THE MONTHLY REVIEW; OR, LITERARY JOURNAL: From JULY to DECEMBER, inclufive, M, DCC, LXXXV I. BY SEVERAL HAND S. VOLUME LXXV. LONDON: Printed for R. GRIFFITHS: AND SOLD BY T. BECKET, IN PALL MALL. MDCCLXXXVI. TO THE TITLES, AUTHORS' NAMES, &c. of the Publi- N. B. For REMARKABLE PASSAGES, in the Criticisms and 472 Peli- BLACK's Vale of Innocence, 392 tica de los Eftablicimientos, &c. AMERICA, Poem on, 69; for other BLIZARD on the Danger of using Copper 570 Treaty. See PRUSSIA. BOHMER on the Seeds of Plants, 575 353 Spy, 473 ANATOMY, Obf. on, by Tenon, 520 ANCEL'S Siege of Gibraltar, 395 BOTANY BAY, Admonition rel. to, 475 ANDERSON'S Prefent State of the He- brides, &c. 258 ANDREWS's Hift. of the American War, 466 BRUMOY, M. New Edit. of his Theatre 520 BUFFON. See SMELLIE. Bum Brusher, 66 509 BUONGIVANNI on an epidemical Difor- ANTRIM. See HAMILTON. BUSBY's Age of Genius, 313 ASTORI, M. on encauftic Painting, $40 ASYLUM for Fugitive Pieces, Vol. II. 134 ATTORNEYS, Confd. on the Tax on, 387 517 A s CARDONNEL'S CAC ACIQUE of Ontario, 474 |