YOUR SERVANTS IN THE SENATE A NOTHER month of work has gone into this forthcoming book, which is now nearing completion. A revised outline of the contents is as follows: INTRODUCING THEM TO YOU—a quick characterization of the thirty-two next up for re-election, followed by a most necessary revelation of their relations to forces "higher up" in INTRODUCING THEIR MASTER-which presents Mr. Andrew W. Mellon, the most powerful figure in America, whose industrial influence is paralleled only by his super-governmental jurisdictions; showing the obvious illegality of his position as Secretary of the Treasury; analyzing the results of his regime; all of which affords a necessary background for the subserviency of the Senate to Mellonism in CHAPTER V They Appraise Themselves— This being the sensational story of the Newberry scandal, than which no fiction is more interesting, nor more revealing of political depravity. Then comes another highly important prologue INTRODUCING MODERN PROPAGANDAWhich explains a lot concerning why you actually know so little about your official servants, they and their friends being able to manipulate public opinion almost at will, a condition so "dangerous to the perpetuity of a free government," as they said of the Newberry scandal, that we offer a practical, workable antidote, which you should insist on applying, found in the following CHAPTER VI Questions for Them to Answer INTRODUCING YOU TO OPPORTUNITY-Reveals what you can and should do about all this, as the very selfishly interested "party of the first part" in elections and legislation. Then, finally, comes the constructive part CHAPTER VII What the Senate Should Be and Do We expect to have this book-Your Servants in the Senate-completed and ready for distribution very soon. It will cost $1.75 for each cloth-bound copy, and $1.00 per copy in paper binding. Reductions will be made where a number is desired. The first edition will be limited to the public demand. Therefore let us know in plenty of time if you wish one or more copies. THE Is Mr. Nye a Senator? HE Governor of North Dakota, A. L. Sorlie, has appointed Gerald P. Nye to fill the vacancy in the Senate caused by the death of Senator Ladd. Mr. Nye is a Republican, but not a regular. Probably, therefore, the machine will raise a question as to the legality of his appointment. This may be done because that state has no statute specifically authorizing its chief executive to fill a vacancy. The Old Guard is very particular about ultralegality-when their interests can best be served by taking that position. Otherwise they are rather inclined to be lax. None of them, for example, has raised the question of Mr. Mellon's illegality as Secretary of the Treasury, whereas, if Mr. Mellon had been of a different type, undoubtedly he would never have been confirmed, on that ground. The determination to pass the new Mellon bill is likely to be a factor in the fate of Mr. Nye. IT Our Source of Encouragement IT IS a difficult and often discouraging matter to keep The Searchlight going. At times we have the feeling of standing almost alone, that no one else really cares about the welfare of American humanity. But such moods are never more than momentary. One has only to turn to "the morning mail" for fresh courage to go on. You should share somewhat in the encouragement that is our daily portion. For example: A Congressman, not a radical, in renewing his subscription, says: "This is the best publication that comes to my desk for information on Congress and other branches of our national government. I cannot afford to be without it." A Wisconsin citizen uses pretty forceful language, as follows: "I certainly believe, as you do, that the country is going through an era of economic slavery and that our actual form of government is on trial. The indifference of the people is our greatest danger, coupled with their ignorance as to the strangle-hold that the exploiters now have on the necessities of life. "One of the most important sessions of Congress that this country will ever see opens in a short time and I believe the only thing that can be done to wake up the people is a campaign of education. If this fails, and it probably will, we will have to wait, I guess, until the grafters make the load a little too heavy, which they surely will, and then some fine morning we will wake up and learn that a lot more tea has been dumped in Boston harbor. It will then be a serious matter, but it looks to me now like that was the only sure cure for the situation." Think About This WE have unawares been committed to a policy of empire. The people of this country have never been consulted about it. Their elected Representatives in Congress have never been consulted about it. The executive departments, acting as irresponsible bureaucrats, have initiated and carried out a policy which has brought us to a pass where, of the 21 republics in this hemisphere, 10, or almost half, are under almost complete domination by North American bankers. In 6 of the 10 the financial agents are, or have been, supported by American troops on the ground. At least four other countries are closely tied to the United States by fiscal bonds, and in these and others concessions and loan contracts seem likely to lead to a repetition of the old process by which the marines follow the investor."-Lewis S. Gannett, Assistant Editor of the Nation. THE And This HE following resolution was passed by the American Manufacturers Export Association at its sixteenth annual meeting in New York on November 12: "Whereas, in the opinion of this Association, the present method of attempting to determine the cost of production of imported merchandise by probing the books and accounts of foreign manufacturers and producers under threat of embargo is ill advised and tends to interfere with the amicable commercial relations so valuable to our export trade; now, therefore, be it "Resolved, That the Congress of the United States be requested to amend Section No. 402 of the Tariff Act of 1922 which legalizes and authorizes the practice above objected to." Concerning the Countess Karolyi Q UOTING the President's own speeches in favor of toleration and freedom of thought, the firm of Curtis, Fosdick & Belknap, attorneys for Countess Karolyi, on November 18th asked President Coolidge to "remove the stigma of bureaucracy” and countermand the order barring the Countess from the United States. "The situation presented is one where the Secretary of State has adopted an arbitrary position without being willing to state any grounds for his decision," their letter states. "If, as we believe, Countess Karolyi is being excluded for her social or political views, then few, if any, of the great protagonists of freedom would have been admitted to this country under similar rulings." The letter to the President was referred to the Secretary of State, who announced to the press that the case was closed and that the Countess' lawyers knew it. Apparently nothing further can be done until Congress meets, when the issue will be raised in the Senate by Senator Borah. Of great interest to Searchlight readers who You will undoubtedly wish to give The Searchlight as a Christmas remembrance to friends this year, as you did in 1924. We have two special offers for you: First, the price of a single gift subscription will be $2.00 Second, Mr. Haines' forthcoming book "Your Servants in With each gift subscription an appropriate Christmas card will be sent giving the name of the donor. THE SEARCHLIGHT ON CONGRESS Lenox Building Washington, D. C. T HE SEARCHLIGHT makes many long journeys-to "I fully realize that the people of America are in political bondage, and unfortunately, the majority seem to be satisfied with their condition. However, I hope that the good work that you are doing will lead to the people of the United States taking more interest in their Government institutions, with the result that in good time a majority of right thinking men and women will govern your great country." CONTENTS "Your Servants in the Senate". Your Government at Washington: Revenue Legislation A Xmas Package War Debt Settlements.. Swanson For It Borah Says No To Be His Own Master The Mellon House Machine What Is Industrial Democracy..... THE SEARCHLIGHT ON CONGRESS And on the DEMOCRACY which gives it EXISTENCE Published Monthly by The Searchlight Publishing Company TREASURER-DORA B. HAINES Lenox Building Subscription rate: $2.00 a year. Single copies 20 cents. Entered as second-class matter May 26, 1919, at the Postoffice at Washington, D. C., under the Act of March 3, 1879. 44 |