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tion which they entertain for the generous and open-hearted liberality which animated the women of Boston in sending such material aid as was most welcome and wanted at the time; and I assure you, ladies, it was, still is, and ever will be, appreciated. The noble efforts put forth by you on that occasion, the name of Boston, will forever be fondly cherished and revered by the citizens of St. John.

The social and commercial relations existing between our city and yours, which has made such wonderful progress in population, wealth, and commerce, are nearer and more intimate and cordial, I am happy to say, than they ever have been at any previous period; we have mutually lived down all the ill-founded prejudices and jealousies that arose out of former disputes and contests, and we now recognize each other as brothers of the great Anglo-Saxon race. The opportunity presents itself of making a few remarks on a subject which I consider of great import to the people of the United States and Canada; that is, the commercial relations of the two countries should be still closer and more extended than those now existing. It is but natural, when we consider the geographical position and close proximity of the same, possessing as they do all the facilities for transport and rapid communication, that they should engage and awaken intelligent inquiry and agitation to bring about that desirable result. If the honorable gentlemen who are charged with the administration of their respective governments at Washington and Ottawa could be induced to take up the question, and arrange for negotiations, I am satisfied that a just and equitable treaty could be enacted, which would prove mutually beneficial to all interested.

There are some historic facts in common between the cities of Boston and St. John which may not be out of place

to refer to at this time. The oldest church in Boston is Christ Church, Salem street; the communion service now in use was the gift of His Late Majesty, George the Second; and if his grandson, George the Third, had possessed the wisdom and benevolence which characterize his granddaughter, Her Most Gracious Majesty, Queen Victoria, England probably would not have lost her old colonies, and with them the brightest jewel of her crown. From the steeple of this ancient church Paul Revere hung out the warning lights on the night of April 18th, 1775, and on that same day the Rector, Dr. Mather Byles, officiated for the last time. I refer to it and to him, as he was born in Boston, and for nearly twenty-five years was Rector of Trinity Church at St. John, where his remains repose. On Christmas day, 1791, he opened our old Trinity Church, the most historic of all the edifices swept away by the great fire. The only relic saved from it was the "Royal Coat of Arms." They were placed in the old church at its dedication, and remained for nearly a century. The old "Arms” have a history: they are refugees; for, at the evacuation of Boston, March 17th, 1776, they were removed out of the Council Chamber, in the old Town House, head of State street, and taken to St. John when the British army retired; this sacred old relic - the Royal Arms (Lion and Unicorn) — will, in a few weeks, take its place again in the new Trinity Church. Then, my friends, if you desire to see what your ancestors saw, the old Coat of Arms, -I cordially invite you to come down to St. John.

Boston can with confidence claim that no city has taken one step in advance of her, as by common consent she stands forth as one of the most beautiful, complete, and refined cities in the world, being surrounded with all the accessories which contribute and lead up to the highest state

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of civilization and culture, courting self-investigation and free thought, the evidence of which is seen in her splendid seats of learning, free libraries, and other benevolent institutions, denoting the wisdom and benevolence of her patriotic and philanthropic citizens, who have founded and sustain by their gifts these noble and stately edifices for the well-being of man. In the proud and happy position which Boston holds to-day, the proofs of the Divine favor may plainly be read as bestowed upon her in the past two hundred and fifty years, and at the close of her fifth century of existence as a city may her greatness and prosperity be increased a thousand fold, and the beautiful prayer which is inscribed on your City Arms"Let God be with us, as he was with our fathers" be accorded to you in the future, as it has been in the past.

MAYOR KELLEY was next introduced, and said:


Mr. Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you for this cordial greeting, in behalf of the citizens of the heart of the Commonwealth, whom I have the honor to represent on this occasion.

The Tree of Liberty, planted on these shores two hundred and fifty years ago, found in Boston a soil in which it has grown and flourished, and its majestic branches protect to-day your happy homes and thriving industries.

Every man, woman, and child of your city partakes at will of the fruit which hangs in golden clusters among its sheltering leaves. From its boughs you have filled the tables of this hospitable anniversary. I congratulate you, in the name of the City of Worcester. My simple words but

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poorly convey to you the sentiments of pride which thrill the heart of the Commonwealth as the scroll of your history is unfolded.

That history is yours; but it is the property of fifty millions of American freemen, and to-day permeates the whole country Boston, truly the Athens of America, with her public schools, her libraries, her churches, her public gardens, her monuments commemorative of civil and religious liberty, the most illustrious in the annals of time.

I bow in reverence before those patriots and heroes who look down upon us from these hallowed walls. The immortal Webster seems still to speak to us here, for liberty and union, with eloquence irresistible as the tide of a mighty river. What were the temples of Minerva compared with the pillars of our republic, based on freedom, virtue, education and toleration!

Would you accept the Acropolis, restored to its original charms and glory, with its associations, for Faneuil Hall and Bunker Hill, with their associations? Never! No, never!

Greece, in her glory, had 475,000 slaves; Rome, 900,000; America has none. Greece had 25,000 free people; Rome had 300,000; America has 50,000,000.

Boston is the crown jewel in our constellation, because she has always been foremost for liberty and the rights of man, and against tyranny and tyrants. The conquering power of freedom was well illustrated when Boston received the gallant sons of South Carolina with open arms, who came, after slavery went down in the darkness of war, to plant the Palmetto tree on Bunker Hill, beside that monument to which Kossuth, from an Austrian dungeon, pointed and said, "My voice shrinks from the task to mingle with the awful pathos of that majestic orator, — silent like the grave, and yet melodious like the song

of immortality, a senseless cold granite, and yet warm with inspiration like a patriot's heart, immovable like the past, and yet stirring like the future, which never stops, it looks like a prophet and speaks like an oracle.”

There it stands, overlooking a free and happy people, and may it forever remain the emblem of equality, unity, and peace. And may the Palmetto tree grow and flourish, reminding us of the necessity of pacification and concord.

Hon. G. WASHINGTON WARREN was then introduced as the representative of the First Church of Boston. He said:


Mr. Mayor,- In responding to the call to speak in behalf of the First Church in Boston, I may say, that, like that church and like this good town of Boston, I had my origin in Charlestown. I was born, sir, within a stone's throw of the spot where the first Court of Assistants was held, and where Governor John Winthrop for the first time on the soil of Massachusetts unrolled the charter which he brought over from England. It always has seemed to me that upon this spot a statue of Winthrop holding that invaluable charter ought to be erected; or, at least, some memorial should be placed to distinguish that great historic event.

Before forming a town, however, and before taking measures to constitute a commonwealth, the first thing which Winthrop and his associates did was to form a church,showing that the chief object which they had in mind, and what they came here under so many privations to secure, was the free, unmolested worship of God, according to the dictates of their own consciences. And this first work which they did has lasted to this day. The First Church has now

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