X. METEOROLOGICAL TABLES FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, AT CHAPEL HILL. Lat. 35° 54' 21' N. Long. 79° 17′ 30′′ W. By James Phillips, Prof. Mathematics and Nat. Philosophy. First frost, October 19. Frogs singing, February 7th. Peach blossomed, February 24th. Prunus chicasa bloomed March 11th. Slight fall of snow, March 13th. Cercis canadensis bloomed March 29th. First martin, March 30th. Whip-poor-will singing, April 11th. Hottest day, 22d August, Barometer, sunrise, 29.674; 9 A. M. 29.674 ; 3 P. M. 29.650; 9 P. M. 29.650; mean, 29.662. Attached ther. " 77. 84. 96. 66 85. 66 85.500. Attached and detached thermometer, mean, 85.8125. Coldest day, 8th January, Attached ther. " 66 22. "6 19. Barometer, sunrise, 29.800; 9 A. M. 29.930; 3 P. M. 29.930; 9 P. M. 29.930; mean, 29.8975. 17. 10.5 Attached and detached thermometer, mean, 20.1875. 28. XI. METEOROLOGICAL TABLES FOR SAVANNAH, GA. For the year ending May, 1847. By Dr. John F. Posey. Monthly Mean. 1846. June, July, August, September, October, November, December, 1847. January, February, March, April, May, 25 30.12 30.15 .12 .10 .16 22 26 .38 .47 .26 30.13 .12 1 .07 1 .89 .11 27 .23 23 13.37 .30 .30 25 .44 17 .33 29 .15 27 * .61 .55 21 11 29.84 29.81 29.71 29.97 29.99 29.95 .99 .99 .85 30.01 30.00 .99 .99 .79 .53 .55 .61 29.89 .88 29.88 Annual mean, 30.03 30.01 30.01 XII. METEOROLOGICAL TABLE FOR NATCHEZ, MISS. XIII. METEOROLOGICAL TABLE FOR BLOOMINGTON, Iowa. For the year 1846. By Mr. T. S. Parvin. Rainy days. Coco Variable. Snow in inch. 31.2 56 12 44 29 32 29.9 28.7 1.2 19 9 3 4 2.0 4 8.0 24.1 50 -8 40 5 72 20 January, February, March, April, May, 64.0 86 38 June, 66.1 82 54 July, August, 58 29.41 30.0 28.8 1.2 18 3 7 1 16 7 4.2 .13 3.5 3 87 2.0 1 1.0 811 5.4 .6 16 1 14 10 3.4 28 29.31 29.6 28.9 .7 14 72.9 94 44 50 29.29 29.6 29.0 .6 22 71.9 94 54 40 29.32 29 4 29.2 .2 21 1 September, 65.8 92 42 50 29.27 29.5 29 0.5 17 3 10 8 5.5 October, 42.9,80 16 64 29.33 29.6 28.9 .7 16 8 7 5 1.3 2 5 8 16 25 November, 39.162 2 60 29.28 29.6 28.7 .9 7 13 10 5 1.6 2 20 13 11 6 25 December, 28.8 54 6 48 29.21 29.7 28.7 1.0 9 12 10 4 1.5 4 2.3 115 11 4 27 Year, 50.0 94-8 102 29.30 30 0128 4 1.6 188 66 111 77 2.88 14 16.8 34 96 91 144 311 54 Range, 102°. 2 8 4 17 29 312 3 12 25 Warmest Day, July 8-81° 3'. Coldest, Feb. 26-+4°. Highest Temp. July 8 and August 12-94°. Lowest, February 26- -8°. Mean, 50°. The Mississippi opened January 29; closed, January 6, (1847.) Years reported. July. August. September. October. November. XIV. METEOROLOGICAL TABLE FOR LOUISVILLE, KY. FOR SIX YEARS. BY L. YOUNG. 381 39 54 58 601 68 4.54 4.66 4.14 3.81 6.40 2.67 2.05 4.33 7.48 541 96 92 March. 561 100° -9 109 47.9 Temperature of Spring Water in Jefferson County, determined by observations in tributaries to the Creeks On Beargrass the range is between 53° and 54°. those of E. Dorsey and W. C. Bullitt, Esqs. those of Joseph Barbaroux, Esq., and of the those at this Station, Springdale, and the well On Goose creek the range is from 54 to 54°. known spring at the Methodist camp-ground, on Capt. Caleb Dorsey's farm. April. Mean of each year. Greatest Heat. Extreme Cold. Thermometrical Range. |