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BUENOS AIRES. The governor of Buenos Ayres, spect to moral considerations, with respect to princiin a recent address to the national convention, as-ples-a Bourbon reigns over Spain. Spain has, by a sembled in that city for the purpose of forming a new glorious expedition, secured the reign of that king. Would union between the provinces, makes the following al- it be moral, would it be conformable to the princilusions to the course adopted by this country and ples which we respect, and which we shall always Great Britain, in relation to the South American go- respect, i hope, because these principles are the safeguard of nations, as well as governments, that France "We have discharged a great national debt with should recognize, in spite of Spain, and contrary to the United States of North America. That republic, the protestation of her government, the independent which has presided, from its birth, over the civiliza-existence of these colonies? But let us look farther. tion of the new world, has solemnly recognised our Would this recognition be for the interest of the independence. It has, at the same time, made an country? No, gentlemen, France, conformably to appeal to our national honor, supposing us capable to her principles and her interests, is called on to play the contend, arm to arm, with the Spanish power; and it most elevated and honorable part, that of mediatrix, has, moreover, constituted itself guardian of the field and to that, all her efforts will be directed. of combat, by refusing to permit any other nation to I declare that our agents were never charged with lend assistance to our rival. any thing beyond acting as mediators, and certainly, a government may exhibit its policy publicly when it is so clear and frank."

"Great Britain, released from its engagements to the allied powers, has adopted, in respect to the American states, a conduct, noble and truly worthy of a people, the most civilized, the most free, and, consequently, the most powerful, in Europe. The solemn recognition of the independence of the new states will be a consequence of the new principles which she has proclaimed; and you may be assured, that this important event, as far as the provinces of Rio de la Plata are concerned, depends mainly on the manner in which they shall show themselves as a national body, and on the capacity of maintaining the good institutions they already possess."

COLOMBIAN CAPTURES. It will be remembered, (says the Baltimore Federal Gazette), that some time ago several captures of property, belonging to the citizens of the United States, were made by vessels sailing under the Venezuelian flag; and it gives us pleasure to state that the reclamation for captures illegally made by those privateers, have been recently and satisfactorily settled by the government of Colombia. The following cases are allowed, and funds placed in the United States for their payment:

The Tiger and cargo, of Salem.

Schooner Liberty and cargo, of Philadelphia.
Cargo of the brig America, of Philadelphia.
Josephine and cargo, of Philadelphia.
Minerva, of Massachusetts; cargo of the Minerva,
insured in Philadelphia.

PROGRESS OF REASON. Though there are several principles adopted in the constitutions of some of the new southern republics that we cannot approve of, and especially those libertycide, if not blasphemous provisions which go to establish a particular sect as a privileged class, on account of their blindly adhering to religious tenets, still, where so much was to be done, to get rid of kingcraft and priestcraft, we cannot but feel gratified in seeing how much has been accomplished: and be rendered more willing to wait with patience, until the progress of reason shall laugh such things into contempt. The following intelligence will shew what is doing in Mexico.

By Mexican papers received at New York, it appears, (says the editor of the Evening Post), that, on the 9th of April the congress had abolished all titles of nobility throughout the confederation. A strong disposition also prevailed to curtail the power of the priests; and the following circumstance is mentioned to show that their influence is on the decline. The public execution of a criminal took place at Tampico. He had assassinated five men before, and thought to have escaped after the sixth; but it was otherwise. According to a superstitious and an abominable rite of the Spanish Roman Catholic church, an offender, after the commission of a crime, by absconding into the church previous to his capture by his pursuers, is

Not only have principal and interest been allow-exempted from suffering death, be the crime what it ed, but liberal damages for the unlawful captures.

may. This wretch acted accordingly; he ran instantaneously to the church after murder, was confessed,

conjunction with the culprit, confidently asserted that it would be an utter impossibility to execute him.After appealing, however, to both civil and ecclesiastical courts, sentence of death came down, ratified by congress and the president; in consequence of which he was publicly shot. This was the first effort of the priests that had ever been bailled in Tampico.

