and for one year, of their county, and shall be chosen for two years. Senators, in number not less than one-third, or more than one-half of the number of representatives, shall be 27 years old, possessed of 200 acres of land in freehold in the county, or of any estate therein worth £1,000, citizens and inhabitants of the state for three years, and for the last year of their county, and shall be chosen in counties for four years. The General Assembly meets biennially, on the first Tuesday of January. No corporation (unless one for public improvement) shall be created for more than 20 years; nor unless by a vote of two-thirds of each branch of the legislature, with the power of revocation reserved. The governor (elected for four years by a plurality of votes) shall be 30 years old, a citizen and inhabitant of the United States for twelve years next before the first meeting of the legislature after his election, and for the last six an inhabitant of the state. If the office of governor be vacant, it shall be filled by the speaker of the senate, and after him by the speaker of the house; and after him by the secretary of state; and, if the secretary fill the office, at the next meeting of the General Assembly, they shall choose a governor ad interim. If the governor-elect die, decline, &c., the governor in office shall continue until a new election. The governor may be removed for inability, by a vote of two-thirds of the members of each house. The secretary of state shall be appointed by the governor, to hold office during his term. There shall be five judges in the state. One shall be chancellor, and president of the orphans' court. Of the other four judges, one shall be the chief justice of the state, and the other three shall be associate judges, one of whom shall reside in each county. The chief justice and two of the associates (one of the three judges being always disqualified by his residence in the county) shall form the superior court, and court of general sessions; and all the judges, except the chancellor, shall form the court of oyer and terminer. The court of errors and appeals is composed of three or more of the judges. The orphans' court consists of the chancellor, and the associate judge of the county. All the judges are appointed during good behavior, and receive a salary which cannot be diminished below a sum named. The registers' court is held by the register, with appeal to the superior court; and all the proceedings shall be in writing. No ordained clergyman, or preacher, while he continues such, shall be a member of the legislature, or hold a civil office. Elections are held on the second Tuesday of November. Suits may be brought against the state, as the law shall provide. Twothirds of each house, with the governor's approval, may propose amendments, which shall be published not less than three, nor more than six months before the next election of representatives; and, if three-fourths of each house, after that election, and before another, ratify the amendments, they shall be adopted. Government for the year 1848. Governor, term of office Salary. expires on the 3d Tuesday in Jan., 1851), $1,333 1-3 Secretary of State, Fees and 400 Daniel M. Bates, of Dover, In 1632, Maryland was granted by Charles I. of England, to Sir George Calvert, Lord Baltimore, a Roman Catholic, and an eminent statesman, who had been secretary to James I.; but before the patent was completed, Lord Baltimore died, and the patent, dated June 20, 1632, was given to his eldest son Cecilius, who succeeded to his titles, and who, for upwards of forty years, directed, as proprietor, the affairs of the colony. Leonard Calvert, brother to Cecilius, Lord Baltimore, was appointed the first governor; and he, together with about 200 persons, commenced the settlement of the town of St. Mary's, in 1634. A free toleration of religion was established, and a system of equity and humanity was practised with regard to the Indian tribes. The constitution of this state was formed in 1776; since which time more than twenty amendments have been made. Every free white male citizen of the state, 21 years old, resident twelve months next preceding the election in the state, and six months in the county, may vote. Members of the house of delegates shall be 21 years old, and for the last year resident in their county, and shall be chosen biennially. Every county of 15,000 souls may choose 3 delegates; of from 15,000 to 25,000, 4 delegates; of from 25,000 to 35,000, 5 delegates; of more than 35,000, 6 delegates; and the city of Baltimore as many as the county having the largest representation. The elections shall be on the first Wednesday of October; and the legislature shall meet every second year, on the last Monday in December. The house of delegates may act as a grand jury. Senators (21 in number) shall be 25 years old, and residents of their county or city for the three years next before the election, and shall be chosen by the counties, and by the city of Baltimore, for six years, one-third every second year. The state shall be divided into three gubernatorial districts, from which, in turn, the governor shall be selected. He shall be "a person of wisdom, experience, and virtue," shall be 30 years old, and for three years next before his election a resident of his district, and for five years of the state, and shall be chosen for three years by a plurality of votes; or, in case of an even vote, by the legislature, upon joint ballot; and shall be ineligible for the next term. If the office of governor be vacant, the secretary of state shall be governor ad interim; and after him, the president of the senate; and after him, the speaker of the house: but the General Assembly, if in session, shall, by joint ballot, choose a successor at once; or at their next session, if the vacancy occur in the recess. The chancellor and the attorney-general hold office during good behavior. Sheriffs are elected in counties for three years, and are ineligible for the next three years. Every person appointed to any office of profit or trust shall subscribe a declaration of his belief in the Christian religion. There are six judicial districts, each of which shall have one chief judge, and two associate judges, constituting the county court, and holding office during good behavior, removable upon address of two-thirds of each house. The court of appeals is composed of the chief judges of the several districts. Any bill to abolish slavery shall fully compensate the masters, and must be passed unanimously by each house, be published three months before the next election of delegates, and be again passed unanimously at the next regular session of the assembly. Every devise of property, and every sale or gift of land to any clergyman (as such), or religious denomination, without leave of the legislature, is void, excepting not above two acres of land for a church and burial-ground. Amendments passed by the General Assembly, published three months before the next election, and confirmed by the legislature at its next session, shall be adopted, except certain local provisions, which require a vote of two-thirds of each house. GOVERNMENT. Salary. THOMAS G. PRATT, of Pr. George's Co., Governor (term expires |