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Plans for the prevention of accidents in the machine shop are now being vigorously carried out by the National Metal Trades Association.

Now that the garment workers of Cleveland have lost their strike as they did in Chicago, it behooves the New York manufacturers who conspired with the unions to incite these strikes, to insist upon the open shop. Brotherly love among garment manufacturers located in different cities seems to have taken an extended vacation, if it were really ever on the job at all.

Union machinists who were laid off by the railroads at Portland, Oregon, before the strike began, have been insisting that they be paid strike benefits or they would return to work. In order to appease these men $1.00 has been deducted from the strike benefits of other union machinists. Evidently it makes no difference whether you are fired before the strike begins or go out at the time, you are entitled to benefits just the same.

The daily press of the country has already devoted so much space, editorial and news, to the confessions of the McNamaras, and the assertions which THE REVIEW and employers have been making for years anent the criminalty in the ranks of union labor have been so abundantly verified, that any further and extended comments at this time would seem superfluous. Editorials from many of the leading daily newspapers of the day support the contentions of THE REVIEW so thoroughly that we shall be content with bringing a few of them to the attention of readers.


"Little Knowledge a Dangerous Thing." Experience a Difficult Task Master.

The Chicago Branch of the National Metal Trades' Association has called attention to an article appearing in the press of that city under the caption, "Ministers For Rail Strikers." The press article gives an account of a resolution adopted by the Methodist ministers of Chicago at their regular weekly meeting.

"It is stated that the resolution," says the Chicago Branch, "urged that the Harriman lines and the Illinois. Central deal with the striking employes as union men." For years these roads have dealt with the different crafts in their employ on the basis of their several organizations, but today the principal issue is the acknowledgment of dealing with the Confederation of Shop Employes, embracing machinists, boilermakers, blacksmiths, car men, etc., etc. The demands of each and all must be met or sympathetic strikes would be called by each of the other crafts. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Had these ministers but a small part of the experience which our members have had with the unions of machinists, boilermakers, blacksmiths, etc., and known of their unreasonable demands and untenable positions, to say nothing of their intimations and slugging practices, they would certainly have desired to learn both sides before stultifying themselves before the public, as they unfortunately have done. The old adage, 'Let the shoemaker stick to his last,' is a decidedly safe one to follow."


Striking Machinist Circulates Remarkable Hand Bill Telling of Railroad Strike at Portland, Oregon.

There must be quite a proportion of the union machinists of the northwest Pacific Coast who did not favor the strike on the Harriman lines of railroad. At least one might be pardoned for reaching this conclusion after reading a hand bill which was recently printed and circulated at Portland, Oregon, by one of the strikers. The contents of this hand bill will undoubtedly be of great interest to machinists in other parts of the country and is given herewith in full. Those who may read this hand bill should keep in mind the numerous and lengthy statements of the union leaders that the strike would be won "hands down," that it was won "before it started" and other similar expressions calculated to befog the reasoning of the uninformed.

Hand Bill.

"When in the course of human events, a situation arises where the pride of a labor leader conflicts with the interests and welfare of a large number of men, women and children—

It becomes the duty of some person to butt in, as it were, and see if everyone is getting a quare deal. A few of us have entered on this thankless task, not with the expectation that you will love us therefor, but just so we can grab our job back like the rest.

There is no reason to dispute the statement of the officials of the road, that they have enough men to carry on all necessary work. Anyone can see for himself. The situation is daily getting better for the rail

road and only the absence of a sense of humor keeps a number of pickets at the shop gate holding the empty sack.

It is useless and unjust to blame anyone for this condition. The trouble did not originate at this end of the road, but it is up to us to end it, and in the settlement we will take no advice from outside labor leaders. The railroad managers have always treated us fair in the past and will surely do so in the future.

So revolt while the revolting is good, let the empty sack drop and go home and get our overalls. The old man will give us a square deal; he can see the joke, all right.

"If any section of society endeavors to prevent any man from working and enjoying the product of his work that section of society is unjust. If any organization undertakes to prevent any man from working when he will, where he will and at what wages he will, that organization violates the essential rights of labor."-Reverend Lyman Abbott.


There is a certain analogy between the railway service, the postal service, the police service and the army. The man who enters employment of this kind cannot be allowed to place himself at the disposal of a private club or organization in. such a way that he may be compelled (or feel himself bound in honor) to desert his post at the command of an outside executive. His first duty lies to his service, and he must learn to get his grievances redressed by reasonable methods. It should be a condition of the railway service that no employe should be entitled to strike. -(London Economist.)


Who Proclaimed the Principle? Those Who Incite and Defend Criminal Acts Should Be Repudiated.

The New York Times.

"I am guilty, but I did what I did for principle," said James B. McNamara, confessing to the murder of twentyone human beings in the blowing up of the Los Angeles Times Building. Principle! Precisely. It is the general belief that McNamara committed these murders for a "principle"-the principle that labor union law is paramount in this country, that it is superior to the laws of the land, and that murder, arson, riot, and the destruction of property are permissible methods of enforcing union demands. But who ordained and proclaimed this principle, by whose orders and in whose interest did the McNamaras commit their savage crimes? Those questions are by no means answered by their confessions. The investigation must go deeper and further.

Gompers a Conspicuous Offender.

The "principle" of organized labor upon which James B. McNamara acted has brought the unions into conflict with the law in four ways, chiefly: First, by murders, the blowing up of buildings, and the destruction of property; second, by a resort to violence to prevent men willing to work from taking the places strikers have left; third, by the boycott, the attempt to destroy business and bring ruin upon employers who presume to disobey the commands of labor; fourth, by open contempt of court and persistent defiance of the tribunals of justice, and in this Mr. Gompers

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