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once into correspondence and negotiation, through the proper diplomatic channels, with representatives of the Governments of Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, The Netherlands, Mexico, Brazil and the Argentine Republic, for a union with the Government of the United States in the laudable undertaking of forming an International Court substantially on the basis herein outlined.

Your Petitioner presumes it is unnecessary to enter into further argument in support of the foregoing propositions than is contained in the report of its committee, which is appended hereto and which your Petitioner has already asked to have considered a part of this Petition. Your Petitioner will be pardoned, however, if it invite especial attention to that part of the report emphasising the fact that the plan herein outlined is intended, if adopted, at once to meet the universal demand among Englishspeaking people for a permanent tribunal to settle contested international questions that may hereafter arise between the Governments of Great Britain and the United States.

While it is contended that it is wholly impracticable to form such a tribunal without the friendly interposition of other nations. on the joint invitation of the Powers who unite in its organization, it is very evident that a most acceptable permanent International Court may be speedily secured by the united and harmonious action of said Powers as already suggested. Should obstacles be interposed to the acceptance, by any of the Powers named by your Petitioner, of the invitation to name a representative for such a court on the plan herein generally outlined, some other equally satisfactory Power could be solicited to unite in the creation of such a court.

Believing that, in the fulfilment of its destiny among the civilised nations of the world, it has devolved upon the younger of the two Anglo-Saxon Powers, now happily in the enjoyment of nothing but future peaceful prospects, to take the first step looking to the permanency of peace among nations, your Petitioner, representing the Bar of the Empire State, earnestly

appeals to you as the Chief Executive Officer of the Government of the United States, to take such timely action as shall lead eventually to the organisation of such a tribunal as has been outlined in the foregoing recommendations. While ominous sounds of martial preparations are in the air, the shipbuilder's hammer is industriously welding the bolt, and arsenals are testing armourplates, your Petitioner, apprehensive for the future, feels that delays are dangerous, and it urgently reccommends that action be taken at once by you to compass the realisation of the dream of good men in every period of the world's history, when nations shall learn war no more and enlightened Reason shall fight the only battles fought among the children of men.

And your Petitioner will ever pray.

Attested in behalf of the New York State Bar Association at the Capitol in the City of Albany, N.Y., April 16th, 1896.

ED. G. WHITAKER, President.

L. B. PROCTOR, Secretary.




The French Republic and the United States of America, animated by the desire of settling, by a friendly arrangement, the claims made by the citizens of each of the two countries against the Government of the other, and arising from acts committed during the state of war or insurrection, by the civil and military authorities of either country, under the circumstances specified below, have resolved to take measures to this effect, by means of a Convention, and have appointed as their plenipotentiaries for conferring and establishing an agreement, Mr. George Maxim Outrey, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of France at Washington (appointed by the President of the French Republic), and Mr. William Maxwell Evarts, Secretary of State to the United States (appointed by the President of the United States), who, after having communicated their respective plenary powers and having found them in good and due order, have agreed to the following articles :

ART. 1. All the claims raised by corporations, companies, or individuals, citizens of the United States, against the French Government, and resulting from acts committed on the high seas or on the territory of France, her colonies and dependencies, during the last war between France and Mexico, or during that of 1870-1871 between France and Germany, and during the subsequent civil troubles known under the name "Insurrection of the Commune," by the French civil or military authorities, to the prejudice of the persons or property of citizens of the United States not in the service of the enemies of France and who have not voluntarily lent them aid or assistance, and, on the other hand, all the claims raised by corporations, companies or individual French citizens, against the Government of the United States and founded on acts committed on the high seas



La République française et les États-Unis d'Amérique, animés du désir de régler, par un arrangement amical, les réclamations élevées par les citoyens de chacun des deux pays contre le gouvernement de l'autre et résultant d'actes commis pendant l'état de guerre ou d'insurrection par les autorités civiles et militaires de l'un ou de l'autre pays, dans les circonstances spécifiées ci-après, ont résolu de prendre des mesures à cet effet, au moyen d'une convention, et ont désigné comme leurs plénipotentiaires pour conférer et établir un accord, savoir: M. le Président de la République française, M. George-Maxime Outrey, envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire de France à Washington, et le Président des États-Unis ; M. William Maxwell Evarts, secrétaire d'État aux États-Unis, lesquels, après s'être communiqué leurs pleins pouvoirs respectifs et les avoir trouvés en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des articles suivants :

ART. I.-Toutes les réclamations élevées par des corporations, des compagnies ou de simples particuliers, citoyens des EtatsUnis, contre le Gouvernement français et résultant d'actes commis en haute mer ou sur le territoire de la France, de ses colonies et dépendances, pendant la dernière guerre entre la France et le Mexique ou pendant celle de 1870-1871 entre la France et l'Allemagne et pendant les troubles civils subséquents connus sous le nom "d'insurrection de la commune," par les autorités civiles ou militaires françaises, au préjudice des personnes ou de la propriété de citoyens des Etats-Unis non au service des ennemis de la France et qui ne leur ont prêté volontairement ni aide ni assistance, et d'autre part, toutes les réclamations élevées par des corporations, des compagnies ou de simples particuliers citoyens français, contre le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis et fondées sur

and on the territory of the United States during the period comprised between the 13th April, 1861, and the 20th August, 1866, by the civil or military authorities of the United States Government, to the prejudice of the persons or property of French citizens not in the service of the enemies of the United States Government, and who have not voluntarily lent them aid or assistance, shall be submitted to three Commissioners, one of whom shall be appointed by the French Government, another by the President of the United States, and the third by His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil.

ART. 2. The said Commission, thus constituted, shall have the right and duty of deciding upon all claims having the character indicated above, presented by the citizens of each of the two countries, except upon those which either Government shall have caused to be settled diplomatically, judicially or otherwise by competent authorities. But no claim or item of injury or damages based on the loss or emancipation of slaves shall be examined by the said Commission.

ART. 3.-In the case of death, prolonged absence, or inability to serve, of one of the said Commissioners, or in case of one of the said Commissioners neglecting, refusing, or ceasing to fulfil his functions, the French Government, or the President of the United States, or His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, according to the circumstances, shall fill the vacancy thus caused, by appointing a new Commissioner in three months from the day when the vacancy was produced.

ART. 4.-The Commissioners, appointed according to the preceding arrangements, shall meet in the City of Washington, as soon as possible within the six months following the exchange of ratification of this Convention; and their first act, immediately after their meeting, shall be to make and sign a solemn declaration that they will examine and decide with care and impartiality, to the best of their judgment, in conformity with Public Law, Justice and Equity, without fear, favour or affection, all the claims comprised in the terms and the true signification of

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