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BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the 27th day of August, A. D. 1828, in the fifty-third year of the Independence of the United States of America, E. & G. W. Elunt, of the said District, have deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof they claim as proprietors, in the words following to wit:

"The American Annual Register; for the years 1826-7, or, the fifty-first year of American Independence."

In conformity to the Act of Congress of the United States, entitled, "An Act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the time therein mentioned;" and also, to an Act, entitled, "An Act, supplementary to an Act, entitled, an Act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints."


Clerk of the Southern District of New-York.


22 APR 1944 HERTZ

2v. 3.06

[blocks in formation]

Character of American history-Controversies with Great Britain-

North east boundary-Navigation of St. Lawrence-Disputes with Brazil-Panama mission.

Oganization of the opposition-Sectional character-Machinery of party-Exceptions to first mes-

sage of Mr. Adams--Nomination of general Jackson--His address to the legislature of Tennes-

seo-Principles of opposition-Materials of opposition-Charge of corruption against the ad-

ministration-General Jackson's letter to the public-Mr. Clay's answer-General Jackson's

reply-Refutation of charge-Executive patronage-Internal improvement-Manufactures-

Commerce-Indian affairs.

Colonial regulations of Great Britain-Condition of States after the revolution-Acts of first con-

gress Sheffield's pamphlet-Convention of 1815-Acts of congress of 1818-Act of parlia-

ment of 1818-Negotiation-Law of the U. S of 1820-British Act of 1822-Proclamation

of the president in 1822-Negotiation continued-Act of U. S. of 1823-Order in Council

of 1823-Acts of Parliament of 1825-Principles of the two parties-British colonial ports

shut-Negotiation-Proceedings in senate-In house-Conclusion of session-Proclamation

of president-Ports of U. S. closed.

Opening of congress-Bankrupt system-Failure of law of 1800-State laws-Postponement of

bankrupt act of last session-Mr. Hayne's proposition-Discussion in senate-Mr. Branch's

amendment-Proceedings thereon-Defeat of bill-Vice president's appeal-Report of com-

mittee-Publishing the laws-Character of the debate-Creek controversy-Message of the

president thereon-Proceedings in senate-Debate in house-Report-Cession of land by

Creeks; and conclusion of controversy.

Depressed condition of woollen manufactures-Tariff of 1824-Alteration of British tariff-

Frauds upon the revenue-Mr. Mallory's report and bill-Discussion in house-Proceedings

in senate-Harrisburg convention-Division of opinion.

Treasury report-Revolutionary pensions-Bill authorizing exchange of stock-Grant to suffer-

ers at Alexandria-Salary of postmaster general-Appropriations for the support of govern-

ment-Army appropriations-Georgia militia claim-Indian appropriations-Appropriations

for internal improvement-Fortifications-Naval appropriations-Bill for the gradual im-

provement of the Navy-Public buildings-Correspondence between Mr. Benton and the

Mexican minister.

MEXICO. Congress of 1827-Foreign relations-Ecclesiastical affairs-Persecution of the Spa-
niards-Laws against them-Plot and execution of Arenas--Arrest of Negrete and Echa-
varri-Disturbances in Durango-Yaquis-Texas-State of parties-Expulsion of Esteva
from Vera Cruz-Attack on Mr Poinsett-Rincon's proceedings-The navy.

CENTRAL AMERICA. Constitution of the States-Origin of the civil wars-Meeting of an

extraordinary congress-President Arce convokes a convention-Disturbances in Guatamala

-New government organized-Salvador makes war upon Guatamala-The Salvadorenos

beaten and repulsed-Arce marches against Salvador-The latter summits-Peace restored-

Canal of Nicaragua.

COLOMBIA. Government in 1827-Santander's message-Foreign relations-Treasury-Army

and navy-Capture of Benevides' party-Bolivar in Bogota-State of things in Venezuela-

Bolivar at Puerto Cabello-Paez submits-Bolivar at Caraccas-Renounces the presidency

-Mr. Watts and Bolivar-State of things in April and May-Bustamante's return from Peru

-Proceedings at Guayaquil-Third division of the army-Their views and object-They sub-

mit-Bolivar prepares to march against them-His intentions-Congress meets in May-San-

tander's resignation refused-Speeches in congress, of Soto and Uribe, concerning Bolivar--

His renunciation not accepted-Decree of amnesty-Re-establishment of public order-Grand

convention-Apprehensions entertained of Bolivar-Communication of the city of Panama-

Pretended conspiracy at Bogota-A groundless fabrication-Vindication of Santander-

Falsely accused by the Reform party-Concordat with Leo XII.-Insurrection at Guaya-

quil-Bolivar's message to the senate-Entry of Bolivar into Bogota-Swears to the Consti-

tution-Proceedings of congress-Decrees on the press-Earthquake-Concluding reflections.

PERU. Bolivar in Peru-Departs in September-His council-Congress of 1826-Their ad-

dress-Decrees thereon-Circular of the council-Acts of the province of Lima-Tarapaca

dissents-Other provinces unanimous for the Bolivian code-Supreme court refuses to ratify

their votes Counted by the municipality of Lima-Decree of the council, that the Bolivian

code is adopted, and Bolivar president for life-He is proclaimed, and the constitution sworn

to-Dissatisfaction-Third division of the Colombian army-Lara perceives their discontent

-Conspiracy of the patriots-Colombian troops declare against Bolivar-Conduct of the

council-Bustamante's proclamation-Citizens of Lima renounce the Bolivian code-Santa

Cruz provisional president-Pando-Old constitution restored-Colombian troops leave Peru

-Congress meets-La Mar chosen president-His character-Proceedings of congress-Con.


BOLIVIA. Seanty accounts of Upper Peru-Sucre re-appointed by congress-Colombian

troops-Sucre's address on his election-Bolivian code sworn to-Movement of Fuento on

Puno Sucre stands neutral as to Peru-His address to the Colombian army-Conspiracy in

Bolivia-Acquisition of Arica--Bolivia not recognised by Buenos Ayres--Sucre intends to


CHILE. Blanco's resignation--Chilian finances-Resignation of president Freire-Of vice pre-

sident Pinto---The latter not accepted-Pinto's installation-War in the southern pro-

vinces-Constitution of Chile-Proceedings of the provincial assemblies-Arguments of the

federal party-Arguments of the centralists-State of parties-The present government.

BRAZIL AND LA PLATA. Folly of the war-False policy of the republic-Dissentions-

Bank of Buenos Ayres-Mines-State of the war-Invasion of Rio Grande-Battle of Itu-

zaingo-Consequences-Brown's successes-Both parties desire peace-Garcia's treaty-

Rejected-And justly-Garcia's defence-Rivadavia resigns--Lopez elected--Government of

Buenos Ayres-Dissolution of the republic-Cordes and Buenes Ayres unito-State of th

war-Brazilian ministry--Mr. Raguet's departure University of Iowa

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