FRANCE AND THE NEW REPUBLICS. A very interest-and, it was supposed, absolved by the priest, who, in ing debate took place in the chamber of deputies on the 11th of May, as it regards the intention of the French government in relation to South America. The debate was on the budget, and when the item for the foreign department was under consideration, general Foy adverted to the situation of South America. The remarks of this gentleman called up M. de Villele, and it will be seen, from his arguments, that, so long as Spain shall refuse to recognize the independence of her former colonies, so long will France, as a point of political etiquette, equally abstain from doing so. The following was the reply of the French minister: "Should we have imitated the example of England? (Profound silence). Should we, like England, have recognized the independence of the Spanish colonies? I demand of the speaker, if France, with respect to these colonies, is in the same position as England, either in point of commercial interest or principles? And first, as to the first point, England, since 1807, is in possession of the protectorate of that commerce, and she has, I will not say millions, but thousands of It appears that, in consequence of some base specumillions, embarked in that country. France has only lations entered into by emigrants with others, it has entered into that commerce within these few years, been found necessary, (sooner than was otherwise and it does not exceed thirty millions of imports and intended), to discontinue the payment of the price of sixteen millions of exports. You see that the differ- their passage. Verbal information, relating to this ence is great between these two positions. With re-subject, had reached the United States, before the

NEWS FROM HAYTI. From the Genius of Universal Emancipation. To the politeness of the rev. Loring D. Dewey, who has recently returned from Hayti, the editor of the Genius of Universal Emancipation is indebted for the Port au Prince Telegraph, of May 1st, 1825. This is the Official Government Gazette; and, the number alluded to, contains a notice from secretary Inginac, to those concerned in promoting the emigration of our colored people to that island, of a new arrangement made by the government, relative to their future accommodation, &c.

the United States, and all others who may be in a situation to receive emigrants on board their vessels for transportation to Hayti, are informed, by the present notice, which shall be inserted three months in the Official Gazette, that no one may pretend igno. rance as an excuse, that the government of the republic will pay no expense whatever for passage of said emigrants, after the 15th of June, of the present year, 1825.

arrival of the gentleman aforesaid, and the report, as p Therefore, wishing to put an end to the abuses then received, has been published in the most of our which have resulted from the means employed to connewspapers. But the statement, thus circulated, vert the emigration to a commercial speculation, and contains a very important error, in regard to one of which, without advancing the end proposed, essentithe most essential points in the regulations, respect-ally injures the public treasury, the ship-owners of ing emigration, viz: the terms upon which emigrants will be furnished with land, on their settlement in the island. It will be seen, by a reference to the official document, which has been translated for this paper, and is inserted below, that, instead of having to pay for the land allotted to them, as has been stated, "they will receive a title for it, as soon as they shall have put it into a state of productiveness." The words "ainsi que des portions de terre pour travailler et dont la propriete leur sera concedee aussitot qu'ils les auront mises en valeur," in the original, was, it appears, either inadvertently or intentionally misinterpreted. Editors of newspapers, who have published the statement, as aforesaid, are particularly desired to correct the error above-mentioned.

Those persons in the United States, who have associated for the purpose of directing the affairs of the emigration in question, are also informed, that they will no longer be allowed by the government, after the above date, any sum for the assistance or transportation of those emigrants who wish to come to Hayti, and to whom, hereafter, it will grant nothing but the four months provisions, already promised, and portions of land to be cultivated by them, for which they shall receive a title as soon as they shall have put Port-au-Prince, April 12th, 1825-Year 22.) By authority:

I have not room for many remarks on this subject, at present, but will just observe that, from several conversations with Dewey, and from information otherwise obtained, I am decidedly of opinion, that the friends of the Haytien emigration have, as yet,it into a state of productiveness. no cause to be discouraged from a vigorous prosecution of the great work so successfully commenced. But judicious discriminations should be made, as respects the character. and industry of those who apply for assistance to remove to that island, in future. If this had been properly attended to at first, we should not have heard of the fiftieth part of the complaint and dissatisfaction that has reached us of late.

Notice of the secretary general.

The secretary general, near his excellency the president of Hayti, INGINAC.

