Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1837, By CHARLES BOWEN, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. 6296 CAMBRIDGE: FOLSOM, WELLS, AND THURSTON, Printers to the University. PREFACE Library. Of California. IN presenting the ninth volume of the American Almanac to the public, we again avail ourselves of the opportunity which the occasion affords, of expressing our grateful acknowledgments to our correspondents, who have kindly forwarded information for the improvement of the work; and we respectfully solicit a continuance of their favors. This volume will be found to contain the usual quantity and variety of matter; and, as such explanations and remarks, as were deemed useful, in relation to the various subjects treated of, are given in different parts of the work, it is unnecessary to speak particularly of them here. For information relating to the Astronomical Department, the reader is again referred to the Preliminary Observations of Mr. Paine. All intelligent and judicious legislation must be founded, in a great measure, on statistical knowledge. If the statistics of all the United States, collected and digested on a judicious and uniform plan, — embracing, among other matters, a view of the Population, with the different classes and divisions, — Commerce, Manufactures, and Agriculture, with their various branches, works of Internal Improvement, as Canals, Railroads, &c., — Crime and Pauperism,- Education and Religion, with their condition, means of support, and the institutions connected with them, were, at regular periods, laid before the public, a mass of information would be presented, which would be of immense advantage to the national government and to the government of the several states; and the wide diffusion of such information among the citizens at large would be attended with the most salutary consequences. Knowledge is power"; and such knowledge 66 |