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World, but I chose countries which clearly had the capabilities to reconcile their domestic and international postures if they chose to do so.

2. No, it would serve only rhetorical purposes to point out these contradictions, and it would seem rather imprudent as the examples I have given are geopolitically allied with the United States in other settings. Beyond this, I do not believe, except for limited circumstances, that it is helpful to discuss domestic policy in the General Assembly. The two kinds of limited circumstances I have in mind are, first, where an overwhelming global consensus exists as to the domestic policy (e.g. apartheid in South Africa) and, second, where a gross horror is being committed (e.g. genocide in Burundi, torture of political opposition).

3. I believe that constructive cooperation between developed and developing countries can occur without dislocation in rich countries, but only if firm and enlightened national leadership emerges, especially in the United States. Programs need to be explained to the American public and adjustments made, especially by large corporate interests. I believe the well-being of the American people and the poorer nations of the world can be simultaneously served by bringing real regulatory energies to bear upon agribusiness and the large oil companies so as to avoid excess profits and to relate productive priorities more closely to human needs.

4. Yes, I believe that indexing would help stabilize the terms of trade in a manner that would defuse many of the international economic controversies now active in world affairs and avoid some of the unevenness associated with present movements of commodiay prices.

5. I agree that my reference to your UN speech as "an official attack" on the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties was unwarranted and have modified the language in my text to read "an official explanation." I hope such a change meets your concern.


THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1975


The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:20 a.m., in room 4221, Dirksen Senate Office Building, the Hon. John Sparkman [chairman], presiding.

Present: Senators Sparkman, Pell, Humphrey, Clark, Javits, and Percy.

The CHAIRMAN. Let the committee come to order, please.
I apologize for being late.


We are very glad Senator Percy is here, because these hearings were initiated at his request. We have had very good hearings on the United Nations and we are glad to continue this morning.

Today we are hearing from distinguished private citizens who, for the most part, do not have a close identification with the United Nations. We started off with people who are directly connected with or indirectly concerned about the United Nations, but today, we have asked people who do not have a close identification with the United Nations. We have asked them to turn a nonprofessional eye on the United Nations and to share with us their version of what they would like to see that organization become. As I introduce them, I will ask them to take a seat at the witness table.

First is the distinguished architect, R. Buckminster Fuller, who hardly needs an introduction. He is best remembered perhaps by Americans for the U.S. Pavilion at Expo '67 in Montreal, Canada. Mr. Fuller, will you come around and take a seat at the table.

Next, we have Richard Scammon, director of the Elections Research Center, best known, probably, for his coauthorship of "This U.S.A.: The Real Majority." I have had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Scammon on different occasions discuss Democratic successes, and maybe sometimes Republican successes, but we are glad to have him with us.

Next will come Mr. Bruno V. Bitker, who is Chairman of the Wisconsin's Governor's Committee on the United Nations, and a member of the Wisconsin Revolution Bicentennial Commission.

And then we will hear from Mrs. Robbins, better known to us as Pauline Frederick. Pauline, I did know that was your name. Mrs. Robbins is an astute observer of the United Nations for NBC. She

made her observations from nongovernmental forum. I knew Pauline Frederick way back in the days of the UN. You are a graduate of American University, are you not!

Miss FREDERICK. That is right.

The CHAIRMAN. And a trustee of that school.

We are very glad to have all of you and we will start off with Mr. Fuller.

Senator Percy, you have a comment.

Senator PERCY. I just wanted to join with you. Mr. Chairman in welcoming four very distinguished and knowledgeable witnesses who have illuminated American life, each in his or her own field, and have made important contributions to American society.

I think it very appropriate for Mr. Buckminster Fuller to start off the hearing this morning. His thought processes are as wide as the world at 50 years young, and he still thinks new thoughts and is uninhibited by tradition. Dr. Fuller I believe you are here partly by courtesy of Southern Illinois University also.

We certainly welcome all of you.

Thank you. Mr. Chairman.

The CHAIRMAN. Very well.

Mr. Fuller, we are very glad to hear from you. We have your paper that will be printed in full in the record. You may deliver as much of it as you see fit.

[Mr. R. Buckminster Fuller's prepared statement follows:]



In my lifetime of 80 years I have seen a great deal of change. I grew up in an era when 99% of humanity travelled only very locally on foot, horse, and bicycle and averaged 1100 miles per year of local linear motion plus 300 miles per year of riding on horses or in vehicles.