THE KING OF FRANCE has the merit of being about the least inattentive to business of any man in the nation. Every one likes to be distinguished for something-some peculiar characteristic, and, to acquire In offering an asylum to the free African popula-reputation, many affect to be what they are not: tion, living, (qui vegete), in the United States, in the but the king of France, Charles X, is perfectly free deprivation of every political right, the government from affectation, as to his prominent quality; and, in of the republic had less in view its own interests, his own person, verifies the saying of Napoleon, that than the happiness of that oppressed people. Its mu- the Bourbons had not learned any thing by their exnificence has even exceeded expectation, for, instead pulsion from the throne. of confining itself to encouraging emigration, it has undertaken it entirely at its charge.

When the king is pleased to meet the council, at which the royal presence is oftentimes indispensable After this, it was far from expecting that the trans- to the transaction of business, whether his majesty portation of the emigrants would have been made a takes any part in the matters discussed or not-he natter of sordid speculation, or that there would sometimes suddenly leaves his ministers without exJave been among foreign ship-owners, (les armateurs pressing an opinion, and, while they wait in hope of ctrangers), as well as among the emigrants them-his return, that he may give the necessary order, or selves, persons so base as to deceive its good faith. sign some paper to give effect to what has been resolvNevertheless, it did not require long to know that, ed on, they, perhaps, behold him on horseback, with not content with employing intrigue, to persuade the a retinue of dogs at his heels and puppies around him, return of the emigrants, already settled in the repub-galloping away to the chase. Hunting seems to be lic, they have even associated, the emigrants them- the only thing that he has any relish for, and the peoselves, in the profits of this speculation, in order ple, when they dare, begin to call him "Charles the to increase its rage. How many, in effect, have we Hunter," a name that posterity will just as surely not seen, who, scarcely landed in our ports, have give him as that of "Napoleon the great" will be Jemanded the privilege of departing, one after conferred on the inhumanly treated exile of St. Heanother, even before the expiration of the four lena. Hence the king has become unpopular, and months of rations granted by the state, and all, cer- the French, though so little given to a habit of tainly, without having had the necessary time to thinking, very seldom now greet him with shouts of ascertain if they should be able to do well or other-vive le roi. The coronation, it is intimated, will rewise! If it is necessary to add further proof, to that already obtained, of the connivance of a great number of the emigrants with the ship-owners, it may be stated here, that many families, carried on board the schooner Olive Branch, capt. Mathews, which anchored in our port, on the 4th of the present month, have emanded permits to depart, three days after their disembarkation. Could this have taken place, if these emigrants, (who are so totally destitute of every thing, that the government of the republic is obliged to pay, not only the expense of passage, but MR. Fox. "There can be nothing more ridiculous," also that of their transportation from the interior of said lord N one day, "than the manner in the United States, to the ports of embarkation), were which the council of the state assembled in certain not interested in the gains of this stock-jobbing, negro nations. In the council chamber are placed (agiotage), rendered more facile, by the president's twelve large jars, half full of water. Twelve counrenouncing all claims on the emigrants, who have re-sellors of state enter naked: and stalking along with turned, for the expenses which they had occasioned? I great gravity, each leaps into the jar, and immerses

ceive a large part of its pomp and parade to make him popular; but it will be unlucky if, while Charles, dressed in all his costly robes and in the act of pronouncing the coronation oath, should hear the yelp of a hound!-for it seems possible that he may tear off his cumbersome apparel, and "away to the fields." Let France and Spain rejoice-"the Bourbons are restored"-the "long agony is over"—"the legitimate princes now reign."

himself up to his chin; and, in this pretty attitude, they deliberate on the national affairs"-"You do not smile continued the minister, addressing himself to Mr.Fox. "Smile!" said Charles. "No; I see every day things more ridiculous than that." "More ridiculous!" returned his lordship, with an air of surprise. "Yes," answered Charles, "a country where the JARS alone sit in council.

GREAT ENGLISH NEWS! The earl of Darlington has signified his intention of running barefoot at Wolverhampton races!

of government, on the sole authority of the people,
though they still acknowledged themselves subjects
of the king of Great Britain. In consequence thereof,
a temporary constitution was agreed to, on the 26th
of March, 1776"-which remained in operation until
1778, when it gave way to a constitution more con-
formable to our present system of government.
[Columbia Telescope.

