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The following notice was issued by the committee appointed by the Boston Turnverein to make arrangements for the Evening Pro

[blocks in formation]

In dem städtischen Comite zur Feier des 17. September, resp. zum 250jährigen Jubiläum der Stadt Boston, ist vor einigen Wochen schon die Ansicht geltend gemacht worden, daß das Interessanteste und Anziehendste, was sich für den Festabend veran» stalten ließe, ein großartiger deutscher Fackelzug wäre. Die Ansicht fand in dem Comite allgemeinen Anklang, denn, ein Fackelzug, wie er in Deutschland, in New-York und in den größeren westlichen Städten bei besonderen Festlichkeiten veranstaltet wird, ist in Boston etwas noch nie Dagewesenes. Ein Spezial-Comite wurde ernannt, daß sich mit den Deutschen hierüber in Verbindung zu setzen hatte. Die Herren kamen zunächst zum Turnverein, der an Mitgliederzahl wohl der Stärkste ist, und dem es nichts Fremdes wäre, die für den Zug nöthigen historischen Bilder zu arrangiren. Der Turnverein ging von der Ansicht aus, daß die Ausführung des Projekts dem ganzen hiesigen Deutschthum nur zur Ehre gereichen würde und ernannte gleichfalls ein Comite, daß in Gemeinschaft mit dem städtischen Comite die Sache wenn möglich einleiten soll.

Wie sie bereits erfahren haben werden, kam die Gelegenheit am 21. d. M. zur endgültigen Entscheidung, und die Ausführung kann begonnen werden. Mit der Zusicherung in Händen daß sämmtliche Kosten von der Stadt aus getragen werden, begab sich das vom Turnverein ernannte Comite sofort in Sizung, und beschloß, daß der große Fackelzug ein Unternehmen des gesammten hiesigen Deutschthums sein soll. Ferner daß alle deutschen Vereine ersucht werden sollen, je einen Delegaten zu der am Dienstag den 31. August stattfindenden gemeinschaftlichen Sitzung zu entsenden.

Der Zug soll aus 1000 Mann bestehen; alle gleich uniformirt. In demselben befinden sich 16 Wagen, worauf die Bilder, wichtige Begebenheiten aus der Vergangenheit Bostons darstellend, gruppirt werden. Ein ausgezeichneter deutscher Künstler verfertigte Skizzen und Turnlehrer Hermann soll mit der Aufstellung der Gruppen betraut werden.

Wenn harmonisch und schnell gehandelt wird, kann das Resultat nur ein großer Erfolg sein, wofür der Amerikaner uns Deutschen nur Dank und Anerkennung zollen wird.

Wir schicken Ihnen einige Subskriptions-Listen, mit dem Ersuchen, eine in Ihrem Verein circuliren zu lassen, und die übrigen an Besitzer geeigneter Lokale in Ihrer Nähe zur Sammlung von Unterschriften zu übergeben. Haben Sie die Güte Ihren Delegaten zu beauftragen, sich über die Zahl der Unterschriften zu erkundigen, um in der oben angegebenen Sigung berichten zu können.

Hoffend daß Sie dem Gesuch einen Delegaten zu schicken Folge leisten und die Sache überhaupt unterstüßen, zeichnet


Im Auftrage des Comite's

A. J. Gutermuth, Vorsiger.

D. Fausel, Secretär.


In the municipal committee on the celebration on September 17th of the jubilee of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the City of Boston, the suggestion was some weeks ago made, that the most interesting and attractive affair which could be gotten up for the festal evening would be a magnificent German torchlight procession. This view found general acceptance with the committee, for a torchlight procession such as those which on occasions of exceptional rejoicings are set on foot in Germany, New York, and the great cities of the West, is something which in Boston has never yet taken place. A special committee was appointed for communication with the Germans upon the subject. These gentlemen came at once to the Turnverein, by far the strongest of the societies in point of numbers, and to whom the task of arranging the necessary historical pictures for the procession would be a familiar one. The Turnverein, acting upon the conviction that the execution of the project could not but reflect honor upon the whole German element in our community, likewise appointed a committee to bring about the affair, in connection with the municipal committee, if possible.

As you will already have learned, a conclusive decision in the matter was had on the 21st inst., and its execution can now be commenced. With the assurance in its hands that all the expenses are to be borne by the city, the committee appointed by the Turnverein went into session at once, and resolved that the great torchlight procession should be an undertaking by all our German citizens acting together. Moreover that all German associations should be requested to send one delegate each to a general committee meeting to take place on Tuesday, August 31st.

The procession is to consist of one thousand men, all uniformed alike. In it are found sixteen wagons, upon which are grouped the tableaux representing important events from Boston's past history. A distinguished German artist prepares the sketches, and to Turnlehrer Hermann will be entrusted the placing of the groups.

With harmonious and prompt action the result can only be a great success, one for which the American can but offer to us Germans his grateful acknowledgments.

We send you several subscription lists, with the request that you will circulate one in your society, and transmit the others to the owners of appropriate public places in your neighborhood, for the collection of signatures. Have the goodness to instruct your delegate to inform himself as to the number of signatures, in order to be able to report the same in the above-mentioned meeting.

