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and orphans of some who once "wore the gray" are reminded of Boston's continuing charity.

It is the consciousness of these pleasant things which brings me here to-night, to make acknowledgment of so great a consideration and sympathy for the "city by the sea," during a period when public opinion was not as advanced in kindly thoughts as now; and I am here, also, while I congratulate you on the beautiful aspect of your city, which salutes us here to-night, to utter the hope that the yet fairer outlook it betokens may be fully realized; that she may enjoy the dignity of age without its decays, and have through the centuries all the gladness and growth of youth to augment her fame and her fortune.


Mr. Courtenay's remarks were warmly applauded.

Hon. C. H. MCINTOSH, of Ottawa, was then introduced, and


Mr. Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen, - When I left my quiet home in Ottawa I had not anticipated being obliged to surrender to His Honor the Mayor of Boston, and forced to speak. However, ladies and gentlemen, the character of the occasion, the character of those present, and the nature of the subject, demand a few words from me. It is related that when the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth the first salutation they received was from Samoset, the Indian chief, who came forward exclaiming, "Welcome, welcome, Englishmen!" although the arrival of these wanderers - I might call them exiles — presaged the invasion of his hunting-grounds and the extinction of his council-fires. The chivalry implanted in the heart of Samoset has but increased with civilization; and it is not too

much to assert that now a welcome from the citizens of Boston serves as a passport for its recipient throughout the world.

Mr. Mayor, I do not lightly estimate the honor conferred, in being asked to accept the city's hospitalities during a jubilee commemorative of the naming of Boston two hundred and fifty years ago. The compliment is not to me, but to the capital city of the Dominion, of which I have the honor to be chief magistrate, and my only regret is that one more worthy, one more eloquent, is not here to adequately return thanks, on behalf of the Dominion of Canada, for your generous reception.

If there is one thing above another characteristic of us Canadians, at a time like this, it is extreme diffidence and excessive modesty; but, as you are a studious and observant people, it is almost superfluous to tell you so, for if a nation should feel self-satisfied on any occasion it ought to be when money is being received; and you know how diffident we were when pressed by your national government to accept the proceeds of the Halifax fishery award!

As in that case, so in others; and it is only that my heart warms towards you, and the light of brotherly love and good fellowship is observable in your faces, that I attempt to briefly address such a large and intelligent audience. As I walked through your city and viewed the marvellous progress made, even within the past quarter of a century; as I gazed upon the statues reared in honor of your great men, — I could not help thinking that the descendants of the early settlers had also erected an everlasting monument to their progenitors and themselves when they built the City of Ottawa! - Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, I mean Boston,-you see it is a case of "Though lost to sight, to memory dear."

The character of Boston's early pioneer life, the difficulties to be faced, the obstacles to be overcome, even now, with

all modern appliances and modern ingenuity, seem almost insurmountable. I saw statues erected to perpetuate the memory of Benjamin Franklin, Horace Mann, Edward Everett, Daniel Webster, Alexander Hamilton, and other illustrious sons, whose deeds have made the Commonwealth of Massachusetts famous in history, and could not but give intellectual hospitality to the thoughts: here is reared a city proclaiming trumpet-tongued what human industry may accomplish; here is a city that has given to literature some of the brightest intellects the Creator ever inspired; here is a city that has added to science some of its most brilliant and exquisite achievements; here is a city that has contributed to the legislative halls of the nation men of giant minds and boundless patriotism, and taught the world a lesson of charity and liberality by the munificent contributions of many of her sons towards her libraries and public institutions; and the names of Lawrence, Phillips, Everett, Ticknor, Parker, Bigelow, and Bates, suggest themselves as men who have set bright examples in distributing the treasures Providence made them stewards of.

Glancing over the pages of history one is struck by the number of memorable events connected with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, many of the most important occurring in the month of September. It was in that month, 1620, the Pilgrim Fathers weighed anchor and left Old England; in that month, 1630 (an occasion so eloquently alluded to by the Hon. Mr. Winthrop to-night), the name of Boston was given to a lot of straggling tents and rough cabins; in that month, 1759, the fortress of Quebec surrendered, the sons of Massachusetts assisting in the assault, and the Colonial Assembly of Massachusetts ordering a monument to the memory of Wolf. Happily the bitterness and bickerings engendered

by the strife of those days have passed away, and to-day French Canadians and English mingle politically and socially, one vying with the other in manifestations of loyalty to the British Crown.

But, sir, above and beyond all this, was it not in the month of September, 1787, that the Constitution of the United States, that work of great men, was signed? And was it not in September, 1851, twenty-nine years ago, that you celebrated what was then considered the completion of your magnificent railroad system? Now, I do not know whether you have a patron saint; but assuredly, if you have, it must be Saint September, -a month of happy augury, a month crowded with memorable events and incidents in your local as well as national history. The only mistake your forefathers made in emptying the three cargoes of tea into the bay was, that they did not do it three months sooner; but they probably made all preliminary arrangements in September, and as they proved they knew their own business best I shall not question their wisdom of dates.

Mr. Mayor, we Canadians appreciate to the fullest extent your public spirit and national progress, and we are not unmindful of the fact that whatever adds to your greatness exercises a beneficial effect upon every inhabitant of the North American continent. We look upon you as neighbors, as friends, as co-laborers in the vineyard of human industry; and we earnestly pray for perpetual amity between the three great branches of the British family. We pray, too, that the memory of many fratricidal conflicts may be veiled in oblivion, and that the book of blood be closed forever. The struggle must not be upon the battle-field; it must be upon the commercial marts, in the workshops, in the factories, and for preeminence in the arts of peace. We may reserve to ourselves the right

to glory in the traditions of the British Empire; you may glory in your Constitution, baptized, as it was, in the blood of patriots; we may claim that on our system of government we have grafted all the better portions of the British Constitution; but whatever either claims should serve but to establish universal brotherhood throughout the entire continent. I dare not ask you to model your Constitution in every respect after that of the mother-country; neither should you care what form of government we are most devoted to. The poet has said:

"Shall I ask the brave soldier who fights by my side
In the cause of mankind, if our creeds agree?
Shall I give up the friend I have valued and tried,
If he kneel not before the same altar with me ?"

And as in religion, so let it be in all national affairs; let us be good soldiers in the army of Freedom, of Peace, of Progress, and in our commercial affairs forget, at times, that one flag does not cover us all.

I am glad, indeed, to know that the bonds of generous international feeling are being strengthened day after day; and we Canadians glory in your successes, as we would sympathize with you in your misfortunes. I remember many years ago reading a motto that graced one of your public edifices on a festive occasion, and it will bear repetition here; it was this:

"Then let us haste the bonds to knit,

And in the work be handy;

That we may blend God save the Queen
With Yankee Doodle Dandy!"

You, gentlemen, have your special tariff arrangements; we, too, have lately inaugurated a new fiscal policy. It is all very well to hew wood and draw water; but, as you

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