MECKLENBURG, N. C. It will be recollected that the inhabitants of this place, signed and published a declaration of independence on the 20th May, 1775. The The bet of 1000 guineas that lord Kensington will memorable incident was honored by the observance not ride from London to Oxford, on the same horse, of its last anniversary, by a large meeting of the peobetween sun rise and sunset, on the Sth of June, ex-ple, who, after their exercises in the church, of prayer cites the greatest interest! 12 to 8 against lord K. His lordship and lord Sefton will entertain their friends on the occasion!

A valuable table clock, recently stolen from the house of Mr. Harmer, the solicitor, celebrated as the advocate of the light-fingered fraternity, was returned to the owner, with an apology, stating that the theft was committed by a novice, who was not aware upon whom he was committing the depredation!

Townshend, the pedestrian, who assumes the title of champion, notwithstanding many impediments thrown in his way, completed his task of walking 66 miles per day, for ten successive days.

IMPORTANT MATTERS! Frankfort, March 27. The marriage of prince William, second son of his Prussian majesty, with the young princess of Radziwill, has encountered obstacles in the royal family itself; several members of which, to whom, at some future day, the crown may descend, have refused their consent, and denied to the princess her equality of birth. In consequence of this, the prince has recently had a genealogical draught prepared, by the publisher Eichorn, which tends to prove that the purity of birth required by the law actually exists between the house of Radziwill and the royal house of Prussia.

and appropriate music, the reading of the declaration and delivery of an oration, dined together, and enjoyed "the feast of reason and the flow of soul." A number "of the men of other years," soldiers of the revolution, were present. Gen. George Graham acted as president, and Isaac Alexander, esq. as vice president. The following were among the regular toasts

The day we celebrate-On that day the republican banners were unfurled in Charlotte, independence declared by the patriotic citizens of Mecklenburg, absolving themselves from all allegiance to Great Britain. May the noble deed be engraven on the hearts of all present, and the gilded pages of history transmit it to posterity.

The memory of those heroes of Lexington, Mass. who first sealed the broken covenant with their blood, and absolved all allegiance with mother Britain.

The president of the U. States-An able statesman-May his administration prove that the confidence of congress was not misplaced.

Popular elections-Their purity and frequency are the best security for the safety of our republican institutions, and the strongest barrier against the encroachments of tyranny.

Internal improvement-The road to national and individual independence-may constitutional scruples yield to the national welfare.

On the 25th of this month, the nuptials of the reigning duke of Saxe-Meinungen and the princess Mary, of Hesse, were celebrated at Cassel. The elector Andrew Jackson-He has filled the measure of his having ordered that his favorite, the countess of Reich-country's glory-he is the friend of the people-the enbach, should follow in the train next behind the people are his friends. princesses of the electoral family, the wives of the foreign ministers, accredited at the court of Cassel, did not consider it proper to attend.

[What difference in those cases? The elector of Hesse regards his prostitute as worthy of the company of the princesses of the blood!]

These were some of the volunteers

By Wm. Davidson, esq.-Henry Clay-The great orator of the west-an able statesman, and independent as a man: Shielded by virtuous patriotism, he is impregnable to the shafts of malice.

By colonel T. G. Polk-The political prospects of
Henry Clay-

"Like the dew on the mountain,
Like the foam on the river,
Like the bubble on the fountain,
They are gone and forever."

By J. H. Blake, esq.-Henry Clay-The undaunted champion of universal liberty.

CONSTITUTIONS. A few weeks since, we published a correspondence between the venerable Jefferson and judge Woodward, on the subject of American constitutions, in which those gentlemen assumed for Virginia the honor of having produced the first modern written constitution. This is incorrect-that honor belongs to South Carolina. After publishing the correspondence alluded to, we referred to Ramsay, and found that South Carolina had adopted a written By L. H. Alexander, esq.-Andrew Jackson and constitution as early as the 26th March, 1776, three.Wm. H. Crawford-fair play is bonny play. months previous to the adoption of the Virginia constitution, draughted by Mr. MASON.

