Days when Ap- XVII. Table showing the Time of Leafing of Forest Trees; Flowering of the Apple; Days when Snow fell, and Depth of Snow, in Turner, Oxford Co., Maine, for thirty-seven years. Furnished by A. Barton, Norway, Maine. full bloom. full leaf. ed. In 1816 some snow fell on the 6th, 7th, and 8th of June. A day is reckoned from 12 o'clock at night until 12 the succeeding night. Trees in full leaf, when the leaves are smooth; and apple trees in full bloom, when most blossoms are open. XVIII. Frosts and Snows, Depth of Snows, and Flowering of Fruit Trees, in Lambertville, New Jersey, for eight years. By L. H. Parsons. UNITED STATES. PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES FROM THE ADOPTION OF THE The 15th Presidential term of four years, since the establishment of the government of the United States under the Constitution, began on the 4th of March, 1845; and it will expire on the 3d of March, 1849. JAMES K. POLK, of Tennessee, President, GEORGE M. DALLAS, of Pennsylvania, Vice-President, THE CABINET. Salary. $25,000 5,000 Pennsylvania, The following are the principal officers in the executive department of the government, who form the Cabinet, and who hold their offices at the will of the President. James Buchanan, |