CHANGES IN UNCONSOLIDATED AND OTHER SPECIAL LAWS, 1992--(Continued) S ACTION SUBJECT Chap. S Yr. (19) 26-509 sb b (5) amd 26-509 sb b (6) amd NEW YORK CITY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE--(Continued) senior citizens Application to department for the aging for rent 26-509 sb b (7) op¶ amd Application to department for the aging for rent of 49 ad 155 ad 167 rpld NEW YORK CITY CHARTER* (Added LL of 1962; Amended generally General Elections of 1975, 1988, 1989) 168 sb a amd 168 sb d ad 168 sb d amd 168 sb e ad 168 sb e amd 168 sb f ad 169 amd * Through and including Chapters 1-858 and Local Law No. 94 of 1992 |