Figure 1 shows the pre-airplane and radio world with 88% of humanity consisting of Asia's 52%, Europe's 26%, Africa's 10% all very remote from the Americans' 12%. Seventy years ago, it took three months to get to India. My last trip to India, 1974, was quicker than either my first trip from Boston to New York as a child. or my first trip after World War I from New York City to Chicago on the then blue ribbon New York Central Railway's "Twentieth Century Limited". Now I reach India by telephone in a couple of minutes. I find present world affairs inherently integrated despite the hindering persistence of the 150 national sovereignties as our conditioned reflex heritage from all of the previous milleniums of inherent separation of interests. In 1961, three jet planes out-performed the Queen Mary in one third the time for one half the price. The oceans became obsolete as a means of getting humans from here to there. The era of water surface travel stopped without people realizing what had happened. We have been hurled by evolution into a one small world town within which average humans are travelling 11.000 miles annually . . . ten times their coverage of pre-World War I and many millions of worldians such as I cover 150.000 miles per year, and astronauts travel 3.000.000 miles per year. The standard Mercator projection (Figure 2) was developed for the world oriented to the ocean communication. All the transoceanic nations were con nected only by ship. The "Roaring South Forties" latitudes Antarctic winds and waters' west-to-cast whirl-around, swiftly interconnecting the Pacific. Atlantic. and Indian oceans south of Good Hope, the Horn, and New Zealand's South Island and the ocean's trade winds altogether formed a pattern of most advantageous voyaging of which the world-around trading ships took advantage. The masters of the seas were those who controlled the Antarctic interocean whirl-around by maintaining naval bases at the Southern tips of Africa, Aus

tralia, New Zealand, and South America, near to which bases all ships had to pass to get from ocean to ocean unseen and unnoticed to the 90% of humanity living in the Northern Hemisphere. The masters of those Antarctic Ocean integrated shipping lanes controlled the wealth making of our Earth. The Mercator projection was appropriate enough when people sailed around Earth's middle latitudes which it distorts the least, but it is obsolete in air-borne world traffic considerations. The Mercator ignores the poles and distorts the polar regions, showing Greenland three times bigger than Australia.

My Dymaxion map (Figure 3) with the South Pole as its center presents an unfamiliar but most realistic picture of the British Empire's strategic mastery of World One the pre-airplane and radio Earth. It shows Australia as the continent it is, four times as big as Greeland. With the Dymaxion projection you can see the whole world at once, with no visible distortion of the relative shape or size of any of the parts. If you show 100% of any data against this background, it will read properly, for my map's area and shape proportionality is uniform. If you rearrange the pieces of the Dymaxion map (Figure 4) with the North Pole at the center, you will see World Two, a one world island. That is the map of our present era. 85% of all the land in the world is north of the equator. Less than 10% of humanity lives south of the equator. 90% of humanity can reach each other via the shortest great circle air routes over the Pole without going near the Atlantic, Pacific, or Indian oceans. The old east/west, north/south separations, with each nation looking out for itself, are no longer valid. The fragmentation of the world into nations that was logical yesterday, when men were inherently divided by time and space, is no longer valid nor socio-economic ally tenable.

We have utter intimacy of communication, and willynilly, we have complete Integration of the interests of all humanity.

I no longer think of underdeveloped and small nations that need help, and big rich ones that must help them. I see all mankind being integrated into one world pattern despite the still operative sovereign nationalities which in fact are functionally extinct, and their continued presence is the world's number one pollutant. Both the world's political powers and monetary powers have had to go supranational. They leave only the individual humans passport control trapped in 150 national border controlled pens, subject to conscription, taxation, and the social cancer of non-thinking bureaucracy. The mobile young are beginning to live all around the world. As a half century's visiting professor at 420 universities around the world, I find that the natural tendency of students is to regard themselves as world citizens, which is what they are and want to be recognized as. Students from New Guinea and from Africa who go to Europe and America for training, want naturally to go back to their villages to help their people, but they are beginning to find that the village and the family at home want to become part of the greater world too. No doubt there will be a very long period of transition, but there has to be complete accommodation of the new way in which humanity is beginning to think and to live.

Economic Revolutions

I was born in a society where 90% of the people had to live on farms to grow their own food. I was a grown man when we learned ways of getting the food into cans, and refrigerated transport to reach people anywhere. After World War I we learned to handle great farms mechanically, almost without human labor. But we have not changed our economic accounting systems which are all based on a seasonal agrarian economy, even though the year no longer has anything to do with the industrial cycle. An industrial generation in 22 years brought about the rate at which the average bulk of all metals are melted out of old uses to be formed into the new. Every time they are recycled the interim 22 year gain in technological know-how has increased so greatly that on an average the same tons of metal serve four times as many humans with vastly improved performance. This brought about an incredible transition, all unexpected by humanity between 1900 and 1975 whereby 52% of humanity is now enjoying a standard of living superior to that of any monarch of 1900 as their life expectancy also doubled within that time. The tasks to be done in our industrial economies may run into thirty, forty, or fifty year cycles. Both business leaders and politicians have to make either monetary or popularity "profits" within three years or they lose their jobs. People don't comprehend or tolerate undertaking of something that is going to take forty or fifty years to develop. The kind

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