In his history of the constitution, adopted by our provincial legislature, Ramsay informs us, that, "in September, 1775, lord William Campbell, the last representative of his Britannic majesty, went on board one of the armed vessels of his royal master, and left the province in a state of nature; without any form of government, other than the recommendations of committees, or congresses, appointed without the authority of written law, or any definite' specifications of powers. After remaining in this unsettled state for some time, it was determined to appoint a committee to prepare a draught of a constitution, or form

By captain Thomas I. Polk-The next president of the United States-May he be the choice of the people and not of congress.

THE VICE PRESIDENT. On the arrival of John C. Calhoun, the vice president of the United States, in Abbeville, the place of his nativity, his fellow-citizens, prompted by a desire to offer him some testimony of their approbation of his public services, as well as of their personal regard, invited him to partake of a public dinner on the 27th of May, at Abbeville court house, prepared for the occasion, by captain James Tatem. Patrick Noble, esq. acted as president, and col. Alexander Bowie assisted as vice president. A large number of gentlemen sat down to table, and the day was spent in harmony and rational hilarity. In the evening a ball succeeded, given in honor of

this distinguished citizen, attended by a numerous assemblage of ladies and gentlemen.

After dinner the usual number of toasts were drank. The sixth was,

Our distinguished guest, the Vice President of the United Sates: his eminent talents have been exerted to promote the happiness and prosperity of the whole union.

that both would be sacrificed without resistance, I unhesitatingly gave my voice for that war, which has emphatically and justly been called the second of independence. Nor was I mistaken in my estimate of the character of the people. Sustained by their enlightened patriotism, the government was berne in safety through the stormy current of events. An honorable peace followed, and with it the important As soon as this toast was drank, Mr. Calhoun rose question occurred, on what footing should our peace from his seat and addressed the company as follows: establishments be placed. Again congress was divid“Gentlemen: I would illy deserve your favor were ed. There were many on whom the experience of I not sensibly affected by your kind reception. After war appeared to be lost. Either not discerning what so long an absence, and after having passed through your interest required, or, what is more probable, So any trying scenes, to return to the friends of not confiding in your disposition to make the sacrimy youth, to whose early confidence I owe my first fices, which the measures necessary for the security advancement in public life, and to be thus received, of the country required, they were found in opposiis indeed truly gratifying, and will be held in grate-tion to almost every measure proposed for that purful remembrance so long as I may live. Nor will it pose. Not doubting the necessity of an enlightened terminate in a mere emotion of gratitude, but will system of measures for the security of the country, animate and impel me with redoubled zeal to act on and the advancement of its true interest, nor your those principles and views, by adhering to which, disposition to make the necessary sacrifices to susheretofore, I have been so fortunate as to secure tain it, I gave my zealous efforts in favor of all such your approbation, and that of so large a portion of measures; the gradual increase of the navy, a moour fellow citizens. Surrounded as I am, by my perate military establishment, properly organized and early acquaintances, it will not, I trust, be considered instructed, a system of fortification for the defence indelicate to advert for a moment to the principles of the coast, the restoration of specie currency, a due which have invariably governed me in public life. protection of those manufactures of the country From the commencement of my public course to this which had taken root during the period of war and day, I have, under all circumstances, been directed restrictions; and, finally, a system of connecting the by one great leading principle, an entire confidence various portions of the country by a judicious system in the virtue and intelligence of the American peo- of internal inprovement. Nor again was I mistaken ple. I believe them to be not only capable of self in your character. You nobly sustained all of these government, but of wise self government; and thus measures. Soon after the adoption by congress of believing, I never for a moment doubted that the this system of measures, which grew out of the exapprobation of my fellow-citizens would invariably perience of the late war, I was transferred to preside follow an honest and enlightened discharge of duty, over the department of war by the appointment of our if fairly and fully explained. To understand then late virtuous and excellent chief magistrate. In this the true interest of the country, and to pursue it stea- new position, my principles of action remained undily under every difficulty, I resolved, from the first, changed. Continuing still, with my faith increased should be my constant guide in my passage through instead of being shaken in your virtue and intellipublic life. I had not been long in the councils of gence, I sought no other path to your favor, but a the nation, before the firmness of my resolution was fearless discharge of the duties of my office. Placed put to a severe test. You all remember the condition on so firm a foundation, no difficulty nor opposition of our country in 1811 and 1812, during what is cal- could intimidate me. It became my duty, as a memled the war session. A war at that time, apparently ber of the administration, to aid in sustaining, against interminable, was waged between the two great pow- the boldest assaults, these very measures, which, as a ers of Europe, England and France; in the progress member of congress, I had contributed in part to esof which a long series of injuries had been inflicted tablish; and again I had the satisfaction to find that on our neutral rights. These at length became unsuf- a reliance on your virtue and intelligence was not in ferable. Every attempt was made, by measures short vain. Your voice was so audibly pronounced on the of war, to redress our wrongs. They all failed. So side of the administration, that now, instead of oppofar from arresting the course of belligerant aggres-sition, the struggle appears to be who shall evince sion, our neutral rights continued to be steadily en- the greatest zeal in favor of its measures. But it is croached on, in spite of embargoes and the whole sys-not simply in questions of national policy, that this tem of restrictive measures. We were at length, (at deep conviction of the virtue and intelligence of the the period to which I refer), reduced to the condition American people has guided me in my public course. of humbly submitting, or of making an open and It has also been my constant monitor in relation to bold appeal to arms There were not wanting in the principles of the government, and its operation in congress many, (and some of them distinguished by reference to them. Believing that a firm reliance on high reputation for talenis), who preferred submis- your virtue and intelligence was the only safe founsion with all of its humiliation. Those members de-dation for an enlightened policy, it naturally followwied not our country's wrongs. They were in fact ed, that I should take such a view of the principles of but too manifest; but they doubted whether the peo- the government, and give it, as far as in my power, ple would bear the burtheus and privations of war. such a direction in its operation, as would be the They readily conceded that the people would sustain best calculated to enlarge and comfirm the powers their government in peace, when but little efforts of the people. That I have ever so acted, I confidentwere necessary to sustain it; but would by no means ly appeal to my whole political course, as well while concede to them that elevated intelligence and patriot, a member of the government of the state as that of ism which were requisite to bear it through all of the nation. And in so acting, I conceive that I have the dangers of war. I neither so believed nor acted. i but acted in the spirit of the constitution. AccordI was not ignorant of the danger and privations which ing to our American conception of liberty, it can only must ever attend a war with England, particularly exist where those who make and execut ethe laws upprepared as the country then was. I clearly saw are controlled by the people, on whom the laws opeor diuenities, but my faith in your virtue and intel-rate, through frequent clections fairly conducted. To Voyee was never for an instant shaken. I asked enlarge and strengthen this control, wherever it is myself simply, what do the lasting interests and the susceptible of it, and to preserve it in vigor in the hter of the country require, and not doubting, but factual operation of the system, I have ever conceived

