prefent
a petition, 368
Durham, petition from its inha
bitants 360


Edinburgh, petition prefented
from it. 374
Elliot, Mr. brings up and ftates
the report of the Committee on
the Stockbridge election, 94-
moves for a bill to prevent in
future bribery and corruption
in the election of Members to
ferve in Parliament for that
borough, 94, 96-moves for
reading the order of the day
for receiving the report of the
Committee on the bill for dif-
franchising certain electors of
Stockbridge, 585

Erkine, Mr. prefents a petition
from the inhabitants of Hud-
dersfield, 374



Farnham hop bill, debate con-
cerning it, 632
Fox, Mr. prefents a petition from
the inhabitants of Westminster,
praying to be relieved from
the additional duties on coals,
40-moves, in a debate on the
queftion that the bill for regu-
lating the commerce and trade
of India be read a third time,
an amendment, propofing that,
inftead of the words "
thoufand eight hundred and
eleven," the words "fourth
of March, one thoufand feven
hundred and ninety-cight" be
inferted, being four years, the
fame period which he (Mr.
Fox) had fixed upon as necef-
fary in making an experiment
under his own bill, 574-gives
notice of his determination to
call the attention of the House
to the prefent war, and to move
for an inquiry into the reafon
for its continuance on our part,
after the object for which we
entered into it was obtained,
637-fpeaks and moves for an
addrefs to the King, praying
that, taking certain circum-
ftances into confideration, he
would employ meatures for

procuring peace on terms con-
fiftent with the profeffed objects
of the war, 652, 664
Francis, Mr. prefents a petition
from the inhabitants of London
and Westminster, 372


Gafcoyne, Mr. prefents a petition
from the Mayor and Corpora-
tion of Liverpool refpecting
the ftagnation of trade, 208
Glasgow prefents a petition for a
reform in Parliament, 45, 367
Grey, Mr. prefents a petition
from the inhabitants of Aln-
wick, 368, and from certain
perfons in and near London,
375-moves that this last be
reterred to a Committee, 386
-fpeaks, and moves for poft-
poning the proceedings on the
trial of Mr. Haftings until the
next feffion of Parliament, 621


Hamilton, its inhabitants present
a petition, 368
Haftings, Governor, debates and
motions relative to his trial,
587, 590, 591, 592, 600, 601,
621, 628, 632
Heathfield, Lord, motion for e-
recting, in St. Paul's Cathe-
dral, a monument to his me-
mory, 652
Hobart, Mr. presents a petition
from the inhabitants of Nor-
wich, 372-moves for leave to
bring in a bill to permit goods
and commodities of the growth
and manufacture of Afia, Afri-
ca, and America, legally im-
ported into Ireland, to be im-
ported from thence, under cer-
tain regulations, into Great
Britain, 546
Huddersfield, petition prefented
from it, 374
Hurlington Hundred bill, con-
verfation refpecting it, 535
Hufley, Mr. moves for an ad-

journment of the debate on the
Stockbridge Bribery bill, 204

Jekyll, Mr. moves for printing
a report concerning falaries and
fees of office, 650
Irvine, petition prefented from it,


Kenfington, Lord, apologises for
his abfence, 43-is excufed,

King, motion from Mr. Sheridan
to addrefs him for the commu-
nications concerning feditious
practices, 19-fends a meflage
to the Houfe refpecting the efli-
mate of the charge attending the
employment of his Electoral
troops for the affiflance of the
States General of the United
Provinces, 35-motion from
Mr. Sheridan, to addrefs him
for a copy of the memorial pre-
fented to the States General by
the British and Imperial Mini-
fters, 219-and farther upon
this fubject, 299-motion from
Sir John Sinclair, to addrefs
him for an establishment of a
Board of Agriculture and Im-
provement, 544-fends a mef-
fage, by Mr. Pitt, relative to
the farther continuance of the
penfion in the family of Lord
Rodney, 591-motion, from
Mr. Windham, to addrefs him
for a compenfation to Mr.
Mudge, as a reward for his in-
vention for the improvement of
time-keepers, 652-from Sir
Watkin Lewes, to pray that
he would order monuments to
be erected to the memory of
Lords Rodney and Heathfield,
652-motion, from Mr. Fox,
to addrefs him, and pray that,
taking certain circumftances
into confideration, he would
employ measures for procuring
peace on terms confiftent with
the preteffed objects of the

war, 664-his fpeech on pro-
roguing the Parliament, 689
Kirkintullock, its inhabitants pre-
fent a petition, 369


Lambton, Mr. presents a petition
from the city of Durham, 360'
-and from the inhabitants of
the county of Perth, 374
Lanark prefents a petition for a
reform, 45

Linlithgow, county of, petition
from its inhabitants, 375
Liverpool, Mayor and Corpora-
tion of, prefent a petition rela
tive to the ftagnation of com-
merce, 208-converfation re-
fpecting its credit bill, 369
London and Weftminster, their
inhabitants present a petition,
372-another petition pre-
fented from certain perfons in
or near it, praying for a reform
in Parliament, 375
Lord Advocate of Scotland speaks

and moves for leave to bring in
a bill, requiring an oath of ab-
juration and declaration from
His Majefty's Roman Catholic
fubjects in Scotland, 224


Macleod, Colonel, prefents a pe-
tition, from Dundee, for a re-
form, 45-and another from
Kirkintullock, 369,-and o-
thers from the inhabitants of
Edinburgh, Irvine, Strathaven,
county of Roxburgh, Linlith-
gow, and Anstruther, 374-
Memorial prefented by the British
and Imperial Ministers to the
States-General, 287
Merchants prefent a petition.
against the prohibition of in-
furance of fhips and goods be-
longing to the French, 184
Minority, lift of that on the mo-
tion of Mr. Grey, for a reform
in Parliament, 588
Montrofe, petition from its inha-
bitants, 374

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