Hoping that you will comply with the request to send a delegate, and also give the matter your general support, signs


By the committee's instructions,

D. FAUSEL, Secretary.

A. J. GUTERMUTH, Chairman.

In a circular, issued on the 11th of September, the Chief Marshal made the following announcement:

The First Corps of Cadets is to escort His Excellency John D. Long, Governor, from the State House, through Beacon and Berkeley streets, to Columbus avenue, at 11, A.M., and will then form on Columbus avenue, left at Berkeley street, extending south.

The First Brigade, M.V.M., is to form on Columbus avenue, right at Berkeley street, left extending to Park square. St. James avenue and Providence street are reserved for rationing this brigade, and will not be occupied or entered by any other organization before 12 o'clock, M.

The Second Brigade is to form on Charles street, right at Boylston, extending to, and if necessary west on, Beacon st.

The First Division will form in line on Berkeley street, east side, right at Beacon street. After review by His Excellency the Governor this division will countermarch to the junction of Berkeley street and Columbus avenue, where it will join the column in the rear of the Second Brigade, M.V.M.

The Second Division will form on Tremont street, right at Boylston street, left extending north. It follows the Second Brigade, M.V.M., up Columbus avenue, halting at Berkeley street until the First Division has passed, which it then follows.

The Third Division will form on Marlborough street, right resting on Berkeley street, left extending west. When the First Division passes Marlborough street, the Third Division will follow it to the junction of Berkeley street and Columbus avenue, halting there until the Second Division has passed, which it then follows.

The Fourth Division will form on Commonwealth avenue, north side, right at Berkeley street, left extending west, and follows the Third Division. The Fifth Division will form on Commonwealth avenue, south side, right at Berkeley street, extending west, and follows the Fourth Division.

All organizations assigned to Third, Fourth, and Fifth Divisions will approach their respective places of formation through Clarendon or Dartmouth streets, avoiding Berkeley street, which is reserved for the First and Seventh Divisions.

The Sixth Division will form on Huntington avenue, south-east side, right at Dartmouth street. When the Fifth Division moves, the Sixth will move through Boylston to Berkeley street, and, when the Fifth has passed, will follow it.


The Seventh Division will form on Berkeley street, right at Columbus aveand extending towards Tremont street; then on Tremont street south to Worcester street, leaving all street crossings uncovered; then on Montgomery street, Warren avenue, Appleton and Chandler streets, in the order named, and will follow the Sixth Division.

Organizations marching from the south to points of formation on the Back Bay will proceed by Chester Park (south side), West Chester Park, and Huntington avenue.

Chiefs of Division will leave uncovered the street upon which their right rests, also those streets that the division crosses in its formation. The formation of columns will be in companies, or platoons of not less than eight files front.

The Head-quarters of the Chief Marshal will be on the Parade Ground of the Common, near Boylston-street mall, until 11.15, A.M., after which they will be on Columbus avenue, corner of Berkeley street.

The Chief Marshal's flag will be yellow, triangular, with Maltese cross in the centre.

The General Staff, except those specially assigned, will report promptly at 10 o'clock, A.M.

Chiefs of Division will establish their head-quarters at the points indicated

above for the right of their respective divisions, and will remain, or be represented there, until their divisions shall move. They will detail bearers for the respective division banners, who will be stationed, during the formation, at the right of the division, and who will march in advance of the division, thirty paces in rear of the one preceding. They will also detail mounted orderlies to carry their respective head-quarter flags.

Each Chief of Division, when he shall see the division next preceding his own in motion, will close his division in mass, and be prepared to march promptly at an interval of forty paces in its rear; he will station an Aid at the rear of his division to notify the chief of the succeeding one of the moment to move.

Each Chief of Division will labor, during the march, to maintain his division at the prescribed interval, and if he shall find that it is losing distance, or becoming unduly extended, he will at once communicate the fact to the Chief Marshal.

Divisions in taking up line of march will take distance from the head of


Aids detailed by the Chief Marshal will attend at the several railroad stations, from 9.30 to 11 o'clock, A.M., for the purpose of giving all necessary information to organizations arriving. Organizations are requested to follow the route from the railroad station which may be indicated by such Aids.

As each organization arrives on the ground prescribed for its division, its Chief will report at once to the Chief of Division the total number of its members present, of its band and of its carriages, and will be assigned a place in the column.

Carriages will form two abreast, and maintain that order during the


It is expected that the formation will be completed at 11.30 o'clock. Arrangements will be made to water the horses of the First Brigade at Park square; of the Second Brigade at Beacon street; of the First, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Divisions on Dartmouth street, at Commonwealth avenue, from 10 to 12 o'clock.

Horses of the Sixth Division will be watered at the corner of Dartmouth street and St. James avenue, near the Art Museum, from 11 to 12.30 o'clock. Horses of the Seventh Division will be watered on Tremont at Clarendon street, on Berkeley at Chandler street, and on Warren avenue at Berkeley street, from 12 to 2 o'clock.

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