toasts were

to be the first duty of an American citizen; for it future presidents out of the house of representatives; must be manifest, that, in the same proportion that and, perhaps, the constitution can be so amended as the people may lose this control, just in the same de- to secure an election by the electors. gree the responsibility of public agents to them must Mr. Calhoun also partook of a public dinner be lost, and that, in the same degree, the government at Augusta, in Georgia, being on a visit of business to must lose its democratical character. Nor have these the contiguous part of South Carolina. The company been mere theoretical opinions. Throughout the was very numerous and respectable. Among the whole of the late election, which has terminated in placing me in my present situation, I never for a moJohn Quincy Adams, president of the United Statesment lost sight of them. I know that it may appear A virtuous, enlightened and impartial administration, indelicate for me to allude to these recent occurences; will entitle him to, and command a nation's blessing. but, believing that nothing that concerns the AmeriOur distinguished guest, John C. Calhoun-We decan people ought to be so considered,I without hesi- light to honor those to whom honor is justly due. tation refer to the part which I acted.during the late Immediately after this toast was drank, Mr. Calpresidential canvass. From first to last, one leading houn rose and addressed the company as follows:principle governed me, that the voice of the people GENTLEMEN: I return you my sincere thanks for should prevail. I cared much less, who should be your kind sentiment. Next to an approving conscielected, than how he should be; nor did I confine ence, the approbation of the public is the highest rethis principle to others, without extending it to my-ward which can be bestowed on public services; but self. I held myself strictly subordinate to the pub- surely there is no portion of it so precious, as that lic voice, of which, I trust, I furnished no feeble proof, bestowed by our neighbors and acquaintances. Such when one of the leading states of the union, which, is the view, gentlemen, in which I consider yours. though, at first, apparently favorable, gave indica- Though residing on the opposite side of the noblé tions of prefering another. Actuated by the same stream which passes by your city, and sustains your principle, which had placed me in opposition to any extensive and rich commerce-on this side I have scheme of controling the election by any other pow-spent a very interesting portion of my life, and among er than the voice of the people, I did not hesitate, by the citizens of Georgia I count many of my early and withdrawing, to contract the sphere of selection, most esteemed acquaintances. and thereby to endeavor, as far as in me lay, to ter- Another reason still more highly enhances the vaminate the election by the people, without its being lue, which I place on your approbation. No two referred to the house of representatives. Not doubt-states are more completely identified in interest, than ing that you entirely concur in these principles, Georgia and South Carolina. In soil, climate, protake the liberty, in conclusion, of offering as a scnti-duction and character of their population, there is the most striking similarity; and I cannot but regard with "The responsibility of the public agents to the peo-pleasure, every indication of congeniality of feelings ple-the basis of our system; let the foundation be preserved in solidity, and the noble superstructure will last forever."


Among the rest of the toasts, was the following: The next congress: May they entitle themselves to the thanks of the nation, by referring the election of chief magistrate exclusively to its only legitimate Source-the people.

Every body will heartily approve of the principle of this toast-but, from the compromises of the constitution, the different qualifications of voters in the several states, and other causes that might easily be mentioned, it appears impossible that, at this day, the people can be fully referred to as to the election of the chief magistrate. Persons of color, whether freemen or slaves, are not regarded as the "people;" and so South Carolina, with Maryland, Virginia, &c. &c. would have a much diminished power in the election of a president-and how shall we get over this? Is it possible that, if the compact is to be disturbed, it will be yielded that one man, as being one of the people, (liable to pay taxes and bear arms), resident in certain states, shall have twice the power of another such person, in another state? That will never do. The people of the south cannot, will not, ask it, any more than those of Pennsylvania would seek power on account of their horses, or those of ConLecticut for their oxen. And, suppose the people of the United States only invited Virginia to give up her freehold qualification for voters-why, all the paper mills in the country would not furnish paper enough to enable the editors of the Richmond Enquirer to publish all that might be written against so great a "violation of the constitution!" It cannot be brought | about-and, however pretty the thing may be in theory, the actual circumstances in which we are placed forbids the practice of it, and it is best to yield to things as they are. As yet they have brought no great evil on our country, and, perhaps, they may not-if we have sense enough to prefer principles to persons, and things to men. But we earnestly hope that some plan may be adopted to keep the election of

between two states, whose interest, both external and internal, is so entirely the same. No one would reprobate more pointedly than myself, any concerted union between states, for interested or sectional objects. I would consider all such concert, as against the spirit of our constitution, which was intended to bind all of the states in one common bond of union and friendship; but surely between contiguous states, having in every respect the same interest, kindly feeling may be indulged without censure. in the spirit of these observations, I offer you in conclusion as a sentiment:

Georgia and South Carolina-Identified in all their interests, may they be united in sentiment and friendship.

William H. Crawford, our enlightened citizen-May the genial clime of Georgia restore him to health.

MR. CLAY. In our last paper we noticed some of the testimonials of respect paid to Mr. Clay, by the people of western Pennsylvania and Virginia, and by those of his own state. We cannot give room to similar details hereafter-but the character and conduct of our public men are public property, and the people have a right to know all about them. It is on this ground we often notice such expressions of public opinion, though we sometimes have to regret the use of hard words in the accounts which we copy.

A great public dinner was given to Mr. Clay, at Lexington, on the 1st of June, and, notwithstanding a heavy rain prevented the attendance of many, not less than three hundred of his late constituents were present on the occasion. Charles Wilkins acted as president, assisted by John Bradford and William Morton, and colonels Merrill and Trotten acted as vice presidents. Capt. John Fowler was at the head of the committee of arrangements. "The respectability and intelligence, as well as the number of the assemblage," says the Reporter, "have not been surpassed on any similar occasion in this state." Some atcount of this dinner is given below.

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